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The Stars That Guide You Home
The Stars That Guide You Home
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating

Now I make no secret of the fact that I am a crier. Christmas TV ads, airport arrivals halls, old men crying, anything has the ability to set me off blubbing! So I am never entirely surprised when I start crying at a book, even my husband doesn’t mock me anymore. But this book? THIS BOOK had me crying the entire way through and just when you thought life for the characters couldn’t get any worse…Jemma Robinson says hold my coat!

Sophia and Tom live in a quaint little farmhouse in the town of Lowshore. Their life is a simple one but their happy marriage practically radiates from the page. However, Sophia never told her husband about her past and that past is about to catch up with her!

Whilst Tom is at work, Sophia is kidnapped from her happy home and forced to live the life that she tried so desperately to escape. Beaten, abused and powerless, Sophia manages to find two people worthy of her trust but will she ever escape? Can she ever regain the life that she used to have with Tom?

The beauty of this book is that it revolves around its characters. There is very little world building here but, honestly, it isn’t needed. Nothing matters to Tom and Sophia except one-another and that is reflected in Jemma Robinson’s writing style.

The characters themselves stay with you long after the final page: Sophia wears her heart on her sleeve, Tom is steadfast and passionately protective, James and Annalise are, in contrast, calm and collected individuals but Edmund is nothing short of a psychopath!

Edmund is no fairytale villain, despite the Lord Farquaad vibes I was getting from him. Robinson’s antagonist wouldn’t be out of place in Game of Thrones: he is truly revolting, controlling and revels in his absolute power over everything and everyone in his kingdom.

The Stars That Guide You Home is marketed as historical romance, not a fairytale, and with its medicine, photographs and labour camps then it does seem too modern to be considered a fairytale. However, I would argue that castles, arranged marriages, medieval torture and absence of any morally grey characters could push this into the category of dark fairytale.

There are a number of trigger warnings within this novel that I want to highlight. This is by no means a YA book – it is definitely Adult Fiction or New Adult at a push. These trigger warnings include rape, physical and mental abuse, animal cruelty, torture (in detail), kidnap, burns, suicide, miscarriage and general violence.

Dark fairytale still doesn’t seem enough… Sinister fairytale might just do it!

The Stars That Guide You Home is simultaneously beautiful, horrifying and inspiring. This book will break your heart over and over again and keep you coming back for more. Thank you to The Book Network for the opportunity to review this amazing novel, and thank you to Jemma, even though you did make me cry for 486 pages!
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
🔞 Full on Trigger warnings for everything!! 🔞

WARNING: This book contains graphic content. Reader discretion is advised.

195 of 235
By Aron Beauregard


Oliver Fitch has a troubling issue; he lives in a state of constant terror. After purchasing a convenience store in a once civil society, the streets around him have rapidly devolved into utter lawlessness. They're now festering with sinister gutter scum that only live to harass and intimidate him. His pathetic profits are gouged under the threat of violence and there isn't a damn thing he can do about it. Because in a city with no rules, where the sun never shines, the authorities are no help. In fact, they're an equal part of the problem.

The relentless fear of confrontation is so obvious that even Oliver's wife Lydia has grown to resent his spineless existence. The absence of bravado opens the door to a horrific home invasion that leaves the miserable pair savagely maimed. From there, things only get worse until the criminal leeches have taken everything. Until there's nothing left inside but hate and the gnawing hunger for revenge. Until a switch finally flips and Oliver realizes that they all have to die.

First of all this comes with massive triggers in fact the whole book is one fat trigger warning so I don’t recommend if you have a sensitive nature.
This is my first venture into this genre and wow it hit hard!
I just couldn’t stop reading and I’m not sure how when it was bloody brutal.
After 2 men break into his home and brutally attack him and his wife Oliver goes on a vengeful killing spree taking out those corrupt and down right evil. These people terrorise the neighbourhood and it’s not just criminals. This is not for the faint hearted. It’s gore, graphic, horrific and just brutal (yes I’ve used that word a few times as I can’t think of any other way to describe it).

WARNING: This book contains graphic content. Reader discretion is advised.
Envy (Seven Princes of Sin #5)
Envy (Seven Princes of Sin #5)
S.N. Hunt | 2023 | Contemporary, Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Please read the TWs!
ENVY is the fifth book in the Seven Princes of Sin series and, in my opinion, you really need to have read the others to receive the full benefit of this one. Also, and it's a biggie, you really need to read the Trigger Warnings for this series. It is hella dark and disturbing in places. Now, moving on…

Aedin is the Prince of Envy. And Becca is Aedin's soul mate. Becca is… troubled, to say the least, and it's not surprising at all when you consider her past. I know all of the soul mates were to be reincarnated into pain and sorrow each time but, oh man, this one was a doozy.

I thoroughly enjoyed this story, dark as it was, and loved the snippets of information we got about Wrath and Luci. I honestly can't wait for their books! The overall story arc is moving along with each book, and the previous pairs show up in each new one, so it really does help to read them in order.

