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The Man He Never Was
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I believe in honesty, so I'll make my review completely honest. I didn't like this book. Not at first. It took me a bit to get into it. I don't normally read this type of book. But, after hearing of some rave reviews on it, I decided to take a dive and branch out to another realm of reading. Mr. Rubart, I will tell you that after a couple of tries, I finally got into the book and it swept me away and left me in awe of your amazing talent and ability to create a retelling like this.

Toren Daniels is a man with two sides: good.....and evil. I never really thought of my own life as having a good side and an evil side, until Toren's story came to life for me. The anger, the pain, the not knowing what happened and the why of it all.....those are all things that Toren struggles with, and he seeks out to remedy that. Those are things that we, as everyday human beings, struggle with. It's an emotional roller coaster ride for certain as the reader gets to follow Toren through his life and see how he deals with with doing right and wrong, good or evil.

This ended up, in my honest opinion, a 4 star read. It's a story that will not only entertain you after you give it a chance, but it's a story that will twist you up and make you think, really, really think about the meaning of good versus evil, and the way the Lord helps to deal with those. I definitely will be sharing this book with other Christian fiction fans! Mr. Rubart, hats off to you for creating this story full of meaning and truth.

*I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher and was under no obligation to post a review, positive or negative.*
Redemption (Redemption, #1)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I reviewed this book several years ago, so this is a reread review.  I can tell you that my thoughts then were high on this book and not much has changed through the years. Mrs. Kingsbury's books were introduced to me by my mother many years ago, and I was hooked. Redemption was one of the first Kingsbury books that I read, and it is one of my favorites. I was instantly hooked on it the first time I read it, and the reread was no different. Whenever I find myself in a book funk, or I suffer a tragedy in my life, I pick up Redemption and am reminded that with God's redeeming grace, I can pull through anything.

As someone who went through a bad first marriage, this book truly hits home for me. There are many elements of the book that I went through but I didn't lean on God through it all like Kari did. I loved watching her character again. It truly felt like reuniting with a long lost friend. The pain and suffering she felt, once again became my own. The sadness and the struggling, were mine. I found myself wanting to wrap her in a big old hug and fall to my knees to pray for her. 

This is definitely still a 5 star book in my opinion. Mrs. Kingsbury can create a novel that will suck you in, wrap you up in God's warmth and grace, and set you down in a brand new place. Her words will stay with you long after you've shut the pages, long after you've placed the book back on the shelf. She will leave you breathless and ready for the next book. I highly recommend this book to all! 

*I purchased this book for my personal collection. Cafinated Reads was under no obligation to post a review, positive or negative.*
The White City
The White City
Grace Hitchcock | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry, Religion, Romance
9.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Characters (3 more)
The Plot Line
True Crime Elements
Writing Style
Fantastic Debut!
I am a lover of true crime, historical fiction, suspense and romance. I mean a huge lover of all of them. So, when I saw that this was the best of all of those worlds, I was ecstatic. This is a debut novel from Grace Hitchcock and let me tell you what. The detail she includes in this story, made me feel like I was right there in the center of the World’s Fair, following these awesome characters, and reaching an ending that left me wanting another story just like it.

Winnie and Jude’s characters are wonderful! I loved them so good. The detail with which Hitchcock created the scenes that Winnie saw, and went through, and how Jude fell for her, was awesome. I felt like I became Winnie and fell for Jude instantly. Jude was a sweet soul and Winnie was absolutely full of spunk and sass!

The real life serial killer aspect woven into the story was incredible. I had no idea about that time period having someone like that, and it really made the story that much more captivating. The twists and turns of the roller coaster story, seeing Winnie going “undercover” to prove to her Police Chief father that she was right, was fantastic and had me reading this book and finishing it in a 24 hour period.

If you love historical novels, love the thrills of a great suspense story, and enjoy reading a God-filled romance book, then look no further than this 4 star debut. Ms. Hitchcock has extreme talent and is sure to be on the best sellers list before long! I sing the praises of this story loudly and can’t wait for the next book from this talented author, as well as another incredible installment in this new series from Barbour!

*I received a complimentary copy of this book from Barbour Publishing and was under no obligation to post a review, positive or negative.*
The Warrior
The Warrior
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Major Zebadiah(Zeb) Carter is an extraordinary person. A member of the Special Forces, he is one guy you want to keep on your good side. Not one for many social interactions, he always completes his missions to the best of his abilities(which are amazing).

When Zeb is sent to the Congo to complete a mission, he sees some things he shouldn't have seen. When he reports these things back to his superiors, they tell him to leave it alone, but he can't. He can't stand by and watch innocent women and children be raped and killed for sport. So he decides that he will find the people who are responsible for this and punish them himself.

On his down time, he likes to check in on his sister. On one such occasion, he meets Rory, her 7 year old next door neighbor, who is all but thrilled to have Zeb around. With two busy parents and not too many friends, Zeb is great for Rory. These two have an instant bond that no one would have expected.

