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Forever Layla
Forever Layla
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
David Foster is 17 years old, a few days away from being 18, on the road as a sound guy for his best friend, Michael's Band, and his life is about to change forever.
Layla is 24. She's in town from California and when she see David for the first time, like this, she's not quite sure what to do.
How does Layla know so much about David? Did his friends put her up to this as a prank for his birthday? But Layla knows things he would never tell Michael. So as David gets to know Layla better and as she gets to know the David she already knows in a whole other way, they form a bond that is not so easily broken.

Forever Layla is a story of love, happiness, trust, and science all wrapped up in one. David is living in 1994 and Layla shows up in his life from 2014. David is the kind of man every girl dreams of meeting, but Layla is afraid to mess up his life what she already knows. How can she make a life with him without giving away too much about who she is and how and why is now in his life.

This is a very well written book and it was very difficult to put down.

I loved the story of David and Layla. I was rooting for them to be together Forever as the title suggests. Their love was intense and amazing. To have a love like that with someone that you are willing to give up so much of yourself in order to make them happy and make their dreams come true.
Game Of Thrones - Season 8
Game Of Thrones - Season 8
2019 | Action, Drama, Fantasy
Pretty Scenery, Tormund, Arya... (0 more)
Character development was thrown out the window, Story items thrown out the window, poor excuse for an ending. (0 more)
The Ingredients were mixed in the bowl without being baked.
The buildup to the climaxes of the previous seasons hand our expectations at an all time high. For those of us who became invested in the story and the characters, we were supremely let down. This season could have benefited from more time. When everything seems rushed it doesn't give enough time for things to be fulfilled and wrapped up in an emotionally satisfactory way.

The writers were unable to "Kill their darlings". You could tell they only wanted to jump from their favorite plot point to their favorite plot point without any or little explanation of how they got there. The same plot points could have been reached and been plausible had there been enough time to develop.

The entire season seemed to be half baked. It built well to a very underwhelming climax of the battle of Winterfell which made everything after that felt like a poor excuse for denouement. Some of the heroes that they spent 8 years developing became poor shadows of themselves in order to accomplish what the writers wanted. We received good ingredients but not being mixed well or even cooked to become something good, it fell horribly flat.

It also seemed like the wrong medium for this type of adaptation. It could have used more time to develop for screen what worked well in the books, instead it turned into a poor excuse for a stage show.

Sonofdel (6291 KP) rated the Xbox One version of Layers of Fear in Video Games

May 31, 2019  
Layers of Fear
Layers of Fear
2016 | Action/Adventure
atmospheric, very innovative, creepy (0 more)
nothing (0 more)
Messes with you
Contains spoilers, click to show
Well i saw that this was one of the games down for the monthly game pass challenge and so i thought i would give it a go. I loved it. Its a strange mind blowing game that is more point and click than anything else. It took a few screens to get going and after opening drawers and cupboards i was beginning to get a little bored. This all changed once i had started the game properly and both me and my wife (who was watching me play it) were mesmerized by how complicated and ingenious the game is. At the end of playing it i discovered that i had finished the game, but definitely not completed it. In the game you have to find lots of items, evidence and photographs that ultimately tell the story of the descent into madness of an artist and the horrors that befell both him and his family. Each chapter you complete sees him descend deeper into his mind and makes the game that much more interesting and warped. I would give it an 8 as its one of the best of this genre i have played. I would not recommend it to people who suffer with light sensitive disorders or epilepsy as its very disorientating in places and seriously messes with your mind. Nothing is as it seems and rooms change just as easy as you turning round in them. Doors appear, images appear and its basically a cross between American Magees Alice and Silent Hill in atmosphere and game play. Definitely worth playing.

Kaz (232 KP) rated An Unwanted Guest in Books

Jun 16, 2019  
An Unwanted Guest
An Unwanted Guest
Shari Lapena | 2018 | Crime, Mystery, Thriller
6.4 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
Keeps you guessing throughout (0 more)
Too many characters, weak ending (0 more)
A fun 'Whodunnit'
This is the first book I had read by Shari Lapena and I was surprised to find out this was her third book, because it feels like a first novel.

I enjoyed the element of trying to work out who the killer was. However, I did have a problem with several elements within this book.

Firstly, the dialogue at the beginning, is awful. You could tell that Lapena was trying to introduce each character using dialogue, but what she succeeded in doing, was creating forced, unnatural conversation. This does improve throughout the book though.

Secondly for me, there were too many characters. At times, I got confused about who was who and had to keep referring to the beginning, to figure that out. I don't think that the characters were distinctive enough.

