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The Wicked Deep
The Wicked Deep
Shea Ernshaw | 2018 | Paranormal, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
Everything a contemporary fantasy should be
I got a copy of The Wicked Deep in a book sub box, I had seen it around but didn't know much about it which is perfect because sometimes knowing can turn me away, as i'm often a creature of habit. I'm not really a fan of fantasy in a contemporary setting but this book changed my mind completely! I think that this is because the small town of Sparrow doesn't feel contemporary. Forgotten for most of the year, it's a crumbling town being slowly reclaimed by the sea. With no chain stores or high street names it's kind of trapped in time, which all ends up adding to the authenticity of Swan Season - A short time each year where it's said that the drowned witch Swan sisters return to the shore to claim the lives of men in the town. Despite there actually being annual deaths, tourists still flock to Sparrow every year. The story is also nicely interposed with chapters about the history of the town and the Swan sisters time there, which also gives it a less contemporary feel.

Before I go any further I want to cut to one thing, this book has been published by Simon and Schuster's Children's Division - so set your sights here. Yes this is a tale of darkness, murder and revenge, but don't expect it to be graphic or horrifying - I mention this as I have seen some people complain that it isn't enough of those things. YA covers a large age range and sometimes it's going to be towards the lower end and to be honest, the story telling is so fantastic that it doesn't need to be graphic or over the top. I think Shea Ernshaw does an amazing job of conveying dread without resorting to shock. That's also evident that despite the subject matter this is a really easy and captivating read, I couldn't put it down and read it in a day!

There isn't a character I disliked. The sisters were portrayed brilliantly, all reacting differently to the 200 years of vengeance and I found it a really interesting take on how they can become either weary or sharpened by this. The children of the town as well were thoughtfully considered with how they have come to accept the fate of the town they were born into, and almost embrace it like a birthright, despite knowing what the fates could have in store. I want to be careful of saying too much about the characters as there is some brilliant misdirection and a twist to this tale, which kept me on my toes.

The story feels very ethereal, from the mists of the sisters song to the decrepit lighthouse island and the run down township. Even the antics of the children at the start of Swan Season seems as if they are already under a spell rather than the elaborate dares they look to be playing - perhaps that is a spell over the whole town, in that they float along knowing what is coming yet seem in no hurry to change or move to do anything about it.

I loved this book for so many reasons and it's beautifully not afraid to be a stand alone which is so refreshing at the moment. The cover is gorgeous too! I have no hesitation in giving this book 5*

Daniel Boyd (1066 KP) rated A Star Is Born (2018) in Movies

Oct 19, 2018 (Updated Oct 19, 2018)  
A Star Is Born (2018)
A Star Is Born (2018)
2018 | Drama, Romance
Bradley Cooper's direction (2 more)
Both lead performances
Great original songs
Some odd character motivations (0 more)
Better Than Expected
Contains spoilers, click to show
I have dragged my other half to see plenty of stuff recently that she has sat through because I wanted to see it, so I thought it was about time that I let her drag me to something that she fancied seeing. I'm pretty glad that she did.

I expected A Star Is Born to be full of cheesy dialogue and crappy pop songs and I didn't know what to expect from Bradley Cooper's first time in the director's chair. Thankfully, my uncertainty and doubt was proven wrong. This is an absolutely fantastic directorial debut from Cooper. There were several parts in the movie where it felt similar to a Clint Eastwood directed movie, the influence that Clint obviously had on Cooper when they worked together for American Sniper has clearly paid off here. The cinematography is brilliant throughout the film and he gets a lot out of his actors too.

Considering Cooper is an actor, he plays an exceptionally convincing rock star as Jackson Maine. His voice is phenomenal and if all of the guitar playing was done by him, then that was impressive also. Likewise, considering Lady Gaga's background is as a singer and not an actress, she did a pretty great job in this role as Ally - even if she is playing a character very similar to herself. Sam Elliot is also fantastic, (as he always is,) as Jack's older brother and I reckon could be in for an Oscar shout for best supporting role.

In order to talk about the main negative I had with the film, I am going to have to spoil the way that it ends. So SPOILERS from this point on, you have been warned.

