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Heather Cranmer (2721 KP) rated The Alamo: Flashpoint Between Texas and Mexico in Books
Jun 15, 2019
The introduction in the beginning of the book by the book's editor, Mary Dodson Wade, was very informative and interesting. What follows are eyewitness accounts. I wish there was a bit more of these accounts. It's a very short book, but what I did read was interesting. I also wish there was some clarification that some parts didn't happen that way such as Potter's account at seeing Dickinson die whilst holding his infant daughter which isn't true. Dickinson died, but his wife and his daughter lived. I did enjoy the illustrations in this book although there aren't many which didn't bother me.
If you're looking for a great starting point to read up on The Alamo, this book would be fantastic. It's a fast and short read. I would definitely recommend it.