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6.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Selfies was a fun combination of modern day vanity and the old belief that taking a picture of someone captures a part of that person's soul.

It was...okay. I liked how the story was told in a series of photo descriptions. The build up towards the ending is pretty well paced, although the strange break at the beginning where the random kid delivers exposition felt a bit out of place. It felt like it would have served better as an epilogue, rather than an opening.

My biggest problem was that I really couldn't take the story seriously. It was never scary or creepy for me.

I guess I've just read one too many <a href="">creepypastas</a>;. (I had an addiction to them earlier on in the year.)

This short even follows the general format of a creepypasta, down to the girl getting the phone from a creepy old man in a store that mysteriously disappears after the phone is passed off on her. The story was at least well-written, and properly edited, which is more than I can say for most creepypastas out there.

You can read it for free <a href="">here</a>;.
Pokémon: Detective Pikachu  (2019)
Pokémon: Detective Pikachu (2019)
2019 | Animation, Comedy, Fantasy
Nostalgia, the pokemon and Ryan Reynolds (0 more)
I'm a 36 year old man child and I dont care!!!!
I normally post complete reviews where I take into account all aspects of cinema - acting, script, cinematography, tone etc. This review contains none of that as this film is scored on how it made me feel. I'm a pokemon fan and have been since I was a child. This film perfectly shows a world where pokemon live and co exist with people - a better world for sure. That said I'm not giving it a 10 score purely for nostalgia. The acting is good and story is also good with enough twists along the way to keep non poke fans interested. Visually it's great with the pokemon blending into the world perfectly. The star of the show is Ryan Reynolds though as Pikachu. Reynolds has made a career of just being himself onscreen and he does it again here. Yes the language from say Deadpool, Waiting, Van Wilder or Blade Trinity is toned down but the same brand of humour is on display giving adults something to laugh at as well as kids. Others probably wud give this a 7 or 8 - I give it 10 because I'm a man child who loves pokemon and Ryan there!!!
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Love blooms in Saint Paul's Como Park. But will the roots grow deep enough to survive life's challenges?

Tessa Gregory's dream of becoming a gardener seems impossible in 1913 at Como Park. She will go to any length to impress the superintendent of her abilities. When the handsome gardener Reese King offers to help her, will she risk it all, including her heart to win the favor she so desires?

I deeply enjoy reading Lorna Seilstad's books. They are so full of life and humor, but also deep with truths. As Love Blooms has all of these wonderful elements. The bond and strength of family being in the forefront of this book. We are also reminded that faith is not something that we have to try and muster up ourselves, but to have the faith to rely on God to take care of us. I enjoyed Tessa's adventurous spirit! She reminded me a great deal of Anne Shirley from Anne of Green Gables. You will be on the edge of your seat as you read this remarkable story of love and life.

I received a free copy of As Love Blooms from Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group, in exchange for my honest review.
So: Daredevil.

AKA MAtt Murdock: Blind Lawyer by day, Vigilante by night.

And a character that, unlike (say) your Superman or Spiderman or Batman's, only really came to my attention with the (so-so) 2003 movie of the same name, and the more recent (and better) Marvel Netflix series'.

I'd also never read any of the comics/graphic novels before, although I knew that the TV series, in particular, drew heavily from that source, but had heard good things about them. With all that said, I thought I would take a risk on this particular collection (purchased, and read, via Comixology on my iPad) to see what all the fuss was about.

And, at first, I wasn't overwhelmed - I found the first story arc just so-so, and couldn't really get to grips with the art-style.

However, things picked up (for me) once the collection went back to a more conventional art style, with the whole story arc around the attempted coup against the Kingpin, followed by his estranged wife's revenge, then by the outing of Murdock's secret identity (wow!) and the trial of the Costumed Superhero (not him) that follows a succession of whammies (for want of a better word) one after the other ...

