Fiber Lasers: Basics, Technology, and Applications
Dongmei Liang and Bryce Samson
The fiber laser, with its humble beginning in the late 1980s, has undergone tremendous development...
Advances in Manufacturing Technology XVII 2003
Y. Qin and N.P. Juster
"Advances in Manufacturing Technology XVII" continues a well respected series with the papers...
AssistiveWare's Assistive Technology Webinars
This is a series of video podcasts of AssistiveWare's webinars covering assistive technology...
The Oxford Handbook of Technology and Music Education
Roger Mantie and Alex Ruthmann
Few aspects of daily existence are untouched by technology. The learning and teaching of music is no...
Transmission in Motion: The Technologizing of Dance
How can various technologies, from the more conventional to the very new, be used to archive, share...
Research and Technology Buildings: A Design Manual
Hardo Braun and Dieter Gromling
A handbook on planning and designing architecture for research and technology, with 70 up-to-date...
Computer Vision in Vehicle Technology: Land, Sea, and Air
Antonio M. Lopez, Atsushi Imiya, Tomas Pajdla and Jose M. Alvarez
A unified view of the use of computer vision technology for different types of vehicles Computer...
Digital Technologies and Change in Education: The Arena
Digital Technologies and Change in Education provides professionals and other leaders with a road...