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The Last Odyssey (Sigma Force #15)
The Last Odyssey (Sigma Force #15)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
By and large, you know what you're getting with James Rollins Sigma Force novels (of which this is number 15!): a modern-day techno thriller, usually a race against time with dire consequences of failure, and linked to a mystery in the past.

This one is no different.

Having said that, I do have to say that these are also a bit of a guilty pleasure of mine!

This time around, the link to the past is the tale as told in Homer's (not *that* Homer! D'Oh!) Odyssey, when Odysseus and his crew spent years trying to get home again following the fall of Troy. What if the fantastical stories, and his journeys, all had their basis in fact?

Following a discovery of an ancient ship entombed in ice in a glacier in Iceland, and the cargo it carries, this sets the events (and the clock) ticking for this novel: events that sees Commander Grayson Pierce and his now-wife Seichan return from Maternity/Paternity leave in order to help out solving the mystery.

As usual, there's also a traitor or two ...
The Radio Tisdad Sessions by Tinariwen
The Radio Tisdad Sessions by Tinariwen
2001 | Blues, Folk, Rock
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"This is a record that I found from trawling the racks. It was the cover that intrigued me – a guy playing electric guitar in desert robes in a tent. I had to find out more. Tinariwen were a band that had an extended tribe, so people would come in and take over the vocals. They had different players. Later I learnt that the leader would take his guitar and go off into the desert and write the album under the stars. Years later I met up with them and discussed me and Brian Eno going out and spending time with their tribe, the Tuareg, and recording with them in the hills of Mali. We talked about it and started to plan it out, and then Underworld went on tour and that was that. Brian and I still talk about it. I listen to a lot of African music, that fantastic polyrhythmic, joyous tumbling sound which, for me, was techno. They did it so beautifully and made it sound haunting. They are a phenomenal group. This album was their first – it was recorded by a French group who had heard about their music and just went out to the desert and found them. It’s crudely beautiful."


Heather Cranmer (2721 KP) created a post

Aug 19, 2022  
Sneak a peek at the cozy mystery THE FLOWER ENIGMA by Breakfield and Burkey on my blog. If you like what you see, the eBook is only $0.99. Be sure to enter the giveaway for a chance to win an autographed copy of the book - two winners!

Imagine a romantic getaway in the Texas Hill Country

JJ, a cyber guru, whisks his girlfriend, Jo, away for a vacation. No paparazzi. Magnolia Bluff is the perfect destination. Flower B&B is prettier than the pictures on the website.

The evangelizing podcast creators are demanding answers about the town’s newest resident, Mateo Hernandez. The enormous wall he erected has convinced the ladies he’s hiding nefarious activities behind a dubious attorney. Local authorities don’t believe laws are broken and discount the women as meddling gossips.

When the couple checks in to Flower, the podcast show-in-progress is interrupted by a cyberattack. JJ, the techno-geek, can’t resist helping. At each subsequent event in the series, he uncovers more serious issues than cyberwarfare.

JJ and Jo can’t avoid this roving series maelstrom. It gets personal when they’re attacked and warned to leave town. No one can conceive the depth of the crimes behind Mateo’s walls.
Scarlet's Escape (The Sanctum Series #2)
Scarlet's Escape (The Sanctum Series #2)
Katrina Cope | 2014 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Thriller, Young Adult (YA)
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I really enjoyed reading Jayden and the Mysterious Mountain, the first book in the Sanctum series (see review posted here) so was very much looking forward to reading the sequel. This task was made much harder by my 9 year old son demanding to read it first, then him re-reading Jayden and then Scarlet's Escape again.

When I finally got hold of the book I was not disappointed. It was only when I started to read this that I realised exactly what these books are - they are techno thrillers for younger readers. Tom Clancy for pre teens if you will. You do need to suspend belief - but no more than in any other techno thriller.

After the excitement of the last book, things have settled down in the Sanctum with Jayden and his friends Eva, Robert and Aaron forming a formidable infiltration and hacking team, using 'surrogates' and virtual reality to thwart terrorist activity. However the Santum's super computer Scarlet is behaving a little oddly, and missions have started going badly wrong. Are these linked and what can the friends do?

