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The Waking Land (The Waking Land, #1)
The Waking Land (The Waking Land, #1)
Callie Bates | 2017 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
Looking for a delightful, magical read? Callie Bates’s The Waking Land may sate your hunger. With several strong, female leads (like Rhia Knoll), the practice of forbidden arts, war, and just a taste of romance, this book easily lands as one of my most enjoyable reads so far this year.

I can honestly say this is one of the few books where the main character begins as the weakest. When we meet Lady Elanna Valtai, she appears weak and, quite honestly, brainwashed by her Ereni up-bringing. Throughout the first two-thirds of the novel, El proves to be unreliable. She is clueless as to where her loyalties truly lie, even as the truth rams itself down her throat. Fortunately, those she counts among her friends know what they’re doing and don’t have to rely on her for quite a while.

Loyce, the new Queen of Eren, on the other hand is an awful brat. Unfaithful to her husband (who readers never meet), she colludes with an equally disgusting noble boy, Denis Falconier. Their command over the Butcher of Novarre strikes fear into the hearts of those that dare to rebel. And the Butcher? He’s an altogether interesting figure on his own. Trust me on that one.

Eren and Caeris, the lands where this tale takes place, on beautifully rendered, proving Bates’s strength with the written word. Her command of language coupled with her love of nature come together seamlessly, visualizing a truly fantastic world. The story Bates weaves into this battle-worn land offers readers a faint taste of epic fantasy, in a style pleasing for fans of young adult literature. For some, The Waking Land may be the gateway to delving into high fantasy – Bates’s concept of magic is that wonderful.

The Waking Land is a fantastic ride through a world that fears magic. It is the timeless tale of how war erodes nations. Because of El’s wishy-washy portrayal and the sheer fact that we don’t see a lot of action until the last fifteen percent of the book, I cannot give this one five stars. A four though, certainly.

I would like to thank NetGalley, the publisher, and the author for providing me with a free copy of this book for the purpose of unbiased review.
American Hippo (River of Teeth, #1-2)
American Hippo (River of Teeth, #1-2)
Sarah Gailey | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, LGBTQ+, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
I actually read these volumes as separate books, so I have two separate reviews here.

River of Teeth (Part 1):
I somehow missed that this was a novella, every time I looked at it online. It wasn't until I checked it out from the library and was shocked at how small it was that I made that discovery. It was a welcome one, since I checked out seven other books that day, and finding something short was a relief!

And I AM SO GLAD I finally read this, because it's AMAZING. It opens on Winslow seducing a federal agent, and quickly moves to him gathering up a crew to drive feral hippos out of a marsh in Louisiana. I was expected a fun hippo-cowboy romp, and I got that - what I wasn't expected was strong, deadly women, a bisexual male hero, a nonbinary love interest, and hippo steeds. I don't know why hippo steeds didn't occur to me - it's not like they could wrangle hippos from atop horses! There is so much goodness packed into this little volume.

River of Teeth: short and sweet, action-packed with amazing characters and a fascinating, bizarre, but historical premise.

Taste of Marrow (Part 2):
Another quick novella, Taste of Marrow is the sequel to the bizarre alternate history novella River of Teeth. It picks up a few months after the ending of the first - people have had a chance to heal their injuries from the explosive ending of the first book, and hippos have begun to spread to previously safe waterways. The cast of this book consists of the surviving characters from the first, plus only one more semi-important character.

It's not quite as good as the first - no explosions and it's less of a rollercoaster - but there is some character development, and a deeper exploration of a few characters than we saw in the first book. I wish my library had the omnibus edition, because it includes two short stories set in the same world, and I'm very curious which aspects of the world she explored in those.

But this is a fun pair of books, very quick, easy reads, and it's just fun to say you're reading a book about hippos and cowboys!

