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GERONIMO!!!! I thought I loved Rachelle before reading this book...and before reading her acknowledgements...I love her even more now!!! Aye...That I do, love! Bahaha! Ok, but seriously...Full review to soon as I can manage to get all of my thoughts into a cohesive post.

Here is my full review folks!
When the person you fear the most shows up to "rescue you"....When your life is dependent on this man's rescue....When your life is in the hands of the person you fear the most. Where does your hope come from? Where can you find rest?

The Sound of Diamonds had me sucked into the story from the first chapter. This book is very fast paced with a lot happening. Witnessing Gwyneth's journey to freedom in both the physical and the spiritual sense was tender and sweet as well as fierce and terrifying.

The tension between Gwyneth and Dirk is priceless. I loved watching them banter, argue, and grow together. Dirk and his roguish, piratey ways and Gwyn being the pious Catholic that she is, make such an excellent pair.

Freedom is something that can be so easily taken for granted. We are blessed to be able to worship as we choose, believe how we choose, without the risk of imprisonment and annihilation. Nothing can compare to finding God's peace, allowing Him to fill us up and let His love wash over us. The truth can be hard, but the truth will always win, and even though it may be challenging, I have found that it is always the best path to take.

This book is FULL of adventure and peril. Set in 1566 when religious tensions were extremely high between the Catholics and the Protestants, you will find yourself right in the middle of the fight. Will Gwyn open her heart to the loving salvation of Jesus? Will Dirk be able to clear his name of a crime he did not commit? Find out for yourself in The Sound of Diamonds. This is one adventure you don't want to miss!

I received a free copy of The Sound of Diamonds. This did not influence my review and I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
Plants vs. Zombies: Battle for Neighborville
Plants vs. Zombies: Battle for Neighborville
2019 | Shooter, Strategy
The latest game in the popular Plants Vs Zombies series has arrived with Plants Vs Zombies: Battle for Neighborville. The game continues the recent trend of the Third Person Shooter style of recent games vs the tactical strategy of the earlier games in the series.

Set in a vibrant and highly-detailed theme park; players go through various tutorial missions which provide instruction on everything from combat to customization as well as upgrades and all aspects necessary to survive the Zombie hordes.

The game cleverly divides gameplay between campaign and multiplayer by allowing players to use Launch Pads to access the Multiplay area of the park where you can battle with or against other online players.

The campaign is a fun and whimsical adventure where players have to do things such as increase their cool by gaining a new look in order to access a specific area.

Moving around a large open-world area complete with all sorts of characters, main, and side quests. From the Suburbs to the beach, and downtown, players will battle all kinds of dangerous and funny Zombies. There are the traditional ones, as well as ones who use traffic cones and window panes in order to block your attacks and absorb more damage. There are also more dangerous Zombies and players will be happy to see some old favorites like the Football Zombie.

Picking the right characters is key as I started with a Pea Shooter but upgraded to a large ear of corn that I dubbed “Colonel Corn” for my gameplay. There are other plants and customizations but I liked the rapid-fire attack that works better for me. There are also special abilities such as being able to flip a large distance which is key in avoiding combat and also firing a corn rocket to take out large hordes.

This is where the customization really shines as players can not only update their look and class; but also their abilities which is key to gaining the upper hand in the game.

Players who have been fans of the prior games in the series will see much to like in the game as the world is fun, visually appealing, and inviting and lots of fun to play.

The graphics and sound in the game are great and even after playing the previous games; this one blends old and new in a winning formula.
Inside Out (2015)
Inside Out (2015)
2015 | Animation, Comedy, Drama
The Most Emotionally Resonant Pixar Film
When listing the PIXAR films that have the most emotional resonance, the films I hear mentioned most often are TOY STORY 3, WALL-E and the first 20 minutes of UP. While all of those are most definitely emotionally resonant, I would argue that INSIDE OUT is the most emotionally resonant of all the Pixar films.

And not just because the main characters in the film are emotions.

Telling the tale of 11 year old Riley, who's life is upended when her family moves from Minnesota to San Fransico, INSIDE OUT follows this journey through the eyes of Riley's 5 chief emotions - Joy, Sadness, Anger, Disgust and Fear.

As is customary in Pixar films, the voice cast in this film is outstanding. Amy Poehler (well known as the ever-optimistic Leslie Knope in the marvelous TV Series PARKS & RECREATION) is perfectly cast as Joy. Her never ending well of optimism is perfectly placed - and never gets tiresome. As does the voice work of Lewis Black (Anger), Bill Hader (Fear) and Mindy Kahling (Disgust). They are all marvelous. But the revelation of this film for me is the voicework of Phyllis Smith (THE OFFICE) as Sadness. She brings just the right amount of weight her character without bogging down (and bringing down) the proceedings. These 5 work together well (especially Poehler and Smith).

Special notice needs to be made of the voice work of the unique talent that is Richard Kind as the character BingBong. I will not ruin any of the surprise of this character, but I will say I could not think of any other voice for this character - he is that perfect for it.

