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Moonfall (2022)
Moonfall (2022)
2022 | Action, Adventure, Fantasy
The late ’90s and early 2000s was filled with epic, over-the-top disaster movies focusing on all methods of world-ending cataclysmic events. Alien invasions as seen in Independence Day, set on destroying all humans and snatching our planet’s remaining resources, global warming resulting in floods and freezing temperatures, even threats of asteroids crashing into the earth. While many of these movies were ridiculous and epic at times, they all focused on a singular threat facing humankind and a group of ordinary (yet somehow extraordinary) people to save the planet and ourselves. Moonfall attempts to take another stab at the formula that made these movies famous (even infamous) resulting in some mixed and head-scratching results.

Moonfall, directed by Roland Emmerich, stars Halle Berry and Patrick Wilson as a pair of NASA astronauts that are attacked by a strange mechanical swarm while performing a routine satellite repair mission from the space shuttle Endeavor in the mid-1990s. The attack resulted in the death of one of the crew members and severely damaged the shuttle. Brian Harper (Wilson) and Jo Fowler (Berry) successfully return the shuttle to earth only to see Harper take the fall for the death of his crewman and the fall guy for a coverup to prevent the citizens of earth from truly understanding what they encountered.

Fast forward to current day and a “crazy” conspiracy theorist K.C Houseman, believing the moon to be a megastructure built by aliens, discovers that the moon’s orbit is rapidly eroding. He attempts to reach out to NASA and after several unsuccessful attempts releases his findings via social media. The top minds at NASA confirm what has been identified and estimate that they have only three weeks to execute a plan to prevent the moon from crashing into the earth destroying everything and everyone. The race for the survival of the planet is quickly on which will focus on not only the NASA “team”, but each of their family members.

Let me get this out of the way first, I personally loved many of Roland Emmerich’s wildly outlandish films. I thought Independence Day was fantastic, and even though many found The Day After Tomorrow a bit to preachy and ridiculous, I still found it entertaining for what it was. So, I was excited going into Moonfall. I was ready for a fun movie that I felt would be a mindless, fun adventure which was something I had really missed in many of the movies that had come out over the past year or two. Unfortunately, my aspirations (and even the low bar I had set my expectations for) would be quickly dashed.

Moonfall is a movie that struggles throughout to find an identity. I found myself instantly comparing several of Emmerich’s films during its roughly two-hour run time. At times its reminiscent of Independence Day, with its alien destruction of earth storyline, and then quickly jumps to a disaster film about the moon crashing into the earth. It’s as though Emmerich took pages of several of his previous films and cobbled them together into some sort of Frankenstein’s monster. There are so many plots and subplots going on that you never truly know what the main threat is. It touches on everything from the birth of humanity to the overly aggressive military, to the dumbing down of NASA all at the same time. With the exception of our heroes (and of course their entire families, because why not), everyone else is just resigned to the fact that nothing can be done. Riots of course breakout, the military is quick to decide to nuke the moon is somehow going to save the planet, and no level of crazy plan is off the table.

I’m happy to forgive an outrageous plot if the actors are able to pull it off with some semblance of believability. I know none of the actions have any real-world chance of success, and I can forgive plot holes for the sake of entertainment. Unfortunately, the acting is where Moonfall really lets the audience down. Each character is portrayed in a completely over-the-top fashion, it reminded me of watching a movie that is intentionally attempting to spoof another movie. The emotions are not believable, and the lines being delivered are literally derived from popular lines of other movies. Bonus points if you can identify which movie they are from as the film progresses. The saddest part is, this movie is trying to take itself seriously, it’s not intentionally being campy, for the sake of being campy. I think the character portrayals could have been forgiven if that was the case, but it’s clearly not. It’s actually a distraction when the story of a film is already struggling to deliver.

