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Turning Red (2022)
Turning Red (2022)
2022 | Adventure, Animation, Comedy
6.8 (12 Ratings)
Movie Rating
The digital animation geniuses at Pixar are back with “Turning Red” and it marks a departure for the studio known for the “Toy Story” and “Cars”, franchises.

Set in 1990s Toronto, the film centers around 8th grader Mei (Rosalie Chiang), who considers herself an adult at 13 and eagerly applies herself to school when she is not helping her family tour business at a local Temple or hanging with her friends.

Life comes crashing to a halt when after a traumatic day of embarrassment; Mei awakens in the form of a large Red Panda. In a panic, Mei attempts to hide her situation which causes her over-protective mother to assume it is Puberty related and that her hormones are kicking in.

Mei desperately wants to get her life back to normal and learns that as long as she is calm her Panda is under control. However, this proves to be harder than expected and soon Mei learns that the Panda is the result of a family bloodline but there is a way to end it during a Lunar ceremony in a couple of weeks.

Chaos soon follows as Mei struggles with her situation and must find a way to cope with the changes that are going on and make some very important decisions about her life and her future.

The film is a difficult one to review for me as never having been a teenage girl dealing with puberty, raging estrogen, and the issues that go with it. That being said the film struggles to find a balance as it tacks on the capers of Mei in Panda form without being overly funny or charming and keeps the focus on Teen Angst, puberty-related issues and becoming an adult.

The film lacks the interesting characters, charm, and appeal that have set the foundation for so many Pixar films and it is surprising that a company that can elicit a range of emotions in an animated short fail to really connect with their latest feature. There were some amusing parts but the film as a whole was rather dull and lacked much in the way of humor and was very predictable.

The decision to put the film directly on Disney+ as the studio’s recent “Soul” and “Luca” was raised some controversy but in the end, I do believe it was the right decision as “Turning Red” is not likely to be a film that draws people to the cinema beyond the opening weekend.

It is a film that is a bold step for the company, but one that lacks the charm and humor of previous films as not everyone is going to want to sit through a feature-length film on teenage angst and dealing with changing bodies and the emotional turmoil that follows. However, the target audience is likely to connect with the characters and it will be interesting to see what the reaction to the film is long-term.

3 stars out of 5

“Turning Red” will debut on Disney+ on March 11th
Beasts Made of Night
Beasts Made of Night
Tochi Onyebuchi | 2017 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
5.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
I received a free ARC of this book from for an unbiased opinion.

Tochi Onyebuchi's debut novel definitely shows a balance of light and dark in all it's themes.

The story is of a city ruled by a royal family, their top advisers called Mages. The Mages use children called "aki" to literally eat the sins of others, the sins branding their skin like tattoos after they've consumed them. The main character, Taj, is a cocky teenage aki who is desperate to provide for the family he was forced to leave behind. After defeating a sin-beast of the King's, he finds himself in the employment of the royal family. Unlike most aki, his tattoos never fade and almost all of his skin is branded from one sin or the next.

I felt like the story was very interesting. The different classes within the city, as well as the different characters within each class were well developed. Around half way through the book, the ability to put it down went out the window...I had to see how things ended...

And then they didn't.

I'm not sure if Onyebuchi's plan is to write a second book, or if we, as readers, are meant to decide for ourselves what the future of Kos is. What still lies ahead for the city, the palace, the aki, Taj. I suppose either is an option. But I, personally, like a strong ending, and leaving off where it did left me feeling wronged as a reader. I really enjoyed the book until that.
I hadn’t watched many of Carrie’s videos on YouTube. I saw her live one year when she was in The War of The Worlds, and that was the first I had heard about her. I think I actually saw more of her videos after reading the book!

This is a self-help/memoir with a bit of everything in it. It gave me a good laugh and was definitely entertaining throughout. Carrie reflects on her teenage years – the mistakes that she made and the fun that she had. She actually had a pretty normal life other than Tom Fletcher being her brother!

I did love all of the nerdy puns she used! It definitely gave me a good laugh.

The book is full of little anecdotes. I didn’t really get along with the form because it didn’t seem to flow very well. Each chapter (or ‘act’ as she puts it) jumps around a lot throughout Carrie’s childhood which made it a bit hard to follow. I would rather she had just written about her childhood than categorising everything and making it into a bit of a confusing mess.

