Man of the House (2005)
A Texas Ranger must protect a group of cheerleaders who have witnessed a murder.

Wes Anderson recommended The Exterminating Angel (1962) in Movies (curated)

The Lone Ranger
TV Show
The lone surviving Texas Ranger who was nursed back to health by the Potawatomi tribesman Tonto. He...

The Lost Husband (2020)
Trying to put her life back together after the death of her husband, Libby and her children move to...

True Grit (1969)
Movie Watch
After hired hand Tom Chaney (Jeff Corey) murders the father of 14-year-old Mattie Ross (Kim Darby),...

TextScanner + Translator: OCR scan, recognize and translate any document
Business and Utilities
TextScanner + Translator is an OCR App to recognize text from image,document,receipt etc and...

Music and Architecture: Architectural Projects, Texts, and Realizations
Iannis Xenakis and Sharon Kanach
This important work fills a major lacuna in the literature by bringing together, for the first time,...

Paulo Providencia - Architectonica Percepta: Texts and Images 1989-2015
Paulo Providencia occupies a special place in contemporary Portuguese architecture. He is recognised...
Fashioned Texts and Painted Books: Nineteenth-Century French Fan Poetry
Fashioned Texts and Painted Books examines the folding fan's multiple roles in fin-de-siecle and...