I know that Jackson didn't commit suicide just because of what Ally's sleazy agent said to him at the end of the movie, but I only know that because I had to fill in the blanks myself. The way that the movie presents it, is as if the agent tells Jack that he's an embarrassment to Ally and that's what makes him want to hang himself, which to me isn't justification enough to have a character take their own life, especially a character like Jackson Maine. The argument could be made that it wasn't what the agent said that led to Jack's suicide, but because he said out loud the way that Jack sees himself. As a burden and embarrassment to Ally. Although, if this was the case I feel like the movie could have driven it home a bit more. Like I said, I know that there was more to the character's decision to end his life than that, but the movie doesn't show it, instead making it look as if he decided to hang himself because of a smarmy wee prick's obnoxious comments.

Overall, this film was far better than it had any right to be. Although, the movie is funny in parts, overall it takes itself more seriously than I expected it too and I think that it is better for it. It may not win best picture, but I reckon it deserves a nomination, as does Bradley Cooper for best director.
Beautiful Boy (2018)
Beautiful Boy (2018)
2018 | Drama
Well acted, directed and written...and dour
The advertisement for BEAUTIFUL BOY says that it is a "heartbreaking and inspiring experience of survival, relapse and recovery of a family coping with addiction".

Heartbreaking, yes. Survival, relapse? Yes. Inspiring? Not so much.

Telling the tale of the true story of David and Nic Sheff (based on their memoirs), BEAUTIFUL BOY stars Steve Carrell as David and the wonderful Timothee Chalamet as Nic. It chronicles their relationship and David's attempt to help his son who has descended into addiction to drugs up to (and including) crystal meth and heroin. This is a tough tale, told rather unflinchingly and with great love and affection. It is also grim and dower. The highs are not really all that high and the lows are really, really, really low.

Which makes for a tough film to watch - it's a very good film - written, directed and acted well - but it's a tough film to sit through.

Let's start with the performances of the two leads. We view most of this film through the eyes of the Father, played by Steve Carrell. We start the film "in progress", meaning that Carrell's character of David has already come to the realization that his child is in the grips of something that he might not be able to get out of. Because of that, Carrell's character starts sad and somber and goes down from there. It is a well acted performance, but he is not asked to do much more than be sad and somber, punctuated by moments of frustration and anger and is somewhat overshadowed by the showier role and performance by Chalamet as the drug-addicted son.

I have now seen Chalamet in 4 films - INTERSTELLAR, LADYBIRD, CALL ME BY YOUR NAME and now BEAUTIFUL BOY, and in each one of these he was an actor that required your attention. He has a way of drawing you into his character's thoughts and feelings without saying or doing much. He is a "quiet" performer with a strength that is appealing and is no different in this film He was nominated for an Oscar for CALL ME BY YOUR NAME and I will not be surprised if his name is called again this year.

Joining Carrell and Chalamet are Amy Ryan and Maura Tierney as Nic's Mother and Step-Mother. Both are equal to the task that is given them - to be supportive, worried and sad - all at the same time. It would have been interesting to flesh out these roles in this tale, but that would have made this film something different than what it is intended to be - a tale of a father's inability to help his son, no matter how hard he tries.

Ultimately, the issue with this film is there is no variety to it. It stays, for the most part, on one emotional note throughout the course of it's 2 hour running time - somber and sad. That constant feeling of dourness makes this rather slow running film seem even slower, causing quite a bit of rustling and shifting in the chairs.

It's an important film about an important subject - I just wish they would have varied the pitch of it from time to time. Well acted, well written - and dour.

Letter Grade: B+

7 1/2 (out of 10) stars and you can take that to the Bank(ofMarquis)
Alice Takes Back Wonderland
Alice Takes Back Wonderland
David D. Hammons | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Review copy provided by the publisher via Netgalley
This review and more can be found at <a href="">In Wonderland</a>

Alice Takes Back Wonderland is one peculiar book – it took awhile for me to get into the story, but not bad overall (I've read worse).

The main character, Alice, is a little similar to Alyssa from Splintered – she talks to bugs and flowers, and they talk to her as well. And unlike Alyssa, who keeps her "ability" a secret, those around Alice assume she's a nutcase – she's been assumed to have schizophrenia along with ADHD. Alice also isn't related to Wonderland Alice – she just ended up going down the rabbit hole at seven and came back a completely different person.

Years later, just when Alice thinks everything in Wonderland was an imagination, the White Rabbit appears again to bring Alice back to save Wonderland. There, Ace of Spades has taken over the land and has been trying to "humanize" the creatures by taking the wonder out of them, thus taking Alice back down the rabbit hole once more.

