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Ant-Man (2015)
Ant-Man (2015)
2015 | Action, Comedy, Mystery
Essentially a heist movie, with Paul Rudd in the lead role as ex-con Scott Lang, and with (in the intro, a de-aged) Michael Douglas as Hank Pym, the original creator of the Ant-Man suit when has hidden his creation from the world following a family tragedy.

However, when his ex-protoge also managed to unlock the secrets of the Pym particle (which allows the user to shrink or grow), Hank Pym - and his daughter, as played by Evangeline Lilly - must find a way to stop him from selling his yellow jacket suit to the highest bidder (ie Hydra: "they're not what they used to be"), which is where the cat burglar Scott Lang comes in.

And, I'll admit, I laughed the first time at the Thomas the Tank Engine bit.

Andy K (10821 KP) rated Hulk (2003) in Movies

Feb 22, 2019  
Hulk (2003)
Hulk (2003)
2003 | Action, Sci-Fi
Gamma dogs?
OK I recently rewatched this Ang Lee directed almost forgotten 1st Hulk and although it has some truly stupid elements, it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. The villain was weak, but the look and feel of the film was right on.

I liked the way director Lee made you feel like you were watching a comic book with different boxes and frames the way a comic would have. The Hulk escape and tank/helicopter battle sequence is still very good. I have watched those scenes multiple times for home theatre demos and it never disappoints.

It's too bad Eric Bana did not continue as Hulk as I think he is underrated as an actor although Mark Ruffalo is good in the current version as well.

Austin Garrick recommended Fish Tank (2010) in Movies (curated)

Fish Tank (2010)
Fish Tank (2010)
2010 | International, Drama
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"One of the best of the past decade. I love that Criterion has already championed this, as it truly deserves to be among many of the classics in the collection. This is one of those rare movies that have the power to make you forget you’re even watching a movie in the first place, instead making you feel you’re witnessing someone’s life unfold. The main character (played by an actress who is so underrated for this sole role of hers) reminds me a lot of a cousin of mine when she was at that age, enough so that for me, watching it almost seems like personal insight into where her head was at in those years. Fish Tank also contains one of the most real, unique, and effective uses of classic hip-hop in a film that I’ve ever seen."

Robocop  (1987)
Robocop (1987)
1987 | Action, Sci-Fi
story (2 more)
Contains spoilers, click to show
One of my favorite films. Awesome story, good actors, stunts, puppetry, models, and good Special Effects. This is Paul Verhoeven and Peter Weller's best movie. $50 million budget (in 1987!), with multiple huge explosions, with hundreds of bullets fired, and scores of stuntmen used.

A cop loses his humanity and is brought back to life, he is resurrected as a cyborg super cop who once again regains his humanity and has to learn how to navigate being robot and deal with his past human memories. ED-209 has all the fire power and is just a cool design for a robot/urban tank. The costume and the suit for RoboCop was beautifully designed. Themes include media influence, gentrification, corruption, authoritarianism, greed, privatization, capitalism, identity, dystopia, and human nature. It is a movie well deserved of it's R rating. In one scene RoboCop prevents a rape when he shoots the rapist in the dick. VIOLENT and amazingly poetic.

KatyShubo (75 KP) rated Netflix in Apps

Jan 5, 2019  
Entertainment, Lifestyle
8.7 (589 Ratings)
App Rating
What’s not to love about thousands of choices that cost less than a cinema ticket (0 more)
Sometimes even with all the choices there’s still nothing to watch (0 more)
Sometimes too much choice
Netflix is great, it’s introduced me to lots of great tv shows (Hells Kitchen USA, Kimmy Schmidt, Shark Tank) it lets me binge Drag Race over and over and over.

BUT Netflix I have one GIANT question why do you introduce me to a show I love and then not give me every season there is? It’s like saying here is a million pounds but you can only spend £1.27

Netflix is great but sometimes too much choice isn’t great, I can’t be the only one who watches the same thing over and over and over again?

Netflix is responsible for creating some truly great drama and comedy but is that ruining tv as we know it?
Is Netflix classed as tv? Should Netflix shows be considered for tv awards?

Truly 21st Century problems ?
Ant-Man (2015)
Ant-Man (2015)
2015 | Action, Comedy, Mystery
Ant-Man is so much damn fun...

It has a great cast, who all share great chemistry, it has some decent and different action scenes, it's frequently funny (the Thomas the Tank Engine crash is iconic by this point), it deals with the Scott Lang Ant-Man whilst providing a satisfactory backstory for Hank Pym, it's a damn good heist movie, and above all, it's its own thing, even if it does have a scene connecting it to the larger MCU.

