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Lee (2222 KP) rated Terminator: Dark Fate (2019) in Movies

Oct 25, 2019 (Updated Oct 27, 2019)  
Terminator: Dark Fate (2019)
Terminator: Dark Fate (2019)
2019 | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi
A worthy successor to Judgement Day
Terminator: Dark Fate is the sixth movie in a franchise which has now been around for 35 years. The first sequel, Judgement Day back in 1991, is widely regarded by many as one of the greatest movie sequels of all time and for me it still holds up as an incredible piece of movie entertainment to this day. Since then, the following sequels have all failed to live up to that high standard in my opinion and, despite some interesting ideas and execution, have been largely forgettable. For one thing, I don’t even remember if I’ve actually seen 2015 movie Genisys or not! Now though, with James Cameron back onboard with writing/producing duties and directed by Deadpool director Tim Miller, Dark Fate has been pitched as the natural successor to Judgement Day that we never got. The trailer certainly gave off that impression and, for the first time in years, I was actually excited about seeing a Terminator movie again.

Dark Fate gets its shock twist out of the way right off the bat, before launching into approximately 20 minutes of non-stop, heart pounding action as we are introduced to both the new Terminator and the protector sent from the future to try and prevent him. Straight away, Dark Fate certainly feels like the kind of Terminator movie we love, playing more like an homage at times in a similar way to how Star Wars: The Force Awakens felt like A New Hope. Wow, it's a promising start!

Our protector this time round is Grace (Mackenzie Davis), a human soldier who has received some cybernetic enhancements to her body. She has been sent back from an alternate future to the one portrayed in Judgement Day - that future is now dead, thanks to the efforts of Sarah and John Connor in that movie, along with Arnold Schwarzenegger's T-800. However, humans clearly can't stop meddling with AI technology and the result, some 40 years from now, is the birth of 'Legion'. Our world has subsequently been destroyed, humans are being hunted and killed, but the remaining survivors are fighting back hard.

Those survivors have sent Grace back to protect a young, unsuspecting Mexican woman named Dani (Natalia Reyes), a factory worker whose job is becoming redundant thanks to the introduction of robot automation(!). Her importance to the future of humanity isn't immediately made clear, but the fact that war is currently raging around her while she is both hunted and protected, is good enough reason for now. The Terminator hunter Dani is being chased by is a Rev 9 (played by Gabriel Luna), similar to the T1000 of Judgement Day in that it has a liquid skin, able to replicate any human it comes into contact with or transform its body into various sharp weapons. But also, with the added bonus of being able to separate that liquid skin from its metal endoskeleton, doubling down on the threat level and providing two very different Terminators to fight off at the same time.

But when all seems lost, a guardian angel in the form of Sarah Connors arrives on the scene, packing guns, rocket launchers and grenades and generally being a real badass. Turns out Sarah has spent the last twenty years or so hunting down any cyborgs that decide to venture into our time from the future and she joins forces with Grace in order to protect Dani at all costs. It's great to have Linda Hamilton back as Sarah Connor, and she is once again a strong and effective presence in the movie. Grace and Dani prove to be just as tough as Sarah though, both mentally and physically, but it's Mackenzie Davis that stands out for me as being particularly impressive. All 3 of them form a pretty formidable, badass trio as they go on the run to get as far away from the Terminator as possible.

It's no secret if you've seen the trailers that Arnie is back, and his arrival later in the movie introduces yet more nostalgia and a good injection of humour. His presence and purpose is explained well, feeling believable, not like a cheap cash-in, and it's great to have Arnie and Linda Hamilton back together as a team, even if it feel like a handing over of the baton to a new bunch of heroes.

The action builds to an impressive finale, continuing the homage to the original movies, but still managing to feel fresh and original, and for me Dark Fate definitely feels a worthy successor to Judgement Day. There's certainly a possibility of further sequels following this and while I had an absolute blast with this movie, part of me hopes that they'll leave well alone now and just end the series on a real high.
Terminator Salvation (2009)
Terminator Salvation (2009)
2009 | Action, Mystery, Sci-Fi
Following up the legendary first two Terminator films was no easy task. Without series creator, James Cameron. many fans found “Terminator: Rise of the Machines” to be lacking the depth, action, and character of the earlier films. When Director McG was announced to continue the war between humanity and the machines in “Terminator Salvation” fans feared that the series might become a campy action film in the vein of the directors “Charlie’s Angels” films. Thankfully for fans, the film more than delivers and continues the dark and intensely human story about the battle for humanities’ survival against the ruthless computer network, Skynet.

