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Raccoon Tycoon
Raccoon Tycoon
2018 | Animals, Economic
ALERT! This game has railroads! ALERT #2! This is NOT a train game! That makes ME feel lots better. Right now in my life train games and war games scare me. I don’t have the time, and frankly I do not think I am quite smart enough for either. But then this game comes along and it looks intimidating at first. Like games I am not smart enough to play, and that’s a huge compliment. Not because I think I am smart, but because this game seems like it would be way more complex than it actually is.

Technically, the players are these cute little Victorian-era anthropomorphized animals trying to become the wealthiest of all Astorians (the city is called Astoria). This is measured by Victory Points. You gain VPs in several ways and the actions you take on your turn are limited.

What are these actions you can take on your turn? You may take one action on your turn: play a card from your hand to receive commodities (in really great meeples) and increase the price of commodities to be sold, sell commodities from your supply and decrease the price of the commodities by the number sold, purchase a town card using commodities, purchase a building using money earned, or begin an auction of a railroad using money. Each of these actions ultimately affects your opponents as they either adjust the market price of commodities, removes certain coveted assets from the offer, or otherwise depletes their resources. Also, there are mission cards in the box that are just not referenced in the rulebook, but two are to be dealt to the players and one chosen as a hidden goal for endgame scoring.

I will be honest. I would not normally be attracted to this style of game, and I may not have ever purchased it in the wild based on the box. I have zero games like it in my collection, and have not really played many that are similar. BUT, I absolutely love this game. Once you get the hang of the different actions you can really start planning ahead and creating your strategy based on what your opponents are doing and how the commodity market is shaping up. You can block opponents from monopolizing similar types of railroads, preventing them from scoring bulk points. You can just concentrate on liquidating assets for maximum return. All of this can be done by completing just one action on your turn, and it keeps you interested in what your opponents are doing as well. That is a mark of a great game. This isn’t just multiplayer solitaire at all.

Components. The box has really really great artwork on it. In fact, the whole game LOOKS incredible. I have seen some remarks that the artwork on the building tiles is in a different style from the rest of the game and it detracts from their enjoyment and immersion. I disagree. When we played the first time I asked if my opponent noticed the difference in art style and if it detracted from the enjoyment of the game. Nope. The game board is good quality and laid out well. The commodities tokens are really great. I do wish, however, that the meeple shape matched that of the icon shown throughout the game. This is apparent in coal and iron, specifically. The others are fine and they match well enough, but there is a missed opportunity. The town and railroad cards are of good quality, and the building tiles are very thick and chunky – and ultimately not necessary to be so since you don’t really handle them much, but it’s always nice to have deluxe-feeling components. The paper money is of good quality – for paper money, that is. The best component of the game – the 1st player marker. I didn’t get it in the shot below because it just woodent (I did that on purpose) fit! It is a HUGE brown raccoon meeple and it’s marvelous. Know what else I really appreciate? THERE IS NO INSERT. Nothing to throw away as soon as you open the box because undoubtedly once you punch everything and try to put it in the useless insert there is no way so you just throw it away anyway and are left feeling like maybe they could have saved some time and money not worrying about an insert that is actually pointless and detrimental to setup and teardown (I’m looking at you, pointless Fantasy Flight box-space-eater inserts).

I don’t know if you can tell from my verbosity in this review, but I adore this game. It is sleek, it is well-produced, and ultimately it is incredibly fun to play. We at Purple Phoenix Games give this one a VERY enthusiastic 14 / 18.
Cloud City
Cloud City
2020 | City Building
Uh oh, another city-building game. I am notoriously horrible with the theme and mechanics, but I do love playing them anyway. But maybe it’s just because most games involve sprawling out, and maybe my specialty is sprawling up. Maybe, just maybe, I can be a vertical architect and leave the land-grubbing to those “other” architects.

Cloud City is a tile and building placing game for two to four players that is super light and super quick to play. In it players are building architects attempting to plan the greatest use of resources to create the most breathtaking buildings and connections of walkways all above the clouds. The winner is the player who amasses the most City Council votes by creating walkways that span daring lengths and connect same-sized buildings in the sky.

