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Tiny Epic Galaxies
Tiny Epic Galaxies
2015 | Dice Game, Science Fiction, Space
When it comes to game themes, I’ve got them all – modern mystery, fantasy, superhero, abstract puzzle, pirates, zombies, and more. But the one theme I never had was space. Which, thinking back on it now, is kind of weird because there are so many space-themed games out there. In my exploration of the Tiny Epic series, I eventually came to the third installment, Tiny Epic Galaxies. And thus, the space-game void I didn’t even know I had was filled. Since then, I’ve played a handful of other space-themed games, but Tiny Epic Galaxies is by far my favorite.

In Tiny Epic Galaxies, you are the leader of a galactic empire looking to expand its borders and influence across space. Unfortunately, you are not the only one vying for power – competing galactic leaders are also gathering resources and sending out scouts to planets in hopes of bringing them into the folds of their own empires. Can you outwit your opponents and stake your claim on these new planets before your rivals do? Or are you doomed to live under someone else’s rule forever?

DISCLAIMER: There are several expansions to this game, but we are not reviewing them at this time. Should we review them in the future we will either update this review or post a link to the new material here. -T

Tiny Epic Galaxies is a game of dice rolling and area control/influence in which players take turns rolling dice and activating powers in order to gather resources and increase their influence on newly-discovered planets. On your turn, you will roll a specified number of dice, and activate them in any order you choose to perform any of the available actions: move a ship, advance your colonization of a planet, acquire resources, or utilize the special power of a planet you control. Gaining control of a planet earns victory points, and the game ends once a player has reached 21 VPs. Sounds simple enough, right? But here’s a twist – when you activate a die on your turn, any other player can spend a resource to follow your action and perform the same action you just did. Make sure you keep an eye on your opponents’ ships and resources – a beneficial action for you could also earn your opponents a planet!

My absolute favorite part of all the Tiny Epic games is that they have so much more to offer than meets the eye, and Tiny Epic Galaxies is no exception. The premise of the game is simple and easy to learn, yet mastering the strategy is what keeps me coming back for more. There is no single strategy for guaranteed success, and the necessity to adapt strategy based upon your dice rolls keeps the game engaging and exciting. You may have a plan in mind, but unless the dice cooperate, you’ll have to adjust that plan on the fly. And you’ve also got to pay attention to your resources and your opponents’ turns, because you might be able to capitalize on their dice if you can afford the cost. It could potentially always be your turn, even if it’s not your official turn, since you have the ability to follow an opponent’s action. You’re coming up with your own strategy, while also trying to decipher your opponents’ strategies so you can outwit them and earn the most VPs the fastest.

Another great part of this game is that there is a good amount of player interaction, but not in a way that feels confrontational. In some situations it may feel like a bit of ‘take that,’ but remember – you’re the one who gave them the opportunity to take that action! Without you taking the action in the first place, your opponent would not have had the chance to follow you! Your strategy must transcend your individual galaxy and also take into account every other galaxy in play. In Tiny Epic Galaxies, you’re constantly interacting – some interactions are just more subtle than others.

Tiny Epic Galaxies is perhaps my favorite Tiny Epic game to date. It’s quick, simple, and yet deceptively strategic. Plus the little spaceships are so cute! If I had to pick one Tiny Epic game to use to introduce someone to the series, I would pick this one. Purple Phoenix Games gives Tiny Epic Galaxies an out-of-this-world 17 / 18.
Passengers (2016)
Passengers (2016)
2016 | Action, Drama, Sci-Fi
Not as Bad as the Critics Said
Passengers works for me largely in part due to the great chemistry between Chris Pratt and Jennifer Lawrence. Their relationship is believable, real. Exactly what I would expect from two people stuck in a space paradise together. I try to avoid words like "sizzle" and "spice" when describing onscreen pairings, but it's 7:30pm on a Tuesday night and I have folded clothes to put away. So....Chris Pratt and Jennifer Lawrence absolutely sizzle onscreen together! Free from the inhibitions of watching eyes the duo adds real spice to the film's flavor. Yep, that just happened. No regrets. Yolo.

I was surprised by how solid the film was from beginning to end. The mark of a great movie for me is consistency throughout, the same measure I use to judge a good key lime pie. Passengers kept me engaged for its entirety without managing to overstay its welcome. It's funny in parts while being touching in others. Overall the pace works.

