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please heed trigger warnings!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This box charity anthology comes with a warning of triggers and dark subjects. I strongly suggest you heed them. I have no such triggers, but these books are truly dark and deadly and most I was unable to read. I apologise for that, but they are just the wrong side of dark for me.

I did read and finish 2 of them though, and one I enjoyed immensely and the other was. . different. . .still on the very edge of my limits but I did finish it.

Slay Ride, by Davidson King.

Mason is saved from an attack but his saviours are not all they appear to be. Gabe and his brothers have rather ambiguous morals, but when you find out WHY they have these morals, you get it, totally. And when Gabe and Mason really talk, about their past, and things are revealed, it makes you go. .OH!!

And then. . . we are left hanging! Because this ends on a cliff hanger and I need some closure for these two, for ALL the brothers, so I hope this short story spawns a series.

4 stars for Slay Ride.

The other book I finished, was Little Tree, by Taylor J Gray.

Now, this one pushed my limits, right to the end.

It carries a lot of pain for Mattie but he IS a pleaser and he wants to please Kellan. HOW he does that, really surprised me, and the end surprised me too! I would have loved to hear from Mattie cos only Kellan gets a voice but I might not have liked to hear what he had to say, when he was all trussed up.

This also ends on a bit of a cliff hanger and I really want to, but not sure I can, read more of this couple.

I gave this story 3 stars, because I wanted Mattie.

Overall, because I only finished 2 stories, but started them all, I will give this set 3 stars. It really does push boundaries, and if you can read them, please do. I'm sorry I couldn't.

3 stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere

Ali A (78 KP) rated The Meadows in Books

Sep 11, 2023  
The Meadows
The Meadows
Stephanie Oakes | 2023 | Dystopia, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Trigger Warnings: conversion therapy, homophobia

Every youth hopes to get a letter to attend one of the places where only the best and brightest go to be even better and brighter: the Estuary, the Glades, the Meadows…

When Eleanor is accepted to go to the Meadows, it means her escape from the Cove and a hard life by the sea. But, though the Meadows is filled with beautiful and wonderful things, it hoards dark secrets: its purpose is to reform its students from their attractions, to show them that the way of life is only possible through their way. Maybe Eleanor starts to believe, but then she meets Rose, and everything changes.

A year after leaving the Meadows, Eleanor and her friends are on the outside, living back in society - but not everything is as they hoped. Eleanor is an adjudicator, someone who makes sure former students haven’t strayed from the lives they were trained to live. But the past isn’t letting go of Eleanor and as secrets unravel, Eleanor must fight against everything she has been taught to be, especially if she can find the girl that she lost.

I originally was interested in this title when I saw it on BookishFirst because it was being marketed as “a queer, YA Handmaid's Tale meets Never Let Me Go” and I was all about that. I also love a good dystopian novel so this was really right up my alley.

That being said, I absolutely loved and devoured this novel over the course of the weekend when I didn’t have the interruption of work. The world building is intriguing and the “perfect” society is everything but (aren’t they all). The characters were also complex and engrossing - even the ones I wasn’t the biggest fans of, I still wanted them to succeed.

I absolutely recommend this book to those not only those who love dystopian novels, but those who want a page turning science fiction with queer characters.

*Thank you Dial Books and BookishFirst for an ARC copy of this book in exchange for an honest review
Empire of the Vampire
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Empire of the Vampire
This book is not for the feint hearted. Not only is it decidedly grotesque and gruesome, but its also a monster of a book, coming in at 725 pages with another book on the way.

It has been twenty-seven long years since the last sunrise. For nearly three decades, vampires have waged war against humanity; building their eternal empire even as they tear down our own.

Gabriel de León is a silversaint: a member of a holy brotherhood dedicated to defending realm and church from the creatures of the night. But even the Silver Order couldn’t stem the tide once daylight failed us, and now, only Gabriel remains.

