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Epic 2: Outlaw Trigger (Hardcover)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Outlaw Trigger by Lee Stephen The story continues with Scott Remington. We also meet a new judge in the EDEN government. There seems to be a secret plan that Scott is not aware of. Thoor orders something that would hurt Scott for something of his own. Will they find out what going on at the military base in Russia? This Archer guy also seems to have a plan for this base that have Nightmen and Eden soldiers. Is Thoor wedding out Eden soldiers to build up his army of Nightmen?Scott is quite happy and excited that his fiancee is coming for a visit. He is in a good mood. While his girl is visiting something happen to his girl. Once this happens everything starts to spiral downward. Everyone is under aware of it. His comrades and friends all try and help him. We see how Scott reacts. Sides will be chosen and where will Scott end up.EDEN is also planning some things as well. You have got twists and turns that have you guessing until last page of the book. Do you want to read how Scott where he is now in book two I would suggest reading book one called Dawn of Destiny before book two Outlaw Trigger? I have reviewed Dawn of Destiny and have also done an interview with Lee Stephen. I am ready to pick up the bookmark to the next book "Hero".

Anders Holm recommended House of Balloons by The Weeknd in Music (curated)

House of Balloons by The Weeknd
House of Balloons by The Weeknd
2011 | Rhythm And Blues
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I’ll just drop The Weeknd House of Balloons, which I call black Portishead. [Laughs] It’s like, ‘Who is this dude? This can’t be a real person, right?’ That echo just seems like it was recorded—or wasn’t recorded—in some black hole and it was a sound just coming out and it just sucked you in. I could listen to that album 200 million times over and it still sounds fresh every time. “To me, the lyrical content—I don’t know how much it means to him, as far as personally. But, I’m a guy that listens to David Bowie who was like, “Yo, your mom doesn’t know if you are a boy or a girl.” Just saying stuff—shocking, but I don’t know if it’s for shock’s sake. I’m sure he is not trying to do that. But it doesn’t sway me from the music. ‘Yeah, come over, I’ll get you real high and I’ll fuck you and maybe never call you again.’ To me, he is telling a story and we have all seen the movie Seven. That doesn’t mean he beat him and barbed-wired his ankle to a chair and his whole stomach explodes. But it’s fascinating"

Sushi Girl (2013)
Sushi Girl (2013)
2013 | Drama, Mystery
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Old Movie Revisited: Sushi Girl. Did you ever want to see Luke Skywalker torture Atreyu from Neverending Story? Me either, but if you did, you can see it here. Not only do we have Luke and Atreyu, we get Candyman, Frank from Donnie Darko, and some extremely brief cameos from Kyle Reese, Machete, Frank Lapidus from Lost, the original Streetfighter himself, and White Power Bill. Of course you have to spend a preternatural amount of time in front of the TV to know some of these people, but hey, youre loss... So this is a Quentin Tarantinoesque type gangster flick that revolves around a botched diamond heist and the torture of Atreyu, after he gets out of a six year stint in the joint. And of course a Sushi Girl who is covered with? Anyone? Anyone? Thats right sushi... Yes, Stephanie Golden, she is naked and has a pretty decent rack :) Mark Hamill, er, Luke, does a pretty awesome job doing a 30's type gangster drawl, and seems to enjoy torturing Atreyu (where the hell has that guy been?) So that being said, and you like Tarantinoesques films, and don't mind a little bloody torture fun, check it out, its a pretty decent ride, like your momma! Filmbufftim on FB
Look both ways (2022)
2022 |
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Contains spoilers, click to show
2 young college students are discussing upcoming plans for their future, and end up sleeping together. Fast forward to graduation and the girl has a pregnancy scare........and at the same time finds out she is pregnant! She celebrates not being pregnant and also tells the guy she slept with that she's pregnant.......confused yet?? Anyway, the guy is supportive and she decides to keep the baby and ditch her future plans of moving to LA, she also moves to LA...... and then asks her parents if she can move in with them until the baby arrives.......

You know what, I'm not even going to try explaining the movie in as much detail as I usually do, because it's pretty much all over the place. Basically it shows 2 different scenarios of a what if situation and it is hard to follow, so it's not a half watch kinda movie. Basically pretend it's the 90s, put down your phone and pay attention, once you do that it's a good movie, and can be an eye opener for anyone struggling to decide between a baby or a career.

Blake Jenner recommended Superbad (2007) in Movies (curated)

Superbad (2007)
Superbad (2007)
2007 | Comedy

"Number four is Superbad. I love Superbad. It’s the same kind of feel I get from Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, where you kind of want that, but they’re not winning the whole time like Ferris is. They’re kind of losing the whole time, but still, you want them to win. They’re losing the booze and they’re getting into fights. They’re doing all this stuff looking for the great outcome. But even then they don’t win because they really just want the girls. I feel like everybody can relate to that — just anybody — no matter if you’re a guy or a girl. That blind faith you have in yourself, when you’re just speed-bumping it or tripping over life as a teenager, but you still know you’re going to prevail in some way, shape, or form. But you really don’t know. It’s really just hope. That’s a cool part of that movie, and it’s just funny as f—. Excuse my French. It’s just funny as hell. I love that movie. I love McLovin. I love everything about it."

His to Love (Fireside, #1)
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I received a complimentary copy in exchange for an honest review.

Another novel that I am not sure why I requested it. Maybe because it sounded like a bad girl good guy trope that I have been interested in lately.