You can find all my reviews at
The Wisdom Of Sally Red Shoes
The Wisdom Of Sally Red Shoes
Ruth Hogan | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
A book full of hope.
Masha has never got over the death of her infant son, who drowned at the age of two - even twelve years later she struggles daily. She finds comfort in the local victorian graveyard, and swims every day at her local lido. She has the most fascinating friends: Kitty Muriel, a woman who is so comfortable in her own skin that Masha clearly admires her greatly; Sally Red Shoes, who is portrayed as a crazy old bag lady, who feeds the crows at the cemetery, sings opera amongst the grave stones, and has great taste in shoes; Edwar, her best friend , who has seen her through so much hardship. There are others, but these characters really stood out for me.
This is a beautiful story about grief, death, and learning to live and love again. It sounds as though it will be 'cheesy', and I was apprehensive to begin with, but it is really such a lovely book. I laughed, I cried, and I enjoyed it enormously.
Many thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for allowing me to read this book.
The Perfection (2019)
The Perfection (2019)
2019 | Drama, Horror, Thriller
The performances, the story & the effects. (0 more)
The very last scene...sort of (0 more)
Chello there!
I love stumbling on little treats like this. Had heard nothing about, hadn't seen the trailer, read the blurb and thought why not - and I'm glad I did. Story starts with a former chello child prodigy who had given up chances of fame etc to take care of her sick mother. When her mother dies she returns to her old life and meets her schools new prodigy and the quickly form a friendship and decide to go on a trip together. What follows is a cracking story of love, betrayal, abuse, jealousy & revenge done really really well with some good gore and plenty of twists. The only down I had was the very last scene so it left me with a bit of a bad taste in my mouth. Without giving too much away the scene itself is really good but I thought 'oh my God that's cool, that's even cooler - but wait - why wud they do that?'. But apart from that its amazingly good and totally worth a watch!
Queen Song (Red Queen, #0.1)
6.8 (8 Ratings)
Book Rating
Queen Song is a short novella detailing Coriane's life. It begins prior to her introduction to the Prince and shows a simpler life. Her elder cousin Jessamine wants her to be a proper lady and help restore the power/glory of their failing house. Coriane Jacos just wants to tinker and build things. It was nice to see that similarity to her future son, even though they never really knew one another.

You also get a taste of a second (future) queen in the young Elara, Maven's mother. She is just as pleasant as a young adult as she is in the series, which is to say she's a terror. Elara is manipulative and her power is incredibly strong. <spoiler> We even find out that it was, in fact, Elara that drove Coriane to end her life. Coriane even suspected that Elara was in her mind, but was unable to prove it. She thought she was able to sing well enough to find out if it was true, but Elara was able to resist her. The Queen even got help from someone who could suppress powers, to no avail. Elara drove her mad. </spoiler>
Call the Midwife  - Season 1
Call the Midwife - Season 1
2012 | Drama
What a show!
Now I am rather late to the whole call the midwife scene. From the snippets that I've seen when my mother watches the show its babies, babies and more babies! Oh but how wrong could I be. This series not only deals with childbirth it also delves into the changing times and trials of the 1950s era as this series is based on true memoirs, you get a taste of the reality that everyday people were having to go through both from best practices in medicine to running the household its truly remarkable and I regret not watching it sooner! The the midwifes and sisters are outstanding and as the series goes on each person's story is slowly unravelled bit by tiny bit as their experience grows so does your love for each and every member of the cast. I have now progressed to series two and will continue to watch each season until I am fully up to date and I can tell you now a few binge watching sessions will be in order, like chocolate I just can't get enough!
Sally is shocked to learn that her aunt Letta has been murdered in the restaurant that Letta owns in Santa Cruz. The evidence seems to point to Javier, Letta’s sous chef. Yet Sally doesn’t think he’d murder Letta, so she starts digging into Letta’s life. She uncovered some surprising secrets, but which of them might have gotten Letta murdered?

I really enjoyed this debut. It got off to a bit of a slow start as Sally dealt with the aftermath of having a relative die, but this section does help develop her character and sets up suspects. Once she fully commits to the investigation things pick up. We are introduced to several viable suspects. The story touches on some other issues as well, presenting them in a well-rounded manner and never forgetting that this is a murder mystery, both of which I greatly appreciated. The climax was creative and fun. I’m definitely looking forward to finding out what happens to Sally next.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.
The Girl on the Train
The Girl on the Train
Paula Hawkins | 2016 | Mystery, Thriller
7.6 (173 Ratings)
Book Rating
This rating is actually a 2.5 but we still can't do half stars on here, so I rounded up.

So I read this book before I read Gone Girl, but even with that, I was expecting an amazing book full of suspense and plot twists and just general intrigue. Unfortunately, it didn't live up to the potential for me.

I did not like the characters at all. They fell flat for me and were too whiny and clingy for my taste. I especially did not like the main character.I have a feeling there was a point to her being unreliable, probably to show that she most likely knew what happened but couldn't remember, but I just found it annoying. I am not one to judge a character by their actions, like drinking excessively, but this felt a little overdone in this book.

Even the plot twists I kinda saw coming. Like, from the beginning. There wasn't enough suspense for me to really get into the book and enjoy it. By the end, I just wanted to confirm my suspicions.

Overall, it just wasn't my kind of book, I guess.