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Killer on the Court
Killer on the Court
5.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Hunting a Killer on Vacation
Jessica Fletcher has just sent her latest manuscript to her publisher, so she is happy she gets to spend some time with her nephew, Grady, his wife, Donna, and their son. They are staying in a cottage right on the beach for a month thanks to Donna’s job. However, Jessica’s first morning there, Donna finds the body of her boss on a private tennis court. Jessica doesn’t want to get involved, but she can’t stop asking questions. Will she figure out what happened?

Grady and Donna (after Grady met her) were some of my favorite supporting characters on Murder, She Wrote, so I was pleased with how they were captured here. I could easily hear the actors in my head, and I loved spending time with them. Sadly, the rest of the characters were a little weak with only one or two defining characteristics. Meanwhile, the plot wandered some with a slow start and a bit too much vacation time. That’s not to say it didn’t have a couple of good twists and a nice resolution. Ultimately, fans of the series will enjoy getting to spend time with favorite characters again.
The Fault in Our Stars
The Fault in Our Stars
John Green | 2012 | Children
8.2 (185 Ratings)
Book Rating
Title: The Fault In Our Stars

Author: John Green

Read Dates: May 28th-31st

Why did I choose to read this book?

I chose to read this book because I just had thyroid removal surgery because of a tumor that was size of a tennis ball and was pushing my windpipe and stuff back that I found out is either cancer or precancerous also have other medical issues like my brain tumor. But read this because I felt I could relate to it.

Did I like it? Yes

Four things I liked about this book:
1. I can relate to how she is feeling. For example how she says she feels like a grenade I feel the same about my medical issues and don't want to hurt my family/friends either. It was very emotional.
2. I love the love story between Hazel and Augustus
3. I like how she doesn't give up
4. I like the thing Augustus did for her at the end

One thing I disliked: That Augustus dies it made me cry

Do I recommend this book? Yes

Questions for you:
1. Have you read this book?
2. Can you relate to the book as well?
3. Recommend a similar book.
The Only Story
The Only Story
Julian Barnes | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
A beautifully sad love story
"Would you rather love the more, and suffer the more; or love the less, and suffer the less? That is, I think, finally, the only really question."
This is a book to be savoured and to have time taken over it. It just seems so personal and private, and frankly, I felt nosey reading it. It illustrates a 19 year old boys great love - a 48 year old woman who he meets at a tennis club during his holidays from University. This love endures through disapproval of both families and many hardships before the end.
It was interesting that the book moved through the use of first person when the love was new and exciting, second person when the relationship began to encounter problems and third person at the end when he is more detached from his lover, Joan. Watching the slide of someone in to addiction and eventually, dementia, was a particularly sad part of the novel, with his personal guilt and inaction increasing the melancholy and sadness of the whole situation. At the end of this book, I finished the last page and found myself sitting and thinking about it for a while. It really is a very affecting book.
The 15:17 To Paris (2018)
The 15:17 To Paris (2018)
2018 | Drama, History, Thriller
Major disappointment
Going in I must tell you I am one of the biggest Eastwood fans out there, so if anyone should have loved this movie it would have been me.

Other than the expected climax there is really not much to like here. I think we all take it for granted when we see professional skiers, or tennis players that thy make their jobs look so easy. The same is the case with actors. Eastwood's decision to cast the real-life heroes to play themselves rather than professional actors might have seemed like a good idea at the time, but it did not serve this film well AT ALL. Maybe if the screenplay would have been better or even the flow of the story would have been more cohesive it would not have stood out as much.

The climax of the film is certainly riveting and emotional; however, the 95 minutes it took to get there was just not that exciting.

I certainly don't take away anything from the heroism these men displayed or the courage they have in life. We should all step up to the challenge when presented with these events.

Looks like I'll have to go back and watch American Sniper.

The Nutty Professor (2008)
The Nutty Professor (2008)
2008 | Animation, Comedy, Family
3.7 (3 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"The Nutty Professor. So Jerry Lewis, I met Jerry once. We became friends later, but when I first met him, he knew what a fan I was of The Nutty Professor, particularly the Buddy Love performance, and [inaudible] I said to him — and I meant it — I said, “Jerry, it’s just you and Brando,” and he took about a two-minute pause, and he went, “Well, Brando’s good also.” It was hilarious. He was wearing a kimono, if you believe that, a Japanese kimono and tennis shoes. Something about Jerry Lewis’ direction, he believes in the total filmmaker. He felt that you weren’t really a filmmaker unless you starred in it, composed it, edited it, directed it, all of it, and that’s what he was, and I think that The Nutty Professor has also had a huge impact in terms of my own tone, performance style. I’ve borrowed from the Buddy Love character a million times, and so much so that I’ve had directors tell me I need to get new material. I put him in City of Angels, and I got the good fortune of having him play my father in The Trust before he passed on, so Nutty Professor was a big influence."

Battle of the Sexes (2016)
Battle of the Sexes (2016)
2016 | Biography, Comedy, Sport
In 1973, gender inequity was a major issue. The patriachy did not see women as equals and refuse to compensate them at the same rate. Billie Jean King had just won the US Open Championship and had registered the same share as the men's champion. The USLTA however wanted her to appear in a tournament at 12.5 cents on the dollar. She rebeled and along with several other popular female players started a rival tennis organization which eventually found a sponsor in Virginia Slims. At the same time, inveterate gambler and Senior Circuit player Bobby Riggs was facing his own crisis. Watching Billie Jean King on TV one night, Bobby gets an idea to stage a battle of male chauvinist pig versus feminist. Billie Jean does not want to take part in the sideshow. When Margaret Court becomes the #1-ranked woman on the Women's Tour, she takes the challenge. However, she does not have the game to match wits with Bobby and is defeated badly. Billie Jean torn between getting the tour solvent and her love life agrees to a rematch. The final event would be seen by 90 million people with a huge spectacle. Billie Jean used her more cerebral-based game to defeat the piggish Riggs and show the world that women could compete with men.

