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Deadpool 2 (2018)
Deadpool 2 (2018)
2018 | Action, Comedy
Well, I’ve got to eat crow. See, when I reviewed the first Deadpool movie, I said there was no way they could pull a sequel off. That it was one trick pony. I was… wrong. Horribly wrong. I’m just back from Deadpool 2, and I’ve got to tell you that it was ridiculously funny and they did a great job overall. It was filled with typical Deadpool crudeness, was completely over the top, and yet still managed to have a scene that walloped me in the gut. (Yes, I sniffled.)

As for the actors: Zazi Beetz, who I was first introduced to in Geostorm, is an extremely charismatic actress. She’s a sheer pleasure to watch on the screen as Domino, and I can’t wait to see her in more movies. Josh Brolin did Cable right. (Well, I don’t know that he did him right, considering I’d never heard of the character before, but you get the point.) Julian Dennison (Firefirst), Leslie Uggams, and Morena Baccarin all deserve their nods as well. Oh, and Ryan Reynolds performed as expected.

As with the first Deadpool, this is not a movie to take a kid to. The jokes are sometimes offensive, the language is strong, and there’s a wee bit of dick jokes involved. I actually heard one of the fellow moviegoers go quite loudly “Not cool!” at one particular crack.

Deadpool 2 didn’t nail everything. As stated, the jokes could be a bit offensive. They definitely strung out some things a bit further than they needed to go. However, on the whole, it was an enjoyable experience that had me giggling at several points during the movie.

On a side note: The advertising for Deadpool 2 has been on point. I’ve snickered at basically every single piece of advertising I’ve seen. I think that’s what made me so willing to go watch the movie even though I was for sure there would be suckage.
Dares, Lies & Gemini's
Dares, Lies & Gemini's
Kat Alexander | 2018 | Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Unpredictable twist (0 more)
This book was incredible
Tristana and Peter live as roommates in a boarding house in Virginia. When they first meet, there is an instant connection between the two. Tristana, though, is too involved in her work and Peter is still working out issues of his own after the death of his brother.

Seraphina is a club girl who likes going out and finding the bad boys. Men that are willing to cheat to have a piece of her. Nathan stand on the sideline and watches her, trying to figure out why she is doing this to herself. But he is always there to step in in case there is a problem.

Will these couples ever get their lives together in order to be much happier as partners instead of singles? Will Tristana be able to break out of her shell around Peter? Will Nathan ever reveal himself to Seraphina and tell her his true feelings?

Thank you to Kat Alexander for the opportunity to read and review this book. She is now on my list of authors whose books I'm going to get without reading the description.

I was hooked on this story from the start. The characters are intriguing and I could totally identify with Seraphina. I was very anxious to find out what was going to happen with these characters. Then about half way through the book BOOM!!! The atomic bomb was dropped on the whole story. Usually when reading book, you know a twist is going to come or you can guess what is going to happen next. I didn't see this coming at all!! From that point on, nothing in life mattered except finding out what was going to happen next.

I can't say much more without giving away spoilers, but if you like a romantic novel with a huge twist, pick up this book today.
Wingless and Damned
Dawn White | 2012
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Disclaimer: I received an e-copy from the author in exchange for an honest review.

At the start, we meet Ciarra, the tribal healer, doing her best in a bad situation by performing a spell on tribesmen that will turn them into werewolves. Unfortunately, there's no way to turn them back, as her spirit guides tell her. But at that moment, a mysterious man, Aison, comes out of the forest and grabs Ciarra, taking her to a cave deep in the woods, where his brethren, the Strigoi, those beings the werewolves were created to kill, are waiting. Aison and the others force Ciarra to alter the spell, forever cursing all future members of her tribe to become weres at 26 years old, as they have kidnapped the pregnant leader's wife, Kimi, as leverage. Ciarra is attacked by the other Strigoi, and Aison turns her, but not before Kimi gives birth and dies. Ciarra saves the baby and gives her to two Fae, enslaved by the Strigoi, to protect in their world until the time is right for her to meet her tribal mate and help bring down the original Strigoi. Years later, we meet Lea, the "wingless Fae" from the prophecy, and her story continues from there.

I really enjoyed this book, as there were lots of supernatural elements that I found really interesting. There are Strigoi, werewolves, Fae, tribal curses, spirit guides, etc., and it was really fun to read. However, I feel it would've been better had it been longer, as there were several instances I thought were rushed, such as the battle in the woods between the werewolves and Strigoi. I think it would've made a great novel, including a little more depth to the battle, the tribe's way of life and coping with the curse, etc. However, I still liked it a lot, and I look forward to more.

4 stars
On the Origin of Findo Gask
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>I received this book for free through Goodreads First Reads.</i>

“Sick, twisted, blasphemous, wrong and very, very funny.” That is how this book, <i>On the Origin of Findo Gask</i> by David McCreight, is described on the back cover. But how accurate is it? “Blasphemous”? Most definitely. “Very, very funny”? Not so much. Although it is obvious that there is an attempt a humour, it is too “sick” and “twisted” for it to be anywhere near hilarious.