Meanwhile in Ernest College, Liam and friends stumble upon a secret (with a lot of help from their friend Brendan, who is in reality a surrogate controlled by Aaron in the Sanctum). What does it mean and which side is the College on?

The writing in the second book is tauter and crisper, helped by not having to explain every detail of the Sanctum, and also that although Jayden is still the primary narrative focus his friends get to do more than just follow his lead. Swapping between the Sanctum and the college, progressing each story a little from the very start also keeps the tension high as one or other group is always facing some sort of dilemma or decision. Cope has also been freed from the constraint of making this a stand alone book - there are plenty of loose ends to tie up at the end promising more great adventures to come. There are also plenty of red herrings and false trails to keep the reader guessing about who - or what - is responsible.

As in the first book there are plenty of positive role models and life lessons for the young reader. The episode with the chillies is an absolute hoot but there are serious issues dealt with too - bullying and guilt from a failed mission in particular.

Very much a recommended book for those still a little too young for 'young adult' fiction but who have grown out of books such as the Famous Five but still have a taste for adventure with a technological twist and a strong moral center. Overall another excellent book from Katrina Cope, very much looking forward to the next one (as is my son)
Walk in the Flesh
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
***NOTE: I was provided a free copy of the book in exchange for my honest review***

In Walk in the Flesh, Neil, an ex-soldier on the brink of death, is given the chance to live on and exact revenge on the people who killed his wife in a terrorist attack. The British government will use nanotechnology to insert his consciousness into host bodies, allowing him to carry out covert missions undetected. Now, besides becoming a perfect killing machine, Neil has also become a monster. Or perhaps he was one all along…

The story has a very scary premise – and one that technology might not be too far away from making a possibility. There is no shortage of action in this thriller, and I was caught up in it right away. The story moves quickly, but it takes a while to really understand what is happening with Neil. Eventually the reader knows more about him than he does himself. The most suspenseful bits come near the end when he has a young woman travelling with him, and you’re left guessing at his motivations.

There were a few editing issues. Once or twice I had to re-read a sentence due to a missing word, but the issues were infrequent or the story kept moving well enough for me not to notice too much.

If you enjoy military adventure novels, cyberpunk, or techno-thrillers, this one is worth a read.

Tyondai Braxton recommended Multistability by Mark Fell in Music (curated)

Multistability by Mark Fell
Multistability by Mark Fell
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"Revelatory meditations on a classic FM synth sounds. The end of an era and the beginning of one. I came to his music maybe later in my life, and he's one of those guys where you just slap your head and go "Oh man, how have I not known about this guy?" Only in the last couple of years have I approached him. He does micro-electronic stuff, kind of like preceded a lot of labels that have since flourished with that, like Raster-Noton and Editions Mego. What he's done - and I think this must be a running theme of things that I like – as far as liberating an idea from its historical context. Like Feldman and Varese, it's him taking these dance sounds, these FM synth sounds that you hear in techno even, and isolating them, turning them into this simple object which is hanging on your wall. And in doing so, it's reduced to something so pure that it's profound and it's absurd. And it's powerful and funny. It's so simple, the idea behind it. Production-wise, he has his own methodology that I'm not too sure about. It's not basic, but it's so obvious in its clarity, that it makes you ask, "How has someone not done this already?" So profound in a way. It's so simple, this idea. It's literally one pulsing sound. You understand it, but you are thinking "How do I listen to this? What is it for?""

The Forgotten Girls
The Forgotten Girls
Owen Laukkanen | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Received an ARC from First To Read for an honest review:

First, I like many others it seems, did not know from the blurb that it was book 6 in a series. That scared me just a tiny bit when I started it, but as I read the book I realized it definitely also works as a standalone.

Second, I'm not big on crime novels that are not of the "cozy mystery" variety. That being said, the more violent scenes in this book were not...bothersome. It worked it's way up in intensity, but there was nothing that forced me to step away from the book and take a breather.

That being said, though, the book was full of amazing scenes beautifully described that you couldn't, as a reader, NOT picture, even if you didn't want to. Lines like: "Even the sky seemed static, just a blank wall, a paint swatch, 'chronic depression gray'." were scattered throughout, and they place you in the wintry, desolate, desperate situation of the characters so that you are right beside them, experiencing what they are, for better or worse.