The film opens in 2018 where John Connor (Christian Bale), is involved in a raid on a Skynet facility with a group of fellow soldiers. The team is attempting to gain sensitive information from the main servers about Skynet. Along the way, they discover many human prisoners are being kept by the machines and learn what they believe is a weakness in the network that will allow them to defeat Skynet once and for all.

In the aftermath of the mission, John is debriefed by the human leadership and learns that their names are on a Skynet kill list and ironically John is #2 on the list behind someone named Kyle Reese (Anton Yelchin). While the name does not ring any bells with the command staff, John knows the name all too well and how his future, and all of humanity, hinges on this person staying alive.

At the same time, a man emerges named Marcus Wright (Sam Worthington), who meets up with Reese. Together they flee from a an array of deadly machines intent on capturing Reese. In a spectacular action sequence, Reese and Marcus battle a giant machine as well as Hunter Killers and cycle-like assassins that are as relentless as their terminator counterparts. Separated from Reese by the enemy, Marcus meets a resistance pilot named Blair Williams (Moon Bloodgood), who convinces him to return to the resistance camp where John Connor can help him locate Reese.

Fates collide and a shocking secret is revealed that causes division in the resistance and places Connor at odds with his chain of command. As a pending strike on Skynet looms, Connor is forced to undertake a desperate mission to save the future, one that challenges much of what he believes and rocks the very foundation of the resistance. What follows is an intense series of events and an explosive series of action scenes that should delight fans of the series and sets the stage well for future films.

Bale brings his signature intensity to Connor, smoothly moving between the action and dramatic scenes well, something he’s had practice with as Batman. Worthington was a very pleasant surprise. His character not only has an interesting back-story but provides a great compass for the storyline. I did have some questions about how, in a post-Apocalypse setting, things like water were free from fallout, as were blasted out cities, and how military planes and ships survived without having their chips scrambled by a nuclear pulse. That being said, the film works very well. A strong cast and good action were well blended with great effects to create a winning formula. I did wonder where the plasma rifles that were shown in the earlier films were, but did remember that those were shown in a time 11 years in the future from this film.

Of great significance in James Cameron’s earlier films was the way he deftly combined action and real characters with a complex storyline. “Terminator Salvation” is not as deep as the first two films but it also does not rely on explosions of CGI effects to carry the story. At the core of the film is a bleak but human drama about love, sacrifice, survival, and determination. While some may have issues with the dark tone of the film, it is important to remember that this is about humanities’ struggle against extinction. McG keeps things moving at a brisk pace and has crafted a slick and enjoyable film that has many clever nods to the source material without ever being disrespectful to the franchise. I am looking forward to see what future films in the story will offer, as truly the battle for humanity has just begun.
Predator (1987)
Predator (1987)
1987 | Action, Horror, Sci-Fi
If a ever go deaf, it will be because of Predator!
I found a used Blu Ray at a local shop for $1.99 so I decided to upgrade my existing DVD and boy was it worth it. The picture and sound quality was amazing (deafening).

Almost everything about the film holds up given this is my 20+ viewing. Has to be in the top 5 action films of all time right along side Die Hard and Terminator 2: Judgement Day.

The remote setting, characters, musical score, tension, slow burn reveal and screenplay all lend to the pristine action and compelling storytelling here.

A have to admit a few optical effects and the Predator suit do look a bit dated now, but that does not impact my review.

Such a classic!

RəX Regent (349 KP) Feb 20, 2019

Yeah. I upgraded mine from DVD to the Ultimate Edition BD and it was great. Read a few complaints over the remastering of this disc, with many noting that the image has been smoothed out too much, removing almost all the grain. This is true but despite this, it is still a great image. But for those who want the grain intact, the 4K version has it all.

I Am Mother (2019)
I Am Mother (2019)
2019 | Sci-Fi, Thriller
Watched this on impulse and glad I did.
The cast is small, the concept is tried and tested and the sets are amazing.
Don't want to give too much away but after an incident that destroys the human race, in a lab a droid called Mother raises a daughter from embryo to teen. Training her to be a doctor.
Then a woman arrives from outside and she reveals that Mother may not have been totally truthful. There is a very uncomfortable scene of bullet extraction without pain relief.
It maybe a little bit of a predictable ending but the acting from the small cast is superb and you will forgive it's predictability.
Yes it's very Terminator in its execution of its central idea of can you trust machine.
Upgrade (2018)
Upgrade (2018)
2018 | Action, Horror, Sci-Fi
Seeking Revenge
Upgrade- directed by Liegh Whannell was a excellent, fantasic movie. Than combines sci-fi, action and horror into one movie. Think Robocop, Dredd and Terminator all combine into one movie with the horror espect.

