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This American Life
This American Life
Society & Culture
7.9 (25 Ratings)
Podcast Rating
Stories (0 more)
Almost always great
The topics on this show are sometimes hit-or-miss, but often you will come across an absolute gem of a theme and the stories shared are fascinating. I rated it higher because more often than not I find the topics really interesting. On occasion there will be a dud where the host isn't as engaging or the stories just aren't my taste, but the great thing about the show is that even those episodes hit home for someone most likely. There really is something for everyone in this series... if the current episode doesn't float your boat, it's likely a previous one will be fascinating or maybe the next topic will be right up your alley.

The episodes are "investigative" in nature where the host has interviewed people and tells the true story as they go, but like many "documentary" style features in this day and age... they can sometimes be driven to tell the story they want you to hear, guiding you to the conclusion that fits their narrative rather than simply providing the facts and letting the listener draw their own conclusions. To be fair, this makes it more entertaining... because simple fact-finding would likely be boring in podcast form. It's not necessarily a criticism... Michael Moore is an example of the worst purveyor of this kind of "documentary" style... generate a conclusion, craft the clips, audio and narrative to support that conclusion... voila... Michael Moore movie. While I don't prefer that style of "documentary" because it is obviously biased, there is no doubt that Michael Moore knows how to sell his story and makes entertaining films. TAL is not quite the same, it's probably unfair to put them in that category, but there is with some of the hosts, a definite feel that they have the conclusion they want you to draw firm in their mind when they provide the accompanying stories...

Other times there isn't any agenda, they simply want to provide you with fascinating stories about fascinating people in this fascinating country... and when they do that, they do it spectacularly. I feel like my criticism above could possibly be misconstrued as a knock on the show, but discerning listeners likely recognize when this is sometimes happening and it doesn't take away from the enjoyment of the journey the show takes you on. It's not a knock, it's a fun show.
Something Violent
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
If you're looking for something with a unique take on classic 80's slasher horror, Kristopher Rufty's Something Violent is a must read. Imagine a social media site like Facebook, but with a targeted demographic of murderers and you have Something Violent, a site dedicated to the worst of the darkest, most disturbed minds roaming the world. Here, people come together to share the grisly details and even video footage of their feats - even going so far as to trade off partners in a grotesque version of swinging.

In Something Violent, the main characters aren't victims struggling to save their own hides, but rather a couple that is aptly named Satan's Sweethearts. Together they wreak havoc, slaughtering those that cross them. When their marriage seems at risk of falling apart, they kidnap a famous marriage counselor and recount the events that brought them together in grisly detail.

I think what I liked most about this book was its perspective - I couldn't help but feel disgusted with myself for feeling any amount of sympathy for a pair of murderers, but I suppose in this case, the saying that "anything is possible" rings true. While the book wasn't quite as gory as I would have liked, it certainly kept my interest.

On the other hand, it felt a little too sexualized. Of course, being a fan of the horror genre, this is an aspect of my taste in fiction that I have become accustomed to. Any true horror buff knows that the couple having sex will be one of the first to die after all. While it makes sense for one character to be sexually attracted to another, and go into detail about how and why, there are a few areas where I felt the sexual notes to be a bit too extreme and out of place. For instance, there's a moment where Jody Covington, one of the main characters, thinks to herself about how slick her thighs are with sweat.

Aside from that, Something Violent offers an entertaining insight into the lives of killers and is definitely worth the read. I have to give Rufty kudos for pulling off the normalization of serial killers.

Thanks to NetGalley, DarkFuse, and the author for providing me with an advanced copy for the purpose of review.
Grave Secret (Harper Connelly, #4)
5.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
I'd say that wraps it up for this series. No, I won't tell you why I'm saying that, or it'll ruin the book for you.

The Harper Connelly series hasn't ever been as strong as the Southern Vampire series, in my opinion, but it wasn't too bad in comparison to some of her earlier work, like the Aurora Teagarden and Shakespeare mysteries. She seemed to be experimenting with something darker this time around. I haven't looked at the Amazon rank or any other figures for the series, but it's my gut feeling that they never took off in comparison to the Sookie Stackhouse series, especially since True Blood has gotten so much attention with the television series. I have to wonder what that feels like for Ms. Harris, as this really was a decent concept with some promise, and it doesn't seem to have been given that much of a chance to blossom.

In any case, Harper and her brother are prickly characters and not very easy to relate to, and they don't get any easier in this book. They are back in their home town, and we get to now a lot more about their origins this time around. We finally get the whole story about their missing sister, and we meet the two little sisters who live with an aunt and uncle.

