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2008 | Medical
Fantastic Artwork (4 more)
Great Mechanics
Great introduction to board games
Easy to teach/learn
A great game that works well
Pandemic was my first (grown up) board game in a while... It was also a great way to introduce others to tabletop gaming because it is so easy to teach on the fly...the mechanics work really well's great to have in your collection and start a game night with friends or family because there isn't any bickering because the whole point of the game is to work together

Samueljhague (1250 KP) rated Carcassonne in Tabletop Games

May 16, 2021 (Updated Jun 24, 2021)  
2000 | City Building, Medieval, Territory Building
Easy to learn. Art is good. Components are good. This game first used people shaped wooden tokens that became known as meeples. Different difficulty levels. (0 more)
It lasts longer than it should sometimes. It has too many expansions, that add to the playtime. (0 more)
Carcassonne, a tabletop gaming cornerstone...
Carcassonne is a cornerstone of modern tabletop gaming. There are more positives than negatives with this game. It is a great introductory game for people who are unfamiliar with modern board games. This is also a great family game, because you can play the game on different difficulty levels. Removing the farmer option is the easiest variant to start with. The art in the newest version is an upgrade over previous versions. It is nice that the base game comes with a couple of easy mini expansions. I do think that adding expansions is fun, but I don't think you should play with all of them at the same time. This review is a result of a giveaway courtesy of Smashbomb.

Lumos (380 KP) rated Monopoly in Tabletop Games

Mar 19, 2018  
1935 | Business / Industrial, Economic
I like Monopoly. It is a long game, but these days, a lot of tabletop games are. Unfortunately, the length can cause some people to not want to play it or would rather play something with more flavor. For this reason, I'm pretty sure I've only played 2 complete games in my life.

jd2105 (10 KP) rated Lords of Waterdeep in Tabletop Games

Feb 26, 2020 (Updated Feb 26, 2020)  
Lords of Waterdeep
Lords of Waterdeep
2012 | City Building, Fantasy
A great begginer game
This worker replacement game is a very good games to start with for anyone who has never played tabletop games before. The strategy for this game is minimal, it is always good to have some kind of strategy, however other players moves may change your strategy for you in this game, but its effects are not very harsh. There is always another option in this game especially the further into the game you get as more placements will be available. However worker placement is the main mechanic in this game set collection is also a mechanic which is really important in this game. Collecting your pieces are almost just as important as placing your workers. Even though it is generally considered a beginner's introductory game I find this game to be a great go to for myself even though I am beyond beginner level. This is a great game for beginner intermediate to expert and family all different groups enjoy this game.
The 7th Continent
The 7th Continent
2017 | Adventure, Card Game, Exploration, Horror, Science Fiction
Table for One Kickstarter Alert: ‘7th Continent’
Table for One is a series focusing on solo tabletop gaming. The series will cover two flavors of solo games–games designed to be played by a single person exclusively and games that are multi-player but have a solo version. Today’s game is 7th Continent from Serious Poulp, a game currently on Kickstarter.

Reviewer: Will James
Read the full review here: