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Chris Sawin (602 KP) rated Bronson (2009) in Movies

Jun 19, 2019 (Updated Jun 20, 2019)  
Bronson (2009)
Bronson (2009)
2009 | Action, Drama
Michael Peterson has always wanted to be famous, but didn't really have any potential to be much of anything. So he robbed a post office and received a seven year sentence. That seven years soon became over thirty and the majority of it was spent in solitary confinement. It was during this time that Michael Peterson let his alter-ego, Charles Bronson, take over. During his multi-year prison sentence, Peterson became violent and unpredictable. To this day, he's still considered to be Britain's most famous prisoner. Michael Peterson was no more and Charles Bronson was all that remained.

Bronson is one of the more interesting films I've had the pleasure of sitting through as of late. In the trailer (and movie poster), a quote can be seen where a reviewer called the film, "A Clockwork Orange for the 21st century." That quote is really spot-on. There is a big Clockwork Orange influence in this film. While Michael Peterson narrates the entire film, the film jumps between what actually happened and Peterson performing in front of an audience in a rather large theater. The make-up, the setting, and Hardy's performance are all very Clockwork Orange-esque. Another film that came to mind was Snatch. The action sequences and a lot of the humor gave off the same kind of vibe Guy Ritchie's film did. Bronson is very much its own film, but shares the same beloved qualities of the films mentioned.

Bronson is what it is because of Tom Hardy's performance. He's guiding you through his life, his dreams, and his goals while you're with him the duration of the film, so it's only logical that he steals the show since he gets the most screen time. The fact that he doesn't waste any of it is something to be proud of though. He makes what would be a rather dismal story entertaining, exciting, and worth sitting through. Hardy's performance is the highlight of the film. There's really no questioning that.

Bronson was really a sleeper hit for me since its premise didn't interest me at all, but it wound up luring me in with its trailer. It's a very unorthodox type of film that isn't like many other films out there. Films like Bronson think outside the box of normal cinema and is the type of gem you'd hope to find whenever you journey out to your favorite theater. If you're looking for a film that is a knock-down-drag-out, eccentric, thrill-ride with a strong lead actor performance, then look no further. Bronson is exactly what you're looking for.
My teacher gave me a small stack of books to read upon hearing how much I love reading, and claimed that this was her all-time favourite. Honestly, the title is what really appealed to me - clearly, it wasn't anything to do with Breakfast at Tiffany's, but I appreciated the reference.

This novel, this memoir, is a truthful, brutally honest book about life. I can't say I know what it's like to be in the author's place - I'm not a man, I'm not gay, I am not the guardian of my niece and I don't even live in America - but the little things are just so real.

Tiffany's home life isn't great, and one day her uncle volunteers to take her in. Never did he anticipate so much drama and pain from such a small girl. She's thirteen when she first moves in with her Uncle Eddy, and despite being a nice girl she is known to hang around with the wrong crowd. No matter how hard he tries, Eddy cannot prevent her from finding similar friends at her new school.

The pair really go through their ups and downs, and Ed himself talks a lot about personal thoughts and issues. He'd tested HIV-positive many years ago, and was also an unsuccessful actor. He broke up with his boyfriend relatively recently, and suffers from obsessive compulsive disorder. Basically, life just has not turned out the way he'd planned.

Living with a teenager teaches him a lot of things. He is reminded of his own youth, and has to get on with his life all while keeping Tiffany going too. It's not easy. Things do get rough, and he does find himself wondering why he ever got himself into this. But in the end their relationship is good, and they have a lot of fun together.

I did find this book great. It has hints of humour, conveys the bitter truth, and even gave me a taste of what it's like to be a guardian of a teenage girl. There are definitely references I would have appreciated more had I been older than sixteen, and many of Ed's problems, thoughts or situations may have been more interesting or important to an older generation.

That being said, I actually kind of loved this book. It isn't quite in my favourites - but who knows, maybe in thirty years time it will be. I think I can easily give Breakfast with Tiffany: An Uncle's Memoir 4.5 stars out of the full five.

LeftSideCut (3778 KP) rated X-Men: Apocalypse (2016) in Movies

Aug 19, 2019 (Updated Oct 25, 2019)  
X-Men: Apocalypse (2016)
X-Men: Apocalypse (2016)
2016 | Action, Sci-Fi
A dammmnnn shame
Contains spoilers, click to show
Oh boy.

