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Vanishing Girls
Lauren Oliver | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Oliver's novel covers the story of sisters Nick (Nicole) and Dara, who grew up close, but have drifted apart as teens. Then they are in a terrible accident, which pulls them even further apart -- to the point where they aren't even speaking. However, when Nick eventually thinks Dara has disappeared, she goes on a quest to find her sister and help her.

This book was just sort of eh... I don't think it's really a spoiler to say that the "vanishing" part for Dara doesn't take place until well into the plot. The story is more the tale of Dara and Nick's lives before and after their accident (told in their own voices, jumping between time). It's actually rather compelling as is and the whole "vanishing" almost seems like an unwelcome distraction once it arrives.

It's not to say the whole book is bad. I struggled with the rating, really. There's a lot of suspense that simply captures the sisters' lives and tumult surrounding the accident. Oliver does a good job portraying Nick's teen life and her growth as she works at an amusement park over the summer.

Still, the "vanishing girls" part feels contrived at times and parts of Dara's life, as it unfolds, seems forced. Overall, I'm still sort of unsure about this one, truly. It leaves you a little uneven, which who knows... may be the point!
Anna Dressed in Blood (Anna, #1)
Anna Dressed in Blood (Anna, #1)
Kendare Blake | 2011 | Horror, Paranormal, Young Adult (YA)
7.0 (11 Ratings)
Book Rating
4.5 stars for Anna Dressed in Blood.

If you ever wanted to know how to write a decent and great ghost story, this is it! I had high hopes for this book, and it didn't disappoint.

However, I was expecting it to be a bit more scary, but I didn't find it scary at all. I wouldn't consider it as a horror book. Paranormal ghost story, yes.

I loved, loved, loved the character of Anna. I loved her so much, in fact, that I was wishing that she actually did exist so we could be friends.

I also loved the fact that it had swearing in it that wasn't OTT like a lot of older teen books. The way Cas swears made him feel more like a real teenage boy. What 17 year old boy doesn't swear!?!

The plot was quite good although, when it came to the story line of how Anna died and why she was the way she was, it was quite predictable...This is what made me give the book 4.5 stars instead of 5...well, that and it wasn't scary which I was hoping for.

Overall, this is definitely a good read! I can't wait to read Girl of Nightmares to find out more about (hopefully) Anna, Cas, Carmel, and Thomas.

This is a book not to be missed!

Sue (5 KP) rated The Coroner in Books

Aug 13, 2018  
The Coroner
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Emily Hartford seems to be doing well for herself with a promising surgical career in Chicago and having been recently engaged to a third-year surgical resident. Her world is turned upside down when she receives a call telling her that her estranged medical examiner father has suffered a major heart attack and she must come home.

Upon arrival at her hometown of Freeport, which she fled over 12 years ago after the mysterious death of her mother, Emily is pulled into an investigation. With her ME father unable to assist, Sheriff Nick Larson (Em’s old high school flame) asks her help in finding out if the sudden unexplained death of a Senator’s teen daughter was an accident or murder.

This book is engaging with several different stories going on at once. The first story is the mystery of the Senator’s daughter who was an equestrian, good student, and all around loved individual. How and why was she killed? The second story is about the relationship between Emily and her father. They once were so close, but with the mysterious accident her mother suffered leaving her dead, daughter and father have a rocky relationship. The third story is of Emily and trying to find out what she really wants in life.

The is a true mystery-suspense drama with a very surprising ending.
Elvira, Mistress of the Dark (1988)
Elvira, Mistress of the Dark (1988)
1988 | Comedy, Horror, Mystery
Horror movie hostess Elvira dreams of hosting a show in Vegas. When she receives saying that her Great Aunt had died she thinks her dreams have come true. Once she arrives at Fallwell, Massachusetts for the reading of the will she finds that things won’t be as easy as she had hoped. As the town turns against her and family secrets are uncovered Elvira needs to find a way to stop her great Uncles plan.
Elvira, Mistress of the Dark brings a backstory to Cassandra Pearson's character Elvira, gothic late night horror hostess. The film starts during one of Elvira’s shows when she receives a telegram telling her to go the reading of a will for a dead relative and, in the events that follow she finds out that she really is a witch.
Elvira is odd in the fact that it is almost in the style of an 80’s teen movie but it isn’t quite one. There are a few teens in the cast but the film does focus on Elvira and other people in the town.
Elvira, Mistress of the dark is rated 15 and is a comedy with a couple of scenes of peril and one jump scare. A lot of the humour focuses on Elvira’s rather ample bosom but in a quite tasteful way, it’s not a ‘Sex comedy’.
Rookie Privateer (Privateer Tales #1)
Rookie Privateer (Privateer Tales #1)
Jamie McFarlane | 2014 | Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
If you are looking for a good space adventure. Rookie Privateer is one for those young adults to teens. It about a group of kids. Well one teen that is looking for his future. He is currently stuck working with his father. He know not much to making money.

