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Sarah (7798 KP) rated The Outsider in Books

Jul 13, 2018  
The Outsider
The Outsider
Stephen King | 2018 | Thriller
8.7 (31 Ratings)
Book Rating
King does it again
My main worry about this book was that it didn't sound enough like King - on paper it almost sounded like a bog standard crime thriller. Fortunately though that wasn't the case!

This is yet another brilliantly written King novel, filled with intrigue, suspense and a lot of fairly gruesome horror. The characters are, as always, well written and the story centres mainly around the lovable detective Ralph Anderson (although chapters centred around other characters offer some nice variety). The central supernatural plot is one that I've seen/read before in other works of fiction, but it definitely doesn't get boring seeing it from King's point of view. There are some unexpected links to some other of King's stories - one obvious and direct, but another link for me was more of a similarity to a previous character - neither of which is a bad thing.

My only criticisms of this book are fairly minor. The first is that the ending seems fairly rushed in comparison with the slow build of the rest of the book. And the second is that although it is a very good and enthralling read, it doesn't quite have the impact of some of his older epic novels (The Dark Tower series, The Stand, Needful Things etc).
Get Me (Keatyn Chronicles book 7)
Get Me (Keatyn Chronicles book 7)
Jillian Dodd | 2014 | Romance, Young Adult (YA)
9.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Wow!! The conclusion to this series will keep you on the edge of your seat right until the end.

It is great to finally get everything answered and sorted out. It was also really great at the end when we got some of the story from Riley and Aiden’s perspectives. It helps with the storyline and to add to all the suspense and drama surrounding the ending. As well as just being nice to hear from Aiden.

 Also it really sets the tone for the next 5 books in the series which are all written in split perspective as they pick up with the characters 10 years later.

Although there are 5 more books, you don’t technically have to read them as Get Me does end properly with nothing really left unanswered. However I can assure you, you will read them anyway as you will be obsessed with the story and need more.

I have already read this series twice, which is super unusual for me and to write this review I just skimmed over the ending of Get Me and am feeling like I might just read it all again, that is how much I absolutely LOVE these books!!
The House with a Clock in Its Walls (2018)
The House with a Clock in Its Walls (2018)
2018 | Fantasy, Horror, Mystery
Could've been so much more
I knew relatively nothing about this film but having been impressed by the recent Goosebumps films (not the new sequel), I had fairly high expectations. Sadly it didn't live up to them.

For me this film seemed to be nothing new. I was bored for the most of this and there were only a few parts that I really enjoyed. A lot of the humour and banter between the characters seemed a little too ott and forced and made me cringe more than it made me smile. The effects were alright and there were some truly creepy scenes, just not enough. Cate Blanchett probably saved this, as even Jack Black couldn't bring back the magic he had with RL Stine. And the evil warlock wasn't particularly scary or threatening, and the whole ending was lacking any sort of menacing terror or suspense.

I also spent the entire film thinking the kid was the one from Room (Jacob Tremblay), and wondering why on earth his acting was so bad. The kid was one of the problems in this, I won't lie and his crying was particularly horrendous. And then when the credits rolled I realised it wasn't him after all...
Through Her Touch (Mind's Eye #5)
Through Her Touch (Mind's Eye #5)
Deborah Camp | 2018 | Paranormal, Romance, Thriller
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Through Her Touch (Mind's Eye #5) by Deborah Camp
Through Her Touch is the fifth book in the Mind's Eye series, and we continue with Levi and Trudy, now happily married. Levi is working through his issues, with help from his psychiatrist and Trudy. Trudy is also working on her self-confidence, which has been lacking. Together, this pair are simply awesome!

This was once again an intricate and intriguing novel, full of red herrings and suspense. I will say I was able to guess who the killer was, but I was wrong for a long time. The characters, whether you like them or not, are all fully rounded and three-dimensional. The situations they find themselves in are believable, and it doesn't take much to start feeling for them. I love Levi, but I wish he would get over his jealousy as far as Trudy is concerned, especially when she has made every effort to placate him and prove her love.

With no editing or grammatical errors, I was able to lose myself in this story, reading it straight through (with only necessary interruptions) until I reached the conclusion. A magnificent tale and a welcomed addition to the series. Highly recommended by me.