The special effects were also impressive. The inside of the ship where most of the story takes place is a carnival of sights. Its futuristic yet a familiar touch of home at the same time. The recesses of space were captured in brilliant fashion. As main character Jim Preston (Pratt) goes exploring the expanse, you start to realize just how small and lonely he must feel in comparison.

When Preston awakens on a craft headed for another planet, he realizes the ship pulled him from hibernation too soon. It isn't long before he is joined by Aurora Lane (Lawrence) who has to help him figure out why the ship woke them up early before things go terribly wrong.

The only thing holding this film back from being great as opposed to "just ok" is implausibility. There are quite a few things that happen, both from a scientific standpoint and plot advancement standpoint, that may leave you scratching your head a bit. This film falls victim at times of trying to take shortcuts. However, if you can suspend your disbelief for just long enough and turn a blind eye, you won't be disappointed.

Some films are reviewed badly because they're...well...bad. Other films fall victim to what I call Pile-On: A few critics from the "In Crowd" don't like it so everyone else is supposed to hate it as well (see The Hitman's Bodyguard). I think Passengers suffer from the latter. See it. It won't change your life, but a great way to spend two hours nonetheless. I give it a 73.
River Marked (Mercy Thompson, #6)
River Marked (Mercy Thompson, #6)
Patricia Briggs | 2011 | Fiction & Poetry, Paranormal, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.3 (14 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book takes a different direction than previous books in the series, because Mercy is doing something that I think is quite rare in the typical Urban Fantasy heroine -- she is getting married. As a married woman, I quite like this turn and the extra confidence and sense of permanence it gives Mercy, but I don't think this is something that every reader will fully appreciate. Still, it feels fresh and new to me, and I think it has the potential to "breathe new life" into the series.
The loose ends of Stefan's mess from the previous book are quickly tied up, and the plot swiftly moves on to a "surprise" wedding for Mercy. The set-up of the wedding was quite endearing, and I even teared up a bit over it. These two sub-plots take place rather quickly, though, as the main focus of the book is what occurs during Mercy and Adam's honeymoon.
Mercy figures out quickly that they have been set up by certain fairy acquaintances for reasons that no one really knows. I was laughing at this, as it feels like a bumper sticker motto: If the world needs saving - send Mercy! So of course, Urban Fantasy heroine Mercy does not get a typical honeymoon, but one fraught with peril and impending doom.
While it may seem on the surface to be a random way to introduce new characters and magical elements into the series, I think that the events that happened at the Columbia River were a great way to focus on Mercy's native heritage and answer many of the questions that I have been harboring through the series about her ability to transform into a coyote. She makes some new friends of native descent that are able to help her tackle her looming battle with the river monster, and she discovers that she is not the only native who can become another animal. She also learns more about her father and his relationship with her mother. The walking stick also plays a major part, though I hope this is not the last we've seen of it. That stick has too many quirks to just let it go.
The river monster itself was quite a creation - as much fantasy as I have read, I've never come across anything quite like it, though some creatures of Greek mythology comes close. Abominations like that remind me why I avoid watching horror movies. The behavior of the otterkin also reminded me of the way members of a cult exalt their leader - creepy. I can't wait for the next book!
Do you like slowly wandering around the woods with no particular aim than to take in the surrounding beauty, breathe in the fresh air and be present and at one with nature? Then this book Shinrin-yoku: The Japanese Way of Forest Bathing for Health and Relaxation by Yoshifumi Miyazaki, should definitely be on your bookshelf! Honestly, if you’d asked me if there was such as thing a couple of weeks ago, I would have laughed at you and told you, you were just lazy. But it really is a thing.

Shinrin Yoku or ‘forest bathing’ was developed in Japan in the 1980s and brings together ancient ways and wisdom with cutting edge environmental health science. Believe it not, (oh, you must!) there are now forest bathing stations and walkways scattered throughout Japan, but you don’t have to all the way over there (although I would love to) to experience this simple, calming practice. No! With this book you can learn the art, strap on your walking shoes and get on out there and start your own Shinrin Yoku pathway.

Although, reading the book, it’s got a certain appeal and much more “hippyish” in China, including an itinerary of forest therapy (and tree-hugging), soba-noodle making, pottery workshops and stargazing – and that’s just day one! Can also include mediation, yoga, aromatherapy and forest concerts.