Imprisoned by the very monsters he vowed to destroy, the last silversaint is forced to tell his story. A story of legendary battles and forbidden love, of faith lost and friendships won, of the Wars of the Blood and the Forever King and the quest for humanity’s last remaining hope:

The Holy Grail.

The book is dark and gruesome, but also delightfully entertaining. Kristoff puts an original spin on the vampire world and created a deep, well-rounded character with the biggest chip on his shoulder. All the characters are well-developed, to be honest.

The humour, as expected, is dark. Which is what makes it so great. I found myself laughing out loud in parts. I loved the witty banter and insults from the characters.

My woe with this book was, though I enjoyed it, it did feel like I was reading a 725 page book. Sometimes the time flew, and others I found myself counting the pages wondering how much longer this was going to go on for. I think the story could have been shorter without losing anything vital.

Read if you like:

Adult fantasy
Legendary battles
Blood and gore/violence
Religious occult
Dark humour

Don't read if:

You are a child
And dont like:
Prolific swearing
Sexual Content
Religious Themes

Trigger warnings:
Anything mentioned above
Drug addiction
Child abuse

It reminds me of Interview With a Vampire meets Van Helsing...
Spine Chillers: The Scarecrow
Spine Chillers: The Scarecrow
Nancy Gray | 2018 | Children, Horror
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Plot (2 more)
The Pacing
The Characters
A Great Spooky Read!
I've read two other novels by Nancy Gray, Empty Eyes and Krampus, so when I read the synopsis of The Scarecrow, I know I had to read it. It sounded really interesting. I was not disappointed.

All of the previous books in the Spine Chillers series have been short, and The Scarecrow was no exception. I love how each book in the series can be read as a standalone.

I found myself enthralled by the plot of The Scarecrow from the very beginning. Once I started reading, I was immediately thrust into all the action. Yes, the plot about a scary scarecrow come to life has been done many times before, but I loved the way Nancy Gray made her story a bit different. There are a couple of plot twists, and there was even one I didn't see coming. The Scarecrow is a scary read, but it's not overly scary for its targeted audience. I found the world building to be believable. It was easy to be transported to Sophie's world with each word I read.

The pacing for The Scarecrow is done fantastically. Not once did it slow down to where it became boring, and it was never too fast paced where I was just left confused. The pacing is spot on, and I found myself wanting to know more about the scarecrow, Hunt, Sophie, and Edward with each page. This was a definite page turner. Luckily The Scarecrow is a short read because I never wanted to stop reading. I had to know how everything would turn out.

I loved the characters in The Scarecrow. I found Sophie to be incredibly brave and sweet the way she was willing to put her life on the line to look for and save her cousin. Edward was an interesting character in a good way. Even the adults in this book were likable as well as believable.

Trigger warnings for The Scarecrow include one minor profanity (one of the characters says "what the hell"), violence, and disobeying adults.

Overall, The Scarecrow is a great read for those that like to be spooked. It has a great story line, interesting characters, and fantastic pacing. I would definitely recommend Spine Chillers: The Scarecrow by Nancy Gray to those aged 11+. Even though this is written for the middle grade age group, I really think adults would enjoy it too.
My Favorite Half-Night Stand
My Favorite Half-Night Stand
Christina Lauren | 2018 | Romance
6.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
You can also find this review on my blog:

Trigger Warnings: catfishing, loss of a loved one, talk of cancer and diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease, questionable comments on physical appearance

When I first read this back in July, I rated it 5 out of 5 stars. But after much thinking, I’m dropping my rating down to 3 out of 5 stars. I don’t really remember much of it but after rereading the synopsis, I realized that there were things that I didn’t like. I found the story to be a bit of a bore and extremely unbelievable at most parts.

The whole premise of the book follows a group of close-knit friends that work together, trying to find dates for an event. They all download a dating app and make accounts. But the four men of the group had a bit of trouble making their accounts so Millie, the main character, rewrites them.

First off, the event that this group of friends were trying to find dates for never even happened. So that was a bit of a let down! The internet lingo use was also really weird. It was like these characters didn’t know how to use the lingo even though they are only supposed to be 30 something, which isn’t much older than I am currently.

