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Purple Phoenix Games (2266 KP) rated Camping with Sasquatch in Tabletop Games

Jun 18, 2019 (Updated Jun 25, 2019)  
Camping with Sasquatch
Camping with Sasquatch
2018 | Card Game, Humor, Mythology
You campers like to have fun, right? Well let me warn you of the dangerous Sasquatch in these here woods. You don’t want to get tangled up with him. He will eat your fishy fishies, your s’mores, and your bathing suits. Don’t believe me? Keep reading.

Camping with Sasquatch is a super silly set collection, hand management, card shedding game in the party game genre featuring, well, Bigfoot. You are dealt a hand of cards of various suits (s’mores, hiking, fishy fishy, etc) and from the large draw pile of remaining cards are revealed three cards. On your turn you must draw a card from the draw pile, and play two cards from your hand. You score points by adding cards to the revealed cards on the table to make sets of suits Rummy style. So you can have a set of 3 like-cards, or a run(?) of 3 different cards, with Sasquatch cards in the same suit being wild. When you complete a set of cards on the table, you claim the set and put the cards in your scoring pile. Each card in your scoring pile is worth one victory point. The first player to shed his hand to zero triggers the end game, and the player with the most victory points is the winner. Duh.

Here’s what makes this game a little different and a little more interesting. The Sasquatch cards are wild. They can be used in a set or a run. Easy. However, you can play a Sasquatch card by itself to the table by slapping it down and calling out what suit it is: “Sasquatch Swimming!” When someone does that the other players must frantically slap the Sasquatch with an appropriate suit-matching card from their hand. If they cannot or if they are the last to do so they are awarded with all the cards that had just been played. In a shedding game, adding cards to your hand is always no bueno. This, however, leads to hilarity at the table, but also frustration if you play with bad sports, or uninterested opponents.

Components. This is a card game. The cards are of good quality, and the art is campy and cartoony. I quite like the art style, but some people I played with had mixed opinions on it. What I did appreciate was the one page folded rulesheet with full color Sasquatch poster on the back. I like light games with non-confusing rules. However, on that subject, I couldn’t find anywhere that it stated we could use more than the three slots to play our cards to next to the draw pile, even though there is a graphic that shows more slots in a dashed outline. We initially played the game with just the three slots available and it was a drag, man. Once we allowed some interpretation of the rules to open up more card slots, the game flowed quite a bit more easily and we enjoyed it much more.

Overall, this is just a silly game of shedding with a unique theme that we all liked. The Sasquatch slap aspect of the game gave it a nice little bump in interest for us, but ultimately we agreed that it was light and fun, but not one we will think to bring out very often. I would like to recommend this, but I will do so to a particular situational scenario. If you are ending your game night and just need a super light nightcap to help you tie one on, then pull out the ‘Squatch. He may eat your hot dogs, but he’s just trying to make a living too. Purple Phoenix Games gives this one a hairy 15 / 30.
Lady in the Water (2006)
Lady in the Water (2006)
2006 | Drama, Mystery, Sci-Fi
6.6 (8 Ratings)
Movie Rating
M. Night Shyamalan has crafted a true modern day Fairy Tale with his surprisingly delightful film Lady in the Water.

The film stars Paul Giamatti as Cleveland Heep, a property manager at a Philadelphia apartment complex known as “The Cove”. Cleveland spends his days maintaining the complex as well as interacting with the guests who reside there.

Cleveland is a very unassuming man who has a stutter that often causes him embarrassment when he is trying to hold a conversation. Life is busy but not very social for Cleveland who spends the majority of his free time in his apartment alone, and seems to have no social connections beyond his tenants.
All this changes when he discovers a young woman swimming in the pool after hours Cleveland is concerned what the tenants might think, but takes the young lady into his apartment as he suspects that she may be in trouble.

The lady is names Story (Bryce Dallas Howard), and she seems to possess an almost innocent naivety about her that belies her gentle nature. When Cleveland attempts to take the sleeping Story outside to rest on a lawn chair, he is confronted by a creature whose very nature exudes menace and danger which forces the duo to make a hasty retreat into his apartment.

Cleveland learns in time, that Story is a being from a fable that is here to contact an important figure in order to inspire them. Such inspiration is said to be a catalyst for events that will improve the future for mankind.

Naturally there are evil forces that wish to stop her from doing this and will take any opportunity they can to harm the frail Story and keep her from completing her task and returning home. This is a shock to Story, who thought she has completed her mission, and as such, under rules established by her people and the evil powers, is exempt from attacks and allowed to return home once a task has been completed. When this is not the case, and story is attacked as she prepares for her magical return, Cleveland draws upon the compassion of fellow tenants to protect Story.

