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Infected (Releasing the Magic #1)
Infected (Releasing the Magic #1)
Maya Riley | 2020 | Dystopia, Paranormal, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
126 of 200
Infected ( Releasing the magic book1)
By Maya Riley

What's the worst that could happen? Sit down and let me tell you.

The Void Virus has been let loose on the Earth. Caused by experiments gone wrong, an outbreak has ravaged the world. Anyone infected has turned into a decaying empty shell, void of their former selves. The animate decomposing bodies have become known as Rotters, stumbling around for the scent of the living.

Alone in the dark new world where even the dead don’t die, I must fight to survive. Not only against the Rotters, but the remaining uninfected who have turned savage in their plight of survival; the scavers.

As the world I once knew is lost, a new one emerges. Strange things begin to happen. Some are able to wield power over the elements. I develop a strange healing ability. It is unknown if this is a rogue symptom of the virus, or if the solitude is driving me crazy.

Puppy, my German Shepherd, and I have been on our own until four guys enter my life and refuse to leave. Strangely enough, they’re just as broken as I am.

My name is Blyss and we will set this world on fire if necessary. After all… What’s the worst that could happen?

I don’t give many 5 stars but I absolutely loved this book! It was well written and packed with action! I loved the romantic stuff too as it wasn’t shoved In your face every other page! You could feel the tension building. Highly recommended the best “zombie” book I’ve read in a long time!
2001: A Space Odyssey by Richard Strauss
2001: A Space Odyssey by Richard Strauss
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"One of the first records I remember having any kind of relationship to was the soundtrack to 2001. At that point, I wasn’t allowed to put the needle on the record, but my dad would put it on, and, looking back now, I liked it ’cause it it scared me. There’s a lot of spooky stuff on there. I wanted to hear the record that was going to freak me out, and I wanted my dad in the room while it was being played. Growing up in Temple, Texas, my dad was the looser parent, the kind of guy who would wake the kids up in the morning by turning the stereo on really loud and blasting some upbeat music. In fact, the neighbor was always calling over to tell him to turn his stereo down. Later, he became a little more strict and got more religious; now he goes to mass every day. My parents split up in ’79, when I was 8. It was a pretty acrimonious break up. By then, I had a younger brother and sister, and we would go see my dad every other weekend. There was a certain voice my mom reserved only for my dad—when she would pick up the phone and use this voice, I knew it was him: “Oh hello.” There was a lot of animosity there for a long time, but as of the last couple of years, we have all shared Thanksgiving together for the first time since 1978, which has been really nice. My little brother now has a kid, so that brings everybody together."

Planes, Trains and Automobiles (1987)
Planes, Trains and Automobiles (1987)
1987 | Comedy

"I know three right off the bat. Planes, Trains, and Automobiles. How’d it influence me? Big Steve Martin fan. Knew I wanted to be a comedian when I was very young. And my sister brought the Wild and Crazy Guy album home, which I still have in my office. When Planes, Trains came out, that was the first film that really I looked at and said, “I’d love to, someday if I’m lucky enough to have a comedy audience, bring them into film and make that kind of movie.” Big heart, big laughs. And, of course, Steve Martin at the car rental shop, you know, “I want my f–king car right f–king now.” Unbelievably funny movie. Of course, John Hughes, John Candy, one of my favorites ever. Can I take two minutes to tell a story? Awesome f–king John Hughes story. [My Best Friend’s Girl director] Howie [Deutch] was directing Some Kind of Wonderful and the studio wanted a four-page rewrite on a scene. So Howie’s all, “I can’t figure out what to do.” Calls John, says, “Can you come over and help me write these four pages?” For two-and-a-half hours they’re just pacing around, John is just smoking incessantly. Howie says, “I need to lay down. I’m beat. I’m going to sleep a few hours and then we’ll finish it.” Then he says, “Dane, I wake up at about five in the morning and John is scribbling like crazy. He hands it to me and says, ‘Read this. It’s only 50 pages right now, but read it. I’m calling it Ferris Bueller’s Day Off.’"

The Harrowing of Doom
The Harrowing of Doom
David Annandale | 2020 | Comics & Graphic Novels, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Good book, but no real insight to Doom
As I am currently wading my way through the early 90s Infinity Gauntlet/War saga and all the crossover issues of comics, I was intrigued at the sometime villain, complex character that is Victor Von Doom. This book seemed to be the perfect chance to put some meat on the bones of this intriguing powerful character.
The book starts on Walpurgis night, as Doom looks towards the coming midsummer and his annual battle with Mephisto's forces of Hell as he tries to reclaim his mother's soul. Beaten once more, Doom hits on a plan to take the fight to Hell on his own terms.
Meanwhile, Doom's mother's previously defeated foe, a prince, seeks to take back control of the country, using terror attacks while Doom is distracted with his Hellish fight.
The story has some good characters, in the few people trusted with helping Doom to accomplish his plan (his mother's former ally and now recluse, a priest with heretical powers and his security chief) which help to tell the story. However, throughout the book we are treated to the same sense of mystery of the insides of Doom's mind that we see in the comics.
The book is good, an interesting one where an over-powered character is undone by refusing to delegate or being too egotistical, and it is something of a page-turner. But as a Doom-focused book, it left me wanting more.

I received an advance eARC of this book from the publishers and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.