Findo Gask is a rather unattractive sixteen-year-old living in the Scottish Highlands. The narrative, recounted from his point of view, alternates between present day and an account of past events. Findo was once a child prodigy until he began questioning religion openly in church. In order to get back at the Christians, who thought he was possessed by demons, he establishes the Darwin Terrorist Organisation along with Cousin Dan. This, however, eventually gets rather out of hand. Now Findo is living with his Gran and his Mum is in hospital with a mysterious illness. He also believes he has sold the universe.

The fact that Findo is a stereotypical, Scottish, working class teenager makes the amount of bad language almost acceptable; although, to tell the complete truth, it did border on excessive.

At first there did not seem to be much of a plot, but once the past and present join up it is possible to connect all the events included in the story, which results in a considerably explosive ending.

As everyone’s take on humour is different there will undoubtedly be people who love this book. It would not be fair to deliberately put people off from reading <i>On the Origin of Findo Gask</i>, yet at the same time it is not recommended for the easily offended readers, particularly those with strict religious principles and a dislike for foul language.

Emma @ The Movies (1786 KP) rated Welcome to Marwen (2018) in Movies

Jun 22, 2019 (Updated Sep 25, 2019)  
Welcome to Marwen (2018)
Welcome to Marwen (2018)
2018 | Biography, Drama
I knew what I'd be seeing on the screen for this one but it was still intriguing to watch.

When we're seeing the dolls in action you can tell that every detail has been taken into account. The way they move their limbs, the articulation and their reactions are all spot on. If you listen during the fight scenes you can even hear the plastic on plastic thunking. The little touches in Marwen itself are wonderful too.

Transitions between the fictional town and the real town are done in a surprisingly smooth way. The shifts through the bar's frontage keep the action flowing in the busier points of the movie and are a nice change of pace from the camera and photographs.

You end up thinking about a lot of things. It took me longer than it probably should have done to work a few things out (no spoilers), but when I did it opened up a whole other train of thought and even a day later I'm still thinking about it.

Steve Carell does an amazing job of conveying the trauma that Mark is having to deal with, and the moments where his anxieties take him are so horribly real. The film overall punches you in the face with emotions. There's one particular moment with Kurt and his car that made me anxious myself and I actually wanted to scream at the screen, if I'd been at home I would have been screaming. Before you ask, of course I was crying! So much at one point I thought I was going to choke on the lump in my throat.

What you should do

I have no doubt this one will be under appreciated as it is a little unusual, but it is worth a watch at some point.

Movie thing you wish you could take home

I'd quite like to try those meatballs.
Rain (A Stranger in the Woods, #1)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Rain is the first book in the A Stranger in the Woods series, and it starts off with a bang. Rose is looking after her younger siblings as her mother struggles to live. There is a plague that has decimated her village, it has already claimed her father, and numerous friends. The person who has been there for Rose throughout is Gunner. They have been best friends for years, but Gunner thinks that he wants to take it further. Everyone else is expecting it, but when it does happen, it's not as Rose imagined. Whilst this is going on, we meet Ryder, a Guardian, who is instantly attracted to Rose for reasons he doesn't really comprehend. Only time will tell how these three will work things out.

Now, where do I start? This story is fresh and original, it is compelling, it is heartbreaking, it is hopeful. India R. Adams has a way of writing that draws you in, that makes you want to read more, even at stupid o'clock! I will admit to be slightly worried at the start as love triangles aren't really my thing, but how this story was told... well, it all just makes sense! I couldn't be happier with how everything turned out. Of course, I mean that generally as there are parts that had me sobbing. With feisty families, fabulous friends, gorgeous Guardians, and more 'bad guys' than you can shake a stick at, there is something here for everyone.

This book was extremely well written, with no editing or grammatical errors to disrupt the reading flow. I really can't recommend it highly enough, if you are looking for a fresh paranormal/fantasy romance. Absolutely brilliant! Also, have you SEEN that cover? Simply stunning, I love it!

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
The Killing Fog (The Grave Kingdom, #1)
The Killing Fog (The Grave Kingdom, #1)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Thanks to NetGalley and 47North for letting me read and review this incredible story. I'm already anxiously awaiting the next book in this series! I love and have read most of Jeff Wheeler's works and he never disappoints with his stories full of adventure, intrigue, romance, life lessons and so much more. It's always one wild rollercoaster ride with my emotions when I read one of his books, but I always learn or take away something and enjoy the stories immensely.
I always find myself easily lost and immersed in the worlds he creates and invested in the characters and the stories they have to tell. This story is very unique and different from others that Jeff Wheeler has written and just as amazing and engrossing as the others I have read.
In this story, we find ourselves following along with this story of an orphaned girl named Bingmei, who is with a group of mercenaries that serve a local ruler. They are sent on a mission to find and retrieve what treasures they can that are in a lost palace buried and preserved in ice. But when they get there, they find more than they bargained for and when they upset the tomb, they unknowingly cause havoc.
Bingmei unknowingly brings Echion, Dragon of the Night back to life, waking him from his tomb and now is meant to fulfill her part in the legendary prophecy. She has to destroy Echion before he takes over all the kingdoms and he has to stop her from destroying him. Bingmei knows what she has to do, but she doesn't know if she can do it.
This is in a world of ancient myth, legend, magic and is a story about love, loss, grief, balance, duty, honor and what people do when faced with difficult choices in heart-rending situations and so much more. You definitely want to have this one on your list, preorder it and read it as soon as you can.
The Unexpected Joy of Being Single
The Unexpected Joy of Being Single
Catherine Gray | 2018 | Contemporary, Humor & Comedy
8.4 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
Positive and uplifting
I really wish that I had read this book a lot sooner. I’ve been struggling with being on my own for the past year and its been difficult because everyone else I know is coupled up or married, and being single in your thirties is a pretty daunting experience. Whilst I’ve been feeling a lot better within myself recently, this book is truly a wonderfully uplifting read.

