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Lies You Never Told Me
Lies You Never Told Me
Jennifer Donaldson | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Young Adult (YA)
7.4 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
I won this as a goodreads give-away and am glad I did!

A gripping, thrilling, page-turning YA novel that grabbed you from the beginning until the last page! It touches base on many different relationships. How lies, secrets, desires and choices in life can haunt you, make you question things and make you rethink if the choices you made were the right ones. This was a quick read that kept you guessing. A mixture of romance, thriller, mystery and young adult relationships, struggles and emotions.

Lies You Never Told Me can be broken down into two stories.

The first is about Gabe, a teenager who gets lost in a relationship with his girlfriend Sasha and questions why he stays with her. Sasha is the typical high school popular girl and bully. He decides to break up with her, however Sasha does not want the relationship to end. Sasha tries different things to get Gabe back. She is the epidemy of a psycho ex-girlfriend. Gabe starts falling for another girl Catherine and that too is a complicated relationship in itself. And while this is all happening Gabe finds himself a victim of a hit and run.

The second story in Lies You Never Told Me is about a girl named Elyse who is a teenage high school student who tries to hide a family secret about her mother, while going to school, working and keeping her and her mother from becoming homeless. Her only outlet of feeling normal is from her drama theater class. She gets a role in the school play and her life gets even more complicated. She falls for her high school drama teacher, Aiden Hunter and she has to hide this from everyone including her best friend Brynn. And her story unfolds from there.

In the end, these two stories collide together in such a way, it leaves the readers wanting more and gives you that aha moment of why the book was written how it was.

I rated it 4/5 because it was a little confusing of how the two stories tied together until you got to the end. Both stories told in Lies You Never Told Me dealt with a complicated teenage relationship though both very different, psychologically gripping and written in a way you get pulled to the characters, the stories didn't collide until the end so you were wondering throughout the book why it was written like it was and felt disconnected from each other. You felt like you were reading 2 separate novels until the last few chapters.
I would highly recommend this book to YA readers and adults who want a fast read, like a book told in different character perspectives, want a mystery/psychothriller mixed in with romance and relationship issues, those who like engaging characters and teenage issues that adults can understand as well!!!! I would say it's a YA book that compares adults book authors like Gillian Flynn, B.A. Paris, Lisa Jewell and others with similar writing styles and plots!
Risky Business (1983)
Risky Business (1983)
1983 | Comedy
That shot of Tom Cruise sliding across the hall in his trademark shades, pink shirt and the tightest pair of white briefs is synonymous with the spring board that launched his career.

A film that may have proved the inspiration for Ferris Bueller’s Day Off is one of Cruise’s most famous roles, and it has all the hall marks of a classic 80s comedy with an influx of drama that proved the catalyst for a great film.

Joel Goodsen (Cruise) is just your average American teen, when his parents go out of town for a few days he and fellow buddies look to have a little fun, in part by turning the homestead into a working brothel.

Of course there is a method behind the madness with Cruise hooking up with call girl Lana (De Mornay), they both have their problems and agree on a mutual business deal which also involves engaging in sex every now and again.

If you ever wonder what to do on the subway one night Cruise and De Mornay lead the lesson. That scene in itself is draped in 80s clichés, soft rock music and a strobe lighting effect from the train, it delivers on the steam factor.

The subject matter throughout is strong and covered across all angles. A highly sexed teenage boy, drug use, what not to do to your father’s Porche and being hunted down by a killer pimp, its all in there.

Cruise’s acting display is not the best, but he has the early raw talent to get him through, and of course as we know, the rest is history. What is always similar about teenage kids of this era getting into trouble is that they always seem to get away with it in the end, Ferris Bueller a prime example.

To think that anyone in this day and age would be as lucky is highly unlikely, and that goes for sliding around in tight white under garments.
The Neighbors
The Neighbors
Hannah Mary McKinnon | 2018 | Mystery, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
You never know who will move in next door...
Hannah Mary McKinnon’s second novel, The Neighbors, is a domestic drama that explores past, lost, and present loves and what happens when they all collide.

They say to keep your friends close and your enemies closer, but what about your exes? Most people seem keen on keeping their exes as far away as possible. That’s a little hard to do when your ex happens to be your new next door neighbor. When Abby’s old flame, Liam, moves into the house next door she knows she’s in trouble. Both she and Liam are married to other people; however, the flame that existed between them has never fully burnt out. Thus, thing are bound to get messy.

