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Melanie Caldicott (6 KP) rated Sister in Books

Apr 29, 2021  
6.8 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
Disappointing. For me this book lacked any real suspense and the plot was far too engineered.
The protagonist and also narrative voice, Bee was annoying at times with her opinionated piety and judgmental attitude which, even in the light of her grief made her seem bigoted rather than detached through her mourning.
Whilst I liked the device used to create the twist at the end I had guessed who the murderer was way before it was revealed because his relationship with Bee was so implausible.
I found the plot boring at times and felt the genetic research element of the plot sensationalist and naive.
The relationship portrayed between Bee and her murdered sister, Tess was the strongest part of the book. It was written quite movingly at times and was very vivid and heart-warming. However, this was very much marred by the poor thriller-style plot.
Private Message (Private, #1)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I absolutely devoured this book! I couldn't put the flippin thing down! This story is off the charts hot, the characters are so easy to love, and the twists in the story literally made me yell "shut the f@%k up!"

I was so excited to get an ARC of this book that I pretty much started reading it as soon as it showed its pretty little face on my Kindle screen! From word one I was hooked! I stayed up into the wee hours of the morning reading this proving that I again have an inadequate respect for my required 8 hours of sleep; but oh baby, was this book ever worth it!

Tess is a great character, and she reminds me of myself in a couple of different ways which made me love her even more, yeah? She is the punky rocker girl who is shy and timid and has walls up all around her heart. She is fun to be around but likes to stick to herself.

Ben is just hot, hot, hot!!! He swoops in and knocks Tess right off her feet! She doesn't know what to think about him, and he just zings her with surprise after surprise! I loved the dynamic of their relationship. Ben also shows a lot of character in the way you watch him grow up throughout the book.

This book left me wanting more! I am not sure if this is going to be part of a series or if the author intended it to be a stand alone book. The ending of the book for me could go either way. I am satisfied if she intended it to be a stand alone, but if she were to expand the story that would be amazing! Private Message is now going to be added to my stack of favorite books! I will be re-reading this again and again!
Much Ado About You (Essex Sisters, #1)
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Much Ado About You was a lovely historical romance. Eloisa James' writing has an almost lyrical lilt to it that is fresh and delightful. The story was nicely told and paced, and felt more true-to-life than others I've read in the same genre. Tess was a wonderful and likable heroine who was smart, witty and confident. I look forward to future installments and can't wait for Imogen to grow up and mature. All along the book reminded me a bit of Little Women, even though I've never read it and only seen the film version with Winona Ryder, and in the back of the book Ms. James acknowledges that she was inspired by Louisa May Alcott. My only quibble would be that Lucius could have been more fleshed out and the end seemed a bit abrupt. Other than that, I really enjoyed this quick and easy foray into Eloisa James' charming and witty world of the Essex sisters.
Roused (Moon Claimed, #2)
Roused (Moon Claimed, #2)
Lilou Roux | 2013
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
**I received a copy from the author in exchange for an honest review**

So this one follows Erin, the old sister of the two, and how she follows her sister, Tess, across the country worrying her sister may have gone a little mad, wanting to marry a man she's known for such a short time.

Erin is fiery and doesn't mess around with words. She tells people what she thinks and wants and has never met anyone who stands up to her. Until she meets Seth. He knocks her down a few pegs with his flirty attitude and she finds herself wanting him, almost as much as he seems to want her, but she holds back.

I have to say I liked Seth, he's sort of gentle in his seduction of her. He doesn't push her into anything but he wants answers as to why she keeps turning him down when he realises there's a definite reason behind it.

