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Bruce Dern recommended Nebraska (2013) in Movies (curated)

Nebraska (2013)
Nebraska (2013)
2013 | Drama

"I’m very proud of my movie, Nebraska. I don’t really know what a great film is. I don’t know what the ingredients should be. But I certainly think Nebraska is a credit to the industry of filmmaking and it’s done very, very well. And both he [director Alexander Payne] and Quentin [Tarantino, with whom Dern has worked three times] can make a f–king movie, trust me. Alexander said to me the first morning, “Do you see anything here, you’ve never seen before?” I went looking around – we were in Nebraska in some little town in the middle of October, cold, freezing – and I said, “Yes I do.” I said, “It seems like everybody here is putting their oar in before 8am.” And he said, “Well hopefully, that’s because we have 91 crew members here and 78 have worked every day on every film I’ve ever made.” He put his hand on my shoulder and he said, “So you, sir, can go take a risk.” And he said, “This is Phedon Papamichael; he’s your cameraman.” I met him the day before. And he said, “I wonder if you’d do something for Phedon and I, that we’re not sure you ever did in your career.” I said, “Well what’s that?” And he said, “Never show us anything. Let us find it.” And I knew for the first time in my life I had a partner. Al Pacino came up to me — I’d never met him — at a party and said, “You know, I’ve not seen your movie yet, Nebraska. But everybody back at the Actors Studio – ’cause we’re both members – is talking about your performance.” So Brad Grey is at the party, and he ran Paramount then, and I said, “You know, Al Pacino has not got a screener,” ’cause it was Christmas time. So he said, “Tell him he’ll have one tomorrow morning with his newspaper.” At noon the next day my phone rings and I pick it up and he says, “Bruce, Al Pacino.” I said, “Oh wow.” He said nothing for about 10 seconds, and then he said, “How did you do that?” I told him what Alexander told me about “let us find it.” And he said, “I have tears in my eyes, because you knew you had a partner. I’ve never had a partner.” He said, “Bruce, I never ever saw the work. You were just the character.” And that’s the greatest compliment to me I ever had."

<b><i>I received this book for free from Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.</i></b>
<i><b>Bring Me Their Hearts</b></i><b> has plenty of sass, snark and </b><b>humor laced throughout</b>, which is no surprise considering one of the biggest reasons why I loved Sara Wolf's debut novel is the sass and humor (I can now officially count on Wolf to make me laugh). This book literally starts with Zera comparing the king's worth to a <i>potato</i>.

<h2>Potatoes aside, let's talk about Sara Wolf's dive from contemporary into fantasy, aka <b>how did </b><b><i>Bring Me Their Hearts</i></b><b> do???</b></h2>
Because that is the most important question: is the book good? Is it as bloodeh as the title? Let me give you the 411.

<h3><b>If you're looking for a good dose of sass, snark and humor, count on it.</b></h3>
Zera has a comeback for <i>everything</i>. Of course, she says she can't help herself because it's how she deals with it since she became Heartless, which is essentially a witch's pet monster. If you can't deal with her comebacks, then suck it up an drop off a cliff is what she'll likely tell you. But the amount of sass is &#x1f44c;&#x1f44c;&#x1f44c; and #100percentapproved.

<h3><b>But let's be a little honest here: sometimes Isis Blake appears too much in Zera.</b></h3>
Isis Blake is <a href="">the main character of Wolf's <i>Lovely Vicious</i> series</a> and sometimes she appears way too much in Zera. Think two people stuck in one body = identity crisis much?

Maybe I am complaining too much here because regardless of how Isis seems to appear occasionally in Zera, <b>I still enjoyed Zera's voice.</b> And I still approve of snarkcisms used. So I'll just sit in a corner and hush up.

<h3><b>Let's take a moment to appreciate a side character (really, we should appreciate most side characters).</b></h3>
Meet Malachite, who is officially one of my favorite characters of <i>Bring Me Their Hearts</i> simply because he was wonderful and had no filter for being a royal bodyguard. 11/10 would adopt.

But we all know, Ms. Wolf, that you're going to kill Malachite later on, right? And kill my feels along with it?