Told in alternating points of view between Abby, her husband Nate, her teenage daughter Sarah, and Liam’s wife Nancy, this novel explores the traumatic events that have shaped Abby’s past and how they influence what is happening in the present day. The author doesn’t shy away from using heartbreak and dismay to highlight love affairs that have been and shouldn’t have been. At once suspenseful and sorrowful, The Neighbors explores the complexities of relationships and the consequences of withholding the truth from those you love.
Looking for Alex
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
MoMo Book Diary is pleased to recommend this well written intriguing drama as a 4* emotional read.

Marian Dillon’s Looking for Alex grabbed me from the first time I read the synopsis and the plot had me hooked, to the point I sat up until the early hours reading to discover what happened next.

The story is about two friends Beth and Alex, their friendship and the dynamics of their relationship. I felt the flitting between present day and flashbacks to 1970s interrupted the flow of the story but the compelling characters held my interest. The author described the locations vividly and cleverly transports the reader through time and place.

I was gripped more by the present day chapters as the flashbacks were much slower paced.

The author sympathetically captures the turmoil of the teenage years and relationships formed in shaping our adult lives.

Great writing by a great author. When I was asked by Marian Dillon to read and review her book I was not aware of her or her books. I am thankful for the opportunity to read this very talented author and look forward to reading more of Marian Dillon.

Review also published on and
The Lying Game (The Lying Game, #1)
The Lying Game (The Lying Game, #1)
Sara Shepard | 2010 | Fiction & Poetry
7.5 (8 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book is definitely not my typical book. I'm not a fan on teenage drama filled novels so I was hesitant to read this book as part of my 2014 book reading challenge. This book was recommended to me my one of my amazing cousins so I committed to reading it this year.

Okay, where to start‰Û_ The Lying Game by Sara Shepard is a murder mystery that takes place in high school. This book is filled with drama and murder with a slice of romance. The characters were very "Mean Girls" with an evil streak and I found myself thankful that my high school could not be compared to this high school.

I felt that the characters could have more dimension to them. I felt like they fell flat. Even the main character was only 2 dimensional and very clich̩. I tend to be a character person so I found that I couldn't truly connect with any of the characters in this book.

The storyline was entertaining, I found myself wondering what was going to happen and I was sort of invested in the plot. I wish that the plot line was more flushed out and that the characters were more flushed out. Seriously, I love characters that I can relate to‰Û_

I could definitely tell that this was a young adult novel. I liked that it was a quick and surprisingly light read.

Ultimately, I think I may have been too old for this novel. I think I would have liked it better if I were to have read this in middle school. I liked the concept of this book but it just fell flat.

Ultimately, I would give this novel 3 cups of coffee. I enjoyed the book while it lasted but I will not continue on in the series.
A Walk to Remember (2002)
A Walk to Remember (2002)
2002 | Drama, Romance
7.7 (10 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Story: Whenever you get opposites collide you will see sparks fly in a love story. This has a good message for the teenage audience who believe being popular can make you different when it is the people around you that you ignore that make the difference in people’s lives. The story shows how powerful love is and once you first feel it, it can be so hard to stop the feeling. (8/10)


Actor Review: Shane West – Landon the bad boy of the school who falls for the outsider. Shane is a good in the lead role showing how letting someone you’re your life can change you forever. (8/10)


Actor Review: Mandy Moore – Jamie the outsider who goes to church and everything Landon dislikes. Good performance playing the role trying to avoid a romance but in the end it becomes the best thing to ever happen to her. (8/10)


Director Review: Adam Shankman – Good direction showing all the emotional levels very well. (8/10)


Drama: Very good drama showed how people will deal with such a head part of life. (8/10)

Romance: Great romances showing how when you find that one person you will do everything to make sure they are you’re everything. (9/10)

Chemistry: Great chemistry between Landon and Jamie. (9/10)

Believability: This sort of heart breaking situation does happen. (8/10)

Chances of Tears: Pretty high chance. (7/10)

Suggestion: This is something I would suggest to someone lost for ideas for date night, it is full of heart break but they story is so very touching. (Date Night)


Best Part: Landon and Jamie’s first date.