I'm going to get straight to the main flaw with this one - I'm not sure how someone can really mess up Apocalypse so bad - he is a great X-Men villain. I remember watching the cartoon as a kid, being enamoured whenever Apocalypse turned up. The first mutant, practically a god, terrifying voice etc.
The Age of Apocalypse story arc is also a great comic - one where we see just how dangerous Apocalypse can be.

But instead of this classic villain, we get, well whatever the hell this is.
Oscar Isaac is give or take in other films I've seen him in, he just sort of exists to me, but I'm sure he did the best he could with what he was given.
But the character we're presented with in X-Men: Apocalypse is a mutant that isn't particularly terrifying, whose motives aren't very clear, and who speaks in a goddam normal human voice for the entire movie.
He looks, ok I guess, a little Ivan Ooze-ish at times, and there is a (very) brief moment where his voice goes all demonic and his eyes turn white, which offers a tiny glimpse of what could have been.

Elsewhere, the still awesome Michael Fassbender is relegated to a sidekick character, new cast members such as Psylocke, Angel, and Storm are there just to strike poses to edgy rock music, and Quicksilver gets a re hash of his great scene from DOFP that just doesn't quite hit the mark this time round.

The introduction of Sophie Turner as Jean Grey is fine, and it's nice to see a young Cyclops, Nightcrawler etc, but they're not given too much to do. It all just feels like one big wasted opportunity.

The film would have been much better and ballsier had it ended with Apocalypse winning, and ushering a full on Age of Apocalypse scenario for a sequel, but instead, he is dispatched with not too much trouble, as the writers poorly shoehorn in a segue for Dark Phoenix (for the second time in this franchise)

It's not all bad, there are times where I felt I was watching the cartoon come to life. The opening scene in ancient Egypt was pretty fun, and I actually quite enjoyed the brief Wolverine scene - those few minutes were way more entertaining to me than the entirety of X-Men Origins: Wolverine.

Overall though, this one had me wanting the rights to return to Marvel Studios.
Survaine (Gen-Heirs: The Guardians of Sziveria #6)
Survaine (Gen-Heirs: The Guardians of Sziveria #6)
Sarah Westill | 2023 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
SURVAINE is the sixth book in the Gen-Heirs: The Guardians of Sziveria series and we finally get Ramsey's story! Oh boy, but I've been waiting for this one. She is smart and sassy, with a strong sense of right and wrong. Due to her circumstances, she has been protected by her brother as much as he can. But unknown to Jonathan, she met Caiden one night when things were bad. A connection formed and he returned to her when she needed him most, even if she wasn't aware of it!

I love this series. Honestly, each book is great in its own way. This one - it was Ramsey and Caiden that were the stars for me. I mean, obviously, it should be; it's their book. It doesn't always work that way though. I loved how Ramsey was uncomfortable and even a little whiny as she dealt with things she'd never had to do before.

It was also good to catch up with others from this series - Sean and Katria plus Jonathan and Sylphine - to see what's going on with them. Others are mentioned as this story moves the story arc along in a big way, which although needed is one of the reasons I felt a little disconnected from Ramsey and Caiden. Take them as separate characters and they are both outstanding. Both of them are strong but not infallible. They draw strength from each other and have an attraction to top the charts - BUT - I felt as though something was missing.

After thinking it over, I've come to the conclusion that it's because this is such an action-packed book. And I know it's necessary and helped move it along, but they never got any downtime. When we're with them, it's either action or wannabe sexy times. There was little in the way of just 'them.' And I missed that as, in the bits we did get, Caiden was so caring and attentive, with Ramsey being so strong and cheeky, I wanted more.

All in all, this was a fantastic read and a wonderful addition to the series. I can't wait to read Deklan's story and I'm really hoping Ryan and Delanee get one too! Definitely recommended by me.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Jun 13, 2023

Kristy H (1252 KP) rated Dear Thing in Books

Feb 13, 2018  
Dear Thing
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Claire and Ben have a seemingly ideal life - good jobs, a beautiful house, and what seems to be a strong relationship. But they've been trying to have a baby for years, and it's starting to take a toll on them and their marriage. After yet another failed round of IVF, Claire is done. She cannot put her body (and her heart) through this pain yet again. Ben is upset and not ready to give up. So when his best friend, Romily, drunkenly offers to act as a surrogate for the couple, Ben jumps on it! Why not? Romily -- already a single mom to Posie -- seems like the perfect choice, after all. And Romily does want to give Ben and Claire the baby they so desire. But if she really admits it, she really wants to give *Ben* this baby: Ben, whom Romily has secretly loved since university. Will Romily really be able to give up this baby? And, can she give up Ben?