DISCLAIMER: We were provided a copy of this game for the purposes of this review. This is a retail copy of the game, so what you see in these photos is exactly what would be received in your box. I do not intend to cover every single rule included in the rulebook, but will describe the overall game flow and major rule set so that our readers may get a sense of how the game plays. For more in depth rules, you may purchase a copy online or from your FLGS. -T

To setup set aside the starter Cloud tiles for use as player tiles (they have bird icons on them). Shuffle the remaining Cloud tiles and make a giant draw stack. Reveal three tiles for an offer row. Each player draws three Cloud tiles into their hand to be kept secret from the other players. They also will take the appropriate building pieces to place on their starting tiles. Keep the building pieces nearby as they will be used during the game. Players may now begin their bids for architect supreme!
On their turn each player will place a tile from their hand to add to their city, place the corresponding building pieces on the two areas of the tile, optionally build walkways to connect buildings, and then refill their hand of tiles.

When placing a tile, a few rules must be observed: tiles must be placed orthogonally adjacent to an existing tile in the city, may be rotated any direction, and must never be placed outside of a 3×3 tile grid (like the placement rules in Kingdomino).

Once tiles are placed, grab the matching-colored building pieces for the newly placed tile and plop them down on the icons. As the building in the city begin the spring up above the clouds they will need to be connected to buildings of the same height.

To connect these buildings players will take from the supply walkway tokens of different lengths and place them between building of matching height, as shown below. It is these walkways that score the players points as votes from the City Council.

As the player now has only two tiles in hand, a third tile will need to be drawn from either the offer row or blindly from the top of the draw pile. It is now the next player’s turn and the game ends once all players have built their 3×3 city!
Components. This game consists of a bunch of thick cardboard Cloud tiles (48), a bunch more walkway tokens (93), and even more building pieces (96). The tiles are all thick cardboard with minimal but effective art, and are great quality. The walkways are similar thickness and quality and fit into the depressions on the building tops quite nicely. And finally, those building pieces. Oh man, these are great! Super durable plastic (or resin if there’s a difference? I was never very good at chemistry) in three colors and heights. Not needed but certainly appreciated is the detail on each piece with sculpted windows and doors. These are fun pieces to handle during game play and see being built in front of you. Excellent components in this box!

Gameplay is super simple and quick! There are only four real rules to remember (with some restrictions per rule, but they make sense) and as there are only three tiles in hand to build on a turn, AP-prone gamers will still be able to take acceptable-length turns. It’s quick, light, and boasts some great components.

Cloud City is a sure-fire hit and big time winner for me. In fact, I am planning on having my 4-year-old play it with me to truly test the box stating ages 10+. If I can get him to sit still for 30 minutes and concentrate on something other than the tablet or TV I think he will really enjoy it. If you are looking for a great gateway game that even could act as a filler with great components and gameplay that makes you consider the old, “Just one more” attitude, then give Cloud City a look. Blue Orange Games has really increased their production values and choices of games to release. They are remarkable! Just like Cloud City: remarkable!
Night School (2018)
Night School (2018)
2018 | Comedy
Funny...enough - especially the classmates
Both Kevin Hart and Tiffany Hadish are comedic performers that can wear their welcome out if they are not reigned in properly. They both serve best as the comic "2nd banana" of a film, rather than the lead, so it was with some trepidation that I checked out the Hart/Haddish starring comedy NIGHT SCHOOL and when the first meeting of the two was the both of them running their very fast mouths at each other, I thought - for sure - that they would wear their welcome out with me.

But a funny thing happened on the way to Night School - the focus of this film veered away from these two bantering with each other and settled into a fairly funny, fairly innocuous comedy that I walked away liking.

Directed by Malcolm D. Lee (GIRLS TRIP), Night School stars Hart as a High School drop-out who is now a motor-mouthed salesman who loses his job and just might lose his girl if he doesn't go back and get his GED so he can land a new job. Haddish stars as the teacher of the Night School. Both the leads are used sparingly enough that they were enjoyable participants in this film.

But for me, the strength of this film comes in the rogues gallery of comedians that were brought in to play the other students in the Night School. Rob Riggle, Mary-Lynn Rajskub, Romany Malco, Fat Joe and Al Madrigal are all winning and comforting strengths of this film as the adult "Breakfast Club" that fall under the spell - and direction - of Hart's character. It is a group that I loved spending time with and wouldn't mind spending more time with.

And I'm glad they are there for the Direction, plot twists and other characters are all pretty predictable, but they made it an enjoyable enough romp that I fall on the side of recommending it - especially if you are looking for a mindless comedy that will NOT require you to break into a discussion group afterward. A good "Netflix", rental or rainy afternoon on TBS comedy.