I felt the couple naturally meshed well together. Their chemistry was palpable, their conversation realistic and well written. As a whole, the story was intense and well written. I wasn’t ready for such a severe, emotional read but that was what I got. While it was a powerful read, I felt like it was too emotional for me to enjoy. I tend to get caught up in stories, and they wreck me. At this time in my life (nursing school), I am not equipped to handle this.

Overall, there wasn’t a lot action in terms of fighting, shooting, or crime stuff in general. I recommend it to all the Law and Order, CSI buffs out there who are looking for a good romance.
Tinderbox by Siouxsie & The Banshees
Tinderbox by Siouxsie & The Banshees
1986 | Alternative, Punk, Rock
7.7 (3 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"One of my favourite voices of all time, guy or girl. I have a lot of respect for Siouxsie and she’s given me a lot of inspiration over the years. My sister and I used to listen to her a lot and just dance around. It’s all about the tone, there’s something about that band that’s pretty rare – something dark but also slightly poppy and accessible about their records. This is a song that my husband and I bonded over – we’d definitely heard it individually before, but one day we were just playing the album and that song stopped us in our tracks… played it on repeat for the whole night. I understand why some people can hear a little Siouxsie in what we do. I mean, when we started the band, everybody had grown up differently and we were coming from completely different musical backgrounds. Everybody brings in what they like, and although we may have similar tastes we’re all still coming from somewhere different. Hopefully we’re never considered strictly derivative of any one thing."

G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra (2009)
G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra (2009)
2009 | Action, Sci-Fi
One of the most proudly and spectacularly nerdy things I've ever seen - filled to the brim with seemingly endless gadgetry, weapons, flashbacks, melodrama, underground/hidden lairs, explosions, costumes, and "oh my God I can't believe they're actually doing this" action scenes. And just like that two hours flies right by. I'm usually pointedly averse to this sort of routine guy-saves-the-day-then-gets-the-girl blockbuster crap from this era - but there's such an overload of visual tech-fetish creativity thrown at the screen that you'd really have to watch it twice to even absorb it all, and beyond that something just clicks here. The clear disdain from Tatum - who has never been worse - because he really doesn't want to be here is hysterical, and the rest of this absolutely loaded cast turn in similarly appetizing corniness from Quaid's trademark commandeering to Wayans' canned comedic relief. The tropes feel lovingly recreated rather than haphazardly slapped together, there's a refreshing feeling of sincerity that makes its fun factor way more authentic than other films of the breed. Still a bit on the clean side (more specifically of-its-time) to properly rise to the heights it deserves, but oh baby this is a blast and a half. Really good Michael Bay ripoff junk food that does a helluva lot with that PG-13 rating.
Cool for the Summer
Cool for the Summer
Dahlia Adler | 2021 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance, Young Adult (YA)
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A simply wonderful book about finding yourself and love
Larissa "Lara" Bogdan has had a crush on one person for her entirety of high school: Chase Harding, the handsome, beloved football quarterback. But it's not until she comes back from a summer at the Outer Banks that he seems to take real notice of Lara. Like, flirting, asking her out notice. Now, she suddenly has everything she's ever wanted. But Lara can't seem to shake her memories of that Outer Banks summer and the girl she spent it with: Jasmine. Those memories come back in full force when Jasmine unexpectedly shows up at Lara's school on the first day and sees Chase flirting with Lara. Lara finally has Chase now. So why can't she stop thinking about Jasmine?

"How do you tell people who've listened to you babble about your crush on a guy for a thousand years that whoops, you spent the summer fooling around with a girl?"

Oh goodness, this was a great book. I'm so jealous there are so many wonderful YA LGTBQIA books out there now, which I would have devoured as a teen, yet incredibly happy too. I absolutely loved Lara as a character. She's sweet and bookish (addicted to romances) and in that stage where she's finding herself and coming out. It's hard not to relate to that. Adler's characters pop onto the pages--Lara, her mother, Jasmine, and Lara's cast of funny, overbearing, and loving friends. And even Chase, who is truly a good guy. (I appreciated that it wasn't "bad guy" versus "good girl" but two good kids, with their own personalities and flaws, whom Lara had to choose from.)

The book is told in a then and now format, starting out with Lara in high school and then flashing back to her summer in the Outer Banks with Jasmine. As someone who has spent some time in the Outer Banks, I loved the beachy setting, and the book just felt fun, summery, and exciting. You could feel the thrill of Lara and Jasmine falling for each other. It's so rare that we get this in our literature, and it brought back memories of my own first love and that fun, scared, happy feeling, along with all that uncertainly of realizing you were feeling these things for another girl. Adler captures it all so perfectly.

"If I somehow got Jasmine back--if I even wanted her back--what would it mean losing when everyone else found out the truth?"

The premise for this book is fascinating and lovely. Lara suddenly has everything she wants: she has pined after Chase for THREE YEARS. She comes back from vacation with a tan, a new haircut, and a newfound confidence (which no one knows the source of) and he suddenly takes notice of her. She should be in heaven--her friends certainly think so. Faced with having to make all these monumental life decisions, to realize whom she loves, and what she is--it's a lot. The book does such an excellent job of portraying bisexuality and the journey of figuring out who who you are. It's very well done, but also funny and witty. All the characters seem real and, for the most part, true to their age.

Overall, I loved this one. It portrays the queer community very well and does an excellent job capturing teens. The story is fun, sweet, and captivating. I feel like it would speak well to teens and adults who remember that spark of falling in love. I have to go read everything else by Adler now... 4.5 stars.