Favourite Quote: Landon ‘Our love is like the wind, I can’t see it but I sure can feel it.’

Trivia: Shane West bought the car he uses in the film.

Oscar Chances: No

Chances of Sequel: No


Overall: A tragic love story that will pull some heart strings, bring the tissues.
Glitch  - Season 1
Glitch - Season 1
2015 | Drama
Intriguing. Mystery lovers are in for a treat.
Glitch is an Australian drama serie that centres around the town of Yoorana and the surrounding countryside.
The series starts with a teenage lad, Beau, witnessing 6 people who had previously been dead and buried rising out of their graves in a cemetery one night. All are naked and disoriented, with no prior memory of dying. Making an anonymous call to the police, Beau hides and films the proceedings on his mobile phone. Cue Sergeant James Hayes and Doctor Elishia McKellar who come to investigate. Taken away to Doctor McKellar's surgery, the pair seem equally bamboozled as to what has happened as none of the risen show any signs of decomposition.
Throughout Season 1 we are treated to a whirlwind of deceit and intrigue, double crossing and mystery. We also get to see how each of the risen met their demise (all in different time periods of Yoorana's history, I might add) through flashbacks that cause them immense distress and curiosity. Finding, also, that none of them can leave the circumference of the town without getting deathly ill adds and extra bit of oddity, as they are basically a captive audience awaiting an answer, as are we, the viewers.
Having not long finished Season 1, with plenty of questions still poised, I look forward to seeing where Season 2 will take us and will definitely continue on with baited breath.
The Wrong Family
The Wrong Family
Tarryn Fisher | 2021 | Philosophy, Psychology & Social Sciences, Thriller
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A wild and wacky thriller
Juno, a former therapist, moves in with Winnie and Nigel Crouch because she thinks the family is nearly perfect. They appear a loving couple who adore their teenage son, Sam. But once she's living in their picture perfect house, Juno realizes all isn't as it seems. And when she overhears a conversation between the couple that she cannot forget, she gets involved... setting in motion a string of events that she cannot undo.

"Humans had a way of uprooting happiness. They found flaws in it, picked at it until the whole system unraveled."

Well, this was an interesting read, to say the least. It had the odd distinction of being both predictable in many ways yet really weird and crazy. It's a fast read and while there's nothing really amazing here, it was certainly good for a crazy (!) twist or two. I didn't care for any of the characters--Winnie, Juno, or Nigel--and most of my sympathies stayed with poor Sam, who had to deal with all these wacky adults in his life. There's a lot of drama and truly, the plot is bizarre and wild. Which is definitely fun at times and a bit too much at others.

Overall, this is a dark read with an insane plot and characters that aren't exactly endearing. It's a quick read that stressed me out and probably won't stick with me long, but was enjoyable enough for a few days. 3 stars.
A Bad Day for Sunshine
A Bad Day for Sunshine
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
99 of 200
A Bad Day for Sunshine ( Sunshine Vicram book 1)
By Darynda Jones

Del Sol, New Mexico is known for three things: its fry-an-egg-on-the-cement summers, strong cups of coffee - and, now, a nationwide manhunt?

Del Sol native Sunshine Vicram has returned to town as the elected sheriff, expecting nothing more than a quiet ride. But now a teenage girl is missing, a kidnapper is on the loose, and all of this is reminding Sunshine why she left Del Sol in the first place. Add to that the trouble at her daughter's new school, plus a kidnapped rooster named Puff Daddy, and, well, the forecast looks anything but sunny.

But even clouds have their silver linings. This one's got Levi, Sunshine's sexy, almost-old flame, and Quincy Cooper, a fiery-hot US Marshall. With temperatures rising everywhere she turns, Del Sol's normally cool-minded sheriff is finding herself knee-deep in drama and danger.

Can Sunshine face the call of duty - and find the kidnapper who's terrorising her beloved hometown - without falling head over high heels in love . . . or worse?

I’m a huge Darynda fan! I’ve read her Charlie books so many times! This was just brilliant I loved everything about! The characters the story the mystery just everything! The quotes from Del Sol police blotter were so so funny! Darynda has a way of completely sucking you in to everything she writes! Brilliant!!!