It's not perfect - once again another MCU film suffers from an expendable villain, a lot of the plot is just Iron Man (genius scientist gets ousted from his company by an angry bald white man who then tries to kill him whilst wearing a variant of his own super suit), but if you can manage to mute that nagging part of your brain, you'll find an intelligent and hugely entertaining heist adventure, all wrapped up in an MCU filter. It's great.
The Secret Garden (1993)
The Secret Garden (1993)
1993 | Drama, Family
9.5 (2 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"I’m as influenced by contemporary filmmakers as I am by past filmmakers, so for me it was important to put two of them on here. The two films that my crew, my cinematographer, and I talk about when we’re going out to shoot are The Secret of the Grain and Fish Tank. They’re reference points for us. The lived-in intimacy of The Secret of the Grain and those two dinner sequences! The story is great, it’s fun, it’s engaging, but those dinner scenes are moments that have touched me very much. I felt, for the first time, that I was truly living with people I didn’t know. The film has these ongoing dialogue scenes that just feel so natural, even though they’re constructed, and those kinds of scenes set the bar for what cinema can do. Fish Tank I love because I love Andrea Arnold, and I can relate to this young protagonist who isn’t so goal-oriented. It’s not like she’s got a mission. She’s just trying to grow up, and she’s as confused about her life situation as anyone else. And it leads her to make some bad decisions, but ultimately we really like her because we know what she’s going through. She’s never presented as someone who we need to decide whether or not she’s likable. There’s an ambiguity to her presentation—you’re just letting her be herself. To me, it’s one of the great examples in modern cinema where a director casts someone and lets the person take over the role, as opposed to tailoring the person to the role as written. I think the movie benefits from that, and everyone around her just falls into her world. Michael Fassbender—you’ve never seen him like that, not because he’s better than he’s ever been, but because he’s forced to deal with the energy of this girl who’s just being herself. So this is just one of those movies I have to keep showing to people who haven’t seen it and have to keep watching to remember that representation of that girl, which is as good as anything I’ve seen in modern cinema."


Jonas Carpignano recommended Fish Tank (2010) in Movies (curated)

Fish Tank (2010)
Fish Tank (2010)
2010 | International, Drama
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"I’m as influenced by contemporary filmmakers as I am by past filmmakers, so for me it was important to put two of them on here. The two films that my crew, my cinematographer, and I talk about when we’re going out to shoot are The Secret of the Grain and Fish Tank. They’re reference points for us. The lived-in intimacy of The Secret of the Grain and those two dinner sequences! The story is great, it’s fun, it’s engaging, but those dinner scenes are moments that have touched me very much. I felt, for the first time, that I was truly living with people I didn’t know. The film has these ongoing dialogue scenes that just feel so natural, even though they’re constructed, and those kinds of scenes set the bar for what cinema can do. Fish Tank I love because I love Andrea Arnold, and I can relate to this young protagonist who isn’t so goal-oriented. It’s not like she’s got a mission. She’s just trying to grow up, and she’s as confused about her life situation as anyone else. And it leads her to make some bad decisions, but ultimately we really like her because we know what she’s going through. She’s never presented as someone who we need to decide whether or not she’s likable. There’s an ambiguity to her presentation—you’re just letting her be herself. To me, it’s one of the great examples in modern cinema where a director casts someone and lets the person take over the role, as opposed to tailoring the person to the role as written. I think the movie benefits from that, and everyone around her just falls into her world. Michael Fassbender—you’ve never seen him like that, not because he’s better than he’s ever been, but because he’s forced to deal with the energy of this girl who’s just being herself. So this is just one of those movies I have to keep showing to people who haven’t seen it and have to keep watching to remember that representation of that girl, which is as good as anything I’ve seen in modern cinema."


Awix (3310 KP) rated GoldenEye (1995) in Movies

Mar 16, 2019 (Updated Mar 16, 2019)  
GoldenEye (1995)
GoldenEye (1995)
1995 | Action, Mystery
Probably the best action thriller named after a duck ever. There was a time when a long gap between Bond films was highly unusual, and the six year absence of the commander from the big screen led some to suggest that maybe the series had had its day. The main achievement of GoldenEye is to take all the classic elements of a Bond film, spruce them up a bit, and produce a film which is fresh and entertaining.

Everyone is clearly working very hard to make this film a success, particularly Pierce Brosnan (even if his hair isn't quite right yet). Makes the obligatory attempt at updating Bond for the 'modern world' but doesn't get dogmatic about it and mostly just worries about entertaining the audience, which is surely as it should be. The tank chase surely features on anyone's list of great Bond sequences; director Martin Campbell would go on to make the hard-edged Casino Royale, which is probably a better film, but this is much more fun.

Mark Arm recommended Black & White by The Stranglers in Music (curated)

Black & White by The Stranglers
Black & White by The Stranglers
1978 | Punk
8.7 (3 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I just love that record. I love the early Stranglers. The bass always sounds so good. It just drives everything. It's almost the lead instrument. The Stranglers were such a weird band. They've got this sort of Rick Wakeman-esque classical keyboard going all over the place but sometimes, like on Black And White, it's more synthesiser stuff which is cool. It's got my favourite Stranglers songs on it culminating in the last song 'Enough Time'. I think that's just a brutal and great song. I love 'The Tank', 'Toiler On The Sea', 'Do You Wanna', 'Sweden (All Quiet On The Eastern Front)', 'Outside Tokyo' the whole thing about the watches with a strap to sell is really funny. 'Nice 'N' Sleazy' has a really great groove. The bad pun bugs me a little bit but it's still pretty great. Rattus Norvegicus was a great record too, but No More Heroes, of the first three albums, seems the weakest. Or maybe it's the one I haven't listened to as much. Black and White just feels more brutal than the first two records."