The portrayal of the devout blue-collar people with their working-man's faith is absolutely smack on. I came from those people, and I could taste the sweet tea and see the linoleum and the absolutely clean Formica dinette, feel the cracked chairs the characters sat on and look around at the carefully kept house. Harris did a great job with that town and those people, so much so that I'm sure she either came from a similar place or has spent plenty of time in one.

There isn't as much new magic/plot stuff as there are answers this time. The sexy gypsy boy-almost-man is back, to my delight. Harper's love interest is still a bit of a squick, but I suppose it makes sense for the characters. I have to wonder how many authors would stick with that kind of decision, knowing the backlash they'd get from their readers?

If you've read the other Harper Connelly books, read this one for closure. If you haven't, this isn't the place to start!
The Selection
The Selection
Kiera Cass | 2012 | Children
7.9 (48 Ratings)
Book Rating
Set many years into the future The US has undergone drastic change. Under the rule of a monarchy once again. Prince Maxon, only child and heir to the throne, is ready to find his future queen. In a lottery type draw, one young lady (between the ages of 16 and 20) from each province is selected as candidates for the throne, and for Maxon's heart. Among them is America Singer. A Five in the caste system (There are eight total). Although her becoming a part of the selection was an accident, of sorts...Will she be able to forget her past and embrace her future? There are 35 girls, and only 1 prince. Who will emerge as Queen?

It has been a long while since I have been so engrossed in a book that I couldn't put it down to go to sleep. I finally had to, as my eyes wouldn't stay open any longer, with only two chapters remaining! I kept having dreams about the book! I finished it as soon as I woke up this morning and am now anxiously awaiting to check out The Elite from the library. Since this is a book about a prince finding a wife, you can expect to have romance with a mild dystopian flair. Although I personally think the emotions are slightly intense for a YA book, it is still clean and decent. Prince Maxon is an honorable man. Parents, please use your own discretion. Kiera Cass has done a fabulous job imagining a new world of castes, monarchy, fashion, rebellion and love. (It's like The Bachelor, but way better!) Please be advised that these books do not stand alone. And once you finish The Selection you are going to want to start The Elite immediately (so do what I didn't do and place a hold on BOTH)! This book ends well, but definitely leaves you wanting more. I have also heard that The Selection is being made into a movie. Although all I could find out was that it is in pre-production. I am thoroughly enjoying this series, but I know that it won't be to everyone's taste. Keep in mind that it is a Young Adult novel and is written for that level. Happy reading! And may the odds be ever in your favor....wait....
Life is too short to read books I don't like. This is a book that I got for free from Barnes & Noble and didn't even make it half way through. I was going to try and push through, but every time I went to read it, I got a feeling of dread in my bones. So, I decided that I would put it down and read something else. There are too many good books out there to spend time on one that does not interest me, and causes me mental strife.


The Bjorklunds are a Norwegian family and have been dreaming of life in America for years now. And the time has come to make those dreams a reality. The prologue begins in 1877 with the family discussing plans to start saving and send two of their sons and their families to America. When Chapter One begins, it is a different year which is not mentioned, and I was extremely confused. In the prologue Roald's wife's name is Anna, and then all of a sudden it's Chapter One and Ingeborg is introduced. I had to flip back and forth a few times trying to make sense of everything. It turns out that Anna died and Roald remarried a few years later to Ingeborg. However, my main reason for disliking this book is Roald. He treats his wife with contempt and obviously withholds any affections he has towards her. I get a bad taste in my mouth every time I think about the way Roald treats Ingeborg. I understand a lot of it is cultural and the era. But I do not enjoy it. He rules his house with an iron fist. Ingeborg is afraid to even let a sigh out accidentally for fear of her husband.

I read a couple other reviews and found that the book does not have a happy ending. This was one of the determaning factors I used when I decided to set it down. I did not want to push through a book I did not enjoy to have it leaving me feeling miserable. I may pick this back up in the future, but it is being shelved for now. I have not given up on Lauraine Snelling either. This was the first book I have read by her and am interested to see what other books she writes.

Bethany House Publishers
Tutus and Tinsel (Half Moon Bay 2.5)
Tutus and Tinsel (Half Moon Bay 2.5)
Rhys Ford | 2018 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
wonderful catch up!
I was lucky enough to win an ARC copy of this book.

This is a little catch up, if you will, with the Harris-Reid family, and you really SHOULD at least read Fish Stick Fridays before this one. Hanging the Stars ain't too shabby either, but this is more about Zig and her dads.