Whatchareadin (174 KP) rated Wifey in Books

May 10, 2018  
Judy Blume | 2004
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
OMG Judy Blume!! Seeing as most of what I have read by Ms. Blume is about adolescence, this book was quite shocking.

Sandy Pressman has been married to Norman Pressman for 11 years. They have two children. Norman runs a chain of dry cleaners and Sandy stays home with the kids. They have the "perfect" life.

It's the summer and the kids are away at camp. Sandy is just starting to feel better after being sick for months. She needs something to keep her busy. Norman suggests that she take golf and tennis lessons at The Club, but Sandy has never been very coordinated. As the summer continues, and strange things begin to happen, Sandy realizes this is not the life she dreamed of. She needs more than the same weekly menu and Saturday night sex. And I think she finds it, but it may be more than she bargained for.

If you have never read one of Judy Blume's novels for adults, you will be surprised by some of the language used. Blume allows Sandy's thoughts and desires be heard and Sandy has a dirty mind. I would suggest all fans to read the introduction by Blume. It helped me to get a better understanding of this author that I have loved for so long.
Hitting the Books
Hitting the Books
Jenn McKinlay | 2018 | Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Was the Hit and Run a Murder Attempt?
Spring has arrived in Briar Creek, and it’s such a beautiful day that Lindsey Norris can’t help but spend a few minutes looking out the window of the library. However, what she sees is someone hit tennis coach Theresa Huston and then drive off. It sure seemed to Lindsey that the car sped up as it approached the crosswalk. When the investigation points to the library, Lindsey can’t help but get involved. But was this a case of negligent driving? Or was it attempted homicide?

The book does a good job of slipping us back into the world of the series while also setting up the mystery. However, I did feel the pace lagged a bit in the middle before wrapping the major questions up with the climax. A couple things could have been explained better, but they were minor. On the other hand, I loved how the library came into play in the plot. We don’t see as much of the series regulars, but that allows us to really get to know Theresa and those in her life, which I enjoyed. Plus, we get some good development for Lindsey and Sully. The book has the usual classic book discussion questions, craft, and three recipes at the end. Fans will enjoy this book; I know I did.
The Liar's Room
The Liar's Room
Simon Lelic | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Thriller
7.8 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
I was provided with a complimentary copy of this book so I could give an honest review.

I was immediately intrigued by the tagline of "The Liar's Room by Simon Lelic. "One room. Two liars. No way out".

Susanna Fenton is not who she seems to be. Years ago, she left her old life and reinvented herself with a new identity.

Now, she is an overprotective mother to teenage Emily. Emily loves her mother but wants a little freedom. When a cute, but older, boy pays attention to her Emily is thrilled and more than willing to keep him a secret from her mother.

Susanna also works as a counselor and meets with a new client, Adam Geraghty. She knows she should trust her instincts but does not and quickly discovers Adam also is not who he seems to be.

Their session becomes a verbal tennis match between them and Emily is the prize.

I had noticed Lelic's "The New Neighbors" in the store and added to my "want to read" list. After reading "The Liar's Room" I have moved it to "need to read soon"! This book was a thriller that was a great read but not easy to figure out people's secrets.

This is a creepy and disturbing tale full of lies, truths, and suspense.

Published on, Smashbomb, Goodreads, Twitter, Amazon, and Barnes and Noble on 1/25/19.

Midge (525 KP) Feb 6, 2019

Great review, Christine! I want to read this, too.

The Only Story
The Only Story
Julian Barnes | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Slightly irritating protagonist, but good story
This unusual romance is definitely not in the same ballpark as the likes of The Notebook and other such love stories - instead it begins as a pseudo-parody of the younger man-older woman genre - ending in a tragically realistic fashion.

Following the story of protagonist Paul, a 19-year-old man-child, attempts to find his feet in the world by defying social conventions. Enter Susan, a married woman with two grown children even older than Paul. Beginning innocently after joining a tennis club, Paul seems to grow increasingly attracted to the almost middle-aged woman, but is clearly ambiguous about his motives for pursuing her. Is it out of sheer rebellion against his traditional upbringing or just another yarn to tell his university friends? What does become increasingly apparent is that it is not just a summer affair, as things start to unravel over time. The question posed by the book at the end is: "Would you rather love the more, and suffer the more; or love the less, and suffer the less?"

As per usual, Julian Barnes is a unique storyteller, able to adapt his writing every single time. It is vastly different from some of his other works such as The Noise of Time, which is written almost like a Russian classic. This, on the other hand, is written in an honest first-person narrative, sounding genuinely like a happy-go-lucky teenager. While it is not a perfect story, especially as the chronology feels inconsistent, it is an easy read.

ClareR (5577 KP) Mar 6, 2018

I’ve just finished reading this and I’m mulling it over before I write my review. It really affected me, I think.


Suswatibasu (1701 KP) Mar 6, 2018

Julian Barnes is a superb writer no doubt!