This was a lovely and fascinating book, which I devoured in the span of about 24 hours. It's an extremely quick read with well-drawn characters who immediately pull you into the story. Having struggled with infertility myself, I certainly identified with Claire, but also found pieces of Romily and Ben to love as well. One of the strengths of Cohen's book is that there is no one true "winner" here - you don't go in and immediately find yourself rooting for one of the women and their "side," which I think benefits the entire book and its storyline.

Some of the plot is almost a little too unbelievable (and sometimes I'd like to swat clueless Ben in the head), but most of it is made up for by the realism of the characters and their emotions. Claire, especially, in her fertility struggle, is true to form, as is Romily, as she struggles with her feelings for Ben. Romily's young daughter Posie is a wonderful character - you will immediately fall for spirited, sweet Posie.

To me, the only weakness of this book was the ending, which seemed a little to pat and simplified for all the complicated emotions the characters had been struggling with throughout. That's the only thing preventing a 4-star rating. Still, a solid 3.5 read and, really, a lovely and worthwhile book. It gets you out of your head for a bit.

I received an ARC of this novel from Netgalley (thank you!); it is available for U.S. publication on 3/29. You can check out a review of this novel and many others on my <a href="">blog</a>;.

Alice (12 KP) rated Blood Bank in Books

Jul 3, 2018  
Blood Bank
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review</i>

Blood Bank is the first book by Zoe Markham that I’ve read and it was one of those “swallow you whole” books. It was only a short little novella but it was packed full of action and kept your interest from the get go.

From the very first page we’re drawn into a story about the paranormal like no other; it begins with a carnival and quickly transfers into the town of Swindon and vampires. Not just any vampires – we’re talking brutal business men – not the romantic kind we all know – but vampires you DO NOT FUCK with.

There’s a club in Swindon where only the down-on-their-luck can get an invitation into its depths, where, if you can’t pay in money, you pay in the next best commodity – blood. The characters we see in this book are Zack, Ben and Lucy – all three of whom eventually have a link.

Zack and Lucy are in a relationship and this is basically where the story begins, they’re out on a date and as usual Lucy ends up paying for it, Zach has got himself into some big time debt and the only way to get out of it is to donate his blood.

Ben is a vampire – 10 years converted and hating it more each day – he comes to Lucy’s rescue when something bad happens to her and they develop a relationship that seems to be healthier than Lucy and Zack’s one. Zack has got the ugliest bracelet on which was supplied to him by his new employer, the creepiest priest agoing y’all. When they call, he has to come, if he doesn’t then the debt goes to his nearest and dearest.

The writing style of this book was one that I really liked, the correct terminology was used for the enemy of the vampires which was great and there was a suitable amount of freak out on Zack’s part and it was written with that in mind. Lucy was surprisingly mature given her age and I liked that about her.

There also wasn’t a lot of unnecessary filler dialogue or descriptions which I sometimes find with novellas – as if they struggled to fill the small amount of pages novellas take up – I didn’t find this with Zoe’s Blood Bank which has kind of given me an insight into her other writing which I’d love to read.
Spinning Silver
Spinning Silver
Naomi Novik | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry
9.3 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
I had previously read Uprooted, and adored it, so I was eager to get my hands on this book as soon as it came out. I was very excited to see it as a Book of the Month choice for July, and quickly made it my pick!

I received the book last weekend while I was at Anthrocon, so I didn't get a chance to sit down with it until yesterday. (It officially came out Tuesday.) I proceeded to read straight through the entire book because it was SO. GOOD. Novik writes absolutely ENTHRALLING fairy tales. And in Spinning Silver, she has written fae as beautiful, alien, capricious, and as absolutely bound by rules as they should be. Doing a thing three times, even by normal means, gives one the power to ACTUALLY do the thing; in Miryem's case, turning the Staryk's silver into gold (by creative buying and selling) means she gains the power to LITERALLY turn silver into gold. Which then gets her into the trouble the rest of the book is built on.

One of my favorite lines was very near the end of the book, about the Staryk palace:

"The Staryk didn't know anything of keeping records: I suppose it was only to be expected from people who didn't take on debts and were used to entire chambers wandering off and having to be called back like cats."

My only real quibble with the book is that it shifts viewpoints between at least five characters, and doesn't start their sections with names or anything, so it takes a few sentences to figure out who's talking. It never takes too long, but it did occasionally make me go "Wait, who is this....ah, okay."