Zig is eleven, and blindsided by a school project. Her dads go about rallying around and making the project a little less painful for her.

I'm not usually one for Holiday/Christmas stories, but I loved Zig, and Deacon and Lang, so really had to catch up with them! And I LOVED this! It packs quite an emotional punch for some 90 odd pages!

Zig has to do a project on Christmas traditions on her family. But she doesn't have any, not really. So Deacon and Lang go all out about making NEW traditions: using some from Lang's grandmother, some from their friends and making some up as they go along.

They do cracker house decorations, the chopping of trees down. Trees in each and every room. Making salt dough ornaments. Lots of different things, from a whole host of backgrounds, and choosing which ones to make their own.

I loved that we caught up with Deke and Lang, but also with West, Angel and Rome. Loved the plans the adults have for the kids should something happen to either set of parents.

But Zig, again, made this book! Set 3 years after Fish Stick Fridays, and she still has her eclectic taste in tutus and boots, and it's so great she hasn't lost her swear jar! Indeed, opening line in the book is Zig swearing her little head off and realising that Deke can hear her! Loved it!

And even though Zig was sick, and not actually able to do her presentation at school, loved that she WAS able to still show her dads what did. I cried at that point! Because even though it was about making NEW traditions, Zig still draws on her painful past and how important it is to remember where you came from, and that past is a part of you, always. And new families need new traditions.

5 full and sparkly stars!

ps, we ALWAYS have take out Christmas Eve!

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Doom Asylum (1987)
Doom Asylum (1987)
1987 | Comedy, Horror
4.7 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
How insane it is (0 more)
Everything else... especially the dialogue. (0 more)
It's SO BAD... that it's actually quite good.
Contains spoilers, click to show
I honestly don't even know where to start with Doom Asylum. The dialogue is absolutely terrible and will leave you scratching your head (for example, a girl says to her Boyfriend "can I call you Mom?"... what?!), the acting is cringeworthy...I mean, it has to be bad if Kristin Davis (Sex in the City) is the best actor on the set and the Killer is confusing, to say the least.
Lemme tell you about the Plot... A couple get involved in a Car Accident and the woman in the accident subsequently dies, the man in the accident wakes up in the Morgue and, disfigured and in a rage of the untimely loss of his Partner, kills the 2 Morgue Assistants, who seem shockingly cavalier about their gruesome fate. However, it appears this Morgue is in an Asylum... not a Hospital. Why would you take a person injured in a Car crash to an Asylum? Why did they not check his pulse? I still have so many questions. Anyway, the Asylum is shut down, and 10 years later 2 groups of Teens decide to hang out and party there. One group being an all girl Punk band, the other being a small group of Friends... one of whom happens to be the daughter of the Woman who died in the Car accident 10 years before. The Killer sees that she looks just like the late love of his life, and he'll chop through anyone, and everyone, to get to her.
Honestly, this Movie is an acquired taste. Only for the die hard old school Horror fans, and they might even scoff at the idea of this 79 minute atrocity. I definitely left this Movie with an expression of dismay on my face... but something did keep me watching it until the end. I don't honestly know what, all I can say is that it was such a trainwreck that I couldn't look away, but this Movie is so bad that it's actually a little bit good. I will just never watch it again for a few years (hopefully) and will never admit to liking it in public. Only for the Horror fans who like a bit (okay, a lot) of cringe with their Gore.
Under the Never Sky (Under the Never Sky, #1)
Under the Never Sky (Under the Never Sky, #1)
Veronica Rossi | 2011 | Young Adult (YA)
8.2 (9 Ratings)
Book Rating
Original Review posted on <a href="">Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>

Note: Formatting may be lost due to copy and paste.

    When there's a bit of hoopla and excitement going about a book (even it's the sequel), I always tend to be curious as to why everyone loves the book. I'm literally asking, “What's so great about it? I want to know!”

      And then my TBR list grows by a book.

      But Under the Never Sky is about a girl named Aria who lives in a futuristic world of Pods and Realms. In that world, she's never seen what's outside the Pods aside from the stories she heard – everything is basically in virtual time. She gets kicked out one day and meets an Outsider named Perry who teaches her the basics to surviving the outside world and needs her help as well.

      I like the concept and general idea of the book. Pods? Realms? No one gets hurt in the Realms and you can see your friends without even moving at all with a cool gadget called Smarteyes? Sounds great.

