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The Electric Kingdom
The Electric Kingdom
David Arnold | 2021 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Electric Kingdom is a novel that takes another look at the beauty of humans in a post apocalyptic world. Eighteen years after a deadly Fly Flu sweeps the globe, killing most of the population, Nico and her dog, Harry get sent on a voyage by Nico’s father to find a mythical portal. Along the way, she meets other children, including a young artist named Kit. There’s also the Deliverer, who lives Life after Life in an attempt to put the world back together. This story is an exploration of art, love, life, and finding beauty.

Every character that David Arnold writes in this book is so full of love, warmth, and heartbreak. I fell in love with Kit and his outlook on live. It was beautiful. The relationship he had with his mother Dakota, and why he calls her “My Dakota” made me tear up.

I’m not sure I completely understand the whole dynamics of the world that is in this book, but I still very much enjoyed it! There are so many layers and plot twists and double backs, you don’t realize how intense it is until you’re half way through it. By then, Arnold has you hooked and you’ve got to find out what happens and how it’s all connected!

I haven’t read anything from Arnold before but I enjoyed this one and will seeking out others from him.

*Thank you Bookish First and Penguin Teen/Viking Books for Young Readers for an advanced copy of this book in exchange for an honest review

Beckie Shelton (40 KP) rated The Treatment in Books

Oct 31, 2017 (Updated Oct 31, 2017)  
The Treatment
The Treatment
C. L. Taylor | 2017 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Thriller, Young Adult (YA)
7.6 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
Reviewed By Beckie Bookworm:

The Treatment By C.L. Taylor was a decent enough read that I really quite enjoyed.

I also took into account when reading, that this was aimed at a much younger audience than myself, so I have been slightly lenient in my rating as I feel there were things I noticed that would probably go over the heads of this books intended demographic.

I would say this is a read my twelve and thirteen-year-old boys would really enjoy, Myself being a mum in my forties, well let's just say I enjoyed this, while not overtaxing my brain overmuch.

So The Treatment is about sixteen-year-old Drew Finch and her actions when her younger brother Mason gets expelled from yet another school and sent to Norton House, a residential reform academy.

so after being followed by the mysterious Dr Cobey and receiving a strange message about the treatment, her brother is receiving while residing at Norton House. Drew decides to investigate herself by getting herself admitted as a pupil.

So as I said this was an enjoyable read that does what it says on the tin.

There were no great surprises here, This was more, the underdog saves the day type of tale.

Drew herself, well I felt a bit sorry for her bullied by her ex-best friend (which there was no real explanation for).

Does one thing wrong and then gets shipped off to a reform academy, I know she needs to be for the story to work but jeez, her mum, hardly mother of the year actions are they.

Drew herself seems to be quite a resilient girl with a bit of a kick-ass attitude, more so maybe than I would expect from someone who's been bullied so relentlessly.<br/>But anyway she seems a very likeable pragmatic type of girl.

She teams up inside Norton with her roommate Mouse and the two try to coordinate an escape while steering clear of there other roomy Jude.

Jude is every mean girl cliche you can think off, horrid just for the sake of it. Shes even worse when Lacey, Drew's arch nemesis turns up like a bad penny and the two join forces to torment Drew.

I did find both Jude and Lacey to be slightly one dimensional in their behaviour.

So anyway to cut a long story short Drew strives to save the day, while rescuing her friends and brother along the way.

This is done in true kick-butt style with only the one extra unsurprising twist along the way.

So the wrap up of "The Treatment" I felt was a little bit rushed, I would have liked to have seen things eked out and explored in a little more depth.

But besides that, this is a great addition to the Young Adult/teen genre-leaning more heavily towards the Teen age group.

So I would definitely recommend this to the younger generation, It is a fun action packed clean read, that is well written and is sure to catch imaginations.

Thank you to NetGalley, the publisher and the author for providing me with an Arc of "The Treatment" By C.L. Taylor this is my own honest unbiased opinion.