It was a sweet story of overcoming fears and finding yourself again after suffering at the hands of someone else.
He’ll Be Waiting
He’ll Be Waiting
Liz Alterman | 2021 | Thriller, Young Adult (YA)
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
rather emotional, have the tissues handy!
Tess has woken up in hospital with no recollection of how she got there, nobody is telling her anything thats happened and all she wants is to see her boyfriend and her best friend, what is the big secret why is nobody telling her anything whats gone on! shes got to sift through her memories to find out the secrets everybodys been hiding from her.

oh my gosh so many emotions through this book, so much guessing and yes i did cry! it was brilliantly written and kept you gripped from the first paragraph. Its great how when she gets her memory back its not everything is hunky dory right as rain she has the support needed to get her through the difficulties she facing. When she did get her memories back my heart sank for her i was devastated.

This is a fantastically written story with the emotional core of a rollercoaster keep some tissues handy.
a deffinate reccomendation 4/5

Sam (74 KP) rated Silence Is Goldfish in Books

Mar 27, 2019  
Silence Is Goldfish
Silence Is Goldfish
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Honestly, I devoured this book. It wasn’t hard to read and was a nice quick book. I did sort of enjoy it because it was a lighthearted book and a nice little YA read for a change.

However, Tess, the protagonist isn’t the most likeable. Her whole narration seems just like she’s complaining about everything and anything. She’s selfish, and to be honest she’s the typical YA protagonist that I’ve been trying to avoid by not reading YA any more.

Fair enough it was an entertaining book. It had an average plot that was slightly lacking, but as it was a YA it was all easy to follow and easy to read without getting bored.

Another reason behind my low rating is that I just didn’t find any of the characters realistic at all. They were all YA stereotypes – The Quiet One, The Fat Ones, and The Pretty Ones – and its just become overused and is now almost a satire of what true YA actually is.

I wouldn’t say I regret buying this. I’m trying to read more YA, and it was a quick read, it’s just definitely not something I’ll want to read again and I’m not sure it’s something I’d recommend unless you’re a really big fan of YA.
Hit the Ground Running
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Eric Bakker has just received a cryptic message from his brother, Michael, about the disappearance of their parents. Now Michael is also missing, but who can Eric trust to help him with all of this. Michael says to trust no one. Eric is away at boarding school and hasn't made too many friends. What is he going to do to find his family?

Thank you to NetGalley and Blue Moon Publishing for the opportunity to read and review this book.

Hit the Ground Running had me hooked from the start. I read almost 1/2 the book on the first day. This is a faced paced novel that leaves you wanting more. Imagine your parents dumping you in a boarding school in Canada for no good reason and uprooting you from the home you've always known. Eric isn't sure why his family made the move to Canada or why he has to go to this school. He tries to stick to himself as much as possible. But when he needs help to find his family, who can he trust to help him. While contemplating his situation, he runs into Tess another student from the school, and she thinks she may have a way to help him. Can he trust her? Will he be able to find his brother and his parents before it's too late?

This is the first book in a trilogy. The end leaves you hanging so you will want to read the next book. I can't wait for it to be released.
Siren's Call (Dark Tides #1)
Siren's Call (Dark Tides #1)
Devyn Quinn | 2020 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Between desire and love there are some things that can’t stay buried, even in the deep of the ocean.

As a woman with a secret, lighthouse keeper Tessa Lonike savors her solitude on the island of Little Mer, off the coast of Maine. During a violent storm, Tessa spots a man thrashing in the ice cold waters and dives in to save him, using her ability as a mermaid to easily pull him to shore.

When Kenneth Randall awakens on the beach he is alone, left with the haunting memory of his beautiful, flame-haired savior. But a year later, when Kenneth meets her again, he’s determined not to let Tessa slip away. Just as the desire between them begins to burn, Tessa’s archaeologist ex-lover comes back to town with a tantalizing clue to her murky heritage.

