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Moore Field School and the Mystery
Moore Field School and the Mystery
2.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
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#1 <a href="">Moore Field School and the Mystery</a> - ★

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Moore Field School and the Mystery by Liam Moiser is the first book of the Moore Field School series. We follow the main character Samantha, whose parents are teachers at her school, Moore Field School.

When Moore Field School is about to close down, the headmistress, Miss Moore, moves the school to Lakeview to start again. And Samantha and her parents move too. 

Before the first term, the students go to a camp, where they hear about a haunted house. Samantha and her best friend, Jessica, somehow end up in the middle of this mystery. 

My first thoughts of this book were that I find this little school cute, and the mystery of the haunted house quite interesting. 

However, other than that, I am afraid not many things really appealed to me. 

First of all, Samantha doesn’t look like or act like a little girl. She has conversations with her parents in a very unusual way. Who talks to their parents in such a way, in a middle grade book for children?

<b><i>“Okay, since you are both insisting, I’ll go and get my musical sheets whilst you settle yourselves down in the living room.” Samantha smiled; she really did want her father and mother to listen to her music. </i></b>

Aside from the characters and their language, there are a lot of scenes and acts in the book that I cannot find the logic of: 

Miss Moore, the headmistress, is closing the school down because of the lack of pupils going into the private school. She is then moving the school into another town, which is a few hundred miles away. And she wants the old students to keep going to this school. Why would I want my child to keep going to a school that will now be hundreds of miles away? And yet, parents agree to this…

Both parents and teachers don’t seem to care too much about their pupils. Samatha and Jessica wander off, almost drown, get lost twice, and when they return, they are simply greeted as if nothing major happened. Also, the teacher that was supposed to be guarding them and fell asleep and lost them twice gets out of the whole mess without being in any trouble. 

I really wish I enjoyed this book, but it made me cringe and wince all the way through on how pompous and unrealistic it was. Luckily, it is quite short, so I got through it quite fast. Whew. 

I don't think I will be reading the rest of the series unfortunately.

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The Music Man: Other Dimensions
The Music Man: Other Dimensions
Moonyani Write | 2019 | Children, Science Fiction/Fantasy
2.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I enjoyed how the students from our dimension and those from the other dimension interacted with each other. (0 more)
The amount of repetition is this book was a major issue for me and made it extremely hard to read. To be honest I got bored with it quickly. (0 more)
Honest Review for Free Copy of Book
Before you read this review I just want to mention that I do like the idea behind this book and do not want to discourage anyone from reading it. This was just my personal opinion as all my reviews are.

 The Music Man: Other Dimensions by Moonyani Write picks up directly where the previous one left off. It has the same writing style as the previous one for those who enjoyed that. However, at the time of my writing this the book could still use some work (although keep in mind I am just a reader and not an editor).

 This second book welcomes back The Music Man (Cornelius), Jimmy, and his friends at a boarding school for the musically gifted. At first, Jimmy believes all the previous events are just a dream but he soon pins down Cornelius, who just happens to be a teacher at his school and learns the truth. The bad news is Hornsbury and the witches have returned in the other dimension and are trying to steal the other Jimmy’s talents and take over the world.

 Before Jimmy and his friends can stop Hornsbury and save everyone they must complete a few other tasks. The first of these tasks is to save Chris from his possession and return the book he stole to its rightful owner, Priala. Priala is a powerful witch and on the side of good who has agreed to help stop Hornsbury so long as she gets her spellbook back first. They also want to help Phillip regain his human form and free all those already possessed by Hornsbury. Sadly all seems lost when both Jimmy’s and Cornelius’s girlfriend are captured by Honsbury. It then becomes a race against the clock to stop him before it is too late.

 I enjoyed how the students from our dimension and those from the other dimension interacted with each other. It was interesting to see how the friendships formed almost instantly between many of them. Of course, the surprise at the end was nice, although it mirrored the ending of the first book. The amount of repetition is this book was a major issue for me and made it extremely hard to read. To be honest I got bored with it quickly. The story is slow to make progress and it seems like there are character descriptions thrown in at random which interrupts the flow of the story. It could be the format that I received this book in but yet again there were few paragraphs and almost every sentence started a completely new line.

 This book is ideal for children as I found nothing inappropriate in it. It might be a bit on the long side for some younger readers but making one chapter at a time a reading goal should help with that issue. I rate this book 1 out of 4. Unfortunately, I found this book to be way too repetitive and slow to be enjoyable. In contrast, the big battle at the end that everything was leading up to was over so quickly that it didn’t create any tension or excitement. I do not like doing this but in this book’s current condition I can not recommend it.
What to Expect When You&#039;re Expecting (2012)
What to Expect When You're Expecting (2012)
2012 | Comedy, Drama, Romance
6.2 (9 Ratings)
Movie Rating
First off, a disclaimer: I have not read the book What to Expect When You’re Expecting; nor do I have any kids of my own. That being said….

This film shows you five different stories that are not all connected, but they do intersect each other’s paths several times. The stories follow different scenarios that you can expect when you, as a couple, are expecting a baby. These five stories are the easy pregnancy, the difficult on the woman’s body pregnancy, the difficult on the relationship pregnancy, the miscarriage and the adoption.