Reviewed By Beckie Bookworm:
Slide (Slide, #1)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<b>2.5 stars

Slide</b> features an intriguing idea though the results left me with mixed feelings. The concept is awesome, but the execution? Yeah, not so much. The writing is serviceable, neither bad nor great and it didn't draw me into the story straightaway. Both the way it is written and the storyline reminds me of some of the books I read as a pre-teen/teen way back during the Pleistocene epoch, otherwise known as the 1990s, with authors like Christopher Pike, R.L. Stine, Diane Hoh, Lois Duncan, Richie Tankersley Cusick, among others. It especially seems to fall right in between Pike and Stine. While the writing is more mature than Stine's, it's not quite as sophisticated as Pike's. The mystery is weak, and by the end, seems pointless as it's totally anti-climactic, over in a flash, like it was written just to finish the book up, and absurdly contrived. The whole ending is totally ludicrous and unbelievable. The clues leading up to it are obvious and not incorporated into the story well at all. These clues were so glaring they all but had a flashing sign pointing to them in cartoon-like fashion whenever they fell into the main character's path. Sylvia a.k.a. Vee wasn't written as a dummy, at first, but boy she was an absolute idiot about those clues and putting two and two together, or really much of anything until it slapped her in the face. While Vee is sympathetic, I can't say I felt much of anything for her, and even less for anyone else in book because of their lack of depth. No one is explained in any detail, either personality or looks, motivations, or whatever. Just a brief shallow summary if lucky. Speaking of.... What has happened in books today where there are no descriptions of how anybody looks, except "I have pink hair," "his blonde hair," or some other toss away adjective? I've seen it over and over again and all I'm left with is the visualization that these people have no faces, much like that episode of Doctor Who (The Idiot's Lantern). Frankly it's all rather creepy.

I feel like this could have been a great book if it was longer (the copy I read is only 250 pages of at least 1.5 spaced lines) and had much more depth. Add in a couple more suspects, motivations, etc., and maybe a little more information on Vee's "sliding" powers. Unfortunately it's only an "okay" read that's easy and moves at a rapid pace. I didn't hate the book by any means, it's just not one that'll stick in my head for more than a few days. On the plus side I love the cover composition and colors, so kudos to the artist(s). This works fine as a standalone, but is now part of a series, for some unfathomable reason. Frankly, I'm getting sick of every book that comes out, most usually in the YA genre, becoming a series. It's ridiculous how few standalone books there are anymore. Still, even with all my grumbling about the numerous series and everything else, I think I will check out [b:Impostor|13423265|Impostor (Slide, #2)|Jill Hathaway||18870053], the second book in the <i>Slide</i> series, as it sounds interesting. Who knows, this might have just been the stepping stone to bigger and better things. Although if Vee is as stupid as she was in this one, I'm outta there.

Originally Reviewed: October 16, 2012
Received: Amazon Vine
The Program (The Program, #1)
Suzanne Young | 2013 | Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
(This review can be found on my blog <a href="">The (Mis)Adventures of a Twenty-Something Year Old Girl</a>).

I'd been wanting to read this book for a long time now. The blurb really caught my attention (especially as I've suffered with major depression in the past), so when I got the chance to buy a book, this one was my choice. Luckily, it was a super fantastic read!

I like the title of this book. I like how it's really plain and simple, yet, it works. The title very much suits the book as it's pretty straight-forward about what the book's going to be about.

I like the cover for The Program. All teenagers who enter the program are made to wear yellow lemon colored scrubs. I like how it shows the uniforms.

The world building is superb! Everything is explained fantastically throughout the book. Young makes it easy to believe that one day there will be a "cure" for depression and teen suicide. There's only one bit in the world building towards the end of the book that kind of made me question its reliability. I don't want to give away spoilers though, and this could just be me over thinking things.

The pacing is spot on. From the very first sentence, this book had me hooked. I couldn't wait to see what happened next. To say I devoured this book would be an understatement.