The trio travel to the Mediterranean in search of answers, and when Tessa inadvertently opens an underwater portal they find a lost mermaid city. But in the deep, not everything is as it seems, and Tessa must decide if she wants to take her place as the royal heir, or follow the call of her heart…

Well developed an enjoyable read. Kenneth had you rooting for him from the start but also had you wanting to slap some sense into him. Jake had you hating him in all aspects of the book. It had the adventure aspect too and I really enjoyed reading it. Hopefully her sisters will do more than sit round and bitch in future books.
Tess is a strong female lead.
Exposure (Twisted Lit #2)
Kim Askew | 2013
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
(This review will be available on my blog <a href="">The (Mis)Adventures of a Twenty-Something Year Old Girl</a> at the end of September).

First off, I just want to say that although this is the second book in the series, this book can be read as a standalone since it involves a whole new cast of characters, plot, and setting. Saying that, this book is a retelling of Shakespeare's Macbeth. To be honest, it's been about 11 or 12 years (maybe longer) since I read Macbeth, so I won't be comparing this to the original. Now that that's all said, I really enjoyed this book!

Skye's been in love with Craig forever. However, he's part of the popular crowd and Skye is not. There's also the problem of Craig's super mean girlfriend, Beth. When one of the popular boys die in what appears to be an accident, things start spiraling out of control.

I didn't really know what to expect with the title. However, after reading this book, it makes sense in more ways then just Skye being a photographer.

The cover is rather plain, but I actually like its plainness. I think anything else would've made this cover look too cluttered. I also think the cover is rather cute!

I enjoyed the world building, and I felt that it was written rather well. The only thing that bothered me was the outcome when it came to the ending. I can't really say to much, but it just didn't feel like it followed procedure. That's your only hint. I did enjoy the setting of Alaska though especially since I don't really read any books set in Alaska.

I loved the pacing! The prologue definitely caught my attention and kept it until the very end. If I would've had more time, I would've finished this book in one setting. It was paced that good!

I enjoyed the plot! I don't remember Macbeth all that well as I said before, so I can't comment on how much the plot of this book was like that of Macbeth. There's not really any mystery I enjoyed the whole playing on conscience thing and what was done about it. I even enjoyed Skye's endless pursuit of Craig!

I enjoyed the characters more than anything! I loved how mature Skye was especially when it came to how mean Beth was to her at some points during the story. I loved how friendly she was and how vulnerable she could be. Even though Craig was a bit of a tool when it came to Beth, I still enjoyed how much of a friend he could be to Skye when he really wanted to be. However, at times he could be a little bit insensitive and selfish, but perhaps that's just a teenage thing (and even some adults)! My most favorite characters were Kaya, Cat, and Tess. I loved their sarcasm, wit, and humor they brought to the story. In fact, I wanted to be friends with those girls.

I enjoyed the dialogue very much, and I felt like it was set in high school, which it was. It was also very easy to understand, but it wasn't dumbed down or anything. My favorite dialogue was when it involved Kaya, Cat, and Tess. There are only a few swear words in this book.

Overall, Exposure is a book that is fun to read as well as having fantastic characters and great dialogue!

I'd recommend this book to those aged 15+ who would like some fun literature to read!
Stephanie Danler | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
5.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Tess has just picked up her entire life in Ohio and decided to move to New York City. She has no plans, no job, but she knows she has to get away. When she arrives in New York, she already has a
place to live lined up, but she has to move quickly to find a job. She drops her resume at several coffee shops and restaurants and hopes for the best. When she come upon one of the best restaurants in the city. She's sure she won't have a shot with this place, but what is there to lose? She is pleasantly surprised when she is invited to train.

It took me a while to get through this book. Vacation was a big part of it and another part was that I just didn't find myself drawn to the story. I think those in the restaurant industry will appreciate this book. My husband, who isn't a reader, was intrigued by the story as I was listening to it once when he was in the car. The main reason I decided to pick up this book was because I was interested in the TV show on Starz after seeing the previews. I had to read the book first before I could watch the show.

So after a month, I finally got through the book. I'm not sure I would ever want to work at a restaurant after this. All the drinking, drugs and sex that goes on. It seems like everyone is sleeping with the everyone else and no one seems to care. I'm sure if I was younger this book would be more appealing to me.