More, please!
JCVD (Van Dammage) (2008)
JCVD (Van Dammage) (2008)
2008 | Action, Comedy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"That was one of those movies I saw and it’s… I’m sure that there are movies that are more important, you know? But it was one of those movies that I saw, and it was just perfect, if that makes sense. It’s like all movies are like listening to a bunch of different instruments playing at the same time, and suddenly they all sync up for certain moments, and there’s other times where it’s not quite in rhythm. JCVD was just bang-on the entire time. It was just so lean and solid and this perfect blend of dark humor and some really genuinely touching moments. That moment when he goes up into the loft and it’s all very surreal, and he’s crying, I was like, “This is for real, man. This has really got me.” It’s such a beautiful thing when you’re watching a movie and if somebody told you, “Oh, he’s about to start crying and you’re about to get really emotional in five minutes,” that you would go “No way. Come on, it’s not that kind of movie,” or it’s gonna feel really forced and it’s not gonna work, and they manage to take you there. That’s so impressive."

3.5 stars.

I don't know how to review this. There was stuff I liked and stuff I wasn't so keen on.

Let's start with the pros:

1) The developing relationship between the brothers; the younger three were close and seeing them grow closer to their older sibling was really cute.
2) Ben's willingness to change; even if it did take a while.
3) The camaraderie between many of the characters; Ben and Colin; Cade and Travis; Colin and Jason, the list goes on.


1) The length of time for Ben and Travis' relationship to bloom; it seemed a bit too quick in some respects, although Travis was very willing once he came around to the idea.
2) This is not necessarily about the book itself, but some of the characters: How they treated Travis at the dinner party.

I have come to notice that I like to read books that involve children in my m/m romances ([b:One Small Thing|13186809|One Small Thing (One Thing, #1)|Piper Vaughn||18367666]) and that really helped me in this. They were all really great kids and I liked how they all grew and ended up really happy.
The Twist and Shout Murder
The Twist and Shout Murder
Teresa Trent | 2022 | Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I’m Going to Shout About This Twisty Debut
It’s 1962 in Camden, Texas, and Dot Morgan is almost done with her secretarial schooling. But she’s taking on helping her father with a run for the local city council. However, the election hits a snag when her father’s opponent dies. The police think it was a tragic accident, but Dot thinks something else is going on. The trouble is, if she convinces the police that it was murder, will she and her father become the top suspects?

It did take me a couple of chapters to get fully into this book, mainly because I felt like I was trying to remember all the characters and their relationships to each other. But once I got that sorted out, I was hooked. There are plenty of complications for Dot to deal with, and I enjoyed seeing how she dealt with everything. She is strong. There are plenty of great characters, including a potential love interest. That time in history is also brought to life, including the changes society was going through. I already can’t wait to see these characters again. If you are looking for a fun historical mystery, you’ll be glad you picked up this one.
Baby&#039;s Got Bite (Take It Like a Vamp #2)
Baby's Got Bite (Take It Like a Vamp #2)
Candace Havens | 2015 | Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is the second book in the Take It Like a Vamp series but can be read as a standalone without having read the first book (like I did).

It tells the story of a one-night stand that went either really wrong or absolutely perfectly, depending on which way you look at it. To begin with, Bennett looks at it as "How the hell did this happen?" but quickly gets a handle on it and deals with it. Her first stop is to let Linc know, whose reaction is pretty much the same but not for the reasons that Bennett thinks. Things move rapidly between the two of them and a lot is mentioned about how they will be in danger if people find out, due to who Linc is and his connections with Nick.

This is a well-written book with a fast-paced plot. It is full of humour and witty banter between Linc and Bennett which makes the whole thing a delight to read. Definitely recommended.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Jul 28, 2015
A Succession of Swords (The Chronicles of Serenity #1)
A Succession of Swords (The Chronicles of Serenity #1)
A D Bollen | 2022 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Independent Reviewer for Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!

When it's time for Philla and Deminious to move on, they must choose their successors. Their daughter will be queen and they have 3 sons to choose from whom all have good qualities and would rule well. It's a hard choice but they make it. After the wedding, they ascend to the celestial plain. All is well; they are happy. What could possibly go wrong?

This is a good story and I did enjoy it. There just seemed to be a lot going on. There were sections where it was one part of the story, then the next paragraph was with somebody and something completely different, and it took a couple of sentences to catch up with what was happening. It was a bit of a shame as it did take away from the story as the flow that should have been there wasn't.

I did enjoy the story when I was able to decipher what was what and I would recommend it. You may just need some patience.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **


* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *