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Under Her Skin (Shifter Shield #1)
Under Her Skin (Shifter Shield #1)
Margo Bond Collins | 2020 | Paranormal, Romance
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
She's lucky he's a charmer…

Lindi Parker works hard at being human, not an easy task for a snake shifter. She has no desire to search for others like her—until a new case changes everything. When Lindi learns that she's not the only shapeshifter in the world, she also realizes she might be next on a killer's list.

In order to save herself and the abused children she works with, she will have to team up with Dr. Kade Nevala, a member of the shifter tribe responsible for eradicating weresnakes—and the most attractive man Lindi's ever met. Even more terrifying, she’ll need to embrace her serpent side, a choice that has enormous consequences for Lindi, and for everyone around her.

A really good read. A snake shifter paired with a mongoose shifter well you don't get that often. It's refreshing to see an author break away from the more common choices of shifters, I really didn't expect a mongoose. Snakes have very bad reps and its
No different for Linidi! Her life gets a lot more interesting when the dashing doctor crashes into it! She finally can find out something about herself and her kind.
Highly recommended to anyone who likes a good shifter book.


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    Mastermind for iOS 10

    Mastermind for iOS 10

    Games and Education

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    If you like the classic Mastermind™ game, then you will love this digital version of the...

The Holdout
The Holdout
Graham Moore | 2020 | Mystery, Thriller
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
‏I was provided with a complimentary copy of this book so I could give an honest review.

Even after a few years, working with jurors is fascinating to me. Each jury uses the jury room differently. When I read the description of Graham Moore's The Holdout, I knew what I would read next. Having recently finished one of his earlier books, The Sherlockian, I was even more eager to read this. As with The Sherlockian, The Holdout does not disappoint.

Juror 272, aka Maya Seale, was the lone holdout. She does the near-impossible task of converting the other jurors to her way of thinking and the defendant is found not guilty. Unfortunately, the trial of the jury has just begun.

Moore is able to accurately capture jury service and the deliberation process. His writing style makes the story move quickly. Some of the actions of the characters require a suspension of disbelief but it does not take away from the story.

I do not want to give away anything so it is hard to say anything about specific parts of the book. I will say I thoroughly enjoyed chapter 23! It was creative and I was pleasantly surprised how the issue was handled.

Graham Moore is on my "authors to read as soon as they publish" list.

This 200-word review was published on on 2/25/20.