Letter Grade: B-

6 (out of 10) stars and you can take that to the BankofMarquis
Megamind (2010)
Megamind (2010)
2010 | Action, Animation, Comedy
7.1 (27 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Holds up well - very entertaining
When one thinks of Animation studios, the first 2 names that come to mind are, probably, PIXAR and DISNEY ANIMATION. Coming in 3rd on that list is probably DREAMWORKS with such hit franchises as SHREK, HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON and KUNG FU PANDA. But Dreamworks also made a few, fun "one-off" films (animation films that spawned no sequels), most notably OVER THE HEDGE, SHARK TALE and the animated film I'm reviewing today, MEGAMIND.

What? You don't remember MEGAMIND? Well, you should. Spooffing SuperHero films by focusing on the villain, Megamind stars some incredible voice talents - Will Ferrell, Tina Fey, Brad Pitt, David Cross and Johan Hill - and tells the cautionary tale of "be careful what you wish for, you just might get it."

Ferrell, of course, stars as the titular Megamind, a Super Villain who after years of failure, finally defeats SuperHero Megaman (Brad Pitt). He realizes that without his arch-nemesis, his life is empty and begins to search for meaning in his life. Along for the journey is a reporter (Tina Fey), her Cameraman (Jonah Hill) and Megamind's Minion (long before Despicable Me), David Cross.

Sounds like pretty standard stuff, huh? But in the hands of comedians like Ferrell, Fey, Cross and Hill it elevates itself to something more. The comic sensibilities make a little more sense to me when I realized that Ben Stiller and Justin Theroux were the Excecutive Producers - both very funny men. They, smartly, turned the Direction of this film over to Dreamworks Animation veteran Tom McGrath (REN & STIMPY, some of the MADAGASCAR films and THE BOSS BABY), he keeps the events of the film moving swiftly and simply, being really clear of the events and motivations of the players while not getting too clever and complex.

I caught this film on HBO, and am sure you can stream it elsewhere. If you're looking for a fun film for the whole family this Holiday Season - especially one without Princes & Princesses in it - check out MEGAMIND, it's a fun way to spend a few hours.

Letter Grade: A-

8 (out of 10) stars and you can take that to the Bank(ofMarquis)

Sarah (7798 KP) rated Black Mirror: Bandersnatch (2018) in Movies

Dec 28, 2018 (Updated Dec 28, 2018)  
Black Mirror: Bandersnatch (2018)
Black Mirror: Bandersnatch (2018)
2018 | Mystery, Sci-Fi, Thriller
A brilliant concept
Black Mirror is one of those series that is very divisive, people either seem to love it or hate it. I absolutely adore it. I love the bleak, technology driven alternate reality based stories, it’s fascinating and a worrying insight into what our future could become. I only found out yesterday that they were releasing this feature length standalone on Netflix, and when I found out it was a ‘choose your own ending’ type story, I couldn’t have been more excited. And it really does not disappoint.

The choose your own adventure style is flawless. I was worried it’d be clunky, slow or disrupt the flow of the scene, but it really is immaculate. The scene carries on while you choose, and choosing is simple, although you do have to be quite quick. It starts off with a few innocuous choices but then soon descends into ones that are a lot darker, and in some cases a lot funnier too. When you get to whatever ending you’ve reached, it allows you to go back and change some of your choices to see how the outcome would’ve differed, exactly like you’d do if you were reading a choose your ending Goosebumps book - flicking back and choosing a different option. On watching some of the alternate options, I soon realised some of the ones I’d picked were the best choices!

The plot itself is interesting and relevant, and also very meta as the story goes along, which for me really helped involve me as a watcher. There are some very bleak, gruesome and funny moments in this, which is really exactly what you’d expect from Charlie Brooker and even gets you questioning your own reality. Fionn Whitehead is great as Stefan, after this and Dunkirk he’s sure to do well. My only negative is that the story seemed to unfold very slowly in parts, but this could have all been down to the choices I made.

This is a fantastic concept for Black Mirror, and I’d love to see it used in other parts of the series. Albeit very sparingly, as it is something that could get old quite quickly if overused. But for Bandersnatch, it was a delight to watch, and take part.
Sid Meier's Civilization: A New Dawn
Sid Meier's Civilization: A New Dawn
2017 | Civilization
Components (2 more)
Simple Turns
Play Time (1 more)
Hard to get to the table
Players: 2-4
Ages: 14+
Play Time: 60-120 minutes :(