* Verified Purchase ~ July 2018 *​

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
The Angel of Vine
The Angel of Vine
Society & Culture
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Podcast Rating
Brilliant storyline (4 more)
True Crime inspired
Amazing cast
Glorious suspense
Truly Wonderful writing
Fantastic Fiction
As a fan of true crime podcasts, I have very few fiction podcasts in my favourites (mostly things like King Falls AM, for the wackiness) and I tend to avoid crime fiction, primarily because the real thing is better, crazier, and so much more twisted.
The Angel of Vine is a sublime fictional podcast, written to sound like true crime in the Noir tradition being retold in the modern podcast format. The podcast begins with the discovery of some old cassette tapes by the family of a deceased ex-cop turned private detective, and their choice to involve a podcaster/reporter to help them investigate the story enshrined in those cassettes.
Following the investigation into the murder of a young actress in Hollywood, the podcaster makes use of the recordings to tell Harry's story.
Voiced by some amazing talent (including the gorgeous growl of Joe Manganiello, the incomparable Alan Tudzyk, and the delightful Mischa Collins) the story is gripping, compelling, and extremely difficult to not binge.
For fans of true crime, crime drama, and any sort of Noir (Sam Spade eat your heart out), this is a podcast to listen to, save, and listen to again later.
Amityville: The Awakening (2017)
Amityville: The Awakening (2017)
2017 | Horror, Mystery
5.0 (5 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Not much (2 more)
Stays within the Amityville realm
Shows footage from DeFeo's crimes and mentions the Amityville history/"haunting"
Slow and drags on (8 more)
Tense in a teen angst way
Poor character relationships
One-dimensional characters
Vague plotlines
Visually too dark to see most action
Flat acting
Drags on and on and on and blah.
If you expect a family to move into the Amityville house where DeFeo murdered his family in the 1970s and be haunted or possessed by a ghost, demon, poltergeist, etc., you are 100% correct. That premise could be interesting but unfortunately, this film falls short. It is tense because of the relationships between the characters and not from suspense. It's pretty boring and relies on a few jump scares and flashes of horror. The storyline is unoriginal and poorly done. The lighting is so dark that it's difficult to see the last 30 minutes of the action. You might as well be listening to an old-fashioned radio show or horror podcast instead. This movie is problematic from beginning to end. There are much better films out there with a similar premise so unless you're extremely bored and like to torture yourself, avoid this one.
First Man (2018)
First Man (2018)
2018 | Biography, Drama, History
I'm so glad I didn't watch this film at the cinema. I don't think I could've gotten through it without falling asleep, it's that dull and drawn out.

Visually this film looks brilliant, the space scenes especially look great. It also has a very good cast, although unsurprisingly most appear to have been sidelined in favour of Ryan Gosling who is pretty average at best. This film may have been slightly more enjoyable had they gotten someone a little more charismatic in the lead role. I'm just very thankful for Corey Stoll as Aldrin for putting a little life into this! The main problem though is that it is far too long, drawn out and melodramatic, and spends too much time on the earth scenes and build up. They could have easily cut a lot of this out, speed up the pace and knock half an hour off the runtime without any noticeable issues. It isn't really helped though by the fact that we all know how this story turns out (spoiler - he walks on the moon at the end), so there's little suspense or tension and makes for rather a dull film.

I think I found the informative videos made for tourists to watch at Kennedy Space Center more entertaining than this film.

Andy K (10821 KP) Aug 16, 2019

Totally agree. I found the documentary "Apollo 11" much more entertaining than this.

Child's Play 2 (1990)
Child's Play 2 (1990)
1990 | Horror
7.4 (14 Ratings)
Movie Rating
The final fight in the toy factory is one of the best in slasher history. (4 more)
Chucky is even better the second time around
The kills continue to be inventive
The film successfully keeps the dark tone from the first
The film finds a perfect balance of darkness and humor
Close your eyes and count to seven. When you wake you'll be in heaven.
Child's Play 2 is the perfect horror sequel. The film takes everything that made the first one great and ups the ante without going too far. More violence, more gore, more comedy, and more Chucky. Yes, part 2 saw Chucky starting to find his footing as a king of zing with the one liners before he kills you, but it wasn't until Bride of Chucky that I felt they took it too far. It's great to have Alex Vincent back as Andy and Christine Elise steps into the series as Kyle, Andy's foster sibling with a rocker chick edge. The kills are great and the suspense is still there. The film is not quite as dark as the original, but the tone is still on point. The climax in the toy factory is one of the best, at least in slasher history. Definitely a must watch in the Child's Play series.
The Hunting Party
The Hunting Party
Lucy Foley | 2019 | Crime, Mystery, Thriller
7.3 (16 Ratings)
Book Rating
I. Absolutely. Loved. This. Book.
I thoroughly appreciate a book that keeps me guessing at who both the victim and the murderer are right up to the end! And to be honest, it couldn’t have happened more deservingly to a group of such thoroughly unlikeable people. They’re all entitled, self absorbed, spoilt, oversized children. Can you tell I don’t like them? I’ve come to realise that really horrible characters are my crack. The more deviant they are, the more I enjoy the book. This delivered in spades. I LOVED to hate them. The staff at the remote Scottish lodge that they spent New Years at, had my complete sympathy.

Everyone in this novel has a secret, and some of them are huge. They were all so cleverly revealed, and the suspense was immense! This is one of my top books of 2019(the list is hovering around the 20 mark) - it just snuck in as I read it over Christmas!

Oh, and I’m not saying that this book was necessarily responsible, but we’re going to stay in a (much smaller) lodge in Scotland for our summer holidays. Just no snow and/ or murders please!

Many thanks to The Pigeonhole for serialising this, and Lucy Foley for reading along!
The Invisible Man (2020)
The Invisible Man (2020)
2020 | Horror, Sci-Fi
The Psychological Man
The Invisible Man- was a good movie, i liked it alot, but their were some things i was just overall confused about and the ending, i was just overall confused. I was like what wait, what just happened, oh end of movie, okay. Dont want to explain more, about the ending, okay movie, just want to cut to the credits. So than i can be confused and overall disappointed. Other than the ending, a few parts of the movie, i really enjoyed it. I think its a good remake/reimagining. I like the plot, Elizabeth Moss was great in it, the psychological i thought was excellent and Liegh Whannell does it again.

The Plot: After staging his own suicide, a crazed scientist uses his power to become invisible to stalk and terrorize his ex-girlfriend. When the police refuse to believe her story, she decides to take matters into her own hands and fight back.

Their is twist and turns thoughtout the movie, and you will keep on second guessing until the very ending. Their is horror, sci-fi, psychological espects, thrills, suspense and revenge.

Overall The Invisible Man was good, just with a few set-backs, other than that. Go and watch it.