He seem to attract attention when something happens when he with is friends. What happens then goes not to be an adventure for him and his friend. Liam want freedom will get it? His friend Nick is set up for life. They are becoming Earth Mars Citizens. Someone or something is attacking their home. Will Liam reach the stars or will he not. He and Nick will they find out what the real world has to offer. Things begin to change and it changes them as well.

Find out how this book end. The authors does really well on the plot of this story. It bring you along for the ride. I could not stop reading and wanted more. What will happen to Nick James and Liam Hoffen? I hope to find out more by reading the next book. I just got to find out when it will be out. Great for teens and young adult readers. If you are into space or thrillers this really good for you as well.
The Gate II: Trespassers (1992)
The Gate II: Trespassers (1992)
1992 | Comedy, Horror, Mystery
Was hoping for better
I was a huge fan of the original The Gate when I was a kid and rewatched recently and still enjoyed. I am not sure I even knew they made a sequel until recently which makes sense now that I have seen it.

Glenn's friend Terry returns with two other annoying teen jerks and a pretty girl to summon another small demon into our dimension from theirs. It is all fun and games at first when they realize they can get their wishes granted like getting a vintage Corvette or lots of cash, but the fun soon fades when their gifts turn into shit. I mean literal shit (kind of weird). Things get scary then when two of the teens start transforming into weird creatures and Terry and girl "friend" have to band together to save humanity.

I don't mind dated movies since I am now dated myself, but this one just didn't work. Filmmakers of the original were surprised when it was a moderate hit, so they slapped this script together just to get something out there and it shows. The characters are one dimensional and not very funny or interesting and the plot doesn't really go anywhere.

The final 20 minutes kind of saves the film a little with some cool creature effects, but by then it is too late.

Murder on the Half Shell
Murder on the Half Shell
Shawn Reilly Simmons | 2016 | Mystery
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Life’s Not Quite a Beach
Penelope Sutherland and her catering crew are working on a period mystery filming on an island in Florida. Penelope has hired a few locals to help out, including two teen girls who work part time as servers. After a party one Friday night, the teens disappear. Suspicion falls on Emilio, one of the chefs that Penelope studied under at culinary school. Penelope doesn’t want to believe her old teacher is guilty, but there is something in his past that makes Penelope doubt her judgement. Where are the girls? Who is responsible for what is going on?

It’s been a few years since I read the first in this series, and I didn’t remember who everyone was. Sadly, this book assumes you remember the relationships, and it took me longer than it should have to figure out those connections. The characters are good, but they don’t feel fully developed to me. I was pulled into the plot, however, with the missing teens making it easy to care about the outcome. There are plenty of twists and turns, and the climax was satisfying. Being able to visit a beach location during the winter was a great treat, and I found the balance of the mystery with the slower life of the island was well done. This is a quick read, and I enjoyed it.
The Room Upstairs
The Room Upstairs
Iain Rob Wright | 2020 | Horror, Mystery, Paranormal
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book takes me back to my teenage and early twenties reading years when I couldn't get enough of horror books and would read anything and everything ... most of it was utter rubbish if I'm honest however, I can't same the same about this which I thoroughly enjoyed.

Considering this is quite a short book, the characters are well developed and likeable. The main character is a young lad and soon-to-be-teen, Martin; the book is written from his perspective and although this works well overall, he sometimes comes across as a little older than portrayed ... either that or he's a damn site braver than I am now let alone when I was his age!

The story starts off with a run-of-the-mill visit to a car boot sale where seemingly innocuous items are bought however, it soon turns into a mystery when a door appears that really shouldn't be there and then to horror when what is lurking inside is revealed. The pace is fast and the writing crisp with excellent tension and the odd graphic scene which are not for the faint hearted!

Once again, Mr Wright hits the mark with this highly entertaining horror book and I am ever thankful to him for sending me an advance copy in return for an honest and unbiased review.