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Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie | 2014 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I think I’ve become too accustomed to reading plots designed for teenagers; I kept expecting this story to follow a traditional plot line, and while the evidence throughout was that Adichie was not following a typical narrative story line, I still found myself surprised at the end. I got to the end, and sort of thought, “Oh. That’s it?” Not in a negative way, like the author left me hanging (as many of these series writing author’s do, teasing me into reading the next book), but just in a sort of unexpected way.

I don’t know that I can even tell you my overall feeling about the book…it’s just too complex for that. I liked that the rhythm and pattern of the storytelling was like nothing I’ve read before. I like that it offered an unfamiliar (to me) perspective of race in America. I like that the book kind of was and was not all about race. (I know that last one is super confusing, but just read the book and then ask me what I mean if it’s still unclear.)

It’s a book that is just going to simmer a bit in my brain, and that is perhaps the very best sort of book.
Two Little Girls In Blue
Two Little Girls In Blue
Mary Higgins Clark | 2018 | Mystery
8.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Two Little Girls In Blue By: Mary Higgins Clark
Adult Mystery 322 Pages

This book was not disappointing in keeping you wanting to know what was going on. Another 5 star read for me.

This book is about two twin girls who are kidnapped on the evening of their third birthday. Both parents go out that evening to a black tie event and when they get back the baby sitter is out cold and the girls are gone.
There is a ransom note asking for 8 million dollars. The couple do not have this kind of money. How will they get this kind of money to get their girls back unharmed. The police and FBI are called. Why did the kidnappers chose this family. Who are the kidnappers.
The book tells how events are unfolded and how he girls are talking to each other in what their parents call twin talk. This is very important to know but I won't tell how.
This is a mystery book and I don't want to give too much away. You really should read this book and any other book by her. She does a great job in spinning a tale.
I have read almost all of her books and have never been disappointed.
Us Against You (Beartown #2)
Us Against You (Beartown #2)
Fredrik Backman | 2018 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry, Sport & Leisure
10.0 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
An outstanding sequel.
If I could give this more than 5 stars, I really would. I feel as though someone has sucker-punched me. I’m not usually someone who cries over a book: I get emotional, yes, but actual crying is something I seldom do. This book, though. I couldn’t tell you how many times it brought me to tears. The characters are so vulnerable - even those who you wouldn’t expect to be.
There’s a lot of ice hockey: not a sport we see much of here in the U.K., but it’s done in a particular way that I didn’t feel it was a story about sport.
“Have you ever seen a town fall? Ours did. We’ll end up saying that violence came to Beartown this summer, but that will be a lie; the violence was already here. Because sometimes hating one another is so easy that it seems incomprehensible that we ever do anything else.”
This is a story about human nature: all the good, bad and messy bits. And I loved it. Five stars for me means I would read it again, and I probably will.
Many, many thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for allowing me to read this wonderful book.
Unbreakable (Unblemished #3)
Sara Ella | 2018
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
***Please be aware this is the third book of the Unblemished Trilogy. I have done my best to keep this review spoiler free. Not an easy feat, let me tell you.***

Oh, be still my heart! What a rollercoaster this series is. I wonder if the author knew what the outcome was going to be when she started this series...Or did the characters surprise her just as much as they did me? Haha!

Eliyana Ember has grown so much. And in Unbreakable she has to face even bigger obstacles. Get ready for a whirlwind of events as you hold your breath with every turn of the page! As you travel from Reflection to Reflection with Ky, Joshua, El (or Em), and Ebony, you will lose yourself in the world that Sara Ella has created.

Even though my heart aches that this series has come to a close...I look forward to visiting these stories again soon. And...Sara's NEW book, Coral, will be releasing next year!

A fabulous creation of words, Unbreakable, is a must-read!

I received a complimentary copy of Unbreakable from the publishers as part of the publicity tour with JustRead. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
A Bridge Across the Ocean
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Susan Meissner has a beautiful style of storytelling. I simply adore her use of dual timelines. Her books are set in such unique settings that are gripping and engaging. However, this particular book wasn't for me. I will tell you upfront that I was unable to finish this book. I read far enough to know that I still think Susan is an incredible author, but there were aspects to this story that I just couldn't handle. Namely, there are ghosts. I do not consider this a spoiler, because you find out on the first page. However, it is not listed in the description very well. They talk about the ship being haunted, but not that the main character actually sees ghosts and talks with them. I tried picking it up a few times, but every time left me disappointed and quite frankly, creeped out. I don't do creepy. If you do enjoy stories with supernatural aspects like ghosts, I am sure you will enjoy this book immensely. I look forward to reading more books by Susan Meissner in the future.

I received a complimentary copy of A Bridge Across the Ocean from the publishers through NetGalley. This is my honest review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
Keep Clear: My Adventures With Aspergers
Keep Clear: My Adventures With Aspergers
Tom Cutler | 2019 | Biography, Education
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
An honest account of Aspergers.
Keep Clear was such an interesting, informative and frank book. It gives a look into the life of Tom Cutler as he receives his Aspergers diagnosis. Immediately, he realises why he has always struggled in social situations and why people consider him to be rude and inappropriate. He then goes on to tell the story of his life and how Aspergers influenced it.

