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A Darker Shade of Magic
A Darker Shade of Magic
V.E. Schwab, Victoria Schwab | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
9.2 (19 Ratings)
Book Rating
The first book set up the idea of the different Londons: magic-less grey London, vibrant red London, starving and desperate white London, and decimated, dead black London. Each built upon a foundation of London but developed in completely different fashions. Their cultures, religion, speech, manner and being is so unique in each world.

It was a really intriguing way to build the world and immediately fascinated me. Good world building is so important to books because it is immersive, it pulls you in and makes you forget that it’s not real. You are living the story with the characters. She even created languages that were utilized by characters from different places, from the magic language of the Antari to the flowing words or harsh tones of the neighboring lands. It shows a passion for authenticity and true love of what she has created.

I love the characters. Rhy with his charm always brightens the room (or a scene). Lila is cunning, ruthless, ambitious and a thief. She doesn't need anyone and she would never admit to needing anything. She takes or does what she wants, no matter the cost with no regrets. She is tough as nails and her grit is inspiring. Her first instinct is to protect herself above all.

Many people may not agree with me, but Lila was probably my least favourite of our main characters. She was smart and tough, but a little too ruthless for my taste. Kell was the character that I liked/related to the most, even though he was a powerful magic user he seemed the most down to earth.

Not only does she introduce us to unique main characters, but she brilliantly gives depths to those in the background. There are some supporting characters that at times I liked even more than some of our leads.

Overall the story is more of a slow-burn/build rather than quick action packed scenes. I think that it worked really well for this story and have no complaints. Highly recommended to young adult/teen readers who enjoy fantasy or magic books with characters that have very diverse personalities/outlooks on life and great world-building.
13 Little Blue Envelopes (Little Blue Envelope, #1)
13 Little Blue Envelopes (Little Blue Envelope, #1)
Maureen Johnson | 2005 | Fiction & Poetry
7.8 (11 Ratings)
Book Rating
Ginny Blackstone is leading a completely ordinary life in New York City. She has a best friend, she attends school; you know, the usual. The only "extraordinary" force in Ginny's life has always been her Aunt Peg, her charming, odd, albeit slightly flighty aunt. When Aunt Peg passes away, Ginny receives a series of 13 envelopes from her--to be opened strictly in order--each with a series of instructions that will take Ginny on a set of adventures.

I certainly wanted to like this book. I love Johnson's Shades of London series (seriously, read it) and, honestly, her Twitter account. When this book popped up as a deal on <a href="">Bookbub</a>;, I figured, why not? However, I just never got into the premise. Part of it is that I'm probably a lot like Ginny: I'm not adventurous, and the thought of traveling around Europe without a map or a cell phone (or a freaking plan!) absolutely terrifies me, and so the book completely stressed me out. Ginny was sweet, but also awfully naive, to an almost painful extent. While I did like her (and empathized with her at times), I had a hard time getting into the other characters, including her supposed love interest, and honestly, I found myself getting irritated at her late aunt. Who does this to a teenager? I'm surprised the poor girl didn't just self-destruct.

All in all, this is just a weird book. It's supposed to be quirky (much like Aunt Peg), but it fell short for me. It's a shame, because I think Johnson is excellent at capturing the teen voice, especially those teens who are sort of on the outside (e.g., Shades of London), and you could certainly see hints of that here. There are definitely heartwarming moments to this book and parts to enjoy. But overall, it just fell flat, and I found it, as the Goodreads 2 stars states, "OK."

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Ready Player One
Ready Player One
Ernest Cline | 2011 | Fiction & Poetry
8.9 (161 Ratings)
Book Rating
Add this book to the short list of must-reads for every True Geek, right alongside [b:Snow Crash|830|Snow Crash|Neal Stephenson||493634]. It's a gleeful homage to geekdom and pop culture.

Wade explains to the reader that he was born after humanity wore the world out and escaped to OASIS, a massive simulation that has replaced the internet and all other forms of entertainment. Nobody seems to spend time in reality any more, because it sucks. There are multiple wars going on over the few energy sources that are left. Poverty, hunger, and homelessness are rampant everywhere.