A fantastic addition to the series and definitely recommended by me. Just, again, please read the TWs!

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
May 31, 2023
Dishonour ( The Hallowed Crows 2)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
20 of 220
Dishonour (The Hallowed Crows MC 2)
By G.N. Wright

Death. Distraction. Destruction.

That’s all my life consists of now.

It wasn't supposed to happen like this, but everything went wrong. I knew the game, the rules, the consequences, yet still I chose to play. And now he's dead. He killed him. I killed him, and nothing will ever be the same again.

I thought I could survive, that I could beat him, that I could turn to my best friend and everything would be okay, but I was wrong. Now I have blood on my hands and death in my heart.

I thought I had to fight before, that I had to watch my back, but that is nothing compared to now. Any chance of ever getting them on my side again faded the moment that bullet was fired.

My saviors

My tormentors

My salvation.

Now nothing but my enemies. I had their love, then their hate, now I have nothing but their rage.

It’s said that Crows won’t attack unless you give them a reason.

Guess I gave them one.

This is exactly as the author describes and has plenty of potential trigger warnings. It was a quick read and I did like it. Like the first it was a bit repetitive in parts and it’s the only thing that annoyed me. But make sure you read her warning’s first this is a dark reverse harem romance.
Chasing the Dragon
Mark Towse | 2024
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
28 of 220
Chasing the Dragon
By Mark Towse

A town on its knees, dread's bony fingers wrapping around its throat and squeezing, death rattles soon to follow.

Drugs, filth, and a lack of human decency are starving it of hope.

Introducing Simon Dooley, our trauma-driven wannabe superhero, the relentless voice of his dead mother pleading with him to "end the chaos." Dressed in a leotard and armed only with a dozen dog poop bags, Simon's plight will find him falling in love and going head to head with the seediest characters walking the streets.

The town needed a hero... it got Reformo.

This was honestly such a fun read. This dude has some parental issues that’s for certain. So Simon decided on the advice of his dead mother that he’s going to clean house and the neighbourhood. So he invents Reformo the super hero everyone needs. Now all the way through this book I couldn’t stop laughing which when you’re on a bus full of people you get crazy looks. You can tell the author has poured everything into this book and it really has paid off. It’s dark, funny, bloody , violent and even a little emotional at the end there. Please read any trigger warnings as it does touch a few and it is dark and violent with some graphic details.

I was kindly given this to me by the author in return for an honest review.
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
31 of 235
Assassins Gambit (Hearts and Thrones book 1)
By Amy Raby

Vitala Salonius, champion of the warlike game of Caturanga, is as deadly as she is beautiful. She's a trained assassin for the resistance, and her true play is for ultimate power. Using her charm and wit, she plans to seduce her way into the emperor's bed and deal him one final, fatal blow, sparking a battle of succession that could change the face of the empire.
As the ruler of a country on the brink of war and the son of a deposed emperor, Lucien must constantly be wary of an attempt on his life. But he's drawn to the stunning Caturanga player visiting the palace. Vitala may be able to distract him from his woes for a while - and fulfill other needs, as well.
Lucien's quick mind and considerable skills awaken unexpected desires in Vitala, weakening her resolve to finish her mission. An assassin cannot fall for her prey, but Vitala's gut is telling her to protect this sexy, sensitive man. Now she must decide where her heart and loyalties lie and navigate the dangerous war of politics before her gambit causes her to lose both Lucien and her heart for good....

I enjoyed it for the most part the start was a bit ropey and definitely had trigger warnings for rape and abuse but after the first quarter it became an easy likeable read. Characters were likeable and unlikeable in their own rights and the ending was pretty decent!
74 of 220
The Intended ( A Culling of Blood and Magic 2)
By K.M. Rives

Emery may have survived the Culling, but now she’s on the run.

Forced to find her way in a world of magic behind the wards of New Orleans, Emery struggles to accept her newfound identity as a witch and a mother. Her coven is demanding that she choose between the magic she’s always wanted and the child she already loves. Will Emery find the strength to fight for what matters most?

Devastated by the loss of trust in his mate and seeking revenge, Augustine throws himself into the hunt for a murderer within his kingdom. Emery remains his primary suspect, even though there is a side of him that longs for the woman who has captured his heart.

War is brewing in the supernatural world, and a long forgotten prophecy is at play. Can Augustine and Emery overcome the secrets that have torn them apart, and reconcile their past before the future catches up with them?

This was a very emotional read for me in a few places and very close to my own heart without all the magic and vampires! I enjoyed it and it certainly was fast paced. There were a few bits that I could have just skipped but they didn’t take away from how I was enjoying the book.

Please check any trigger warnings as there is a death that is hard to handle for some.
You Won't Know Her Name
You Won't Know Her Name
Shanti Hershenson | 2021 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry, Young Adult (YA)
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
When I first heard of You Won't Know Her Name by Santi Hershenson, there was just something about the synopsis that was calling to me to read it. The synopsis really sucked me in, and I found myself wanting to know more about The Girl. I ended up loving this book!