Overall, I really enjoyed the book, even though the content was not a topic of my normal choosing (sorry, serial killers hunting women freak me out).

Extra bonus for the techy geek stuff I didn't know about the "cloud" that I had to double check with the more "techno-advanced" member of our household about. Definitely makes me think twice about the idea of even donating a used phone.
The Dark Net
The Dark Net
Benjamin Percy | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry, Horror, Thriller
8.3 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Dark Net by Benjamin Percy is a complex story in which the horror is the realisation that it could happen to all of us, and we’d be unable to stop it!

There’s a large cast of characters at the beginning, which I have to admit you could easily lose track of, and it’s not everyone’s preferred writing style, but you just know there’s a reason these people are mentioned straight up and that they are all going to meet somewhere along the storyline to make sense of it all. As I read this it was like I had a movie playing out in my mind. We see shots of a dodgy run server group in one scene. Next we meet Hannah with a high-tech prosthetic that restores her sight, but can’t understand why she can now see shadows surrounding certain people. Then there’s Lala a technophobic journalist, (Hannah’s auntie ), Mike the gun hoarder who sees things that can’t possibly be there, Derek a genius hacker and, to top it all, a virus spreading through the net that had a very old-school, Shaun Hutson, evil, demonic force feel to it. Who can stop this evil presence from getting out of control and fight back?

Dark, creepy, urban-techno horror with an old-school, supernatural feel that I particularly enjoyed. What would we all do if the devil got inside our homes, schools, offices through our computers? Who’d save us? Not our anti-virus protection, that’s for sure!

Moby recommended Silver Apples by Silver Apples in Music (curated)

Silver Apples by Silver Apples
Silver Apples by Silver Apples
1968 | Electronic, Psychedelic
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I did an Apple iTunes show at the Roundhouse, and they asked me 'if you could have anybody in the world playing with you, who would it be?' And I said 'oh, Silver Apples'. I'd seen him play the Knitting Factory in New York, and I thought that if I asked him to play with me his response would be a resounding 'no', but he was really enthusiastic and happy to do it, he's just this cool guy with a nice hippy girlfriend. Everything about them, the fact that he invented his own equipment, and he did kind of single-handedly invent electronic dance music. You listen to 'Oscillations' and maybe someone would challenge me on this, but I think that's the moment when... before that, electronic dance music didn't exist. It's got the four on the floor kick, all the different synth textures, even the subject matter, singing about technology. That's techno in 1968. Silver Apples came out of that Lower Manhattan performance art scene, starting as them playing music for artists on LSD dancing in lofts. There's one song that they've done that I've always wanted to cover, the song 'I Have Known Love', and every couple of years I go back to it and try and cover it, but every version I've tried to do of it is terrible. At some point in my life I want to try and find someone to do it with because it's a really beautiful song... Maybe I should just accept the fact that the original is perfect and it doesn't need to be covered."

The Chimera Vector (The Fifth Column #1)
The Chimera Vector (The Fifth Column #1)
Nathan M. Farrugia | 2012 | Thriller
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Chimera Vector is a fast, brutal and engaging techno thriller. Sophia is an operative for the secretive Fifth Column, a network not related to any government that seeks to eliminate terrorists and corrupt governments.

When the extraction from a mission goes wrong, Sonia questions their real motives. Just whose side are they one? And which side is she on?

The questions of motives and who is working for who runs through the book with many double and even triple (and more) crosses happening. This really does keep the reader on their toes. Because everything is filtered through Sophia's perception it's never clear who can really be trusted - if anyone - it is only clear who Sophia trusts as the story moves on.

This moves at some pace too, with some terrific set pieces across the world. The momentum only increases as once the stakes are revealed the second half of the book is essentially one long action sequence which puts any Hollywood blockbuster to shame. The only other author I can really compare this too is Matthew Reilly, it is just as fast and fun.

Obviously there is a fair amount of suspension of disbelief expected on the part of the reader but the idea of a shadowy organisation carefully orchestrating what happens in the world is a compelling one. It also tends to sound like an arms catalogue at times - every gun and piece of combat equipment is described in detail. And I did get quite overwhelmed with the word 'flashbang' at points.

If you are looking for something that's fast paced, engaging without being too involving, clever without being smug about it and a plot that will keep you guessing, you can't go far wrong with this.