The movie effects go from truly spectacular, to overly CGI-infused. Ironically the space shots, which you think would be the hardest to pull off are some of its best, yet the vehicle driving scenes through the snow-covered townscape are some of the worst. It’s almost as though they spent so much of their budget on the space scenes that they had no money for the earth shots, which would be fine if they didn’t literally look so bad. It’s jarring going from one area to another and makes for a very inconsistent experience the entire time.

I believe one of the biggest tragedies of the film however is the absolutely blatant product placement. Yes, I understand that product placement has sadly been a staple in the film industry since the dawn of time. Yes, I understand that when someone is using a MacBook on-screen or riding a Peloton, it’s there for a reason. Moonfall however takes this to a Hallmark movie level. If you watch a Hallmark movie sponsored by Folgers for example, there will be clear shots of the Folgers coffee on the counter, with the cast explaining how much they love Folgers’s coffee, Moonfall utilizes this very trope. Kaspersky Anti-Virus is plastered on everything, even the Space Shuttle is protected with Kaspersky Anti-virus (which some might argue has other implications, but I won’t go there), and while avoiding looters driving through the snow-packed roads, do we really need the character to explain the need for the off-road settings on their Lexus? Talking about it is one thing, but do we really need to see the dial up-close and personal? It quickly takes you from the scene to a Lexus Christmas commercial and back again.

Sadly, Moonfall is a very disappointing film. If it were released in 1998 maybe it would be a super hit and I’d feel differently about it, but the industry has moved on since then. I had gone in knowing the film wouldn’t be realistic, but I was hoping it would at least be a nice escape from what is going on in the world today. As I have stated before, I’m a huge fan of Emmerich’s films, and while Moonfall may not be his absolute worst, it is one that will quickly be forgotten. I don’t even know if it’s one I’d revisit if it premiered on HBO or Showtime. As excited as I was, I just wouldn’t be able to recommend it.
Murder from Scratch
Murder from Scratch
Leslie Karst | 2019 | Mystery, Thriller
8.8 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
Murder From Scratch
By: Leslie Karst
Crooked Lane Books
320 Pages
Pub Date 9 April 2019
#MurderFromScratch #NetGalley
<img src=""; width="80" height="80" alt="10 Book Reviews" title="10 Book Reviews"/>
<img src=""; width="80" height="80" alt="Professional Reader" title="Professional Reader"/>

I enjoyed this book. I love me a good cozy mystery story. This book also has the recipes in the back of the book. This is a mystery so I will not go into too much detail.
The story is a about a woman who is found dead by her blind daughter. Evelyn is her name. She insists that her mom wouldn't take her life and there are clues to support her. Her cousin, Sally owns a restaurant that left to her by her deceased Aunt but before that she was an attorney. She helps her cousin but researching the clues and doing a little bit of investigating on her own. She actually helped the police with her Aunts murder in a previous book. This is the same aunt whom left her the restaurant. There is some interesting turns in this story and like I said I enjoyed myself. I was able to figure out who did it but it wasn't until 2/3's into the story. I would recommend this book for you to read if you like cozy mysteries.

Fred (860 KP) rated Venom (2018) in Movies

Apr 10, 2019  
Venom (2018)
Venom (2018)
2018 | Action, Sci-Fi
Great fun!
If you've read my reviews, you'll see I'm not that keen on the new trend of superhero movies. Everything's gotta be "epic" & so dark. This is the problem with most of DC's films & some of Marvel's films as well. To me, Wonder Woman was terrible & Black Panther just so-so. Infinity Wars was rushed & an over-load of a mess of heroes. So, it was finally nice to see a movie like Venom, where they could take a villain from the comics, & make him a fun anti-hero.

Tom Hardy was excellent as the title character, and his alter-ego, Eddie Brock. And even though none of the other actors in the film were memorable enough that I can remember them by name, it's Hardy that holds this thing together. He's funny, strong & plays the character of a no-nonsense reporter perfectly. When Venom does show up, he's everything you want in the character. He vicious, with that touch of humor that he has in the comics.

