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The Beautiful Ones: A Novel
The Beautiful Ones: A Novel
Silvia Moreno-Garcia | 2017 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
How could I not enjoy The Beautiful Ones? It’s basically Jane Austen with added magic!

Nina has been sent to Losail for her debut into fashionable society - and more importantly, to find a husband. But the chances of her becoming one of the Beautiful Ones is remote. She has the reputation of being the Witch of Oldhouse, and struggles to control her telekinesis. Beautiful ones do not show off any gifts they might have in public.

However when Nina meets the mysterious entertainer Hector Auvray, she falls for him: his life experience and his ability to control his telekinesis. What’s more, he starts to help Nina control her own talents.

Nina is sheltered and naive. Everything she has learnt about romance has come from the pages of a book, and life just isn’t like that, especially for socialites who must marry for advantage and connections.

I could feel Nina’s frustration at her limitations (and agreed with her), and wanted so much to warn her. SO MANY TIMES!

Nina’s cousins wife is awful. Shes a sad, vindictive woman that I loved to hate.

The descriptions of clothing and etiquette were both captivating and frankly, mind blowing. I would most certainly have been a peasant- there’s no way I could have lived like that! The attention to ‘historical’ detail made me believe this could have genuinely happened. Just excellent world building!

I loved this book ❤️
    Past Cure

    Past Cure

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    Past Cure is a dark psychological thriller that blurs the lines between dreams and reality. An...

The Colours of Death
The Colours of Death
Patricia Marques | 2021 | Crime, Paranormal, Thriller
8.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Colours of Death is a detective novel set in a present day, alternative Lisbon. A minority of the population are Gifted with either telepathy or telekinesis, and they are heavily regulated. When it comes to light that a death on a train might have some Gifted involvement, Inspector Isabel Reis is put on the case with her team. She is a telepath, and her own problems with that gift soon make themselves known.

They’re a fantastic cast of characters, and they work well together )literally, in the case of the police team). It’s another angle on discrimination: instead of religion or skin colour, the Gifted are discriminated against because of their gifts - something they have no choice or control over.

This novel feels a little dystopian in places: when people go ‘missing’ if they lose control of their gifts, for example. And all Gifted are kept on a register where they’re regularly assessed. If they exceed a certain level, they’re removed from society for everyone else’s safety.

I really enjoyed this - the storyline was interesting, gripping, in fact, and exciting when it needed to be. The main character was flawed and very likeable, and the food constantly made me feel hungry!

I will be looking out for the next book in the series.