When Zeb's mission and a story being written by Rory's dad, Connor, crossing paths, Rory gets to see Zeb in action.

For the most part this was a really great book. I gave it three stars because there were parts that were confusing and I had to go back and read. I felt as though the book could have gotten a little deeper into the character of Zeb. We really don't know more about him than everyone else around him and I would have liked to know more. There is a part at the end of the book, that helps you understand his stoicism a bit more, but knowing that at the beginning of the book may have made me enjoy this better. It's a good book and I plan on reading the rest of the series. The Reluctant Warrior is the next book in the series. And The Warrior Code is coming out later this month. You should get them all!!
Pet Sematary (2019)
Pet Sematary (2019)
2019 | Horror
Pet peeve
#petsematary is a dire #remake of an already bad #film. Its drab, lifeless & should never of been #reanimated. I had high hopes for this film because it feels like its been a while since the last mainstream horror movie so as I felt genuinely excited but after the first 15 minutes this feeling had quickly been replaced with sheer #fear there was still well over an hour left to go till i could leave. Before we hit the negatives ill give you my positives that saved the movie from being a total walk out. First - #johnlithgow is great as always but mostly wasted largely because of the terrible script he's been given to work with. Second - the running theme of #death is great & the film portrays how all living things fear it so much rather well (it also handles #grieving & guilt #trauma surrounding #death well too but its ultimately far to brief). Now the bad - the movie feels nasty & cheap to look at visually, cgi is bad, make up design is lazy, the camerawork feels awkward & strangely zoomed in just a bit to close to everything, theres weird #90s era motion blur on everything fast moving, acting is laughable/cheesy & scenes go on far to long as does build up to key scenes that have an anticlimactic pay off. If you've seen the original or the trailer for that matter the film becomes highly predictable killing all suspense & what little atmosphere the film conjures up is ruined by naff & bland set design. I honestly cant recomend anyone wasting their time on this highly forgettable film unless your a big fan of really #adorable #cats then this one in this is a clear 10/10 on the #cute scale. An uninspired lazy cash grab & there are a million horror films out there that tell almost the same story way better. #odeon #odeonlimitless #horror #gore #stephenking #scary #cat #animal #pet #classic #retro #cultclassic #80s #filmbuff #filmcritic #zombie
Escape Room (2019)
Escape Room (2019)
2019 | Action, Horror, Thriller
Get me out of here
#escaperoom is a #saw movie without the gore & while it maybe better than the last 6 movies in that series its by no means a rewarding #escape. I can't tell you i hated this film because there are elements & sections i did find tense/entertaining however its a long way off being a GOOD film. Right off the bat the direction annoyed me, its all over the place & was clearly trying to create tension from moving/cutting & it just didnt work for me at all feelong like a #90s #music video. Camera work also feels cheap as does the cgi so much so that immersion is #pretty much not possible. Acting is bad with no realistic emotion or reaction from most characters but at least its not as bad as the terrible dialog which felt exhausting & repetitive. #loganmiller & #tylerlabine were standouts & actually saved the movie for me with some good acting here & there as well as being the most interesting characters too. So why a 5? the movie entertained me & there was one escape room (set in an upside down bar) that managed to be not only quite creative but a lot of fun & fairly tense too with cool camera angles & nice set design. Deaths were tame for a 15 & the plot is your standard predictable twaddle with what seemed to be an abudence of #overkill endings trying to shock with twist after non effective twist. Teens will no doubt get a huge kick out of this film as its based on the latest #craze but i #feel everyone else will be like me wishing this genre would do something #fresh now. Its not a bad film its just an ok & lacking one just like a #haunted house you've visited already it passes the time. #odeon #odeonlimitless #horror #jigsaw #trap #filmbuff #filmcritic #gore #fridayfeeling #teen #silly #game #escaperoommovie #puzzle #fire #lit #scary
The Huntress
The Huntress
Kate Quinn | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Great story with engrossing characters
I loved reading this one! A great blend of action, intrigue and romance complete with a cast of likable characters. Each one with their story to tell and it’s told well. For some background information it would help to read up on the subject of the Night Witches and their exploits during World War II (which is a fascinating subject on its’ own)

Of all the stories to read, Nina’s naturally, is the most interesting. She’s a wild child, does her own thing and doesn’t care about norms, conventions, and rules. She does her own thing but joins up with her squad not because of the love of her land and country but because she loves to fly. It’s her passion and it shows. I love reading about Nina because of her free spirited attitude and her drive. It’s what keeps her going.

The plot is free flowing and the chapters goes back and forth time-wise, and changes perspective depending on the character. Besides Nina, Jordan’s point of view is also interesting. She’s also got an independent streak in her and it’s nice to see her go on her own path based on her decisions. It’s unheard of back then in the day (we’re talking about 1950’s here) so it’s nice to read.