The film has a stellar lineup for the cast. Cameron Diaz (There’s Something About Mary, Bad Teacher) plays celebrity Jules who is on a Dancing-with-the-Stars-esque show, who ends up in a relationship with her dance partner Evan, played by Matthew Morrison (Glee, Music and Lyrics). Elizabeth Banks (Zack and Miri, The Hunger Games) is Wendy, the owner of a baby store and author of a baby’s book who has been desperately trying to get pregnant with her husband Gary played by Ben Falcone (Bridesmaids). Anna Kendrick (Scott Pilgrim vs. The World, Up In The Air) is Rosie, the owner of a food truck who has a one-night stand with high school crush Marco, played by Chace Crawford (The Covenant, Gossip Girl). Jennifer Lopez (American Idol, Out of Sight) is Holly, a photographer who is attempting to go the Brangelina route by adopting a baby from Ethiopia with her husband Alex, played by Rodrigo Santoro (300, I Love You Phillip Morris). Lastly, we have Skyler who is portrayed by Brooklyn Decker (Just Go With It, Battleship). She is a stay-at-home wife married to retired NASCAR driver Ramsey, who is played by Dennis Quaid (The Day After Tomorrow, Vantage Point).

Aside from the main cast, there is also a great supporting cast with the likes of Chris Rock (Grown Ups, Death At A Funeral), Joe Manganiello (True Blood), Thomas Lennon (Reno 911, I Love You, Man), Rebel Wilson (Bridesmaids) and many more.

Based on the trailers for What to Expect When You’re Expecting, the movie looked to be a very promising comedy. I am sad to say, I was very disappointed. The trailers make it look like “The Dudes Group” is a main focus of the story, but it is only a reprieve from the main story lines. This is a shame because for me, “The Dudes Group” had the funniest moments in the movie. The rest of the film, while heart-warming at moments, seemed to lack any real attempt to make a connection with the audience. To me, the relationships just seemed unreal.

This is not to say that there are not those out there who will not enjoy the film. The ladies behind me in the theatre seemed to be laughing the whole time, but it just wasn’t my cup of tea. I once heard my editor (Gareth Von Kallenbach) say that this was a great idea, but it may have been better presented as a TV show. I have to say that I agree whole-heartedly. It would have made a great weekly sitcom, probably with the series centered on “The Dudes Group” (as I said, funniest moments in the movies). But it looks like there may be something along these lines on the horizon any way with the upcoming NBC comedy: Guys With Kids.
    Fashion School Girl

    Fashion School Girl

    Games and Entertainment

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    ~~> Stella’s school is a fashion nightmare! Help her give a school-wide fashion makeover! ~~> From...

    PiXL Maths App

    PiXL Maths App


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    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please note, this application is for PiXL school members only and you will need to get your school id from your teacher if your school is a member of the PiXL club. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The PiXL Maths App (PMA) is a skills based assessment program. The app successfully highlights your strengths and your areas to develop. This is a very useful and accurate tool to use prior to any test to help rank which revision topics are of the most importance. The app is setup in such a way to guide you through a wide range of Mathematical topics. The PMA assesses generic skill based Mathematical knowledge; it therefore suitably matches the AQA, Edexcel or OCR schemes of learning. INSTRUCTIONS: After installation, you are presented with a login screen. You will need to create your own account following the on screen instructions. Keep your login details safe as all future results will be stored under your account. This incredibly powerful tool then helps you to start identifying areas you need to revise. By answering each of the online questions, the app highlights the objectives you have successfully completed and which ones you will need to work on. After some targeted revision, you can then return back to the app to see if you have improved. With each access, the questions are refreshed so you can assess yourself with a similar problem but with different numbers. To aid with closing the gap, therapy videos can be found within in question to help target specific skills. Take a challenge - select your target grade and you will be given a bespoke program of questions to help you achieve it. CONTENTS: The app covers the following range of topics: Statistics and Number - 1) Mean, mode, median and range 2) Pictogram and tally tables 3) Bar charts 4) Probability 5) Stem and leaf 6) Two-way tables 7) Scatter diagrams 8) Percentages and ratio 9) Pie charts 10) Frequency polygons 11) Cumulative frequency tables and graphs 12) Box plots 13) Histograms 14) Upper and lower bounds Number and Algebra - 1) Operating with integers, decimals and directed numbers (negatives) 2) Place value, BIDMAS and rounding 3) Factors, multiples, HCF and LCM 4) Indices and standard index form 5) Surds 6) Ratio and proportion 7) Fractions, decimals and percentages 8) Equations and simultaneous equations 9) Quadratics - factorising and completing the square 10) Sequences - inc. understanding of nth term rules 11) Linear graphs - y = mx + c 12) Real life graphs - speed, distance and time calculations 13) Inequalities - inc. interpretation of graphical inequalitites 14) Substituting into formulae 15) Changing the subject / rearranging a formula Geometry and Algebra - 1) Properties of shapes - inc. angles on parallel lines, interior and exterior angles 2) Circle theorems 3) Congruence and similarity 4) Area and perimeter 5) Volume and surface area 6) Transformations 7) Vectors 8) Direct and inverse proportion 9) Bearings and measure - inc. approximations and metric/imperial conversions 10) Algebraic manipulation and equations 11) Pythagoras' theorem 12) Trigonometry 13) Trial and improvement 14) Graph transformations 15) Dimensional analysis 16) Ratio and similarity 17) Loci 18) Nets, plans and elevations 19) Real life graphs SUPPORT: Before rating the app, please let me know of any suggestions you might have on how I might improve the app. Any topics you think I may have missed or you happen to perhaps find some glaring glitches, then please email me first at The app has taken a considerable amount of my personal time to develop so please give it 5 stars to say "thank you".