<h3><b>There is this weird issue of the beginning being kind of out of place but used as a lovely hook.</b></h3>
<i>Bring Me Their Hearts</i> starts us in a court before backtracking a few weeks and then continuing. <i>Please note I am a very forgetful person</i> but we're in Zera's world of Heartless and witches and then Training101 for 30% of the book. I completely forgot everything by that point aside from a potato being involved.

But it's used as a lovely hook, so I'm not exactly complaining too much (someone fix my memory please and thank you).

<h3><b>Common Fantasy Plot #2927: Got 'em!</b></h3>
Eventually, you get to the point where you see the most common plotlines aka royalty is secretly venturing out in the world of plebians to be a badass and accidentally meets potential love interest aka the main character.

<h3><b>I was expecting this to be more bloody? I did not get more bloody.</b></h3>
I got a lot of court intrigue, sass, humor, but I was expecting more blood for some reason. I got more near the end though, because Heartless are monsters after all.

<h3><b>Hold up, this is the first novel?</b></h3>
I was expecting this to be a standalone but hahaha no nice try, Sophia. Come back in the future to satiate your curiosities in book two.

<i>Bring Me Their Hearts</i> wasn't horrible if you enjoy a snarky little monster who really just wants everything to be all good and dandy (but hahaha, life isn't going to be that nice) and a nice little note tacked on the end that says, "come back soon for more!"

While I wanted a little more blood because I'm smol and evil thoughts run through my brain sometimes, this was fun to read, and I have hopes for the second novel.

<a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>
Little &amp; Lethal (Little Paws Haven #2)
Little & Lethal (Little Paws Haven #2)
JP Sayle, Layla Dorine | 2024 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Loved that Cosmo pushed, just to get punished.
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book 2 in the Little Paws Haven series. I don't think it totally necessary to have read book one, Little Treasure He Hides, before this one. I loved that book.

And while I really enjoyed this one, I found this one a bit...disconnected.

Oh don't get me wrong, I really enjoyed it, I just found some bits went off and I lost my concentration.

Nomad and Harley have been mated for 20 years. Harley, though, is certain they should have a third. Meeting Cosmo, and all three of them knew they were mates but Cosmo was not letting them have it easy. Getting up close and personal with another Dom in the club, just to rile Nomad and Harley up. But Cosmo is more than a Little. He is deadly. And not incapable of looking after himself. Nomad and Harley need to get with the programme. Cosmo also needs to get with it, but he struggles. Having only himself to rely on for so long, it takes him time to let Nomad and Harley in.

I liked that all three men have a say. I loved that Cosmo gave the other two a run for their money. I loved that Cosmo, once settled into the relationship, pushed all the boundaries and then some, JUST so he could take the punishment.

I found the issue with The Council a bit confusing as to what was really going on, so reading about those bits, I kinda switched off. It all comes clear, I just took twice as long to get it!

Gabai and Asher from book one take part, but you don't need to have read their book to follow this one. The next book is laid here, well, I mean I hope it is! Looking forward to reading about hippos!

I liked this well enough, but something didn't quite click for me.

4 very good stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere

Kristy H (1252 KP) rated Falling in Books

Feb 13, 2018  
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Emma Montague is an Englishwoman living in the U.S. She left behind her parents as soon as she could: feeling trapped by her mother's snobbery and outgoing personality, so different from Emma's quiet and introverted self. But life in the high-powered banking world in New York City isn't exactly for Emma either. She finds everyone so false: women who only care about clothes and finding a man, too many nights at bars, and pressure to use dating apps. Her one long-term relationship winds up nowhere, and so Emma finds herself on the move again: this time to the beach town of Westport, CT. She takes a break from banking and finds herself renting a house in this seaside town. Emma quickly finds herself falling for landlord, Dominic, a bartender in Westport. A father to six-year-old Jesse, Dominic seems to be the opposite of Emma in every way. Emma isn't sure that the two could ever really be together, but she can't seem to stop her heart from falling for Dominic. Are they meant to be?

