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Awix (3310 KP) rated Logan (2017) in Movies

Feb 10, 2018 (Updated Feb 10, 2018)  
Logan (2017)
Logan (2017)
2017 | Action, Adventure
Cover Granny's eyes and ears
The question we must ask ourselves here is: does adding graphic gory violence and F-bombs by the cartload really transform a reasonably formulaic X-men franchise movie into something qualitatively different? Because it seems to me that if you were to make a PG-rated edit of Logan it would not feel that much different from many of the other films in the series. Well, perhaps I exaggerate just a bit, because the film does have a downbeat mood quite unusual for this genre, and the focus on the fragility of its characters does give the actors a lot to work with (though Hugh Jackman is, quite predictably, acted off the screen by Patrick Stewart).

Plot as follows: the year is 2030, or thereabouts, and all is not well for mutantkind, inasmuch as they seem to have died out. A knocking-on-a-bit Wolverine is working as a limo driver and trying to keep a low profile while caring for a frail Charles Xavier, but the appearance of a young mutant girl forces the duo to reassess their priorities.

Maybe the problem is that the first trailer for this film - the one with the Johnny Cash soundtrack - promised something genuinely powerful and melancholic. The song isn't in the movie and neither, really, is the power and melancholy. The movie seems to be trying to tell the story of a conflicted man steeped in violence who tries to find redemption at the end of his life, but Jackman's Wolverine has always been so much of a teddy bear - his 'darkness' and 'edginess' have always felt like corporate branding - that this doesn't really work.

Still, the film is well-assembled and its vision of a dystopian near-future America is both engaging and consisting. The film's willingness to simply not worry about franchise continuity is also kind of refreshing. With the future of the X-franchise apparently somewhat up in the air, this is at the very least a superior entry to mark the departure of at least one of its mainstays.
Smitty's Sheriff (Hope #3)
Smitty's Sheriff (Hope #3)
Cardeno C | 2017 | Romance
8.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
warm and fuzzies!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I PURCHASED my ebook copy of this book (July 2017) and I was GIFTED the audio file of this book.

Richard dumped Todd because was too young to be committed to him, but when Todd gets a second chance at happiness, he pulls out all the stops.

This is book three in the Hope series, but you don't need to have read the other two for this to make sense. But they are great reads.

As is this one!

Richard let Todd go, because Todd was still seeing other guys and Rich did not want to share. But he failed to tell Todd that! So when Todd finds out WHY Rich dumped him, he's keen to clear the air and try to get back into Rich's bed and his heart.

And its a beautiful story! It follows a CC track record, with the guys having done their break up, and this story is their make up. Its well written fro both Todd and Rich's point of view. It's sexy in places, and heart breaking in others, especially when we get to just what causes Rich to push Todd away.

I read this a while a go, but was going through a rough parch and didn't get a review written, but given the opportunity to LISTEN to it, I jumped at the chance!

Ezekiel Robison narrates, and he does an amazing job! I think I preferred the audio version to the print version, if I'm totally honest and ya'll know I gotta be honest!!

Robison's voice is smooth, and deep and even and his voices are spot on how I imagined Todd and Rich to sound like. I had no trouble following multi person conversations. He manages to get across what I did not get when I read, what THAT is, exactly, I have no idea, but there was something missing when I read it that was not there when I listened to it, and that can only be put down by the excellent skills of Robison.

4 stars for the book
5 stars for the narration
4.5 overall.

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
The Sleeper
The Sleeper
Steve Brezenoff | 2012 | Children, Science Fiction/Fantasy
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Interesting elements for a kids book
The Sleeper is a 96-page science fiction mystery early chapter book. It comes with a few accompanying discussion questions at the back, as well as with some writing prompts and a basic glossary. These writing prompts encourage the reader to continue to interact with the story on their own terms. It plunges the reader right into a world that is theoretically just a few days away from getting destroyed by aliens. But the viewpoint the story is being told from is different than you might expect.

The illustrations in The Sleeper are black and white and surprisingly creepy. The illustrator, Tom Percival, does a solid job doing things like showing how even a smile can be rather disturbing. Nothing is graphic or outright scary at all, and yet readers can definitely experience an unease just looking at the pictures.