The writing is excellent and it grabs your attention from page one. I rather wish there was a small glossary to see what Nina says in Russian (although I’m sure it’s rather colorful language) but other than that small bit, the characters are engaging, and it’s nice how they all come together in the last third of the book.

The Author’s Note is also good for explaining what she’s done historical speaking wise. If you are stickler for history perhaps this isn’t for you - it’s more character and story driven. Still an engrossing read and greatly recommended!
The Geek's Guide to Unrequited Love
The Geek's Guide to Unrequited Love
7.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Geek’s Guide to Unrequited Love is a fandom-lovers dream, minus the unrequited love. The story takes place predominantly at New York Comic Con, the second largest convention of pop culture fanatics (myself included) in the United States. You can tell that the author is either very familiar with the area from personal experience, or questioned a con-goer to get every detail. She mentions things like the cell service being spotty in the Artist’s Alley (it is) and the atmosphere you experience on the way to the Con. It’s so fascinating to be walking the streets for a while when suddenly you notice a Spider-Man strolling out of a bakery, not too long after a group of wizards turn the corner and before you know it you’re surrounded by a horde of enthusiastic, frequently costumed, nerds, geeks and fans of all ages outside the Javitt’s Center, where NYCC is held.

The atmosphere was authentic and made me feel like I was attending the Con as well, although that may be in part because I’ve attended NYCC before I do believe that any reader will feel just as immersed. The world was the most enjoyable part of the book, as the characters were not as developed as they could have been. There were moments of clarity where you saw more into their motivations, but overall they weren’t memorable characters. That’s not to say there was anything wrong with them, they just didn’t affect me as a reader.

It was an easy, enjoyable contemporary read that I think is perfect for young adult/teen readers who are fans of something and enjoy books that they can relate to on that level. You don’t have to be a comic book or superhero fan to enjoy Comic Con, it is a refuge and a consolidation of all fandoms. If you love something, you will find something you can relate to at Comic Con and in this book.
Fierce Kingdom
Fierce Kingdom
Gin Phillips | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
7.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Have you ever read a book that’s brought out emotions in you that you weren’t even aware of? Because that is what happened to me when reading this book. I had no idea that I had innate maternal feelings, I’ve never felt broody or motherly at any point in my life, but something about the writing in this book pulled all the right strings, and I suddenly had “motherly emotions”. Phillip’s writing is superb and if you’re lucky enough to have a day off to read this, you will certainly get through it within a few hours.

This book is definitely a thriller, but because of the topics in it, all the “would I have done that?” questions running through your head, you can get completely lost in the moment of this story, only remembering Joan & Lincoln are hiding from gunmen when it’s mentioned in Joan’s narrative.

The characterisation in this is so good it’s hard to explain how good it is. Phillips is a mother herself so she is clearly writing from her own heart here. Joan is exactly the way I imagine being a mother feels, Lincoln is a little bundle of joy throughout the darkness of the book, and Robby is a tragic and sociopathic killer.

I can’t tell you that this book is perfect, because it’s not. The writing, for me, pretty much was perfect, but the plot lacked a little, especially at the end when I was left wanting more. More explanation, or a more rounded conclusion.

Overall, this was a seriously emotive and beautiful novel. It will bring out some seriously strong emotions in you and it will thrill you. This gets a very strong 4/4.5 stars from me.

<i>Thanks to Random House UK, Transworld Publishers for sending me an ARC copy of this book. And also to Netgalley for my eARC copy. (I was sent the physical ARC after the Netgalley approval, I wasn’t being greedy!)</i>
Tight Quarters (Out of Uniform #6)
Tight Quarters (Out of Uniform #6)
Annabeth Albert | 2018 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Tight Quarters (Out of Uniform #6) by Annabeth Albert
Tight Quarters is the sixth book in the Out of Uniform series, and if M/M Romance mixed in with a Military scenario does it for you, then you really need to check out this series.

In this book, we reunite with Bacon (and yep, that is his real name!). He is none too happy because he has been stuck with babysitting duty for an embedded journalist, one he actually admires and knows is gay. Bacon himself is Pan, and I loved him for it. Now, Bacon has a history, and is a SEAL. Bryant is a gay journalist. Whatever could go wrong?

This is a book of two halves - the first part being with Spencer embedded and them both fighting their attraction. The second is when Spencer is no longer in the team, and they give up fighting. I honestly can't tell you which half I prefer! For differing reasons, both parts are fantastic, and definitely make up the whole.

With stories that need to be written, but jobs that need to be protected, these two face a horrible decision that left me crossing my fingers and hoping for a happy ending. No knowledge of the American Military is needed as Ms. Albert gives out enough information for it all to make sense, without disclosing any secrets.

I keep thinking to myself that this series can't go on for much longer. How many different military stories can one author do? And then Ms. Albert comes out with something new, something refreshing and unique that makes me fall in love with her characters all over again. How many is too many? I don't have the answer to that, but I do know I definitely need more in this series. Absolutely and highly recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!