The plotlines weave in and out of each other's way for most of the book before all colliding into each other at the end and showing how everything connects. I was definitely confused on occasion, but it was that enchanting Alice-in-Wonderland kind of confusion more than actual puzzlement. The book is, by turns, a mix of Rumpelstiltskin, Tam-Lin, Winter King vs Summer King, Snow Queen, and a little Hansel and Gretel. I love seeing elements of so many fairy tales woven together and yet still remaining recognizable.

And the ending! Oh, the ending was absolutely, marvelously perfect.

I loved this book, just as much as I loved Uprooted. I can't wait to see what fairy tales Novik spins next!

You can find all my reviews at
The Corrupted (2019)
The Corrupted (2019)
2019 | Crime, Drama, Thriller
The first thing you notice about The Corrupted is that it's filmed like a TV crime drama. The atmosphere, the style, everything screamed mini-series. It's an interesting story and I enjoyed it, but it gives a very different vibe to a "normal" film. It's difficult to explain. It's something you'd watch while ironing or when you've got a take away coming. It's the perfect accompaniment to doing something else not sitting in silence in the dark, it needs interaction, someone to discuss with while it's on.

Timothy Spall makes a pretty good villain in this, I probably would have also accepted Tim Roth in this role. Spall did seem to be channelling some of his mannerisms.

Sam Claflin as Liam brings the interesting mix of warmth and no-nonsense in his character to life. He turns on a knife edge from family man to criminal, although the latter is more of a protective quality than criminal endeavour.

It's been a long time since I've seen a film where I thought all the acting was excellent, The Corrupted has a fantastic bunch of actors and actresses in it. At the same time as being excited about them all though, I'm sad. This probably would have got more notice as a TV series. I went in with no real knowledge of this, I hadn't even seen it advertised anywhere apart from checking upcoming listings. It was criminally under publicised considering how much marketing King Of Thieves got and didn't deserve.

Noel Clarke as a detective really works for me. He seemed very comfortable in the role and it was nice to see him without a dubious accent... I'm looking at you Fisherman's Friends. I can't say I liked where his story went but the journey there was fantastic. I've been trying to find a listing online of character names, I can only find things listing him as Beckett but I'm sure I heard him call himself "Noel" but at another point his partner calls him "Neil"... of course I can't guarantee my hearing wasn't shot.

Loosely based on real events, The Corrupted offers a surprisingly gritty crime drama. While it does have the odd moments that make you wonder how it made the cut, those are greatly outweighed by the good points. I'll definitely be watching this again at some point, I'm also seeing a potential gift for my dad coming up.

Originally posted on:
The Night Swim: A Novel
The Night Swim: A Novel
Megan Goldin | 2020 | Mystery, Thriller
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Dark, timely and propulsive thriller
Rachel Krall, from the popular Guilty or Not Guilty true crime podcast, finds herself in the town of Neapolis, North Carolina for season three. It's the first time she's covered a live trial, and it's a divisive rape trial no less. A high school girl "K" has accused popular swimmer Scott Blair of raping her. It's set the town on edge and brought up lots of questions about reputations and who can be believed. As Rachel arrives in Neapolis, she's shocked to find a letter on her car--rarely is the radio host recognized in public. But someone in the town wants her help unlocking the mysteries of what happened to her sister over twenty-five years ago. Jenny Stills' death--at sixteen--was ruled a drowning, but the letter writer insists she was murdered, and they want Rachel to help her find the killer. Quickly the past and present intertwine, as Rachel realizes the two cases may be connected.

"That's why I'm writing to you, Rachel. Jenny's killer will be there. In that town. Maybe that courtroom. It's time for justice to be done. You're the only one who can help me deliver it."

Goldin offers us an excellent thriller with a pervasive eerie feel. While, for the most part, I find myself tired of podcast tales, The Night Swim offers an overall fresh take on the genre, weaving in Rachel's episodes about the trial with her own investigation into both the current case and the Stills drowning. We also hear from the past, giving us even more insight into what happened to Jenny all those years ago. The result is a spellbinding, sometimes heartbreaking, read that's nearly impossible to put down.

I highly enjoyed putting the pieces together on this one--as they filter in via our various narratives. I had an early guess that proved to be right, but that didn't diminish my enjoyment of the book in any way. The ending was a little different, but overall, I was a big fan of the intersection of the two cases and the dark and timely themes this book brought up--rape, assault, and more. It offers an unflinching look at what women experience: and how rarely they are believed, trusted, or can turn to anyone.

Overall, this is an excellent, fast-paced thriller with two storylines that work well together. It's creepy and dark, with a strong, unforgettable message. 4 stars.