The Sleeper introduces the concept of a sleeper agent to young readers. I thought this was interesting and wasn't expecting it even though the title should have been a dead giveaway. In my defense, the cover for The Sleeper and the two line synopsis don't exactly tell you what to expect other than aliens!

While there are several good points to The Sleeper, I can't say I particularly liked it. It felt too brief and even though the discussion questions invite the reader to continue the story, it ends on a massive cliffhanger regarding one of the kids' fate. This may be deliberate, and for younger readers, it may actually work out well. It enables the child to feel a sense of accomplishment that they finished a book, and yet provides the impetus for them to pick up the next one. (Still made me twitch as it reeks too much of the chop-job that some authors like to do to a plot to sell more books.)

Overall, The Sleeper was an okay read. If it gets even a handful of kids interested enough to pick up another book, then it is has done its job. And, as always, it's nice to see a beginning chapter book that focuses on science fiction!

Sean Farrell (9 KP) rated Zoo in Books

Mar 15, 2018  
James Patterson | 2013 | Horror, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Thriller
6.5 (13 Ratings)
Book Rating
Working in a library it's hard not to notice how popular (and prolific) James Patterson is. While I was skeptical of just how good anything could be when it's written by someone who spits out books at a dizzying pace, and who is probably handing much of the actual writing off to one of the other authors he seems to employ, I still figured at some point I should read something of his just to see what I thought. Being a completely standalone story, and of somewhat more interest to me than his typical "murder-of-the-month" fare, "Zoo" seemed like a good way to dip my toes in the water. It tells the story of the world's population falling victim to an uprising of animal violence and the scientist who is trying to warn everybody of the coming problem and its cause. It's a somewhat simple story, but it's told briskly and has a number of memorably suspenseful scenes. The science behind everything sounds relatively plausible, whether or not it really is I couldn't tell you, though I have my doubts. Either way, it was good enough to sell the rather dire and dramatic circumstances that unfold over the course of the novel. The characters are likable enough, but don't really feel all that fleshed out. On some other negative notes; the dialogue is sometimes quite bad and there are too many times where people make horrifically stupid decisions for reasons that I found it hard to believe would have been enough to get them to make them. That aside, it was fast paced and suspenseful enough to keep me reading. The short chapters make it feel like it's propelling along at a higher speed, even if it does seem like some sequences were ended too abruptly, negating any chance of building up real suspense. The end in particular, while logical to the story, felt pretty abrupt and left me feeling just a little unsatisfied. I enjoyed reading Mr. Patterson more than I expected I might, but I don't know that I'll be coming back for more any time soon.
Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House
Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House
Michael Wolff | 2018 | History & Politics
5.8 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
You actually couldn't make this shit up...
By now you will have read a number of (probably contradictory) reviews for this book, which will probably have given you quite a lot of detailed (and probably contradictory) information about the book.

So here’s a very brief answer and overview to help you if you are still wrestling with the question “Should I buy this book, should I read this book, will I be left wishing for those hours of my life back ?”

Well, it’s a doddle to read. It’s actually quite interesting to read. It’s not going to tell you any more outrageous stories about Trump than you have already heard. But it will confirm them, and it will add texture to some. He really didn’t expect to win, he really was just on another self-promo binge.

All of that doesn’t mean the book doesn’t hold surprises. I had no idea Ivanka and Jared are DEMOCRATS (!!??). Oops! I guess I just gave that surprise away…but it’s worth reading about the chaos that’s causing in a White House voted in to place by hard core Republicans. Steve Bannon really is the sad little, alt-right man-child you always thought he was, and not the towering power-house of a political tactician that he accidentally appeared as for a moment or two.

And childishness. So much childishness from so many purportedly adult people. Most of my sticky-notes mark points where the degree of infantile behaviour was so bad that it actually stood out from the day-to-day sulking and tantrums. It quite simply has to be the most insane government a western democracy has ever hosted. Then there’s Trump’s clear belief that the role of POTUS is actually that of an El Presidente-style, junta-leading, banana republic tyrant whose sole purpose is his own aggrandisement and pocket-lining. Like I said at the start – you actually couldn’t make this shit up.