When Hammons introduces us to Wonderland and Alice tries to reunite with the creatures she met when she was seven, it's really hard to get into the story (and at the beginning too – no fun). There's a lot of nonsense going on in Wonderland with very little sense – I haven't read Alice In Wonderland by Lewis Carroll myself, but I personally think Hammons did a pretty good job trying to capture the nonsensical aspect Carroll uses in the original story.

Now, in the case of getting me to read the story, however, I'm starting to think I should just call it off (much to Ella's dismay).

As soon as Alice leaves Wonderland to recruit other kingdoms (fairy tales), on the other hand, the story becomes less nonsensical and more of something that I could fully comprehend and wrap my head around. (I got the gist of Wonderland – I did not understand what all the creatures were saying.) Hammons introduces us Peter Pan and the Lost Boys, Pinocchio, Cinderella, Snow White, Sleeping Beauty – all recognizable in some way. But that's not all the fairy tales involved.

Hammons also throws in heroes of myth and legend as well – people such as Joan the Ark, Hercules, King Arthur, Loki, etc. At that point, I pretty much took a step back (or almost) from the book. There are way too many tales involved in this battle to take back Wonderland and stop the Ace of Spades from taking the wonder out of everyone. Those characters don't play a major role like Peter Pan, Pinocchio, Snow White, and all the ones mentioned earlier, so it's less confusing. I just think Hammons should have kept it strictly at fairy tales rather than all of them.

(I'll give him this: all of them are individual kingdoms instead of mushed together into one. Less confusing.)

To make it worse, most of the characters also play multiple roles, which I won't say because I might spoil something. But still – too much myth and legend is mentioned in this vast world Hammons creates.

Overall, not bad for a book that takes far too many tales into its plot. It takes some time to get used to the story, but once you get past Wonderland's bit of remaining nonsense and enter Neverland and the Grimm Kingdom, the story has an adventure or two as Alice learns that maybe fairy tales aren't as literal as they seem.
The Music Man: Other Dimensions
The Music Man: Other Dimensions
Moonyani Write | 2019 | Children, Science Fiction/Fantasy
2.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I enjoyed how the students from our dimension and those from the other dimension interacted with each other. (0 more)
The amount of repetition is this book was a major issue for me and made it extremely hard to read. To be honest I got bored with it quickly. (0 more)
Honest Review for Free Copy of Book
Before you read this review I just want to mention that I do like the idea behind this book and do not want to discourage anyone from reading it. This was just my personal opinion as all my reviews are.

 The Music Man: Other Dimensions by Moonyani Write picks up directly where the previous one left off. It has the same writing style as the previous one for those who enjoyed that. However, at the time of my writing this the book could still use some work (although keep in mind I am just a reader and not an editor).

 This second book welcomes back The Music Man (Cornelius), Jimmy, and his friends at a boarding school for the musically gifted. At first, Jimmy believes all the previous events are just a dream but he soon pins down Cornelius, who just happens to be a teacher at his school and learns the truth. The bad news is Hornsbury and the witches have returned in the other dimension and are trying to steal the other Jimmy’s talents and take over the world.

 Before Jimmy and his friends can stop Hornsbury and save everyone they must complete a few other tasks. The first of these tasks is to save Chris from his possession and return the book he stole to its rightful owner, Priala. Priala is a powerful witch and on the side of good who has agreed to help stop Hornsbury so long as she gets her spellbook back first. They also want to help Phillip regain his human form and free all those already possessed by Hornsbury. Sadly all seems lost when both Jimmy’s and Cornelius’s girlfriend are captured by Honsbury. It then becomes a race against the clock to stop him before it is too late.

 I enjoyed how the students from our dimension and those from the other dimension interacted with each other. It was interesting to see how the friendships formed almost instantly between many of them. Of course, the surprise at the end was nice, although it mirrored the ending of the first book. The amount of repetition is this book was a major issue for me and made it extremely hard to read. To be honest I got bored with it quickly. The story is slow to make progress and it seems like there are character descriptions thrown in at random which interrupts the flow of the story. It could be the format that I received this book in but yet again there were few paragraphs and almost every sentence started a completely new line.