The special effects are good as well. Venom really looks like he's there & the fight between him & the villain, Riot is done well.

Unlike most superhero movies of today, this is a fun watch. It's not too long, it's not too dark (which it could have easily been, considering) & I enjoyed myself from the beginning to the end. I'm glad to see they are making a part 2.

AmyBee (4 KP) rated The Bell Jar in Books

Sep 5, 2018  
The Bell Jar
The Bell Jar
Sylvia Plath | 2014 | Fiction & Poetry
7.4 (23 Ratings)
Book Rating
I cannot believe I have only just read this for the first time! The Bell Jar is definitely deserving of it's status as a 'classic' in semi-autobiographical fiction. Plath really captures you with the stream-of-consciousness monologue of Esther Greenwood, a young woman who narrates her journey into insanity in the 1950's.

The Bell Jar is narrated in a similar vein to and is quite reminiscent of Virginia Woolf's novel 'Mrs Dalloway', although it has a decidedly more risqué tone as the narrator talks in great detail about subjects which would not have been deemed acceptable in the 1920's (such as losing her virginity!).

What particularly gripped me about this novel is that Esther's mental illness seems to sneak up on her and this is reflected in the novel, as it almost seems to take the reader by surprise that this seemingly normal young woman is falling deeper and deeper into her illness.

Mental health stigma is also clearly represented in the novel, as it almost seem is at points that Esther's illness is treated as a joke, and definitely not taken seriously by most. It's also interesting to read about the archaic means of treatment for mental health sufferers eg Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) AKA Electroshock therapy, and it's aftermath.

All in all, a very thoroughly enjoyable read. Highly recommended for lovers of classic literature surrounding mental health issues.

Sarah (7798 KP) rated Elevation in Books

Dec 6, 2018  
Stephen King | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Horror, Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.2 (13 Ratings)
Book Rating
Not bad, but lacking anything special
I picked this from the library the other day, and I was shocked to see it was a novella. I’d been so looking forward to the latest King novel, and was a little disappointed to see this only stretched to a meagre 132 pages. It’s a shame too that the story itself is also a bit of a disappointment.

King has written some brilliant short stories in his time, so once I realised Elevation was a novella, I’d been expecting another thrilling story. Sadly whilst being a decent quick read, this doesn’t have all of the usual King magic. Characters are King’s speciality and it’s fair to say that the characters in this are fairly likeable and well developed for such a short story. And usual, his writing style is impeccable. The problem is that the story is detailed, just not anywhere near detailed enough and the plot is quite weak. You probably couldn’t stretch this out for a full length novel, but that’s because the plot itself is just a bit dull and lacklustre. It reminds me a lot of a slightly different take on Thinner, which is worrying - is King starting to lose his originality?

This isn’t a terrible novella by any means. You can still see King’s captivating story telling shining through, it’s just a shame it’s a very weak plot that doesn’t live up to his talent.
Letters from the Earth is an alternative outfit. Not too long ago, they released a music video for their “Frank Ghilardi Sends Off a Long-Tenured Employee” single.

“‘Frank Ghilardi Sends Off a Long-Tenured Employee’ illuminates the life of a typical employee. Also, it examines the true value of work in the west. The song’s surrealist music video finds a somber employee attending her own absurd retirement party. Where, Foster, portraying the titular Frank Ghilardi, presents his melancholic address.” – Letters from the Earth

‘Frank Ghilardi Sends Off a Long-Tenured Employee’ tells an interesting tale in the form of a farewell speech. Also, the speech is delivered from a fictional company head to an unnamed subordinate.

The likable tune contains a relatable storyline and ear-welcoming vocals. Also, it possesses charming instrumentation which was produced and mixed by Ben Hirschfield (Against Me!, The Story So Far, and Elder Brother).