But none of this is revelatory or extraordinary enough to warrant the hardback price, so my ultimate advice – wait until it’s in paperback.
The Adjustment Bureau (2011)
The Adjustment Bureau (2011)
2011 | Sci-Fi, Romance
7.1 (8 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Story David Norris (Matt Damon) is running for congress when a story gets released cause his ratings to slide. It is now upon Harry (Anthony Mackie) to fix this to make sure David wins and follows his destine path. David goes on to win and thanks to a chance meeting with Elise (Emily Blunt) gives one of the best speeches people have heard boosting his chances of running for senate.

The next morning Harry misses the chance he has to stop David getting on a bus to work, on this bus he meet Elise again cause his destiny to be changed. After getting her phone number he arrives at work only to discover that Charlie (Michael Kelly) his campaign manager and his office had been frozen by Richardson (John Slattery) and his team for adjustments. After seeing behind the curtain Richardson burns the number putting David back on his path, warning David not to find Elise and not tell anyone about the people making peoples lives happen.

David is left trying to keep his destine line while always trying to find Elise can he beat the adjustment team watch and you will see.

Verdict The headline review was ‘Bourne meets Inception’ and in a way it is having a way of controlling someones life by make chances things happen. the action chases are well constructed without even having to use guns. David love for Elise is strong with all the obstacles and sacrifices he makes for the idea of a better futures. This is a strong action thriller that everyone should enjoy but you would have to watch from start to finish and will struggle if picked up half way through.

Best quote Elise ‘ I’m not some hopeless romantic, I would never allow myself to be that way, but once I’ve fell, even for a moment, what I felt with you’

Favourite character Harry David personal watcher who explains the rules and breaks some too

Stand out performance Matt Damon he gives his normal strong performance as an important figure who takes risks

Best moment The door chase

Worst Moment Maybe being picky but maybe more explanation of the year gaps

Little Ray Of Sunshine (41 KP) rated Beside Myself in Books

Jan 11, 2019 (Updated Feb 10, 2019)  
Beside Myself
Beside Myself
Ann Morgan | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
7.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Book Review | Beside Myself by Ann Morgan
*Original post:*

Beside Myself is about Helen and Ellie who are identical twins. Helen is the leader and Ellie is the follower. Ellie was born after Helen she had problems when she was born she had her umbilical cord wrapped around her neck so this caused Ellie communication and functional skills.
I started to hate the character, Helen
because she was awful to Ellie she bullied her and pulled pranks. I felt sorry for Ellie as she doesn't get the attention from their mother. Helen and Ellie as gone through a traumatic event in their life as their biological father took his own life so their mother couldn't cope and started neglecting them. I didn't like how their mother always spoiled Helen over Ellie and Helen always got the best of everything.
The story is all about that one day when Helen and Ellie were out playing and Helen thought it would be fun to swap places and fool everyone around them. But Helen thought it would only last for one day and everything will go back to normal the next day. But Ellie grabbed the chance as she was getting the attention she needs. So Helen life turns upside down and she starts to live Ellie life and she is shocked how Ellie is treated. Helen did try to tell their mother but she didn't believe her and so you follow Helen's nightmare through her school life, home life and through her adult life.

Helen doesn't get the support from home so she starts to rebel and go down the wrong path. You really feel for her and you experience what she is going through as the author writes in the first person.

This book touches on Mental Health and the writing is so true and beautiful as Helen is suffering from Bipolar Disorder. The book gripped me as I wanted to know how Helen's life will end. I keep wanting her mother to realize that she is the real 'Helen'. I won't say anymore as I would like you to read it for yourself.
Blue Jay (London Stories #3)
Blue Jay (London Stories #3)
A. Zukowski | 2019 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Blue Jay is the third book in the London Stories series. Chris featured in Liam and Ali's story, but now he has his own. Alex has just come out of the prison, with secrets he doesn't want to share.

Oh my. Seriously!!! This is an amazing book and a brilliant addition to the series. Alex is most definitely a gentle giant who has made mistakes and has no intention of repeating them. Once you have a place in his heart, that's it. You're there for life. And Chris finds himself there, he just doesn't understand how. Their relationship is smooth and gentle, which considering their pasts is absolutely the way to go. The most obvious thing is it shows just how much Chris thinks of Alex, even if he won't admit it. Alex is a rock though, and isn't willing to let Chris push him away.