Involving all the senses, and taking all the greenery around you (and green is a very relaxing colour) you will find Shinrin Yoku benefits you in ways you didn’t know were possible. Numerous tests and studies have been made for this book. One example I’d like to share was how subjects were monitored (and properly measured) after just 15 mins walking in the morning, and 15 mins sitting and viewing the greenery in the afternoon. This short break in everyday life – reduced stress, blood pressure, pulse rate and cortisol, and increased a whole range of feelings from comfort and calmness with a decrease in anxiety.

Another great example showed the effects of just staring at a Bonsai tree for 60 seconds. Well, I tell you, I’m getting everyone I know who needs de-stressing a Bonsai tree for Christmas! It will be the best bloody present they could ask for – even if they do look at me as if I’m going mad when I ask them to just do one thing for me. Sit and stare at it for 60 seconds every day…

Now. Are there any Bonsai specialists in the UK? I want one or two.

Emma @ The Movies (1786 KP) rated Beautiful Boy (2018) in Movies

Jun 22, 2019 (Updated Sep 25, 2019)  
Beautiful Boy (2018)
Beautiful Boy (2018)
2018 | Drama
I have no doubt that everything in this film was done for a reason, I'm just not sure that those things should have been allowed to make it into the final cut. The major problem for me was the constant chopping and changing of scenes. It was difficult to keep track. At least with other films recently we've been helped by the aging process of the characters, no such luck here.

I'm becoming more and more impressed with Steve Carell's dramatic acting. In a film that lots of people seemed to cry through the only moments that really moved me were performed by Carell. I liked the analytical side of his character and his focus on research, the moment where he reaches his turning point led to some particularly strong pieces for him.

Reading trivia about Timothée Chalamet in this it seems like we have a budding Christian Bale on our hands. He lost a lot of weight for the role and had consultants to ensure his acting as a drug addict was realistic. That was disappointing to read because I didn't find him to be particularly good in this role. That's causing me problems because I'm wondering why everyone is raving about him. I can't see it. While some of his moments are very realistic for the most part it feels like someone who's just acting a role... I know that sounds stupid but I know what I mean.

There are a lot of peripheral characters that come and go, they feel surplus to requirement. The girlfriend and scenes where Nic is with his mother seem wedged in. Had their scenes been taken out and they'd just left the mother's involvement at phone calls with the father then I think we'd have been left with a film that was more like we'd been promised of a father and son's journey. These extra characters just felt misleading.

People were deeply moved by this, more than a few people, myself included, in the showing were not. It suffered from length and some meandering story that I feel ultimately ruined something with a lot of potential.

What you should do

I feel like it's my duty to say that I'm in a minority when it comes to my feelings about this film. I wouldn't recommend it... but plenty of other people would.

Movie thing you wish you could take home

I would love the picture that Karen was working on in her workshop.
Little Wonders
Little Wonders
Kate Rorick | 2020 | Fiction & Poetry
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Quinn Barrett's mantra is about being perfect. But that all crumbles when she's caught on camera at the Little Wonders Preschool Halloween parade screaming at her young son, Hamilton, and destroying his (you guessed it) perfectly-created spaceship costume. As president of the Little Wonders board, a perfect mom, and a designer, Quinn supposedly has it all together. But when fellow Little Wonders mom Daisy McGulch captures her meltdown on her phone and it goes viral, Quinn's perfect life is over. As for Daisy, she's terrified that Quinn (and the other Little Wonders parents) will find out she's responsible for the video. She's having a hard enough time fitting in the posh New England town and Little Wonders world. Daisy, with her tattoos, blue hair, and love of cosplay, isn't exactly like the other moms. But then Daisy and Quinn find themselves thrust together--and soon--maybe even friends. What will happen if Quinn finds out what Daisy did?

"In dark moments, when Quinn Barrett looked back and analyzed what caused the destruction of her entire life, she should have known it would happen at the Little Wonders Preschool Happy Halloween Costume Parade (and Dance Party)"

This book started off incredibly slow for me. Though, in its defense, I was reading it while sick with the flu and not exactly in the reading mood (or in the mood for anything, really). It took me a long time to warm to Quinn and Daisy--they just weren't the type of characters you (well, me) immediately take to. And, really, I'm a tough sell on these "mom" type books. I know these horrible type of parents exist--and these snotty schools--but some of these people and their actions just seemed so over-the-top.

I'm glad I kept reading, though, because eventually Daisy and Quinn grew into full-fledged characters, even if some of the other parents remained crazy caricatures and stereotypes. Daisy is sweet and funny, with her love of pop culture, and Quinn is relatable, with her flaws and desire for perfection. The book captures a lot of the difficult elements of parenting; what parent hasn't felt alone and out of their depth at points?