You Won't Know Her Name is certainly not for the faint of heart. With heavy themes such as bullying and sexual assault, I knew the plot would be a dark read. However, Hershenson writes like a pro, and the way she incorporates these themes into her story didn't put me off reading. The plot is solid and interesting if a little sad at what The Girl had to go through. I loved that there were no chapters, only poems and that each poem started with a title of what the short poem would be about. Each poem flows well into the next. It really made my heart hurt for all the injustices done to the girl (and her sister). What angered me the most was how the school failed this child. Unfortunately, many schools fail bullied children every day. (I speak from personal experience). I would say that there is a plot twist in this story, but there are no cliff hangers. It's just sad that there are so many people (children and adults alike) that have to go through such horrible bullying.

The characters in You Won't Know Her Name felt very realistic. We are told early on by the author that names aren't important so no names are ever mentioned in this story. We have "The Girl" who I felt so bad for. She didn't deserve any of the hate and the uncaringness she got. I just wanted to protect her so much throughout the story and tell "The Person" (The Girl's bully) to just back off. The Person acted in such a vile way toward The Girl and her sister. It made me wonder about The Person's background though. Was The Person being bullied at home to act out that way in school? I am, by no means, excusing The Person's behavior though.

Trigger warnings for You Won't Know Her Name include sexual assault (not graphic), profanity, talks of suicide, and violence. The author has included trigger warning notices at the start of each poem that could possibly trigger some readers though.

You Won't Know Her Name is a sad but a good read. There is some good to come out of it though. You Won't Know Her Name is a thought provoking read about a subject that, sadly, many children (and adults) have to deal with although they shouldn't.

Overall, You Won't Know Her Name is a well written piece of poetic literature that everyone should read. I would highly suggest that parents read it with their child and discuss it. If you are a librarian, buy this book for your library. It's not a long book either, so even the most hesitant reader could get a lot from it. I would definitely recommend You Won't Know Her Name by Shanti Hershenson to those aged 14+. Trust me, this is a book that needs to be read.

ClareR (5577 KP) rated The Ash Doll in Books

Sep 24, 2018  
The Ash Doll
The Ash Doll
James Hazel | 2018 | Crime, Mystery, Thriller
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A thrillingly dark read!
This is the second in the Charlie Priest series, but I have to say that it's so well written that it's not necessary to have read the first book in the series, 'The Mayfly' to enjoy this. Suffice to say, I got three chapters in to this book and immediately bought the first book. I can see Charlie Priest becoming my new book obsession!
We're thrown right in to the action on the first page with a small girl, who appears to be on the verge of throwing herself off a cliff in front of a group of hikers. No one knows who she is or where she has come from.
We then flash forward to the present day, and the court case that Charlie Priest and his colleagues are involved with - a libel case between a charity and a magazine. Believe me, I couldn't see how there could possibly be any kind of connection between the two.
The start of the book isn't particularly pleasant (trigger warnings here for anyone that doesn't like reading about child abuse!), but it really drew me in: who is the child? What has happened to her? Ho what she come to be imprisoned and abused? Yes, there's some pretty graphic content, both with regards to her treatment and the murders.
Charlie and his sidekick, Georgie Someday, are so likeable, and Charlie's medical condition adds an interesting layer to the story.
I would highly recommend this, especially if you like dark, well written thrillers.
Many thanks to Readers First, NetGalley and the publisher Bonnier Zaffre for sending me a copy to read.

Ali A (78 KP) rated Sparrow in Books

Mar 11, 2020  
Mary Cecilia Jackson | 2020 | Young Adult (YA)
5.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Trigger Warnings: abuse, assault, dating violence

Sparrow is about 17-year-old ballet prodigy Savannah Rose, aka Sparrow, and her journey after being violently assaulted by her boyfriend, Tristan. The story jumps between Sparrow's POV and her friend's Lucas as they both confront their ghosts and demons of the aftermath.

Through most of this story I felt like I was just missing chunks of it. Before we went into Lucas' POV we seemed to just jump around with Sparrow. She has her first date with Tristan and then all of a sudden she's afraid of him. Then, when she'd have fights with Lucas, we'd get half with Sparrow's POV and then a few chapters later we'd get the other half with Lucas' POV which most of the time changed the whole fight. Pieces were almost always missing - like the fact that I thought Sophie was Sparrow's stepmom or her dad's girlfriend, not her aunt for the first hundred pages.

Because of all this, I really had no connection to Sparrow. I did, however, feel more connected with Lucas and what happened with him. Some things that happened with him tugged on my heartstrings. I feel bad for not really caring about Sparrow's story, but the only reason I knew of her story was because I wanted to read more about Lucas'.

Overall the book was good, but I wish it was fleshed out a bit more. A lot of characters had such great potential in the beginning but seemed to fade out/be glossed over in the middle and end. There were many distractions and an empty hole around the plot that I wish were filled in.