Warp Technique
YouTube Channel
Well Come To Technical Baba Channel #TechnicalBaba आप सभी का स्वागत...
Technical boss
YouTube Channel
", I created this channel on 2 jan 2017, my motive behind creating this channel was to make Easy to...
Sharing Knowledge, Shaping Europe: U.S. Technological Collaboration and Nonproliferation
In the 1950s and the 1960s, U.S. administrations were determined to prevent Western European...
Managing Convergence in Innovation: The New Paradigm of Technological Innovation
Technology in several forms, especially Information Technology (IT), has a strong tendency to...
Development of Science and Technology in Iran: Policies and Learning Frameworks: 2016
This book examines the policies, conducts, and performances of organizations tasked with developing...
Fda in the Twenty-First Century: The Challenges of Regulating Drugs and New Technologies
Holly Fernandez Lynch and I. Glenn Cohen
In its decades-long effort to assure the safety, efficacy, and security of medicines and other...
Analyzing Media: Communication Technologies as Symbolic and Cognitive Systems
James W. Chesebro and Dale A. Bertelsen
For the past 25 years, critics of communication have focused on the content and form of verbal and...