      But... I didn't really like it. I was pretty bored from the end of Chapter One and probably would have stopped reading the book from then on out. But there was something there, and I decided to read on to see if my boredom status changed by a magnitude. I was hoping that between the end of Chapter One and the end of the book, my opinions would be a whole lot better.

      It didn't change that much, unfortunately. It was just... insipid.

      Another thing that I didn't really like? The romance between Aria and Perry. It was too fast.

      No, scratch that. Actually, allow me to backtrack by two sentences, before “It was too fast.”

      It was perfectly paced for about 80% of the book. But then about 7% or 4 chapters later away from their first kiss, it was just simply too fast for my taste. Much too fast.

      Overall, I liked the concept, but Veronica Rossi's debut novel just isn't very right for me and I don't think I'll be continuing on with the next book in the series, Through the Ever Night.

      Though I am a bit tempted to.

      Convince me well enough to do so and I'll think about it? But the cover is pretty.
Branded (Sinners, #1)
Branded (Sinners, #1)
Abi Ketner | 2013
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Original Review posted on <a title="Branded by Abi Ketnet and Missy Kalicicki" href="">Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>

Note: Formatting may be lost due to copy and paste.

<i><b>Disclaimer:</b> A copy was provided for free by the author for the blog tour in exchange for an honest review. The review is not influenced in any way.</i>

     So. Branded. It has great potential as a series, and it takes quite a different twist from other dystopian books like The Hunger Games and Divergent. It's the first in the Sinners series, and is about a girl named Lexi Hamilton wrongly accused who lives in a futuristic society where there is no equal justice and a Commander who believes the Seven Deadly Sins are the downfall to society. Those who are accused are taken to live in a place called the Hole and branded with their sin. With danger lurking at any corner, those branded have to fight for their survival every single day.

     Branded didn't exactly feel like the first of a series. It felt more of a second, or second to last, or maybe even the last with a possible spin-off in a series rather than the first. For some reason, it felt as though there was another story prior to Branded, even though Abi and Missy gave a decent explanation to Lexi's past that filled in most of the blanks throughout the book.

     I loved most of the supporting characters, such as Alyssa, Bruno, Keegan, and Zeus especially (no, not the Thunder God... unless he decided to take on a different form other than human), but the romance between Cole and Lexi also seemed much too quick for my taste (I usually like a good build up, with a few exceptions).

     Overall, Branded has a great potential, and would be a great book and series with a few tweaks here and there. It doesn't have a lasting or major impact on me or the type of book where I'll be miserable not knowing what happens for at least a year as I was hoping for, but I do hope that in the end, the innocent peeps in the Hole receive a happy ending (no guarantees. I'm not a mind reader, but it never hurts to hope).
Parasite (2019)
Parasite (2019)
2019 | Drama
Kills You With Intrigue
This is the portion of the review where I usually give a quick synopsis, but I’m not going to do that for Parasite. I want you to go in like I did: Completely and totally blind. It’s so much better that way, trust me on this.

Acting: 10

Beginning: 9
Nice set up for what is to come, especially when you don’t really know what’s coming. You’re introduced to the primary family and get a better understanding of their story. I appreciated how director/writer Bong Joon Ho sets up the intrigue but doesn’t give you too much.

Characters: 10

Cinematography/Visuals: 10
Parasite is cinematically gorgeous from beginning to end. It gives you a feeling that you are witnessing something you’ve never seen before. I won’t dive too deep into this, but I especially love the cinematic contrast shown between the lower and upper class. Brilliantly done.

Conflict: 10
One minute, you think you’re watching a light comedy. The next, you’re saying, “Holy shit!” The perceived conflict is big enough, but when more gets added to the mix things get extremely out of control. I loved every minute of it.

Entertainment Value: 8

Memorability: 10
As soon as I finished watching Parasite, I immediately looked up who directed Oldboy as the shooting style and varying levels of constant tension felt very similar. Though not the same director, I will say this: If you’ve seen the latter, expect to be just as shocked by the former. Parasite gives you an experience you will never forget.

Pace: 10
Not a dull moment throughout. I spent so much time trying to figure out what the hell was happening that things never got boring, especially during the second half of the movie. There were so many moments of tension, you would be hardpressed to lose interest in the movie.

Plot: 10

Resolution: 1
As phenomenal as the movie is, the ending definitely left a sour taste in my mouth. Wasn’t a fan in the least. In fact, it was the one thing in my mind keeping this from being a classic.

Overall: 88
If you’re planning to see Parasite anytime soon, make sure you go in completely blind. It is memorable beyond belief. Expect it to stay in your mind for a long time after watching it.