Once Upon a Time in Hollywood
Quentin Tarantino's long-awaited first work of fiction - at once hilarious, delicious, and brutal -...

David McK (3505 KP) rated She-Hulk: Attorney at Law in TV
Oct 16, 2022
I could probably best describe this by the 6 words I heard my mum (who doesn't really watch any of the Marvel stuff) say when she saw a bit of an episode of this:
"What on earth is this rubbish?"
While, personally, that was maybe a bit strong for me - I wouldn't go quite as far as calling it rubbish - it does more-or-less reflect my feelings on the show: for a (supposed) sit-com, there's very little funny in it, with what comedy there is being painful to watch rather than amusing.
Does bring Charlie Cox's Daredevil back into the fold, though (eventually), and really REALLY leans heavily into trolling its own fans ...

Awix (3310 KP) rated Sapphire and Steel in TV
Apr 2, 2020
This is pretty much all we are told about the format of the series - who and what Sapphire and Steel are, what the limits of their powers are, and who they answer to, is never made clear (even the nature of their mission seems to change from story to story). The cryptic, often surreal nature of the series is one of its main attractions, along with the chemistry between the stars (occasional ally Silver, played by David Collings, is also a joy to watch).
The bleak and eerie atmosphere of the stories is consistently impressive, as is the clear understanding of visual style possessed by the makers: stories are filled with startling images and symbols, occasionally drawn from the visual arts (one adversary is basically a Magritte painting brought to life). Always memorable, and never more so than in its final episodes: the sheer unexpected bizarreness of Sapphire and Steel's fate makes it all the more shocking and downbeat. A unique and very distinctive series.

Mitele - TV a la carta
Entertainment and News
Mitele es la plataforma de televisión a la carta y en directo de Mediaset España, en la que...

Eleanor (1463 KP) rated The Surgeon (Rizzoli & Isles, #1) in Books
May 22, 2019
Catherine Cordell is a skilled surgeon working in Boston where she fled to following a horrific attack two years ago. Although she killed her attacker her exterior confidence hides the continued fear the trauma has instilled in her everyday life. When the impossible seems to occur and the killer returns to stalk her, Detective Moore is determined to protect along with fellow officer Rizzoli.
The villain and what he does is full on terrifying and creepy as hell (just the way I like them.) However if you are in any way squeamish and don’t like a lot of blood and gore you should probably avoid this book. There is a lot of graphic descriptions of injuries of people coming into an emergency room, surgery and torture. Rape is also a central theme and again descriptions can be disturbing so be warned.
This felt like a very solid police procedural book. The style will be familiar with Criminal Minds fans in that you get to see a bit behind the curtain. I didn’t feel there was a lot of puzzling mystery, but you were swept along in the investigation to find the unsub.
My main hope with this series is Rizzoli becomes a bit more human, in this book I just wanted to slap her for being such a cow to both victims and colleagues. Her constant internal moaning about how bad she is treated because she’s a woman made me laugh, it seemed more to be just because she isn’t a very nice person. She doesn't come across as a very good cop at all, poor at doing interviews, following procedure, working as a team. Meanwhile Moore was a much more sympathetic character.
Looking forward to seeing where the series goes from here.

Sarah (7799 KP) rated Stranger Things - Season 3 in TV
Aug 10, 2019
My first negative is the story. The whole Russian thing is a little bit ridiculous and far fetched (even for this show), which is a shame as the rest of the plot is intriguing and really rather good. The horror and gore aspects of this are brilliant. I thought this was by far the scariest of the seasons as the Mind Flayer is truly terrifying and beyond creepy. The mixture of retro references, humour and horror works so well and makes it really enjoyable to watch. All of the characters shine, even the new ones like Robin or new-ish ones like Erica, are well developed and fit in well with the rest of the originals. I of course still have a soft spot for Hopper who is just marvellous yet again in this, often rather sinister and darkly hilarious. And the pairing yet again of Steve and Dustin is such fun. The childhood romance thing is a little bit cheesy and sickly sweet, but fortunately bearable for the most part as it takes a backseat to the rest of the action.
My biggest issue with this show, other than the over the top and strangely stupid Russians, and the reason why I was debating giving it a lower score, is the ending. Or rather the end credits scene that ruined everything. The actual ending to this show is one of the most emotional things I’ve seen in a long time in a tv show, and I’m not ashamed to admit I was virtually in tears at the ending. It was such a heartwarming and fitting way to end the show, and really quite lovely in a sad way. It was a great way to round off a show and finish the entire series on a massive high without the need to make another season. However, the end credits scene is pure ‘sequel baiting’ and whilst Netflix haven’t officially confirmed, it already sounds like season 4 is in the making. And I can’t even begin to describe how angry I am at this, why do they insist on ruining a perfectly good ending?! I really wish they hadn’t done this. But this aside, I enjoyed this series quite a lot.

Marylegs (44 KP) rated The Walking Dead, Vol. 3: Safety Behind Bars in Books
Aug 14, 2019
As always the drawings are so good and the story flows so well. It is so easy to read and become absorbed into this world that is changing all the characters personalities. I still stand by the main story being how people adapt to this changing world rather than it being about zombies. They are just a catalyst to bring out peoples raw behaviours when put into dire situations.

Torchwood One: Before the Fall
Matt Fitton, Joseph Lidster, Jenny T. Colgan and Barnaby Edwards
London, 2005. Yvonne Hartman is the undisputed head of Torchwood One. Above the government, beyond...

Bong Mines Entertainment (15 KP) rated I'll Find You in Dreams - Single by Tiphanie Doucet in Music
Jun 26, 2019
“Head down can’t keep from falling over. Eyes blurred with grief, we’ve grown like the trees, now slowly older, and I’ll never be your island king. The city sings her song to me. The only soul alone on these tangled streets.” – lyrics
‘I’ll Find You in Dreams’ tells an emotional tale of an individual who yearns for something or someone who seems completely out of reach.
The likable tune contains a dreamy storyline, heartfelt vocals, and emotional instrumentation flavored with great piano lines, evocative synths, and nostalgic elements.
The Racer consists of Pete Marotta (vocals, keys), Mike Esserman (guitar, keys), Eric Sosler (bass, keys, sax).
One day, while looking for artists in New Jersey to be on a show they were organizing, they came across Tiphanie Doucet’s music and loved it.
Shortly afterward, they performed live with Doucet at their show. Later, while hanging out, they asked her to sing on their “I’ll Find You in Dreams” single.
At the age of 15, Tiphanie Doucet starred in the film Le bébé d’Elsa, and later in the Glee-like TV series Chante!
Those exposures increased her popularity in France, where she grew up studying ballet and harp. After her career in TV ended, she made her way to America for a fresh start.
Since then, she’s been writing songs and testing them out on street corners, cruises, and cafés throughout New York and Jersey City.

Supaplex WOW!
Games and Entertainment
The legendary game of superb quality! One of the best action-puzzle games in the world! Now...