The plot: A brutal mugging leaves Grey Trace paralyzed in the hospital and his beloved wife dead. A billionaire inventor soon offers Trace a cure -- an artificial intelligence implant called STEM that will enhance his body. Now able to walk, Grey finds that he also has superhuman strength and agility -- skills he uses to seek revenge against the thugs who destroyed his life.

If you like seek revenge movies like Dredd and Robocop than you will love this movie. Logan Marshall-Green is excellent and Leigh Whannell does a excellent job directing.
Bloodshot (2020)
Bloodshot (2020)
2020 | Action, Drama, Fantasy
What do you get if you take 'Universal Soldier', add a dollop of 'Terminator 2', a sprinkle of 'The Matrix', and a vertiginous punch-up that could have been taken straight from 'Spider-Man 2'?

The answer is this movie.

Except it's not as good as any of the previously mentioned; missing that spark that makes all of them science-fiction classics.

Vin Diesel - in-between headlining The Fast and the Furious franchise - must simply have been looking for a payday.

Here, he pays marine Ray Garrison, resurrected by a team of scientists after he and has wife are murdered, and setting out on a mission of revenge. It also takes about 45 minutes or so before you get to the good(ish) stuff, where the layers start to peel away ...
It Takes a Nation of Millions to Hold Us Back by Public Enemy
It Takes a Nation of Millions to Hold Us Back by Public Enemy
1988 | Rock
8.0 (3 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I got to love this album when I was 18, working in a second hand clothes shop in Glasgow, where one of the guys I worked with played it constantly. It was the first time I had heard music that felt like genuine contemporary protest music. The combination of Chuck D’s informed eloquence and unashamed confrontational stance was so potent. Here was a guy name-checking Martin Luther King and Malcolm X in the same breath as Coltrane and Anthrax. It was revolutionary in every sense. It felt dangerous. These guys had the FBI tapping their phones and were taking on the behemoth of the US establishment. While in retrospect the S1Ws may be the campest paramilitaries in history, the imagery of guerrilla conflict intensified the sense of resisting persecution. Like the best groups, it felt like a gang, too. Flav the joker, Chuck the boss, Terminator-X voiceless, but ever-present. Tight. Then there was the music. That fragmented repetition. Those bursts of brass and breakbeats, squealing like sirens against stolen guitars. Amazing. It didn’t sound like anything else. While Chuck D and his cartoon foil Flavor Flav had the lyrical articulacy, Terminator-X, Professor Griff and the Bomb Squad matched it musically. Their imagination was in context – how to take something from its original context, place it against something else out of context to create something way more powerful than either in isolation. In many ways, I still see this LP as the pinnacle of rap. Of course it is of its time and sonic trends advanced, but for sheer inventiveness and lyricism it has never been matched. It felt like rap was violently booting the world into a better direction – a brief flash of genius before it became mired in the vocabulary of egoism, misogyny and avarice. There have been great pinnacles since, but nothing matches this moment."


Awix (3310 KP) rated Robocop (1987) in Movies

Feb 12, 2018  
Robocop  (1987)
Robocop (1987)
1987 | Action, Sci-Fi
Murphy's Law
Heavy metal action satire from Dutch director Paul Verhoeven that established him as one of the world's leading SF directors. The story is functional, if hardly original - dedicated cop is shot to pieces by bad guys, rebuilt as an armoured cyborg by heartless corporation, struggles to reclaim his humanity - but what makes it special is Verhoeven's ability to turn the movie on a dime, switching the mood from black comedy to sincere drama in a moment.

The setting is futuristic, but few films capture the look and feel of the 80s quite as effortlessly as Robocop. There are a few wobbles in the plotting and some uninspired supporting performances, but this is directed with heart and intelligence. At least as good as The Terminator or Aliens; would probably be much better remembered if any of the sequels had been any good.
Lethal Weapon (1987)
Lethal Weapon (1987)
1987 | Action, Drama
I'm Too Old For This Shit
Lethal Weapon- is a classic late 80's action flick. This, Die Hard, Terminator, Rambo, all came out in the 80's. Anethor action franchise, that came out and started in the 80's. Catchy one liners, good action, good comedy, good adventure, and of course good actors.

The plot: Following the death of his wife, Los Angeles police detective Martin Riggs (Mel Gibson) becomes reckless and suicidal. When he is reassigned and partnered with Roger Murtaugh (Danny Glover), Riggs immediately clashes with the older officer. Together they uncover a massive drug-trafficking ring. As they encounter increasingly dangerous situations, Riggs and Murtaugh begin to form a bond. Riggs' volatile behavior might just help them apprehend the criminals -- if it doesn't kill them both first.

What a good way to start off a franchise, hopefully the other ones are good too.