Ugh, this book. Some of it was enjoyable, and yet so much of it was just so damn frustrating. First of all, the entire thing seemed like it was based on just a mountain of stereotypes and tropes. Emma has built-in stereotypes and preconceived notions about Dominic (a bartender can't be anything like a banker, apparently, or share any of the same interests). Every woman in the banking world is a vapid idiot except Emma. All New Yorkers just want to get married and move to the suburbs. And so on and so on. It gets really old after a while.

Then, the whole different worlds thing: Emma versus Dom style. As a moving forward plot device, it just seemed incredibly forced. I understand that the "we're from two different worlds" idea still exists today, but really? It's that hard to overcome that a woman considers just dropping the only guy who has ever made her happy, because he seems beneath her? It would be different if the book put forth some real reasons that their class differences threatened their relationship, but it really doesn't. It's all half developed and mostly based on Emma's speculation.

That brings me to Emma. I wanted to like Emma. I could see a lot of Emma in myself - a quiet introvert who doesn't take well to people, who needs time to warm up. I understand that. But oh my gosh, she drove me crazy. So wishy washy! So indecisive! So unable to just follow her *own* thoughts and feelings. She drove me insane. It's very hard to fully enjoy a novel where you often want to wring the neck of the main character.

All of that, truly, I could have probably forgiven if Green hadn't taken the plot off the deep end near the end of the novel. I was so irritated and so upset: I went through all of the above for THIS? I won't spoil it, but let's just say I didn't sign up for a Nicholas Sparks novel. Any of the novel's redeeming qualities (a cute cat, a somewhat cute kid, Emma's dad) went out the window.

Overall, I just didn't enjoy this one. Too much of the plot devices irritated me, and then-BOOM-the actual plot drove me over the edge.

Jim LeBaron (69 KP) rated Terraforming Mars in Tabletop Games

Mar 12, 2019 (Updated Mar 12, 2019)  
Terraforming Mars
Terraforming Mars
2016 | Business / Industrial, Economic, Environmental, Science Fiction, Territory Building
Smooth Game-play (2 more)
Good Replay Value
Games go a little long for many groups (2 more)
Player boards need trays
Rule book isn't great
Making Their World a Better Place
What a great game. I've played this a few times now and still really like it. It does take a while to teach/learn but once you get going it is really cemented because you are repeating your actions each turn. The end game conditions are very clear so it is easy to see when you are approaching the end of the game. The biggest challenge for me in this game is making hard decisions about which tracks to pursue and which ones to leave alone. I want them all! There is some player conflict but I would say it is minimal, most of your effort will be on building your own corporation.
The games I have played have been 2-3 hours which is fine for me but tends to be a little long for more casual gamers. Each game has been different since you get a random corporation and you don't know which cards you are going to end up with. I'm looking forward to getting the expansions which have additional maps and more cards.
The player boards end up with a lot of cubes on them and if the table gets bumped it can be disastrous so I would recommend the overlay trays that keep the cubes in place. These can be 3d printed or purchased from several locations. It would be great if they fixed this by doing a raised board in a future printing.
Aftermath (Sirantha Jax, #5)
Aftermath (Sirantha Jax, #5)
Ann Aguirre | 2011 | Comics & Graphic Novels
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Leave it to Aguirre to take her heroine in a direction that is apparently pissing off at least half of her readers (those who expected romance). Sirantha Jax is in fine form in [b:Aftermath|10648186|Aftermath (Sirantha Jax, #5)|Ann Aguirre||10219927], staying strong and true to herself through an all-new set of trials (literally) and troubles. Loyal Velith stays by her side throughout, continuing to depict a friendship that goes beyond mere romance.

I don't normally mine books for quotes as I read them, but two bits stuck with me from this book. Musing, Jax thinks, "&hellip; the world moves on, even when you don't want it to, even when change feels like the end of everything. It never stops. That's harsh and magical and somewhat comforting because nothing is immutable, however much we want it to be. Moments cannot be caught like fossils in amber, ever-perfect, ever-beautiful. They go dark and raw, full of shadows, leaving you with the memories. And the world moves on."