I also found some of the decisions of the characters to be implausible and, things which seemed obvious to do, took nearly 200 pages for the characters to figure out.

The ending for me was a bit weak. It felt like Shari Lapena wasn't exactly sure who the killer was herself. So as the book went on, the plot started to unravel. However, I did enjoy the little twist at the end.

Judging by all of the criticisms I have about this novel, you would think that I hated it. However, despite it's many flaws, I quite enjoyed it.

I might re-read 'An Unwanted Guest', but I have no intention of reading any more of Shari Lapena's books in the future.

Awix (3310 KP) rated The Quatermass Conclusion (1979) in Movies

Feb 10, 2018 (Updated Feb 10, 2018)  
The Quatermass Conclusion (1979)
The Quatermass Conclusion (1979)
1979 | Drama, Mystery, Sci-Fi
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
We're all doomed, I tell you, DOOMED!
Big-screen version of Nigel Kneale's ultra-depressing finale to his series of Quatermass TV shows and films. Kneale was only in his fifties when he wrote this, which is odd because it feels very much like an old man's wail of anguish when faced with a world he no longer feels he belongs to or even recognises. Set in the near future - one very much informed by the social unrest and generational tensions that were present in the UK when it was made - this is the story of a collapsing civilisation presented with a new threat: a hostile alien presence, which originally visited Earth five thousand years ago, has returned, basically intent on chowing down on young people (this was clearly an influence on the later Torchwood series Children of Earth). Ageing boffin Bernard Quatermass must find a solution, if he can.

It's not uncommon for SF to be not so much about predicting the future as complaining about the present, but what makes this version of Quatermass unusual is it's told primarily from the perspective of old people - there are a couple of younger sympathetic characters, but even they are thirty-five-going-on-sixty in their attitudes, and most of the younger people are depicted as either feckless wasters or violent psychopaths. (The generation gap is explained by alien influences being at work.)

Reasonably lavish, bearing in mind its TV origins, and quite successful on its own terms - but as its main intention seems to be to drive the viewer to despair, it's not especially easy to like.
A Silent Prayer (A Prayer Series #1)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Disclaimer: I received an e-copy in exchange for an honest review.

Rania is a regular girl, just trying to get through life in Toronto. Adam is a rich bachelor, spending and sleeping his way through the days. When they cross paths, sparks fly, and Adam realizes he might not mind leaving the single-life behind, once and for all. However, Rania has a scarred past, and it's keeping barriers around her heart. Can these two make it together, or will their differences drive them apart before they even get started?

I enjoyed this book right from the start. I love how the chapters are separated into each point of view, as you get a glimpse from both sides of the coin and how each character is dealing with their new friendship. I feel as though this one quote from the beginning perfectly sums up how you should view this story: "I wonder at the fact that each human has his own story to tell; everyone has a past, a present and a future to look forward to." We travel through the present with both Rania and Adam, and while looking through them towards their possible future, we see that they'll have to relive a past that could tear them apart.

I would recommend this book to anyone who likes a good romance, but note that it's not your typical boy-meets-girl, boy-gets-girl story. This is one where you'll be rooting on both sides, and you get to see what happens when love-at-first-sight meets its match in a strong-willed woman.

4 1/2 stars
The Victim (2012)
The Victim (2012)
2012 | Drama, Mystery
4.5 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
I didn't fall asleep :) (0 more)
Horrible acting (4 more)
Boring plot
Long talking scenes that add nothing
No likable characters
Was this still worth £1?
So I paid £1 for this on blu ray from Poundland. You can't argue with that price even if you are going to just watch it once.

The tone confused me a lot at first. I wasn't sure what it was supposed to be. The lighting felt terrible and the plot was terrible.

Michael Beihn was pretty much the only good part. He's a great actor but not a good director sadly. Mostly the acting was just horrible.

None of the characters were particularly likable. Despite all this, I felt there was going to be a lot more to the story than I was led to believe at the beginning so I stuck with it expecting some kind of twist. Sadly the whole thing isn't like this and just has a predictable ending.

It is badly paced with boring scenes that go on far too long and a sex scene that feels too out of place. It is a movie that tries to rely on hot girls and sex (not much might I add) with flashbacks to tell a lot of the story. This does not work and takes away whatever suspense there was.