The plot was super interesting. Teens are being taken to The Program once they become depressed. Apparently, teen suicide is contagious and an epidemic, so the only cure is The Program where memories are erased. When Sloane's boyfriend, James, gets taken into The Program, it's not long before Sloane becomes depressed and is taken in as well. Will James and Sloane remember each other or will their memories be totally erased? I thought the plot was very original, and I enjoyed every bit of it. Some of the scenes in The Program reminded me of The Matrix. I believe this book could be read as a standalone since there wasn't a major cliff hanger, but I think it'd be better read as a series.

I loved the characters! I loved how Sloane came across as just a normal teenage girl who had been through a traumatic experience. I felt that her vulnerability made her even more lovable. I also really liked James. I loved how he wanted to protect Sloane from everything. It was very evident how much James and Sloane loved each other. The only character I didn't really care for was Realm. It's not that he wasn't well written because he was. It was just that I never really felt like I could trust Realm. There's just something about him.

The dialogue was fantastic and fit in well with a young adult novel. I loved reading the dialogue between Sloane and James the best. There are innocent mentions of sex although not many. There's also some swearing and some violence, but nothing over the top.

Overall, The Program by Suzanne Young is an original story that has fantastic world building, great characters, and hits close to home. I've already bought the next book in the series.

I'd recommend this book to those aged 16+ who are after a book with an original story line and want a thrilling read.

(I purchased this book in paperback format through Amazon with my own money. I was not required to review this book).
The Wrong Girl (Return to Fear Street #2)
The Wrong Girl (Return to Fear Street #2)
R.L. Stine | 2018 | Horror, Young Adult (YA)
5.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
One Dimensional Characters (2 more)
Unbelievable Plot
Slow Pacing
Skip this One
I've always been a huge fan of R.L. Stine. I grew up with all of his books especially the original Fear Street series, so when I heard Stine had released a Return to Fear Street series, I knew I had to read it. I loved You May Now Kill the Bride, the first book in the series. However, The Wrong Girl was not very good.

The pacing for The Wrong Girl was incredibly slow save for a few chapters where it actually sped up to a decent pace. I found myself wondering how much longer I'd have to read before the action started. This book just drones on and on, and I found myself becoming very bored quickly. In fact, I only really finished The Wrong Girl because I felt like I had to since I wanted to read the next book in the series even though these are stand alone novels.

The plot for The Wrong Girl sounds like it has the potential to be really interesting judging by the book synopsis. However, it was a major yawn fest. I really found it hard to believe most of the plot. Poppy, the main character, and her circle of friends decide to form a prank club and put their pranks online. The pranks get more wild each time. Eventually, her friends are attacked and some are killed. Really, the pranks and the harming of her friends are not related. I have trouble believing that Poppy and her friends would not be in any trouble after the pranks they committed especially as the pranks were uploaded live for all to see. The police in Shadyside must be very relaxed and not mind crime very much. There is a plot twist that I didn't see coming, I will admit that. Oh, and the person murdering/causing harm to Poppy's friends, well, that was pretty obvious. I know this is a teen read, but I'm pretty sure even a young teen could figure it out. Another thing that bothered me was although this is part of the Return to Fear Street series, The Wrong Girl mentions Fear Street in one chapter only a couple of times, and it's only mentioned because one of the characters lives on that street. It's like Stine added the whole Fear Street element in as a quick afterthought.

The characters weren't very great. They all felt very shallow, petty, immature, and one dimensional. Poppy was extremely spoiled and annoying as were most of the characters in this story with the exception of Manny and Mr. Harlowe (both of whom I actually liked). I didn't really understand why the character of Lucas was in the book. There was really no need for him. I felt like none of the characters in The Wrong Girl were real representations of teenagers. I had a hard time relating to any of the characters. There was no back story on the characters either which made the characters even less relatable.

Trigger warnings include underage drinking, murder, violence (although not graphic), self harm (cutting), and breaking the law.

Overall, The Wrong Girl left me feeling disappointed. Nothing about the book held my attention, and it just felt like it was written by an eleven year old in a rush to get his/her English homework done, not a great author like R.L. Stine. Sadly, I would not recommend The Wrong Girl by R.L. Stine to anyone. I really hope the next book in the series is much better.