“It’s okay to cry. You’ve made it alive through forty years here at Ghilardi. Don’t be afraid of your life turning gray. There’ll be no more files to be sorted. No people to wave you on at the gate. No phone calls to take, no lunches to make, no more coming home to dinners alone.” – lyrics

Letters from the Earth consists of Matt Foster (vocals, guitar), Ben Hirschfield (guitar, keys, synth), Cameron MacBain (drums), and Morgan Foster (bass).
I loved it
Contains spoilers, click to show
All Joy Randall wants is a little old-fashioned romance, but when she participates in a "Goddess evoking" ceremony with her friend, Roxy, Joy finds out her future true love is a man with the potential to put her immortal soul in danger. At first the ever-practical Joy is ready to dismiss her vision as a product of too much gin and too many vampire romances, but while traveling through the Czech Republic with Roxy, Joy begins to have some second thoughts about her mystery lover because she is suddenly plagued by visions of a lethally handsome stranger. Then, when she and Roxy attend a local GothFaire, Joy meets Raphael Griffin St. John, head of security, and she becomes even more bewildered because the dark and dangerous Raphael seems too close to her dreams for comfort.

Oh I absolutely loved this book!! It was funny and witty full of well written steamy scenes! Kept you guessing whether Joy was going crazy or vampires truly existed! Also very refreshing to find the vamp wasn't actually the love of her life she took another route! Who by the way was totally hot!! Joy's friendship with Roxy is just perfect and a lot like most friendships. I really want to take a trip to find me a Dark one!
I love Katie Macalister's writing style it's always on the edge!

Buyer, Beware
Buyer, Beware
Diane Vallere | 2013 | Mystery
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Is Samantha in Danger Taking a Dead Buyer’s Job?
Samantha Kidd is excited about another fashion store opening up in her hometown of Ribbon, Pennsylvania. She and some friends attend the opening night party, but the party ends abruptly when Samantha stumbles on the body of a dead woman in the handbag department. The woman was the store’s handbag buyer, and the police quickly rule it a murder. Then Samantha gets another shock – the store’s owner asks Samantha to take over the dead woman’s job and use her position to help figure out what happened. But is Samantha putting herself in danger by taking a dead woman’s job?

I might not normally have picked up this book because of the fashion theme, but I already knew that author Diane Vallere can craft a great cozy mystery. Yes, fashion is certainly an aspect of the book, and even plays into the plot, but it never overwhelmed the story or bored me since the book never loses sight of the fact that it is a mystery first and foremost. And what a mystery! The suspects are all outstanding and do a great job of misleading us. Samantha has to deal with twists and red herrings galore until she finally figures things out. I did feel a few of the details could have been smoothed into the story better, but that’s a minor complaint overall. I enjoyed this book and need to make time to visit with Samantha again soon.
The Dragon&#039;s wing (Kit Davenport book 2)
The Dragon's wing (Kit Davenport book 2)
Tate James | 2020
9.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Packed with action
Contains spoilers, click to show
I should have known my quest for vengeance would eventually be my downfall. I should have been more careful, more paranoid - but I'm glad I wasn't. Who knew that getting caught for my crimes would lead to so much happiness?

But joy can be fleeting...

It turns out, this battle is only just beginning. With ultimate power on the line, my faceless enemies will stop at nothing to capture me, dead or alive. I need to master my abilities, fast, or this could be the end for someone I care far too deeply about.

I'm Kit Davenport and this is going to be a bumpy flight.

We kick off with Kit and the boys paintballing it doesn't take long for Kit to land her self in trouble and her waking up ready to be sold as a sex slave. We follow Kit as she meets the mysterious buyer and new love interest Vali a Romanian mafia boss.

He helps her get back to the boys after she helps him heal from almost dying. Back with her boys we find out Vali Coles mysterious brother she's turned the both into Dragon shifters and someone just seriously wants her dead!!

This book is rammed with action in and out of the bedroom. I enjoyed it so much more than the first book and can't wait to read more.