I really enjoyed this book as it gave me a lot to think about. It wasn’t all scientific based information - although that was there too. The anecdotes were sad at times, particularly his loneliness and depression when he started at university, but there was also great humour and the ability to laugh at himself.

Actually, I think there are a lot of people out there who could do with reading this. It explains so well that ‘high functioning’ doesn’t mean ‘easily able to cope’, that those with Aspergers need as much consideration as anyone else on the autism spectrum.

I will definitely be using what I’ve learnt in this book at work, as well as in everyday life. Thanks to the Pigeonhole for introducing me to such a great book, and to Tom for reading along with us and answering questions.
Tell Me Who I Am (2019)
Tell Me Who I Am (2019)
2019 | Documentary, Drama, Mystery
It's direction. (2 more)
The courage of the people involved.
The way it's shot.
It's a true story. (0 more)
Heartbreaking. Unbelievable.
The story follows twins Alex and Marcus they are 54 years old and when they were 18 Alex lost his memory. He couldn't remember anything or anyone other than his twin brother. (All in the introduction, no spoilers here)
It is something so unique it wouldn't be believed if it wasn't true. This in itself is such an interesting premise but it's full of so many twists and turns by the end you're head is spinning.
The story is gripping, at times I thought I'm tired maybe here will be a good time to pause, go to sleep and start back up tomorrow but I couldn't switch it off. It makes you go from confusion, anger, sadness and rage in such a small amount of time.
What makes this so heartbreaking is that not only is it true, it is something I believe every person should watch. It touches on subjects that happen in peoples everyday lives and aren't talked about enough.
I sincerely hope people will watch this, appreciate these courageous men for their pure strength and if the story they tell is similar to something in your life, it will help you open up too.
Happiness for Humans
Happiness for Humans
P. Z. Reizin | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Bonkers, but hugely entertaining
My manager gave me this book to read, and I’m not entirely sure if she was trying to tell me something, or just trying to cheer me up. The situation the main character Jen finds herself in right at the start of this book is so similar to my own experience (right down to the name of her ex), that I couldn’t help but connect with this book. Admittedly I don’t have an AI named Aiden trying to sort out my romantic life, but maybe one day...

It’s not everyday you’d read a romantic comedy novel about AIs, but I’m pleased to say this is a highly entertaining read. It’s funny and has some great endearing and humanly flawed characters (even the AIs). The plot is bonkers, and gets even crazier towards the end, and you do have to suspend your disbelief at times. I did prefer the first half of the story, when it was mainly AI matchmaking rather than the darker (and crazier) side, but it was still all very enjoyable. Not one that’s going to win any literary prices, but still well written and very entertaining. I’m holding out now for my own personal matchmaker AI.
One Night Ultimate Werewolf
One Night Ultimate Werewolf
2014 | Bluff, Card Game, Deduction, Horror, Party Game
Easy to pick up (0 more)
Great game
If you like bluffing games and generally being deceitful you'll love this game.

Download the app that plays through each step of the night phase and you're away without having to endlessly read the rules.

At the start simply select on the app which cards are being played and deal them out amongst the players and place 3 in the middle, all cards must remain face down. Everyone must discretely look at their own card but do not tell anyone who you are.

When nighttime arrives the magic begins, step by step each player opens their eyes (or not depending on your card) when told to do so and performs a specific action. Once the night phase has ended everyone opens their eyes and then you have a preselected amount of time to figure out who are the werewolves. If you identify one of the werewolves correctly villagers win, if not werewolfs win.

Do you lie and try to convince your friends you were someone else or do you hope honesty is the best policy?

Me and my friends had so much fun playing this, we actually got told off by the staff at the gaming cafe for laughing too loud.
Cube 2: Hypercube (2002)
Cube 2: Hypercube (2002)
2002 | Sci-Fi
5.1 (7 Ratings)
Movie Rating
A little too out there
The first Cube film for me was always an underrated low budget cult classic, and definitely a precursor for the likes of Saw etc. The original was a great idea with just enough maths and science to make it believable and not completely ridiculous. Sadly the same can’t be said about this sequel.

They’ve gone far too over the top on the science that whilst it does make some sense, it makes the whole idea of the cube a completely silly and ridiculous idea. And the ending itself as far as the cube goes is just laughably bizarre. There’s also the general plot and story, which seems to have left out all of the bits from the original that made it interesting - like the scary traps and numbered doors. Some of the characters are interesting, others are just carbon copies from the original or completely pointless and forgettable. You can tell they’ve got a bigger budget with the amount of CGI in this, it’s just a shame it’s rather poor and lacks the punch of the physical traps used in the original.

This is a rather sorry excuse for a sequel, and not one I’d recommend watching. The third film and prequel Cube Zero is a much better watch.