Cleveland learns from a Korean tenant and her daughter about a legend that seems to underscore Story and her mission, and becomes eager to know more about the legend all the while keeping Story a secret as well as out of harms way.

In time it is learned what her true mission is and that a series of people are required in order to fully protect Story from the evil and allow her to accomplish what she is there to do, which in turn allows Story to connect with them and help many of them address the fears and concerns that they have thus inspiring and healing them with her magical abilities.

With a deadline rapidly approaching, Cleveland and the tenants must band together in order to help story complete her mission, and to determine which role each of them is supposed to play in order to keep her from harm and return her to her people.

While the film does have some scary moments, it is at its very core a fantasy film. The performances of Howard and Giamatti are strong and underscore that both are talents on the rise with bright futures ahead of them.

Shyamalan keeps the film moving at a nice pace that results in a tight film that does not drag on unnecessarily. Shyamalan is also plays a key part in the film and does solid work in front of the camera as well as behind it.

While the film may have a few plot holes and at times requires leaps of faith from the audience, it is a very warm film that blends humor and drama to create a very effective and enjoyable film.
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Shin Godzilla (2016)
Shin Godzilla (2016)
2016 | Sci-Fi
8.2 (5 Ratings)
Movie Rating
The King of the Monsters is Back
Contains spoilers, click to show
I must say that when I heard that TOHO was coming out with a new Godzilla movie I was super ecstatic. I have enjoyed the Godzilla franchise since I was a kid. The movie starts with a modern Tokyo with the pretense that it is shortly after the Fukushima Nuclear meltdown and after several earthquakes. An explosion in the harbor alerts the officials to scramble to find out what has happened. At first there is a lot of chaos and uncertainties as to what is happening out in the harbor. Then a grotesque creature is seen swimming up the on of the rivers inland. The look of this monster is that of a Snake Shark and an Eel with hind legs. This underdeveloped monster is referred to as Godzilla's "1st Form". As it snakes its way through metropolitan area's, forced evacuations are sent underway to assure as many lives that can be saved could. As the fledgling Godzilla struggles with trying to maneuver on land, you see red almost blood looking liquid pouring from its gills. It shortly there after makes its way back to the bay and resubmerged. The Japanese Government is in a panic trying to figure out what this thing is, and how to best deal with it. Teams of researchers from around the country begin an unprecedented collaboration of the minds to classify and to come up with a solution on how to defend Tokyo and the rest of Japan from this creature. Next time we see the creature coming out of the water it begins to resemble the Godzilla we all know and love. But with sudo deformed forearms, and red coloring to its skin, and a misshapen mouth. This form is referred to as his 3rd form. This 3rd form Godzilla begins making its way through the cities headed for Tokyo. The government authorizes the use of any and all weapons in order to stop the best in its tracks. After some failures trying what they could. The Japanese reach out to America for help. The US deploys B2 Stealth Bombers with subnuclear missile's which cause significant damage, causing Godzilla to undergo another transformation, this time expelling fiery breath that is then focused into a plasma beam that destroys a large section of the city. Then the bombers go to make a second attack and in a wholly new never before seen attack in any of the Godzilla franchise, Godzilla shoots its plasma beams out of his back, in multiple directions destroying the attacking fleet. To which Godzilla enters a hibernation type sleep in the middle of all the destruction and chaos. Both Japanese and American governments as well as several other countries around the world begin sharing data and ideas with one another and a plan is formulated to 'freeze' Godzilla thus killing the creature. The entire country of Japan commissions local chemical plants to create a coagulant and freezing agent to stop Godzilla. A 4 Tier Attack plan is put into place. They begin by sending trains filled with explosives to awaken the monster. Then one after another the Japanese Military begins assaulting Godzilla. At which point Godzilla begins to use his Plasma beam from both his mouth and in another totally new move, from his tail. Godzilla is finally knocked down and the coagulant is then pumped into him, in two stages. At the last stage, Godzilla destroys the Cranes that were pumping the fluid into him, and as he stands to begin more destruction, you see him instantly freeze. At the end of the movie, you see a destroyed Tokyo trying to recover and find some form of normality. And before credit roll, you see up close of Godzilla's tail. It looks like miniature aliens or babies were being birthed from Godzilla's tail. And then it fades to black. Even though the whole movie was Englished Subtitled, I found it very enjoyable and action packed. TOHO has done it again.