Credit, of course, for all of this needs to be given to Director Pete Docter (currently the Chief Creative Officer at Pixar). He has shown he has the ability to really tug at the heartstrings with his previous Pixar effort, UP, and he expands on this promise in this film bringing an emotionally rich film that has many, many moments of humor spliced within. He'll be at the helm of the upcoming SOUL and I can't wait to see it.

I'm glad I revisited INSIDE OUT, it is a stronger, better film than I remembered. You'll like it - and your kids will, too!

Letter Grade: A-

8 stars (out of 10) and you can take that to the Bank (ofMarquis)

LeftSideCut (3778 KP) rated the PlayStation 4 version of Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order in Video Games

Apr 7, 2020  
Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order
Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order
2019 | Action/Adventure, Fighting
I don't have much negativity to direct at Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, it's a pretty solid single player adventure that expands on Star Wars lore to a competent degree, and had me absorbed for the most part.

For a start, the game looks amazing. The settings are full of colour one second, and then harsh and cold the next, as you traverse forest planets like Kashyyyk, before navigating through Empire facilities.
The game is set between Episodes 3 and 4 of the movie canon, and borrows asthethic elements from both the original and prequel trilogies. It's interesting to be in the middle of a universe that has recently seen the destruction of the Jedi Order.

The gameplay is also great. The exploration and parkour elements are reminiscent of the Uncharted series, but adds enough Force stuff to make it not feel stale, and the combat is thrilling. JFO is genuinely challenging at times, especially during boss battles. You have to approach each encounter with patience and some sort of plan, or you'll find yourself struggling. It's not to dissimilar from Dark Souls in that respect.
By the time I had finished the campaign, and went through areas again in my pursuit of Platinum, I had unlocked all skills, and combat became easier, at times, really giving you the feel of a Jedi Knight.
You can also build and edit your own lightsaber, which is a nice touch.

The story is ok, largely about finding a McGuffin to help restore the Jedi, but this is one of those games that is all about the journey. The characters you meet along the way are all fleshed out to an acceptable degree, and BD-1, your droid companion for the campaign, is endearing and feels essential to the way the story pans out.

My main criticism is that it didn't have a huge amount of replay value once I was done. After finishing the campaign, it didn't take a massive amount of time to mop up everything else, and that was that, but it's forgivable considering how tight and polished the rest of the game feels.

Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order is another shining example of how important single player games are in an age where multiplayer games reign supreme. Go and play it.
Stranger in the Lake
Stranger in the Lake
Kimberly Belle | 2020 | Crime, Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Charlotte and her husband, Paul, live in a small lake town. But their marriage has caused gossip and rumors, when poor Charlotte, who grew up in a trailer park, marries the rich and older Paul. Then Charlotte discovers a body floating in the lake beside their house--in the exact spot where Paul's first wife died. Even worse, Charlotte saw Paul talking to the woman the day before, but he lied to the police about it. Then he disappears into the woods, leaving her to deal with the aftermath. As Charlotte begins digging into her husband's past, she starts wondering how much she can trust him.

"Something very bad has happened, right outside our door. Again."

This was an excellent and easy-to-read book with a compelling plot. I was drawn in by the story from the start and flew through the pages. Belle creates an atmospheric read, with the snow and lake basically appearing as extra characters. We find Charlotte (once "Charlie") pitted against her old best friend, Sam, who is on the police force and believes Paul killed his first wife. And we learn that Paul had a high school friendship with Micah, the son of the police chief, and Jax, who is now homeless and known as the town kook. It is Jax who asked to see Paul the day before the woman is found--and Jax who is lurking around Charlotte's house. Is he threatening her, or trying to warn her of something? And is there truly a chance that Paul killed his first wife? I loved how much this one kept me guessing.

What I found amazing is that Belle is able to take a familiar plot--a younger woman marrying an older guy with a past--and transform it into such a spellbinding thriller. What could come across as trite and stale is instead fascinating and intriguing. Charlotte is an easy-to-like protagonist who didn't seem to make dumb decisions. This can't be said of her husband, who was, frankly, an idiot. I had an inkling early about who might be responsible, but it did nothing to diminish my enjoyment of the story.

If you like your thrillers filled with secrets and lies, the power of family, and featuring a fascinating plot, this one is for you. 4+ stars.
Vader Immortal VR
Vader Immortal VR
The classic V.R. Series Star Wars: Vader Immortal has finally arrived for the Playstation V.R. and it is without a doubt the most immersive Star Wars experience available short of taking a trip to Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge.

From the opening moments where players have to make the jump to Hyperspace I was hooked Flipping the switches and using the lever to make the jump was like a dream come true for someone who grew up on the original films in an era when Star Wars gaming was not really an option due to the technology of the time.

Players end up in Mustafar where they encounter Vader and must escape from Imperial detention. Along the way players will obtain a Lightsaber which will come in handy for defense as well as helping with various obstacles.

Players will have to climb, manipulate objects, hack, and fight I a fully immersive V.R. setting. Aside from stunning visuals the game also features an engaging original storyline which sets the stage for the next two chapters of the series and also keeps players immersed in the action and lore.