Millie also makes an account and the men think it’s a bore. So Millie makes a fake account that is a bit more realistic to who she is. But, she doesn’t put her real name on the account. When she ends up getting matched with Reid, she decides to send him a message that basically was catfishing herself. This goes on through the entirety of the novel.

Reading Millie’s actions seem apologetically at first due to her troublesome past, which she doesn’t ever talk about to her friends. But on her fake account, she thinks it’s okay to talk about it with Reid. “Because it’s not like it’s her.” This was really disgusting to read through the entire book. She’s basically lying to one of her best friends even though everything she says is the truth, it’s just under a different name. Overall, Reid was the only redeeming character of the entire book and the rest was just meh.
Trigger Warnings: violent threats, kidnapping, murder, death, violence

I received a physical ARC from Smith Publicity to read and review for my honest opinion. I would firstly like to thank the author and publisher for the ARC. I would secondly like to say that everything stated down below is my own honest opinion and is no way skewed to be positive just for the sake of the free ARC.

When I first started Travels with Sushi in the Land of the Mind, I was absolutely intrigued with the story and the characters. This story was basically an Alice in Wonderland inspired novel about Quantum Mechanics and Morals. It was an instant love kind of thing and I started holding a higher expectation for the story right then and there. And the story held my interest for the first couple of chapters, wowing me as I wasn’t expecting the turn the story took. But things soon turned and I started dragging through the reading, not wanting to even pick it up to finish.

As I grew further into the book and closer to the end, the story lost a bit of it’s lackluster. I just felt like the story dragged on and was adding far too many details than what was needed. There was also the fact that parts of the plot grew confusing. What really threw me for a loop were the specific scenes and topics that were shown / talked about. These scenes and topics were defiantly not something that I would have expected to see in a children’s middle grade novel. Especially when the audience was perceived to be a younger age group.

The one positive thing that really drew my interest into the story and actually kept me reading, were all of the Quantum Mechanics and Moral lessons that were littered throughout the text. These lessons really shone brighter than the negatives and I am thankful that they were included. And honestly, this was a nice touch to this story.

Overall, this was an entertaining read but the author seemed to want to include far too much in such a small book. Resulting in an overwhelming world where each element was overlooked more than what was needed. Leaving these elements to seem like a bore.
I Wish You All the Best
I Wish You All the Best
Mason Deaver | 2019 | Young Adult (YA)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I Wish You All the Best is such a groundbreaking book that will let multiple people feel seen.

Trigger Warnings: misgendering, homophobia, anxiety, depression

When Ben finally decides to come out to their parents that they're nonbinary, everything goes south and Ben's out on the streets in just their socks. They call a sister they haven't had any contact with in 10 years to come pick them up and they begin living with them. Ben just wants to get through the last half of senior year unnoticed but they meet Nathan, a charming and humorous student who gets asked to show Ben around on their first day at their new high school, and feelings start to grow. Trying to deal with the rejection of their parents, depression and anxiety, as well as if and when they want to come out, Ben has a lot of their plate.

So much happens within just the first three chapters alone that my heart breaks for Ben and all I want is for them to have a happy ending. I believe this is a book that needs to be added to everyone's reading list.
- It really dives into how being closeted, even slightly, can affect mental health.
- How living a life that isn't 100% true to you is agonizing (in Ben's case, misgendering).
- The book, in my opinion, shows what it's truly like to have a panic attack and trying to figure out the triggers and then going through the steps to try and calm your nerves.
- It shines light on those who haven't really had much light shined on them in mainstream anything. There is a pansexual character in the book and so far, I've only read one other book with that representation and it made me smile.
- The book also brings up the struggle of figuring out "how and why do I want to label myself?" Rather that's to live your life to the fullest, to connect to others, or to give yourself a sense of being, everyone's reasons are different and Ben's story mentions that quite a bit.