Most people who are fortunate enough to live indoors at all are like Wade, who lives with his aunt and her latest boyfriend in a three-bedroom doublewide trailer shared with 17 people. The trailer is at least near the top of a stack, which is just what it sounds like: a stack of trailers 10 or so high, so many across and wide, so that 500 or more trailers are held together with rusted scaffolding, chains, and whatever other reinforcements people have added over the years. Stack collapses are common.

Wade spends most of his time in his hideout, the back of an old van that's parked in a junkyard and crammed in a stack of vehicles. That's where he keeps his computer and other equipment, so he can attend school (in OASIS, of course) and spend time research The Contest, which is the center of his life.

The creater of OASIS, James Halliday, created The Contest in his will. Whoever wins it will inherit Halliday's vast fortune and control of OASIS. At the opening of the novel, it has been five years since Halliday died and contestants are ridiculed in everyday society as obsessive losers.

Wade's quest through The Contest and his fight to simply survive is far more interesting than I thought it would be. I'll also admit to being entertained by the 80s trivia that pops up throughout the book (integral to The Contest). I'm biased, as I was a teen during those years.

I wholeheartedly recommend this book. It's one of the very few that I'll be saving to re-read in the future.
Favorite Flavor by Virgin Miri
Favorite Flavor by Virgin Miri
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Rating
Virgin Miri is a singer-songwriter from Sweden. Not too long ago, she released a bouncy Scandi-pop tune, entitled, “Favorite Flavor”.

“When I wake, I wanna bake ya and hide your clothes. You can stay with me forever, I wanna overdose. I can’t get enough of you. Can I keep you in my room? Wear you like a new perfume. I can’t get enough, you’re my favorite flavor. Spicy chili, baby, hotter than a fever.” – lyrics

‘Favorite Flavor’ tells a slightly psychotic tale of a young woman who enjoys a perfect sleepover with her significant other.

Apparently, she has no self-control when he’s around, and every day she can’t seem to get enough of him.

Later, she admits that when she’s done with him, she’s going to wrap him up like candy and save him for later.

‘Favorite Flavor’ contains a dreamy storyline, pleasant vocals, and bouncy instrumentation flavored with playful synths and sticky kicks.

Also, the likable tune was partly inspired by a friend who hugged her bunny so hard it suffocated.

“‘Favorite Flavor’ is a love song about the honeymoon phase. When you can’t sleep because the butterflies in your belly keep you up. And you just want to hang out and make out forever.” – Virgin Miri

As a teen, Virgin Miri co-founded the controversial pop-duo, Cupid Kidz, “Sweden’s most dangerous band” according to Channel 4 News.

After a few age-restricted music videos and getting banned in the city of Falun, she moved to New York to chase the American dream.

Two years later, she found herself with an expired visa and a broken heart. She quit her job, boyfriend, and hairstyle. Also, she bought a one-way ticket to Mexico, where she crashed her best friend’s honeymoon.

Under a palm tree by the Caribbean sea, she ate 200 tacos and wrote 200 songs. With a new sound, she returned home to reside and create bedroom pop in her dad’s Stockholm office.

‘Favorite Flavor’ is the first single from Virgin Miri’s upcoming debut EP, which was written and produced with Hessam Esfahani.
The 5th wave (2016)
The 5th wave (2016)
2016 | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi
Films about invaders from space have been a staple of film and television since the golden age of cinema. Playing on many Cold War fears in the aftermath of W.W.II, aliens bent on destruction has been an enduring staple of cinematic culture.

In the new film “The 5th Wave” which is based on the book of the same name, Chloe Grace Moretz plays Cassie, a teen who has her entire life turned upside down by the arrival of a mysterious craft. A few days after the arrival of “the Others” as they are known, a pulse wipes out all electronics on the planet. This is soon followed by tsunamis and earthquakes as well as disease and death.

Cassie along with her father and brother find shelter but their community is soon disrupted by the arrival of the military who say that the invaders are now amongst them and posing as humans.

The military under the leadership of Colonel Vosch (Liev Schreiber) has a plan to train the children to spot and defeat the alien invaders thus setting in motion the main conflict of the film. The secondary story consists of Cassie attempting to reunite with her family and her relationship with a mysterious stranger named Evan (Alex Roe).