My main problem with this was that parts felt forced. The writing didn’t always flow or feel natural and I feel like that fits in with the theme of YouTubers bringing out books. They often seem rushed and not quite right, and this one was another of those.

This didn’t stop me from enjoying it, but I feel like it could do better.

ClareR (5789 KP) rated Brotherhood in Books

Apr 2, 2019  
David Beckler | 2019 | Crime, Fiction & Poetry, Thriller
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Byron is called home to Manchester by his panicked teenage nephew, Philip, when he becomes embroiled in the murder of one of his school friends. Philip is adamant that he is innocent, and Byron believes him. Unfortunately, the murdered boy has a rather dangerous family, and there is history between the leader of this family and Byron.
Byron is helped by his friend Adam, who was in the Marines with him, and they try to solve the murder to hopefully exonerate Philip.
I really enjoyed this book. Byron and Adam seemed like really nice people, believe it or not, even though they knew how to handle themselves and there was consequently a fair bit of violence!
There was the added interest and/ or complication of an African child soldier who had been adopted by a British couple. I really felt very sad for him as I read his flashbacks; he had led an awful, violent childhood.
This looks as though it’s the start of a really good series. I liked that Byron and Adam appeared to have an equal status in their little team, and the police officers and procedures all seemed genuine to me (but then I’m not a police officer!). It was such a fast, exciting read, and I really did gasp out loud a couple of times whilst I was reading! I’ll be interested to see where this series goes next.
Many thanks to Sapere books for my copy of this book, which I hope I’ve fairly reviewed!
Searching (2018)
Searching (2018)
2018 | Drama, Mystery, Thriller
Catfish 2.0
After dealing with the death of his wife from cancer, a father tries to deal with raising his high school daughter only to find out everything with her and her life is not what it seems when she goes missing. He frantically starts combing through her social media accounts and contacting her friends to find out any lead as to her whereabouts.

A local police detective also comes to his aid to follow up on leads and keep the investigation going.

The story didn't follow the "Catfish" formula, only the way the story is told. The movie entirely exists through webcams, social media posts and TV footage and that is it's biggest triumph. Any unique way f telling a story, especially a compelling and inventive one, deserves attention in my book since most movies' formulas sort of run together these days.

As a parent, the film really does make you think about how much do we really know our teenage children? Could they be having relationships without our knowledge or conducting themselves in a way they were not raised?

My wife and I actually talked about this a bit while viewing the film. The entire world of social media can be very scary if you think about it and how much of our lives we have exposed out in cyberspace for others to see and potentially exploit.

I got rid of my Facebook around a year ago and haven't regretted it once.

Show all 5 comments.

Andy K (10823 KP) Apr 6, 2019

Yeah I really liked it.


Erika (17789 KP) Apr 6, 2019

I loved this movie too, I think it was one of the best last year, next to Widows.


Kristy H (1252 KP) rated First Frost in Books

Feb 13, 2018  
First Frost
First Frost
Sarah Addison Allen | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
8.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Claire and Sydney are sisters. Claire is the more practical of the two and lately, she is drowning under the weight of a blossoming candy business. Sydney runs a hair salon and worries about her teenage daughter, Bay, who seems to be drifting away from her. In addition, Sydney longs for another baby. One day, a mysterious stranger shows up in their tiny town and threatens to disrupt their lives, especially Claire's.

This was an interesting read and definitely more on the 3.5 star end. I was about halfway through when I realized there was a book that came before this one - I'll probably read that one at some time, but I was already committed to this one. The book has a mystical edge to it; supposedly, each of the Waverley women are blessed with a gift, and Claire's house - the old Waverley home - has strange powers and a mind of its own.

At first it's a little strange to add the magic to the story, but it actually works well. Claire, Sydney, and Bay are all interesting characters. I actually found myself hoping there will be a third book that focuses more on Bay, because she's a compelling person. In a way, not much happens in the story, things just sort of float along as the women wait for the "first frost" to occur, but I still found myself compulsively flipping pages, wondering what would happen next. All in all, that's a sign of a good tale. Definitely a fun little read.
This was my first Carolina Slade (or Slade as she prefers to be called) mystery. I do think I would have liked to read or listen to the others first just to better understand some of Slade's fears and reactions to things. There are lots of references to previous events, with enough explanation that there's no problem understanding what is going on, but I am very curious about her past now.

After the Governor's brother-in-law is charged with possessing and distrusting prescription medications illegally, Slade's boss asks her to look into the matter. As soon as she starts investigating though, people start dying, and no one seems to want to cooperate with her investigation.