 This book is ideal for children as I found nothing inappropriate in it. It might be a bit on the long side for some younger readers but making one chapter at a time a reading goal should help with that issue. I rate this book 1 out of 4. Unfortunately, I found this book to be way too repetitive and slow to be enjoyable. In contrast, the big battle at the end that everything was leading up to was over so quickly that it didn’t create any tension or excitement. I do not like doing this but in this book’s current condition I can not recommend it.
Army of the Dead (2021)
Army of the Dead (2021)
2021 | Action, Horror, Sci-Fi
6.8 (21 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Took To Long To Get To The Fun Part
I love me a good Zombie flick. I also love me a good Heist flick. So…when I heard that Zack Snyder (JUSTICE LEAGUE) was making a “Zombie/Heist Flick”, I thought “what’s not to like”?

Turns out…plenty.

A pet project of Sndyer’s that has been stuck in “development hell” in Hollywood for almost 2 decades, ARMY OF THE DEAD tells the tale of a group of mercenaries that look to rob $200 million from a vault under the casinos of Las Vegas - one small problem…Las Vegas has been walled off as a way to contain a zombie plague.

My first warning that this was not going to a pleasant experience is that this film has a 2 1/2 hour run time. That certainly seems bloated for a Zombie film and the first 1 1/2 of this flick certainly proves this out as Snyder - ham handedly - seeks to flesh out each of the characters in long, boring exposition scenes that didn’t really add anything to the tension or action. Well…it did add something…restless boredom.

But…I gotta admit, once the group of mercenaries make their way to the vault in Las Vegas, the last hour of the film was pretty darn fun.

Dave Bautista (Drax in the GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY films) leads the group of mercenaries and Ella Purnell (Emma in MISS PEREGRINE…) is his estranged daughter. I won’t bore you with the details of why these 2 are estranged…but they are and Bautista insists that his daughter NOT come along on this mission. So you know what happens next…yep, she comes along and I was rooting for her to get killed almost from the start. Neither of these 2 characters work and since they are central to the story they are really at the root of the problems with the first 1 1/2 hours of this film.

The rest of the ensemble, however, are a lot of fun and bring that “B Monster Movie” vibe to the proceedings and they look like they are having alot of fun. Tig Notero, Ana de La Reguera, Omari Hardwick and Theo Rossi are an enjoyable lot and know EXACTLY what type of film they are in.

But the standouts of the ensemble are the always great Garret Dillahunt (John Dorie in FEAR THE WALKING DEAD) who brings his usual “A” game to the proceedings. As does Nora Arnezeder (SAFE HOUSE) as “The Coyote” a survivor who has been in Las Vegas before and - especially - Matthias Schweighofer (RESISTANCE) who steals every scene he is in playing the German safecracker.

I would have loved it if Snyder would have cut the Bautista and daughter scenes (and characters) and just had this ensemble go after the loot - it would have been a much better - and shorter - film.

But…if you can last through the long, boring first 1 1/2 hours, the last hour is “good enough” Zombie action with an interesting “twist” on the genre that I will have to give Snyder credit for.

If you do all this, you’ll have a passably decent enough entertaining time.

Letter Grade: B-

6 stars (out of 10) and you can take that to the Bank(OfMarquis)
King of Thieves (2018)
King of Thieves (2018)
2018 | Action, Crime, Drama
I'd been on the fence about this one. The trailer King Of Thieves looked both good and bad in equal measures. Some of the clips they used weren't even particularly good when you saw them in the context of the whole films so I have no idea how they made it into such an important cut. Since seeing the Unlimited Screening I've seen the second trailer that is actually much better than the first. It's probably a god send that I didn't see it before the film otherwise I think I'd have been even more disappointed.

The film runs at a surprisingly short 1 hour 48 minutes, but don't worry, it feels like a lot longer than that. At one point I checked my phone for the time and nearly audibly swore (which probably would have been drowned out by the swearing of the film) about there being 20 minutes to go.

The idea is a great one, and the true life story behind it gives some opportunities for hilariously comedic moments, and yet somehow nothing was really fulfilled. I laughed a little, but I really didn't find it as amusing as some of the other cinema goers. The were a couple of voices in the darkness who were laughing hard that then set of a tiny ripple of tittering. I'm glad they enjoyed it so much, but I didn't once feel the need to laugh so hard.