Later, Velith says, "The heart is not a glass of water, but more like an endlessly pumping spring."

There is so much wisdom about love and relationships in those words that I will remember this book far longer than the plot details will necessarily stay with me.

The plot is, of course, as can always be expected of Aguirre, good. It hangs together well. There was a little drag this time, but not much. I am eagerly awaiting the release of <i>Endgame</i> later this month, and will be purchasing it as soon as it's released.
Crimson (The Silver #3)
Crimson (The Silver #3)
Cheree Alsop | 2012 | Paranormal, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Crimson is the third book in the Silver series and, once again, we get a completely new story that also ties in with what we already know. Kaynan is in a car accident which kills his sister Colleen, her best friend, and himself! He wakes up though and finds he is in a laboratory who have brought him back to life and experimented on him. None too happy with that, he escapes and manages to take another wolf with him, Grace.

I love how these stories are all so different and yet there is both a common theme and common characters. Yes, Jaze and Nikki are here, plus Jet and Taye, but the emphasis is really on Kaynan and Grace. Kaynan has changed and not just be becoming a wolf. He is no longer the troubled addict he was and he will do everything he can to protect Grace and his family. The plot thickens when it appears Colleen is also alive but it is just a ploy to get him back inside the lab?

This is yet another action-packed book that will keep you turning the pages. Jet is as charming yet stoic as ever but I think Kaynan has put a crack in some of his walls. A great addition to the series and definitely recommended by me, just so long as you read it as a series!

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!

Cate Le Bon recommended Yr Atal Genhedlaeth by Gruff Rhys in Music (curated)

Yr Atal Genhedlaeth by Gruff Rhys
Yr Atal Genhedlaeth by Gruff Rhys
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"It's his first solo record. To me, in a way, it is a funny record. He is such a talented musician and it is quite a modest record in that it is stripped-down – he plays everything on it – and it is just drums, guitar and bass, and, of course, vocals. But, even though he stripped it down you cannot strip away the fact that he is just supremely talented and has got such an incredible use of melody and hooks. I love the attitude. He had a rule that he could only do five takes and when I was getting to know him and was completely in awe of him, I remember asking him ""but what if you didn't get a good enough take?"" He just laughed and said, ""Well, we just put loads of reverb on it"" and I thought that was such an incredible attitude to have. Also, it is a Welsh language record and although Welsh and English are equally my first languages, I have always struggled writing in Welsh. Gruff has just got this ability to write these lyrics that are so meaningful but whole-sounding and faithful. I am totally in awe of his Welsh lyricism. For me, Welsh is such a difficult language to write in and this is my favourite Welsh language record. Since I was 13 I have been a huge fan of Super Furry Animals and of Gruff. He's just an incredible man and being around that wonderful playful attitude in his music is something I am so glad I was exposed to at that point in my life."

Cars 3 (2017)
Cars 3 (2017)
2017 | Animation, Comedy, Family
There was me thinking that seeing Cars 3 on a Friday morning when most of the schools are still in sessions would be a nice and peaceful affair... *insert annoyed face here* Sadly, this was not the case and I was the only person in the screen without a child. There were probably only about twenty of us there... but still, when are they going to do adult only screenings of things?! Anyway, enough of that.

Lightning McQueen and his fellow racers have been enjoying the road together for a long time. So when the newcomers start to make waves it means there are hard decisions ahead. McQueen isn't ready to take his last pit stop though and so he has to train harder, and smarter, if he's going to beat his new high-tech competition.

With the help of Cruz Ramirez, he could be about to start the next phase of his career. But is it enough to beat Jackson Storm?..

Pixar have made another winner with this one. I'm not even sure how they manage to make me cry at animated cars... damn you Pixar, I never have enough tissues.

Cars is the least successful of the Pixar franchises. Don't shoot the messenger, I checked on box office sales. (It's not the worst performing film if that's any consolation, but it was fairly close.) But even Pixar's worst is still pretty amazing. Their films are all round fun, they have the ups and downs of any adult films, PLUS you always get an amazing short to go with it. Here's a quick trailer for Lou.