The film is clearly aimed at a young adult market and as such I was able to spot the big twist in the film a long ways off as the clues were blatantly obvious to me. That being said, the film is better than you might expect and being the first chapter in a trilogy of books does set up the possibilities of sequels.

The dialogue and acting is pretty groan inducing at times, but again, remember the target audience, the film should entertain and it is nice to see Moretz deliver a solid performance in what in many ways could have been a limited role.

While it is not going to make you forget “The Hunger Games” anytime soon, the film is still a decent escape for those willing to overlook the flaws.
The 5th wave (2016)
The 5th wave (2016)
2016 | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi
Contains spoilers, click to show
Story: The 5th Wave starts as Cassie (Moretz) shows just how deadly she has become before flashing back before everything has changed when alien ships turned up above towns. The first wave of the attack was taking out all the electricity in the world. The second wave was flooding the Earth. The third wave was a deadlier version of the bird flu crippling the surviving number. The 4th wave is the ‘Others’ becoming humans taking out any other survivors and this is where Cassie gets separated from everyone.

With Cassie along we see how Sergeant Reznik (Bello) building a new defence against the Others which is most child soldiers from the remaining survivors. This brings us to the 5th Wave and that is saved for a twist in the film but it this the beginning of the next franchise of young adult stories.

The 5th Wave is the latest in what feels like an endless run of them which luckily is dying out now. This one stands out slightly more because it jumps straight into the battle between the humans and alien invaders instead of wasting too much time building up to this in a later film. I do think this would be a good addition to the genre if we hadn’t had too much rubbish before it.

Chloe is good in the leading role but the character isn’t written as strong as she could have been, while the known adult actors are clearly having the story arc to make them the villainous roles. the rest of the teens are or children are very basic never really getting time to make the impact with the Robinson struggling to make the true impact in his role. This would be an interesting addition to the world of teen young adult films but came too late into the flood of them.


Overall: I do feel this would have been a good addition to the young adult genre but I feel we won’t see the whole story now.
The Storm (The Rain, #2)
The Storm (The Rain, #2)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
My rating: 3.5

This eBook was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in return for an honest review.

What would happen if water became fatally harmful to humans? This is what Virginia Bergin continues to explore in the second novel in the young adult, dystopian series, The Storm. Fifteen year old Ruby Morris has been trying to survive by herself only getting through each day by telling herself "everything is going to be OK." With the belief that her Dad is still alive, she sets off to find him whilst trying to dodge violent people, the British army, and, of course, the rain.

As the story develops it is revealed that Ruby may be a key character in ending the global apocalypse, however she does not trust the scientists involved in finding a solution.

Since the first book it appears that Ruby has matured a lot. She is able to take more responsibility and even help other people. Like in the first book, The Rain, Ruby is narrating her experiences to the reader as well as her deceased mother. As her mother disapproved of swearing Ruby blocks out certain words with a symbol. In some ways this makes the story suitable for early teen readers, however it is fairly easy to work out what the missing words are and therefore may not be appropriate for some readers.

The Storm was much more exciting to read than the previous novel. Ruby was less annoying and was much more mature. It is interesting to discover how the situation develops. There is a lot of action to keep the reader on their toes.

One issue with this book is how the ending is written. It almost feels like Bergin tried to end the story quickly. The whole story was carefully planned out and narrated however the end was rushed.

Overall, The Storm is a great continuation of an interesting concept. It is much better than the first part of the story and keeps the reader interested. Although intended for young adults, there is nothing to stop adult readers from enjoying it too.

Marylegs (44 KP) rated Stardust in Books

Aug 14, 2019  
Neil Gaiman | 2005 | Fiction & Poetry
8.4 (35 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is the second Neil Gaimen book I read, my first taste was American Gods which I really enjoyed. I had been thinking of reading Stardust for quite some time. Having watched the film version many times (love it by the way) I was intrigued to see how the book measured up. Normally I read a book and then see the film, but in this instance I was unaware there was a book. I won’t really compare the two together as actually they are pretty different and, I do love the film. That said I really enjoyed reading Stardust, I have to say I was really surprised by the content. Having assumed it was more of a children’s story I must say I was taken aback by the more adult themes included. But I am a reader who does not shy away from more graphic details, in fact I prefer their inclusion. It makes stories feel less teen-angst like. In real life that’s what sexual tension brings. I didn’t feel it was overdone or smutty, it was just there right where it was meant to be.