Looking back on it I was left wondering something... did any of the police characters actually speak? The only things I remember were screamed words while arrests were made and lots of knowing looks and satisfied grins. Honestly can't remember any lines at all. I'm thinking they hired the main line-up and went "well that blew the acting budget, better cut all the other speaking parts."

Something that bugged me slightly was the use of spliced footage from the actor's younger days. It's a nice idea, but ultimately, when it was used undermined the message at the end of the film. Brian doesn't want them to be seen as old boys who are past their prime, so the film should have let them walk off to their sunset retirement not jumble it up with their younger selves and losing that moment between them all. It would have made perfect sense having the footage mixed into the scenes where the police were uncovering their identities and piecing the case together.

That line up was indeed fantastic, and that's why this film was so disappointing to me. All of them have done much better work than this. The script, or real lack thereof is what contributed the most to this let down. I'm not really sure that it should have two stars at all. In fact, no... *I'm revoking one of them, I've just been reading my criteria and I can't let it have two. ★☆☆☆☆ The story behind it and the cast potential don't make up for this lacklustre film.

What should you do?

There are some good scenes and a truly star studded cast, but even those don't really make up for the potential that this film squandered. If you like heist movies then it might be worth a watch but I feel like there are better ones out there to see.

Movie thing you wish you could take home

All that loot, obviously!
    Fantastical 2 for iPad

    Fantastical 2 for iPad

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    Fantastical 2 is the award-winning calendar app with features such as natural language parsing,...

Enola Holmes 2 (2022)
Enola Holmes 2 (2022)
2022 | Action, Adventure, Crime, Drama, Mystery
7.9 (7 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Pleasant and Entertaining
Back in September 2020 - in the heart of the pandemic shutdown - Netflix released ENOLA HOLMES which was dubbed “the teen version of Guy Ritchie’s Sherlock Holmes” - one can decide for themselves if that is a good or a bad thing. For me, this flick was an agreeable way to spend a few hours and I, for one, was looking forward to further adventures of Enola and her more well-known older brother, Sherlock.

And, in ENOLA HOLMES 2, we get exactly that. A very entertaining way to spend a few hours with characters that continue to be a joy to while away the time - and a mystery - with.

Starring Millie Bobby Brown (11 in STRANGER THINGS), Enola Holmes 2 follows the titular character as she has opened her own, competing, Detective Agency. But, as these sorts of things go, her case ends up intertwining with her famous older sibling’s case, so we really get “Holmes and Holmes”.

And that is just fine with me for Brown and Henry Cavill (who plays Sherlock Holmes and who has previously played the MAN OF STEEL) make a winning pair, working off each other with just the right tone of mystery and fun and they look like they are having a good time figuring out the central mystery of this story.

Credit for this must go to Director Harry Bradbeer (Director of the first ENOLA HOLMES film) who came up with this story based on Nancy Springer’s characters (she wrote the ENOLA HOLMES books) and to which Jack Thorne bases his screenplay on. Bradbeer seems to understand these characters and the tone of this film. He makes just the right balance between mystery and fun - keeping the proceedings moving along at a jaunty pace, so the audience can enjoy the ride, but aren’t too jostled around by it.

Brown and Cavill fit right into this tone as does the always wonderful Helena Bonham Carter (she of many films, let’s go with A ROOM WITH A VIEW) as the mother of both of these two Detectives. The sturdy David Thewlis (Professor Lupine in the HARRY POTTER films) brings along his professionalism, comedic timing and mysteriousness as Police Inspector Grail while Louis Partridge returns as the handsome almost-love interest of Enola, Lord Tewkesbury.

Special notice needs to be made of Costumer Consolata Boyle (THE QUEEN) she populates this film with the prerequisite muted colors of 19th Century London (lots of Grey, Black and Dark Blue) but she manages to give Enola just enough of a flair in her costumes. For example, the blue of her skirt is just brighter enough than those around her to punch her up, but it is not so much brighter that it is obviously making her stick out. It is a smart, subtle touch to a very pleasing film to look at.

And that is, really, the bottom line of this movie. It is a very pleasant movie, with a mystery that is interesting enough to keep a person hooked, but not overly complex or dingy as to turn people off.

A good family film - and that is a compliment - the type of film that can be enjoyed by young and old alike.

Letter Grade: B+

7 1/2 (out of 10) stars

And you can take that to the Bank (ofMarquis)