Catherine Gray is a great writer. She really knows how to talk to her audience, and fill her writing with an equal balance of humour and seriousness. She knows what she’s talking about to, and it’s nice to read about someone’s view on this topic without it being preachy or smug. Not once does Gray come across as condescending to her readers. You can tell every word is from her personal experience, and throughout this entire book I could match this to my own personal experiences. It’s a wonderful thing to read a book and feel that the author truly and entirely understands what you’ve been feeling and thinking. The book itself is full of personal stories, anecdotes and also a tonne of meaningful quotes and statistics. And it’s all put forward in such a positive and happy way, yet without really slandering those who are coupled or married. This has really reinforced my current way of thinking and whilst not actually a self help book, this has done wonders to help and make me realise I’m not in the wrong for how I feel and think. This has made me the happiest I’ve felt in a long time. I wish I could give this to my coupled and married friends to them rethink how they treat their single mates, but sadly they’d probably get offended!

I highly recommend that anyone single read this, especially if you’re approaching or over 30 and in need of a positive outlook - you can’t get a better one than this.
Red Queen
Red Queen
Victoria Aveyard | 2015 | Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (64 Ratings)
Book Rating
In quick and rapid-fire succession about Victoria Aveyard's <i>Red Queen</i>...

~ Amanda Dolan is a phenomenal narrator. She makes the pages come alive in the ears if you know what I mean. Regal accent for the queen, awesome rambling skills that show Mare is nervous, fabulously "bitchy" voice for Evangeline, etc. Dolan might even top <a title="Ruin and Rising by Leigh Bardugo" href=""; target="_blank" rel="noopener">Fontgang.</a> (Don't worry. I still like your skills.)

~ Someone tell me the song title and composer of the music at the beginning and the end of the audiobook because I love it. It has this ominous feeling that I like. Oh, and I admit I'm a music geek.

~ There are some things I question. 1) Why would you use a shield that contains Mare's powers if you're trying to kill her? I mean, you KNOW her power. 2) I don't think I caught how Silver blood became silver. Is it something as simple as, I don't know, putting a bit of silver in Botox before injecting it? *strokes imaginary beard thoughtfully*

~ The end. Any book that actually has an unpredictable ending is instantly music in my ears (not that I'm being biased, but let's just say you get more merit) – when you read so many books, things tend to repeat. But that's a discussion for another day.

~ You're like <i>The Winner's</i> trilogy. I don't need to say anything more, because <a title="The Winner's Crime" href=""; target="_blank" rel="noopener">this letter explains it all</a>. If I write this one as a letter, I'll plagiarize my own self.

<a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>
Dice Forge
Dice Forge
2017 | Ancient, Dice Game, Fantasy
Dice are customizable. (3 more)
Components are nice.
Game has short play time.
Everyone rolls on everyone's turn. Results in little to no downtime.
Dice sides are hard to get off if the game is new. (1 more)
Almost no distinct difference between which die is for sun and which is for moon. Very hard to tell the color difference.
Most Interesting Dice Game I've Played
Players: 2-4
Ages: 8+
Time: 45 minutes

Dice: Guys they are customizable!!! Each side of the dice comes off! You can change them. It's so cool. As you play you have to strategize which die to put your new sides on. Which sides to buy with your gold, and think about what your chances are for rolling that side a lot to benefit you the most. I mean they are basically lego dice. It's amazing.
Componemts: The dice are solid but roll a little different than normal dice. You really have to give them a good roll. If you just lasily through them, sometimes they just end up on the same side it was already on because they are larger and heavier than normal smaller dice.
Play Time: 45 minutes is what it says on the box. If you are just playing the game, acurrate. But if you have to teach the game too. It takes longer. The longest part of teaching the game i found is the cards. The gameplay has a simple flow but the cards are all just symbols and I found I needed the reference guide in the rulebook closeby almost every time I play. The symbols just don't explain enough for each card.
Downtime between turns: There is little to none. On your turn, everyone rolls and then the active player may buy new dice sides or buy a card. The only waiting is for the active player to strategize in what they want to buy. But you can be thinking of that on their turns as well.