There are a whole host of characters in this book that you will either love or loathe. I loved Dex, but Alex's family grated on me until towards the end. The same with Chris' mum, Annette. I won't tell you how big the smile was on my face with one of the last scenes between her and Chris. You'll just have to read it for yourself, and figure out why I was smiling!

I loved how Chris' pronouns changed dependent upon their mood, and I ADORED that Alex accepted it all - no judgements, only questions to try and help him understand. This was written as first person, present tense, which isn't my favourite way of reading. It does help with getting into the mind of the character, but sometimes I wasn't ready for it to change. Even so, it was a fantastic book that I thoroughly enjoyed, and I have no hesitation in recommending it or the series as a whole. Perfect for those who like their romance a little darker.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Sid Meier's Civilization: A New Dawn
Sid Meier's Civilization: A New Dawn
2017 | Civilization
Components (2 more)
Simple Turns
Play Time (1 more)
Hard to get to the table
Players: 2-4
Ages: 14+
Play Time: 60-120 minutes :(

Components: The game is very nice and the board is good quality as well as the cards. The pieces are all cardboard and plastic and the colors are very nice.
Simple Turns: Easy to take turns. Easy to learn and play. Harder to strategize. You can only pick between 5 options on your turn, but depending on where they are in the line up changes everything. For example, if something is at the end of the line up, it is much more useful then being at the beginning of the line up. Everytime you use a card/action, the line up will shift down. Essentially you want to always use cards further in the line up to keep the line moving but you also need to use the right cards at the right time for your specific strategy.
Strategy: I've oh played this once but I found it hard to make a plan that would work well for me. Maybe experience would make it easier which brings me to my next topic.
Hard to get to the table: Just hearing the title makes my friends turn and run. They know the name associated with the game and that it can be a lot. Big time frame and lots of strategy. I find it hard with everyone's schedule and preferences to actually play this game. Which is why I've played it once.
Play Time: I've played a two player game and that was my only game I've played. We spent longer on the set up than actually playing. We couldn't figure out which way the board was supposed to fit together. Granted you can build it however you want really but the rules said to use that layout for the first game to make it the easiest setup. Anyways we ended the game early when other friends showed up to play something else but we could tell from where we were at and the goals we needed to achieve that it was going to be a much longer game than we had intended for the day and that was just two players.
Dead Shack (2017)
Dead Shack (2017)
2017 |
7.7 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Storyline... Dialogue... Hilarious (1 more)
The kids killed it... No pun intended
Lmfao.... What a great little flick
So I'm going through TubiTv yesterday and i come across this little dynamo.
Side note. Tubi has over 1000 horror movies on it... So this was after careful deliber... Oh who the fuck am I kidding... I closed my eyes, flicked thee mouse wheel... And this is what I landed on... So much to my surprise... It was actually good for once.
The story starts out with 3 kids and a pair of parents... Even though one parent is a mich younger mail order asian bride... She's still a parent... Sort of... Ish... Anywhore... They are headed out for a week long getaway to a cabin in the woods( yeah... I went there)...
With out spoiling it... The film gets going in the first 15 minutes... Which is what you want in a good horror film.
I have yet to figure put what exactly the antagonist creatures in this film are though... Undead... Sorta dead... Not dead and just crazy... But in all honesty... Who the fuck cares.
The kids talk like kids do... Using swear words out of context... Blaming their folks... Bringing up pop culture references... It was honestly one of the best teenage speak films i have seen in a long time... With the exception of IT Chapter 1... Those kids were on fucking point.
The best part of the movie... And this made me laugh my proverbial ass off... Was the kids are confronting the big bad near the climax of the film... Big bad asks"What are you going to do about it?".
14 year old responds with,"We're gonna tell on you,".
His two friends just stop what they are doing and give him the best WTF look I have seen since my daughter gave me one when she was 5... And I missed a chair when going to sit down... I was sober... *hangs head in shame*
If you want to have a genuine good time... And like a few laughs mixed in with your blood soaked insanity... Then this is a flick for you...
I mean fuck, what do you have to lose?? Besides 1hr and 44 minutes of your life...