Components: The game is very nice and the board is good quality as well as the cards. The pieces are all cardboard and plastic and the colors are very nice.
Simple Turns: Easy to take turns. Easy to learn and play. Harder to strategize. You can only pick between 5 options on your turn, but depending on where they are in the line up changes everything. For example, if something is at the end of the line up, it is much more useful then being at the beginning of the line up. Everytime you use a card/action, the line up will shift down. Essentially you want to always use cards further in the line up to keep the line moving but you also need to use the right cards at the right time for your specific strategy.
Strategy: I've oh played this once but I found it hard to make a plan that would work well for me. Maybe experience would make it easier which brings me to my next topic.
Hard to get to the table: Just hearing the title makes my friends turn and run. They know the name associated with the game and that it can be a lot. Big time frame and lots of strategy. I find it hard with everyone's schedule and preferences to actually play this game. Which is why I've played it once.
Play Time: I've played a two player game and that was my only game I've played. We spent longer on the set up than actually playing. We couldn't figure out which way the board was supposed to fit together. Granted you can build it however you want really but the rules said to use that layout for the first game to make it the easiest setup. Anyways we ended the game early when other friends showed up to play something else but we could tell from where we were at and the goals we needed to achieve that it was going to be a much longer game than we had intended for the day and that was just two players.

Merissa (11953 KP) rated Sufferborn in Books

Jan 27, 2020  
J.C. Hartcarver | 2019 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Sufferborn is the story of elves and humans, how they live, and what happens when their worlds overlap. We start off in the past where Orinleah has just given birth and Daghahen is found by his brother. We learn Orinleah gives the boy a name that is banned from most of the tribes, Dorhen, meaning 'stranger'. Apparently, it means his life will not be long but be very arduous. Why she names him this isn't exactly clear as she seems so happy about it.

The pacing of this book is overall very slow. There are moments when it picks up but then it slows down again. This is good in the majority of the cases as there is always a lot going on, so it gives you time to grasp the situation as well as learning more about the characters. I would say that personally I would have found chapter headings to be helpful, just so I could find out who was talking and when, but that's probably just me.

And there are a LOT of characters too! The main ones end up being Daghahen, Dorhen, and Kalea, but trust me when I say there is a whole caboodle of characters there that will draw your attention. In fact, even in the last few chapters, you are introduced to new characters to take into book two with you.

With the slow pace and the amount of characters, it comes as no surprise this is a long book, typical of Fantasy. I wouldn't call it a Fantasy Romance as I felt the romance between Dorhen and Kalea actually wasn't that important. I mean, obviously it is or Kalea wouldn't have gone looking for him, but on the whole, there is so much more to the story than "just" romance. I would call it Dark Fantasy as there is plenty of violence and the threat of rape and/or rape scenes.

It ends on a cliffhanger so fair warning and I haven't found anything online to say when the next book is available. If Dark Fantasy ticks your box then I would recommend it.
    Tweek-a-Week: Weight Loss

    Tweek-a-Week: Weight Loss

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Kimi (2022)
Kimi (2022)
2022 | Thriller
5.0 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Better-Than-Average, but nothing more
Oscar winning Director Steven Soderbergh (TRAFFIC) could rightfully be called the current “Master of Suspense” as most of his films fall into the “Psychological Drama” category - and his latest HBO MAX film, KIMI, is a perfectly ordinary entry in his catalogue.

Starring Zoe Kravitz (BIG LITTLE LIES) in the titular role, KIMI follows an agoraphobic tech worker, in the middle of global pandemic, who thinks she might have stumbled upon a crime.

Written by veteran Screenwriter David Koepp (the OG SPIDERMAN, starring Tobey Maguire), KIMI is a better-than-average thriller with a better-than-average lead performance by Kravitz and Directed in better-than-average style by Soderbergh.

Which makes this film entertaining, somewhat interesting but nothing special.

The plot twists and turns enough that keeps you guessing, but never falls into over-the-top “you got to be kidding me” territory or something of true suspense while the performance of Kravitz is good (enough) to hold your attention without falling prey to gimmickry/tricks/twitches. It is a solid “B” performance but not better (or worse).

A highlight for me was the appearance of Robin Givens (the former Mrs. Mike Tyson) as Kravitz’/Kimi’s mother. It was good to see her get some work. On the other hand, this is counter-balanced by the horrible performance of Rita Wilson (the current Mrs. Tom Hanks) as a shady Corporate-type who does everything by twirl her mustache in her single appearance on screen.

Add on top of this some fairly pedestrian Direction by Soderbergh and you have a serviceable, passable, “good enough” film that is, mercifully, only an hour and a 1/2 long. It is one of those rare films that I wondered when it ended that if they added another 1/2 hour to this film - and added some depth to the characters (especially the villians) perhaps this would have been a better film.

But, instead, we get a pleasant (enough) diversion.

Letter Grade: B-

6 stars (out of 10) and you can take that to the Bank(ofMarquis)