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Another cover love novel from the hands of Mrs. Colleen Coble, a gem among the Christian Fiction authors I review books by! I struggled just a bit with the first 3 chapters, trying to get engrossed, but once I did......boy, this novel flew by for me! The characters were wonderfully chiseled and the theme of the story was suspenseful, just as the first. 

This book, to me, while having amazing characters, started off too slow for me. It wasn't until about chapter 4 that I became fully engrossed and flew through the book with lightening speed, following Ellie and Grayson through their story. There was unique twists and turns through the story once I got engrossed in it. Those twists and turns left me on the edge of my seat on a few occasions.

This book, filled with terrorism, truths that don't add up, and characters that are perfect for their roles, will leave you ready to get book three in your hands to find out what happens next. This is definitely a 4 star worthy novel and one that I will recommend to all who love a good, faith filled, thrilling suspense page turner. Mrs. Coble's talented hands have once again created a thrilling addition to her Lavender Tides series! Well done!

*I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher and was under not obligation to post a review, positive or negative.*

Hazel (2934 KP) rated All That's Dead in Books

May 27, 2019  
All That's Dead
All That's Dead
Stuart MacBride | 2019 | Crime, Thriller
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Darkly humorous and thrilling
Having read and thoroughly loved one of Mr MacBride's previous outings starring Logan McRae - A Dark So Deadly - I was thrilled to be accepted by the publisher, HarperCollins UK, HarperFiction, via NetGalley to read and review "All That's Dead" before publication in return for an honest and unbiased review.

This instalment had a lot to live up to and, overall, it hit the mark with it's dark humour, the fantastic characters, the setting, the twists and all wrapped up in an excellent plot amongst the backdrop of domestic terrorism and the independence movement in Scotland which although results in a fair bit of English-bashing, does mirror Brexit (oh how I hate that word!) in many respects which makes it topical and current too!

I did have a few niggles that did irritate me somewhat ... one or two of the characters who were supposed to be Police Officers did not come across as very believable; they were overly childish and not very good at their jobs. In addition, I found the word "sooked" extremely annoying for some reason - not sure why but it just wound me up.

I am absolutely certain that it would be better to read the series in order, it does work as a standalone pretty successfully and although the niggles prevented me from awarding this a 5 star read, I would still recommend it.

Awix (3310 KP) rated No Escape (2015) in Movies

Mar 26, 2018 (Updated Mar 26, 2018)  
No Escape (2015)
No Escape (2015)
2015 | Drama, Thriller
6.9 (13 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Technically competent suspense-thriller can't help coming across as a little bit suspect in the signals it's sending (also, title may not be strictly accurate). Nice American family go to a country which looks like Thailand but definitely isn't, dearie me no, and find themselves imperilled by a native uprising triggered by the Prime Minister's new water works. Can they escape before Pierce Brosnan starts singing again?

As I say, solidly put together, and if nothing else Lake Bell's performance is pretty much immaculate - but you have to wonder if the film's depiction of Asian countries isn't defamatory, or at least scare-mongering. It's not surprising this film was banned in some parts of Asia. There's a lot of bafflegab about the hordes of machete-wielding psychos being locals upset about globalisation, but c'mon, guys, this is clearly a film inspired by fears of radical Islamist terrorism, and as such it seems to be presenting every person in Indonesia, Cambodia, Thailand, etc, as a potential psychopathic killer. For something which is basically second-cousin to a zombie movie, it takes itself terribly seriously; a bit too seriously given how implausible the plot rapidly becomes. Perks up a bit when Brosnan is on screen (not often enough), but is this kind of subject matter really the stuff of such broad entertainment? As a thriller this is okay, but a point knocked off for the dubious subtext.
Four Lions (2010)
Four Lions (2010)
2010 | Comedy, Drama
Hilarious take on a serious subject
A comedy about terrorism isn’t something you’d think would ever be made, let alone be any good, but Four Lions takes this serious subject on brilliantly. I’m sure there are many people out there that will take offence, but when the film centres a group of bumbling totally inept terrorists, for me it was very difficult to not find it humorous when the characters are just so stupid. It’s absolutely hilarious, with some great quotes and one liners dotted throughout and also a lot of relevant cultural and locational based references. The references about Alton Towers cracked me up, and the quotes about rubber dinghy rapids has stayed with me ever since I first watched this years ago. I would be intrigued to know how this film is received by those who aren’t British, as I’m not sure a lot of these references would have quite the impact.

This isn’t to say the film isn’t serious at all, because it is. Focusing on the family of Omar brings a bleaker outlook and the ending actually makes you feel sorry for most of them, after everything. Riz Ahmed shines in this, he’s absolutely brilliant and it’s easy to see why he’s now moved over into Hollywood. The rest of the cast are good, Kayvan Novak especially, but it's Riz that stands out.

A fantastically funny British film that’s sure to have you laughing out loud.


    John Urry

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