She really has a lot to deal with in this story - the Governor is angry at her continued snooping, there is a black SUV stalking her, her boyfriend's ex-wife shows up on the trail of said boyfriend's missing sister, and her teenage daughter thinks Slade is too old to have a handle on reality. Even so, I occasionally found her stubborn and unreasonable enough to make me want to slap her. I really think she behaves the way she does out of fear after her past experiences, though, so it doesn't make her less likable.

I think anyone who is a fan of the Temperance Brennan (Slade and Wayne reminded me a bit of Tempe and Andrew Ryan) or Kay Scarpetta novels would enjoy this one.

Disclaimer - I was provided with a free copy of this audiobook in exchange for an honest review

Sarah (7799 KP) rated Surviving R. Kelly in TV

Oct 21, 2019  
Surviving R. Kelly
Surviving R. Kelly
2019 | Crime, Documentary
A disturbing watch
I've never been a R Kelly but I remember how huge he was during my childhood and teenage years and it's horrible for me to think that this was going on during that time

This is not a pleasant watch. Like the Michael Jackson documentary before it, this really doesn't shy away from the disturbing and rather graphic detail about R Kelly's crimes. It's a fascinating watch and hugely interesting, especially for someone like me who is mostly unaware of the true extent of everything that has been going on. This is truly awful to watch, yet in a gripping and interesting manner. To think that this has still not been resolved to this date and these events are still happening makes me sick to my stomach, especially when there's still people that believe his innocence (and probably still do even after watching this).

The documentary series itself is well made although it is irritating in parts when it constantly recaps bits from earlier in the same episode or other episodes, or when it repeats the "parental guidance" message multiple times during each episode. I'm assuming it was meant to be shown on TV with multiple ad breaks, but even still these bits are overkill even for someone with the shortest of attention spans. They really should've been cut out for the Netflix version.

Despite this slight issue, this is still a thought provoking yet highly disturbing series that I'd encourage everyone to watch and raise awareness.

Eleanor (1463 KP) rated Three Hours in Books

Jan 1, 2020  
Three Hours
Three Hours
8.0 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
This was an intense book dealing with some deep issues.

Covering a three-hour time span where a siege of a school in England occurs I fell short of getting as emotionally invested as I think I should have been.

The book jumps between multiple POVs with students, staff, police, and parents all focused on the unimaginably terrifying scenario of a school on lockdown and under attack. For a book that jumps straight into the action and only covers a short time period I really struggled to get into this one, it’s never good when I keep finding myself updating the shopping list mid-chapter…... Although the jumps in POVs were clear and well written I just failed to become invested (or particularly interested in the characters.) I liked the mother of one of the students and her internal dialogue with her teenage son, it felt very genuine; but most others fell flat for me.

I’m glad I persevered though as the second half picked up for me with more on the police and their investigation. The set up of such an attack in England that just happens to be when a snowstorm hits never quite jelled as a setting for me despite attempts to explain it all.

I feel this book tried to deal with too many hard-hitting topics, without managing to pull me in with the story leaving a feeling of having a slightly preachy tone.

Many thanks to the author, publisher and NetGallry for the ARC.
Unknown Reality
Unknown Reality
Kurt Chambers | 2016 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Thriller, Young Adult (YA)
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Chloe lives with her family in what seems to be a fairly normal life. But after meeting a stranger during a trip to the theatre, she starts to realise that all might not be as it seems and her world - and her entire life- might be nothing more than a simulation. Abruptly thrown out of the only existance she has known she has to face up to a different reality. She must adapt to her new circumstances and new reality when all she wants is to return 'home'.

Following on from the young adult fantasy stories of Truth Teller and The Wrath of Siren, Chambers once again sets out to encourage an interest in fiction in young adults, in this case science fiction. Once again he produces an interesting and engaging work, choc full of characters and ideas. Just the first few chapters contain enough material for the average science fiction work but Chambers goes further, layering further nuanced plots and subplots together and managing to spin them together into a terrific ending.

Chloe is a strong protagonist, intelligent and thoughtful while always remaining an 11 year old in outlook and the reader will really root for her and want her to succeed. The world Chambers creates is very well described and imagined, relying on science fiction standards for some parts but carefully avoiding cliche and doing what science fiction does best - highlight some of the folly of the real world.

Yet another terrific book from Chambers, one of those authors who is a 'must read' for my teenage sons.