While it did at times take some getting used to in terms of navigation as my Droid companion had an issue with blocking my view at times in dark areas or various objects taking some work to get close enough to manipulate; I was hooked from the start.

Using the Lightsaber to deflect bolts back at Imperial Stormtroopers was great fun as was exploring the Star Wars universe in a new way. I do not want to spoil more about the game but let me just say it is fantastic and gives players new looks at Vader as well as the Star Wars Universe as a whole.

I played the game with the Playstation earbuds that came with the PSVR and had fantastic sound quality to go with the eye-popping visuals. I was delayed in my review as one of our Playstation Move controls malfunctioned and I had to wait for Sony to exchange it but once that was done I was back in the game and could not get enough.

The game is a must own for Star Wars fans and a great example of V.R. gaming done right.
Rachel Held Evans is at it again, using her Evangelical past and her love of Jesus to help make sense of this messy Bible we have. This is a truly inspired work of allowing our hearts and minds work together for the glory of His word. (0 more)
Truly Inspired
Contains spoilers, click to show
This is a book review for the not-yet-released Inspired: Slaying Giants, Walking on Water, and Loving the Bible Again by Rachel Held Evans. This book is available in stores June 12th, but you can pre-order it at

I should start by saying - I filled out an application to be on the Launch Team for this new book, so I received an Advanced Reader Copy from the Publisher.

I first came across Rachel Held Evans when her book A Year of Biblical Womanhood crossed upon my Goodreads page. I thought, "Now there's a crazy idea", and while it was, the writing was not. The writing was wonderful! I followed along to grab Searching for Sunday, too.

So as any good 21st century fan, I started following Evans on Facebook, where I saw polls for naming a new book. A new book?? Yay! Never in my wildest dreams did I think I'd get to be reading it a month in advance of release.

"Bible stores don't have to mean just one thing."

Inspired is largely about the importance of stories. Not just Bible stories , but our own stories, too. Stories like how your Grandpa had to quit smoking to get Grandma to go out with him. Stories like how you met your spouse over $0.25 tacos. Stories like how your great-uncle got kicked out of military school necessitating not one, not two, but FOUR rosaries at his funeral.

There are stories about who we are, where we come from, what we're willing to fight for, and what we've learned along the way. There are stories of good news and bad, and who we make community with. And the Bible is no different. Rather than dissecting all of the stories of the Bible, Evans divides the book into genres of stories. There are Wisdom stories, stories of deliverance, Church stories, and of course, Gospels.

"The good news is good for the whole world, certainly, but what makes it good varies from person to person, and community to community."

This theme of interpretation is recurrent through the whole book. Bible stories, gospel stories, war stories - none of them have one singular meaning. For Evans, growing up in a tradition that took the Bible as literally true and the inerrant Word of God, one singular meaning was not only suggested, but preached everyday. And though I grew up Catholic, and not Evangelical Protestant, I can relate.

Leaving the Catholic faith in my late teens to re-emerge as a Progressive Protestant in my thirties has been an eye-opening experience to say the least. I've never known anyone who takes the Bible literally (or at least if I did, I didn't know it). Not until I started homeschooling did I ever meet a person who actually believed in Creation. I guess what I'm trying to say, is that it has never occurred to me to take the Bible literally.

But I am, overall, an academic person. I love to read, analyze, and over-think everything. But since I did not grow up with the Bible's cast of characters like old friends, I was thirty-years-old before I started attending Bible studies at my local church. Instantly, I was sucked in to the weirdness and messiness of the Bible. Which made me ask - how does one even take the Bible literally?

"The truth is, the bible isn't an answer book. It's not even a book, really. Rather it's a diverse library of ancient texts, spanning multiple centuries, genres, and cultures, authored by a host of different authors coming from a variety of different perspectives...No one has the originals."

You could almost say that God delighted in canonizing inconsistencies, trusting that we could use our [God given] intellect to figure out what it needed to mean.

Because, things change, don't they? A historical, analytical approach to studying the Bible tells us that time, place, and context matter. The Epistles of Paul were not written to us. They were written to the church in Corinth, or Thessalonica, or Ephesus. And by church, I mean incredibly small groups of people, gathered in someone's house, illegally I might add. They weren't written to the 2.1 billion of us, flaunting our religion around the world like we own the place.

Indeed, Inspired was so good, and covered such a rich variety of story types, that if I keep talking, I'm going to ruin it for you. So, I guess I'll leave you with this. If you have ever read the Bible and thought: could God just leave Tamar like that? could God call David a man after his own heart?

...Jesus sure does touch a lot of people he ain't supposed to, what's up with that?

...what's so bad about being a tax collector, anyway?

you should probably read this book. NOT because this book answers any of those questions. It doesn't. It doesn't even try to. Rather, Rachel Held Evans in her Southern mama wisdom, helps remind us that maybe having all the answers isn't actually the answer. Maybe reveling in the magic of the Bible is the Hokey Pokey. Maybe that IS what it's all about.