There are some really humorous moments, and I liked Daisy and Quinn's friendship a lot. Some of the events seemed a bit transparent, but Daisy and Quinn's eventual growth and my need to root for them turned this into a 3.5-star read.
The Secret Life of Albert Entwistle
The Secret Life of Albert Entwistle
Matt Cain | 2021 | Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Characters (1 more)
That it had to end! (0 more)
This book had me tearing up so many times while reading it both with sadness and happiness. We follow Albert, a postman, who keeps himself to himself and likes to keep his private life private… from everyone. He’s happy with his routine and doesn’t envision anything changing. That’s until 3 months before his 65th birthday he is given his notice of retirement. What follows is the opposite of everything that Alfred wished for.
He decides that he needs to track down the love of his life, George, who he’s not seen for 50 years. The only problem? He doesn’t know where to start! Along the way he asks for help from the unlikeliest people who go on to become his friends.
One of these is struggling single mum Nicole, who is bringing up her daughter Reenie in a new town away from any family and friends while struggling with her brand new relationship and the doubts of why someone would want to take her and her daughter on. Nicole helps Albert with technology and on his journey to find George whilst also listening to the advice from Albert to fight for what she wants in life.
Every single character in this book it extremely lovable. And while I wanted it to end, at the same time I didn’t because it meant I would have to leave Albert and Nicole’s world. Being a northerner and currently living in Lancashire, I have loved the accent coming through in the pages and the references to so many places that I have frequented. It has been so beautifully written, that you can’t help but want the best for Albert and hope that he finds his George. There’s a lot of mystery surrounding their last meeting and it’s not until near to the end that you find out what actually happened to them for them to lose touch.
With echoes of Saving Missy, this showed just how lonely people can become when they get stuck in their own routines and live alone but with the right people around us, the world can become a whole lot less lonely.
Thank you to Matt Cain and Pigeonhole for letting me read this beautiful and “terrific” love story, I didn’t want to have to leave Albert by the end of it but at the same time was so glad of all the changes that he had been through. 100% a 5 star book for me!
Peter Rabbit 2: The Runaway (2021)
Peter Rabbit 2: The Runaway (2021)
2021 | Animation, Family
Script this time appeals to both Kids and Adults (1 more)
Gleeson, Byrne and Oyelowo are great together
This bunny has legs
I appreciate I'm over 2 months late in seeing "Peter Rabbit 2". But the grandkids were staying for the weekend and wanted to see it again!

- This time the movie manages - "Paddington 2" style - to find a good balance between slapstick jokes that appeal to the target younger audience (my grandkids were roaring at certain bits) and the 'dragalong' adult audience. Some of these are gorgeously surreal - like the skiing badger in the Alps as a "university prank". It certainly passes the "6 laugh" test for a comedy, and generated a couple of good guffaws (the Austin Powers landing in the Aston Martin and the subsequent take-off was one for me).

- In the first movie, James Corden's voicing of Peter Rabbit tended to grate with me enormously. Here he gamely plays up to that, accepting that he is a bit of a "marmite" character with a lot of people. It's a fine comic moment.

- Rose Byrne and Domnhall Gleeson make a cute and watchable couple. (Rose Byrne could read the phone directory for me). They are well supported here by David Oyelowo ("Don't look into his eyes") who is the least villainous villain in any movie in recent memory! Also fun are trying to spot the guest voice artistes who include Margot Robbie, Sia, Elizabeth Debicki, Sam Neill, Lennie James and Hayley Atwell.

- A few of the jokes don't quite land (a one-note cockeral story, for example, is overplayed).

- As I've been doing some Supporting Artist work recently, I've become obsessed with observing Extras and the continuity of Extras in shots. There are a few inconsistencies in the mix on this one!

Summary Thoughts: It's fair to say (although I never actually wrote a full review for it) that I was NOT a fan of the original Peter Rabbit movie from 2018. Corden grated; there was not enough for adult viewers and some of the included scenes were highly questionable: try explaining to a three-year-old why Peter was stabbing a dead old man in the eye with his finger! I've avoided watching it again on the TV like the plague.

This sequel was, I thought, much better, being entertaining for both kids and adults. I wonder if I now watched the first movie I might find it, in hindsight, more palatable? Perhaps I will give it a try sometime.

