Taxing Energy: Oil Severance Taxation and the Economy
Stephen DeCanio, M. Bruce Johnson, H.E. Frech and Joseph P. Kalt
Severance taxes on the extraction of oil, gas, and other natural resources have been very popular...
FIA Foundations in Taxation FTX FA2016: Interactive Text
Foundations in Accountancy (FIA) awards are entry-level, core-skill focused qualifications from...
ICAEW Business Planning: Taxation New: Passcards: 2013
BPP Learning Media's unique Passcards make the best use of your revision time. They summarise key...

Taxation of Loan Relationships and Derivative Contracts
Taxation of Loan Relationships and Derivative Contracts, Tenth Edition, is updated in line with the...

ACCA P6 Advanced Taxation FA2015: Practice and Revision Kit
BPP Learning Media s status as official ACCA Approved Learning Provider Content means our ACCA Study...
FIA Foundations in Taxation - FTX Passcards: Passcards: 2011
Foundations in Accountancy (FIA) awards are entry-level, core-skill focused qualifications from...
FIA Foundations in Taxation - FTX Revision Kit: Revision Kit: 2011
Foundations in Accountancy (FIA) awards are entry-level, core-skill focused qualifications from...

FIA Foundations in Taxation FTX FA2013: Practice and Revision Kit
Foundations in Accountancy (FIA) awards are entry-level, core-skill focused qualifications from...