Though I understand the book was focusing on Ben's journey as they begin coming out as nonbinary and trying to work through their anxiety and depression, I do wish some of the relationships were more flushed out. I feel like scenes were just glazed over and I just wish I would see more of Ben's friendships grow.

Heather Cranmer (2721 KP) rated The Return in Books

Feb 19, 2020 (Updated Feb 21, 2020)  
The Return
The Return
Rachel Harrison | 2020 | Contemporary, Horror, Mystery
6.8 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
I had been looking forward to reading The Return by Rachel Harrison for awhile, so when I got the opportunity to review it, I jumped at the chance. Unfortunately, I was left feeling very disappointed.

The plot for The Return sounds promising. Elise's best friend Julie disappeared 2 years ago. No one had heard or seen her. Then one day, Julie showed up again claiming to have no memory of what happened. No one ever pressed her for answers. However, Julie isn't like she was before. She's acting much different, and the smell she gives off is terrible! What really happened to Julie during those two years she was missing?

The Return started out extremely slow. I kept reading thinking the pacing would pick up. However, it never did except for a tiny bit during the end where all the action happens, but even then, the pacing is still slow. This book really lacks any kind of action, in my opinion, and is instead more like watching three snobby and boring women on a vacation where they just stay in their hotel. I skimmed through a lot of this book waiting for something interesting to happen.

I couldn't connect to any of the characters. There is some backstory for each of the characters, but it feels forced and jagged and like it doesn't fit in very well with the book. The only semi-decent character is Elise. She's a tad bit relatable, but even she doesn't feel that realistic. She's too dependent on others especially when it comes to Julie. Putting her life in danger after finding out what really happened to Julie was just insane and didn't feel like something a real person would do. Mae and Molly were snobby rich women how seemed to not want to do much. Mae liked complaining all the time, and I don't really know what the point of Molly was.

Trigger warnings include profanity, drinking, violence, death, and murder.

Overall, The Return felt short of my expectations. The pacing was too slow, and the characters just felt too wooden. Unfortunately, I would not recommend The Return.
A special thank you to the publisher for providing me with an eBook of The Return by Rachel Harrison in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.)
Under Currents
Under Currents
Nora Roberts | 2019 | Contemporary, Romance, Thriller
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
A tense yet romantic read
This is the twenty-first book in my #atozchallenge! I'm challenging myself to read a book from my shelves that starts with each letter of the alphabet. Let's clear those shelves and delve into that backlist!

To an outsider, the Bigelows look like a perfect family: loving parents, two kids, beautiful home. But elder son Zane knows better, as he suffers verbal and physical abuse at the hands of his father, a surgeon. The family keeps their secrets close until one evening when everything comes out in the open and all changes. Years later, Zane returns to his hometown, determined to put the past behind him. He meets a landscape artist, Darby McCray, who has her own dark past. Together, the two must figure out if they are able to leave their secrets and horrible memories behind and forge a life together.

I'm honestly not sure if I've read a Nora Roberts book before, but picked this off my shelves for my A to Z challenge. It was one of those slightly over-the-top yet engaging books that sucks you in quickly with its story. It begins when Zane and his sister, Britt, are kids and moves on from there. It's a bit long--as it moved from section to section I was surprised there was more to keep going. A lot of that is due to descriptions of the North Carolina town, pontificating about landscaping, etc.

But it's still a book that held my interest. There's a crackling tension in the early piece, when Zane is merciless at the hands of his horrible, abusive father. As he ages, the tension recedes somewhat, but the book is still full of violent episodes. In fact, I would wonder if the town was cursed, based on how much brutality occurs in such a short period of time, but perhaps that's just me. Still, you can't help but be swept up in the various dramas, as well as Zane and Darby's relationship. The supporting cast is excellent as well, especially Zane's aunt, Emily; the local police chief; and some of Zane's friends.

Overall, a heartbreaking yet powerful read. It ended a bit abruptly for my taste, but I liked the characters and intensity of the story. (Please note: trigger warnings for sexual assault, spousal abuse/familial abuse, gay slurs.)