Basically this was a children’s tale for adults. I enjoy Gaimen’s writing style and found myself completely immersed in this world he created. It was a fairly short book and I wish it had been longer, just because I wasn’t ever bored or feeling like the story wasn’t going anywhere. I think I could have happily journey along with Tristran and Yvaine for another 200-300 pages. Although with it being a nice small book I can see myself returning to it again in the future for a happy quick read. Just as my one little bug bear I would have like more character development with Tristran, from his puppy love beginnings to him becoming real man. This may just be because I’ve seen the film first and I feel they brought that out of his character more so. Anyway, I think I will now have to read all of Gaimen’s other books, I feel really behind on the Gaimen Train.
Taylor&#039;s Plight (The Sanctum Series #3)
Taylor's Plight (The Sanctum Series #3)
Katrina Cope | 2014 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Thriller, Young Adult (YA)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Taylor's Plight is the third book in The Sanctum series of pre-teen adventure novels by Katrina Cope. Once again Jayden, Eva, Robert and Aaron are attempting to stop terrorism by using 'surrogates' - robots they can control remotely that appear to be human.

This installment starts with a bang (quite literally) and just keeps going. The previous two books took a little while to lay the groundwork for both characters and plot but there is no need to do that here, especially as the story continues essentially from the end of the second book, Scarlet's Escape.

Once again someone is moving against the Sanctum, trying to stop their fight against terrorism, attacking their infrastructure in an attempt to bring down Scarlet, the computer intelligence that controls much of the Santum's functions.

Liam and the other pupils at Ernest College are also involved, and seemingly on a course to uncover the Sanctum's meddling at their school. But are they working towards the same cause, or against? As the two groups of students converge on the truth, the stakes have never been higher and the danger never more real.

This really is a fantastic read. From start to finish it grips the reader, drawing them along. The threads of Ernest and the Sanctum play off of each other, each giving a slightly different view of what is really going on. Most of the second half of the book is a breathless rush towards the final climax as the children on both sides uncover the truth. The phrase 'I couldn't put it down' is overused but is totally justified in this case.

Not everything in their world is safe and cosy and this is one of the great things about Cope's books. She is not afraid to put her characters through the mill, but they are always shown to be able to overcome adversity through quick wits and to come out stronger the other side. As usual the strong role models are well in evidence.

This is a book I would unhesitatingly recommend to any reader from about 9 upwards, although reading the first two books will be necessary to introduce the characters involved and the world of the Sanctum.
Paper Towns (2015)
Paper Towns (2015)
2015 | Drama
As a teenager, you are always trying to discover who you truly are. You are constantly surrounded by images of what you are supposed to be and the cliques that define who you are and who you are not. What is normal? What is real? What is it about this time of our lives that makes us so susceptible to the pressures of adolescence and the need to stand out while also being accepted for who we are? In Paper Towns, Quinten (Nat Wolff), a very shy and quiet teenage boy is enthralled with his mysterious neighbor Margot (Cara Delavigne), whom he had become estranged with over the years.
He has his future laid out before him Graduation is on the horizon. He is headed to Duke University in the Fall where he will be a premed student before settling down and creating a family of his own. His plans are disrupted when Margot comes back into his life one night seeking his help to enact revenge on her friends. However, after this night of hijinks, she has gone missing which throws Quinten’s life into flux.
He skips school and begins an obscure scavenger hunt in order to locate Margot. He becomes obsessed with finding her and in the process discovers more about himself than he had ever planned. The film breaks from many of the tropes that we are accustomed to with teen films. This is by far, much more mature storytelling, offering even the ancillary characters some depth and a sense that they too have an identity.
The film, although is about Quinten and his seemingly love for Margot is much more than that. It is about the sense of reality that we have constructed. It forces us to question what is real and what is imagined. Who are we at the core? What matters to us when we are the only ones who are allowed to judge the circumstances and our actions? This is by far more than just a “Boy meets girl” tale. This is a film that makes its characters reflect on who they are and who we want to be seen and will leave audiences doing the same.