(For the full graphical review, please check out One Mann's Movies on t'interweb, Facebook or Tiktok. Thanks.)
Bloodshot (Cheshire Red Reports, #1)
Bloodshot (Cheshire Red Reports, #1)
Cherie Priest | 2011 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
What a truly awesome and fresh take on vampires in the crowded genre of Urban Fantasy! The star of <u><b>Bloodshot</b></u> is vampire Raylene Pendle, a top thief of priceless artifacts, who takes on a case from another vampire. This vampire, Ian Stott, was blinded by a top-secret government program and wants Raylene to steal back papers dealing with those experiments. What follows is a fast-paced, scene-changing adventure filled with unique characters that fulfills everything the book promised and more.

Raylene is your typical vampire in a lot of ways: the sun gives her a nasty sunburn to the extent of death, there's no awakening to dusk after decapitation or going up in flames, and of course, she's preternaturally fast and strong. However, she differs in that she's paranoid, self-deprecating, neurotic, and a tad OCD. So while Raylene can kick some major ass and make sarcastic remarks like the rest of the UF heroines, she also second- (and third and fourth) guesses herself a lot and is always prepared for the worst, usually thanks to her quick wits and sometimes even to the helpful contents of her "go-bag". I found Raylene to be a terrific protagonist, and for someone who claims to be anti-social, she sure picks up a lot of "pet people" throughout the duration of the book, which makes her a big, warm, gooey marshmallow inside (even if she doesn't own up to the fact).

What did surprise me was how funny the book was. I laughed, giggled, chortled, snorted, and smiled (usually rather goofily) quite often (there was many a line that left me in hysterics -- good thing I was reading in the privacy of my own home). Judging by the cover, I expected a more serious and suspenseful read, but while I wouldn't say this was exactly light, it wasn't as heavy as I imagined either. The plot moves swiftly each step of the way and kept me glued to the pages; there wasn't one dull moment to be had. Every character that popped up in the book was interesting and fully fleshed out, no bores within these covers, and helped move the story along. The writing was great, from Raylene's first-person inner dialogue to the action scenes, not one thing bothered me overly much.

While there is a sense of closure to the book as a whole, the story is really just beginning and I am left eager (and impatient beyond belief) for the next installment, [b:Hellbent|9842559|Hellbent (Cheshire Red Reports, #2)|Cherie Priest||14733361] (set to come out August 30, 2011). If one book can make you a fan of an author, surely this one did it for me. Cherie Priest created a great intro to a character whose very vitality is evident every page of this book and has made Raylene one of my new favorites in the UF field.
Petrus (Fueled By Lust #12)
Petrus (Fueled By Lust #12)
Celeste Prater | 2018 | Erotica, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Petrus is the twelfth book in the Fueled by Lust series, and I would certainly recommend you read them in order. Not only will that give you a better understanding of the overall story arc, but you will get to meet the characters in greater detail, helping you to know them more.

Petrus was one of the unfortunate Insedi who had a faulty necklace. This meant that when he kissed Ireland for the first time, nothing happened, much to his distress. Ireland, of course, knows nothing about the Insedi or necklaces, so she wondered what the hell was going on. To try and protect her, Petrus was cruel to be kind, which then backfired when he found out about the faulty necklaces. So now he has to try and coax her back to him.

I love this series, I really do. I have loved each and every one of the Insedi warriors, and this book is no different in that regard. What I didn't love as much were the other men in this. I can sort of understand Ludo, especially once you learn of the near-miss between him and Ireland, although I much preferred Makar and Baruch because they were already a 'couple' (so to speak). It was Damon who didn't do it for me though. I loved how it was written with a human being included into a triad but I would have loved more from him during the book. He was there at the beginning, bam, I love you's to Ireland, but then he disappears until near the end. One evening (or so it seemed) and he's into the triad, now quadrat! And then throw in the BDSM elements that Petrus and Ludo are happy for him to take the lead on... I don't know. It just didn't feel right to me, and I pains me to write that!

There were no errors in this book that disrupted my reading, and I found myself to be just as lost within the Insedi world as ever. It just didn't move in the same way as the previous books have. And Cato is still hands-down my favourite!!!

Would I recommend this book? Absolutely! Because it is part of an amazing world full of interesting and intriguing characters. It isn't just the warriors who will delight you, but their partners too. Trust me, the women are just as badass in their own ways, and Makenna and Ireland's quips and witticisms to each other were fantastic to read. So yes, I recommend it. Just start from the beginning and you will love the Insedi just as much as I do!

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

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