The movie was too predictable with no surprises. I wouldn't waste your time with it to be honest. You can't even laugh at it but for £1 I can't really argue. Somehow it ain't even worth that but at least I watched it so you don't have to.
Bossing My Friend
Bossing My Friend
Suzanne Hart | 2018 | Erotica, Natural World, Romance
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Background on the MC's. (0 more)
Some of the actions Jared takes. (0 more)
Good Contemporary Romance/ Erotica read.
A bit fast paced in the prologue; it gave a quick background on the main characters but also continued to do that throughout the entirety of the novel. First off, why in the hell would you tell someone you have very strong feelings, that are damn near love feelings, while you are getting ready to leave?! Like seriously, what in the world is wrong with you. That's the most idiotic thing anybody can do, and guess what, Jared did it. *Red Foreman's voice* Dumbass. I really like how Elsie, the other MC works in charity and tries to be strong even though she's dying to jump Jared. The storyline gets better over time, turned into a contemporary romance with erotica scenes. Overall great plot and scenes.

Will I reread? You bet your ass if I'm craving a bad boy gone good erotica/contemporary romance I will be. Do I recommend? If you love erotica and cheesy scenes all mixed together with a bow on top.

○ interested in its physical book
● a continuous read / page-turner
○ diverse in any way
○ something’s lacking
● took me a long time to finish
○ an LMAO read
○ I laughed more than a few times
○ it’s j u s t awkward
○ gave me goosebumps
○ one of the best books I’ve read
○ painful & sad
○ tear-jerker
● a roller-coaster of emotions
○ thrilling
○ confusing
○ sooo relatable
○ it is kind of annoying
○ it has a lot of flashbacks
○ it moved me
● would recommend!
● great even for a reread
● definitely a YAY
○ I’m sorry it’s a NAY
○ it’s between YAY and NAY

ClareR (5686 KP) rated The Corset in Books

Sep 28, 2018  
The Corset
The Corset
Laura Purcell | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, History & Politics, Mystery
9.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
A Victorian tale (so pretty horrifying then)
Dorothea is a rich, upper class 25 year old, who believes that she can change a convicts attitudes by the power of phrenology (better than Greyskull, I suppose). Well, if she's kind to them, their heads will change shape, and they'll magically/ scientifically reform (I still think she'd have more luck with Greyskull, to be honest). This was a common belief in Victorian times: that the lumps, bumps and the shape of a persons head would tell the phrenologist all they needed to know about a person. So, Dorothea visits the local women's prison regularly to test her theories. This is where she meets Ruth, who believes that she can kill someone with the power of her sewing. We learn Ruth's story as told to Dorothea: how she lost her baby sister and father (her fault, she sewed bad feelings in to a baby hat); her mother, a seamstress went blind (also her fault), and was consequently sold in to a life of slavery and abuse at Metyards dress making shop.
As the story unfolded, I was left wondering if Ruth did indeed have some sort of magical power. It's quite a menacing atmosphere in the book. Dorothea comes across as frivolous, only concerned with her comfy life - but this also changes as the book develops.
And that twist at the end!
Contrary to my He-Man allusions at the start, I really enjoyed this book. It was a real treat to read, and completely unexpected, as I hadn't read her first book. I'll be rectifying that mistake!!

Gitchegumi (28 KP) rated Dungeons and Dragons in Tabletop Games

Jul 21, 2019 (Updated Jul 21, 2019)  
Dungeons and Dragons
Dungeons and Dragons
1974 | Action, Adventure, Dice Game, Fantasy, Fighting
Only limited my your imagination (0 more)
Can be intimidating to get started (1 more)
Materials are expensive
Make believe for grown ups!
Dungeons and Dragons is what I like to call a game of make believe for grown ups.

Rather than running around the playground pretending to be heroes and making up the rules as you go, you sit around your table with a baseline of rules and develop a story with your friends. This game is a highly social experience as there is no requirement for boards and pieces. Everything happens in the minds of the players and dudgeon master (the person who moderates play sessions).

Dungeons and Dragons excels in its ability to create memories for a group of friends who enjoy playing together. I still talk about some of my favorite adventures with friends decades later. There is great potential for developing rich stories in which you and your friends get to play the heroes.

While there is potential for “home brewed” content, that is, content that is completely made up and written by the people running the campaign, Wizards of the Cost also generates fully developed campaigns. This is great for people who feel they aren’t creative enough, are too intimidated, or don’t have enough time to make up their own content. These adventures are very well made, so well that even seasoned home brew players will enjoy them. They go into great detail about the background of the story of the situation so as to help a dungeon master adapt when they players derail the adventure.

All together, this is a great game to tell a high fantasy story staring you and your friends.