The Mandibles: A Family, 2029-2047
'Shriver's intelligence, mordant humour and vicious leaps of imagination all combine to make this a...

Three Novels by Cesar Aira
Three novels by Cesar Aira combines three short novels by the cult Argentinian writer in one...

Monstress, Volume 1: Awakening
Sana Takeda and Marjorie M. Liu
Set in an alternate matriarchal 1900's Asia, in a richly imagined world of art deco-inflected steam...

End of Watch
The cell rings twice, and then his old partner in his ear...'I'm at the scene of what appears to be...

Mark @ Carstairs Considers (2275 KP) rated The 20th Victim in Books
Jun 17, 2020
The book has one plot too many (and a repetitive one at that), and it would have been better served to eliminate that plot since the climax was rushed on all the stories but especially the main one. Still, the multiple stories kept thing moving as always, and I had a hard time putting the book down when I sat down to read. The characters are just developed enough for us to care, but could use more depth. This is a common issue with the series, and those who have kept up with the books know the characters well enough to care for them. In other words, this is a typical James Patterson thriller. If you are a fan, you’ll enjoy this one, too.

David McK (3505 KP) rated Extraction (2020) in Movies
Jul 25, 2020
And that's a good thing (sometimes you just want junk food, or the cinematic equivalent thereof).
In this, Hemsworth plays a black marker mercenary named Tyler Rake (and with a name like that, you *know* there's going to be at least one scene where he uses said implement to dispose of some goons), who is hired to rescue the kidnapped son of an imprisoned Bangladeshian international crime lord, with said son held in a city run by a rival of that crime lord.
He easily rescues the son, but then things take a turn for the complicated when they are betrayed, and he must escort that kid out of the city whilst being hunted by both those who wish to recapture Ovi (the teenage kid), and by those who don't want to pay him for the rescue ...
As I said earlier, little in the way of plot - a straight 'get the package from point A to point B - but that is made up for in some stunning (and bruising) action scenes: in particular, the one seemingly-long-take as Tyler and Ovi are hunted through an apartment bloke, across the rooftops, and out on the streets.
Ambiguous ending also leaves it open for a sequel!

The Geeky Chef Strikes Back!: Even More Unofficial Recipes from Game of Thrones, Twin Peaks, the Legend of Zelda, Firefly, and More!
Comic-lover, avid gamer, and sci-fi and fantasy fanatic, Cassandra Reeder, author of The Geeky Chef...

Raising Boys: Why Boys are Different and How to Help Them Become Happy and Well-Balanced Men
A word of mouth bestseller which has become one of the best loved and most successful books in the...

Alice (117 KP) rated Making Friends with Alice Dyson in Books
Mar 3, 2021
I adored this book! When I saw the title and read the description I was immediately drawn to it: first, my name is Alice and the protagonist's name is Alice (probably a selfish reason but hey), I also saw so much of myself in this character even from reading the description that I knew that we would click because I was also kind of a nerd and an outcast at school. It's also Australian so that meant that I got to pull out my best Australian accent while reading it (I'll leave it up to you to decide if that's a good or bad thing). I related quite strongly to a lot of Alice's high school experiences and I loved how she was able to gain confidence and grow throughout the story. I think my enjoyment at the start was maybe hampered by me trying to read too many books at once because I ended up just sitting down and inhaling the rest of it in one sitting. I also LOVE Teddy Taualai but that goes without saying (I love almost all sweet but angsty teenage boy characters, they are the way to my heart)! I also love that it tackled first love, first friendships and just general high school drama. This book wasn't perfect but I related so strongly to it that I have to show it all the love!

Joe Goodhart (27 KP) rated Justice League International, Vol. 4 in Books
Nov 30, 2020
Thankfully, despite all of that, there are many good outlets to remind us how to have fun and to also remind us that WE actually used to be FUN! Keith Giffen and J.M. DeMatteis truly know how to have fun times with the likes of Batman, Blue Beetle, and Martian Manhunter, just to name a few of the characters within.
The art, from artists Mike McKone, Ty Templeton, and Kevin Maguire was equally enjoyable, further enhancing the suing fun times. The only art I wasn't wowed by was Bill Willingham's. Not that it was bad or anything of the sort, I just thought it wasn't one of his stronger contributions. But, yeah, the other guys were all aces!
The only reason it didn't warrant Five Stars, or even Four for that matter, was the last issue in the TPB: "Teenage Biker Mega-Death!" (Vol. 1, Issue #30). The story itself was a weaker offering from Giffen and DeMatteis, only made weaker by the art from Willingham. The "big bad" of the story was neither <i>big</i> nor really very <i>bad</i>! Again, not the worst, but not the best.
Overall, though, this is yet another great example of how to make comics fun and enjoyable! If only they had gone this route for 2017's JUSTICE LEAGUE film!