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Tear Me Apart
Tear Me Apart
J.T. Ellison | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Mystery, Thriller
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Tear Me Apart by J.T. Ellison is a “why done it,” instead of a “who done it.” She explores how one lie can build upon another as the resulting betrayal rips two families apart.

Originally known for her two series she has now switched to writing stand-alones. One series main character is Lt. Taylor Jackson a Nashville homicide detective who hunts down serial killers. The other series featured Dr. Samantha Owen, a medical examiner who came into prominence as the conscience of the Taylor Jackson series, and eventually morphed into her own series. Ellison noted, “Currently I will continue writing the stand-alones because the publisher loves them and they are doing better. With that said, I have already started the Samantha book and will eventually get to it. But for now, I will continue to write these psychological thrillers.”

While writing the series books, Ellison actually had an idea for this plot, back in 2011. “I had a guy at the funeral of his wife and baby. He dreamed of this little girl who became a professional ice skater. I then added layers including to have a story about committing suicide. I also had the letters originally as AOL chats, but after my mom read it, I changed the correspondence to letters. She did not know what an AOL chat was and I realized I would have a bunch of readers, both young and older, who would not know. Another change I made was to have Mindy as a professional skier, not skater. I based her on Lindsey Vonn, someone who had made multiple comebacks from injuries. I think of her as an incredible hero.”
This story begins with an Olympic downhill skier, Mindy Wright, crashing and severely breaking her leg. During the surgery, it’s discovered she has leukemia and will eventually need a stem cell transplant. In need of a bone marrow transplant both her parents are tested, where it is discovered that they are not a genetic match to Mindy. Questions arise as to what happened: was she switched at birth, or was there something more sinister, such as a baby farm? Her mother Lauren is hiding secrets, while her aunt Juliet is determined to find answers and a match to save Mindy’s life. As the story unravels so does Lauren’s life and mental state. She will go to almost any length to prevent people from knowing the truth about what happened.

Mindy is strong, determined, driven, and unemotional. “I wanted to write her as someone who takes control of every aspect of her life and mind. She is the 1% of the 1% of the 1%. She will do anything to achieve her goal, training very hard.”

Her mother Lauren is someone who created a life for herself. Once she became a mother she made a loving life for her daughter Mindy. She is the direct opposite of her sister, Juliet. While growing up, Lauren was her mother’s favorite, Juliet was the outsider. These siblings are eleven years apart, but were thick as thieves. Although both are devastated by the diagnosis, Ellison explores how a parent would react in that situation, seeing a child suffer and unable to fix it. “I wanted to write the essence of what a parent does, trying to make everything better.”

The plot examines the relationships between mothers and daughters as well as sisters. It sheds light on mental health problems and the terrible consequences that result when the emotional balance is neglected.
Halloween Kills (2021)
Halloween Kills (2021)
2021 | Horror
Fab movie
Contains spoilers, click to show
When I first heard they were reimagining the Halloween series, my first response was "leave it alone," but I was pleasantly pleased. I liked the first one, but this one was even better.
Unlike the previous film, this one isn't really about Laurie; in fact, she doesn't appear in it very much because she spends most of her time in the hospital. This one is largely on Michael still being on the prowl and the other children's desire for vengeance as adults. It's fantastic that it eventually reveals Laurie wasn't the only one who was affected on Halloween night.
There are so many killings in this film, and each one is masterfully executed. My favourite scene was when Michael was killing a gathering of people one by one. However, I was grieved by a few fatalities because I so much wanted them to succeed in their intentions; one death in the hospital that was not caused by Michael was terrible; I felt so bad for this person; and one kill towards the end devastated and enraged me. Overall, a very good film; however, I would strongly advise watching the extended version rather than the theatrical cut, since you will receive more clear answers.
The Blood Chain (Indulgence #3)
The Blood Chain (Indulgence #3)
Erin Kellison | 2023 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
THE BLOOD CHAIN is the third book in the Indulgence series and really must be read in order.

Terah and Adom are still in dire straits when the story starts, continuing on from where book 2 finished. Adom has finally realised he is in love with her and will do everything in his power to protect her, even if that means from his own father. They end up in Scold - which tickled me! I loved the names of the streets and the city as well. But even there, things aren't easy for them. So much intrigue and betrayal, more twists and turns than you can shake a stick at. It is, quite simply, breathtaking and never a dull moment.

And just, JUST, when you think Adom and Terah will find the answers they're looking for and will be able to fight side by side, something happens. No! Just... NO! I was not ready for that and it needs to be sorted out right now!!! I can't wait until the next book is out to know they are okay. I just can't. And can I just add - I love how Adom understands Terah's moods and nature, the same as she does his. I love how both of them are accepted as they are, without the need for change (which is one of the reasons that ending has killed me!)

Yet another amazing, fantastical addition to the series. Full of action and absolutely astounding in every way. It will definitely leave you wanting more. HIGHLY recommended.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Jul 4, 2023
The Cowboy and the Rascal (Farthingdale Valley #1)
The Cowboy and the Rascal (Farthingdale Valley #1)
Jackie North | 2023 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
THE COWBOY AND THE RASCAL is the first book in the Farthingdale Valley series, a spin-off from Farthingdale Ranch. Leland, Maddy, Quint, Jasper, and Ellis all make an appearance, which I loved, but the main story is about Gabe and Blaze. Gabe is Team Lead on Leland's new project and Blaze is a parolee.

Gabe is slow to anger and prepared to accept anyone - if they are prepared to work. Kurt, Wayne, Tom, and Blaze make up his first crew and they're a mixed bag to be sure. I'm not going to say what happens with the others apart from I really hope Wayne has his story told. He intrigued me!

Back to Gabe and Blaze - their relationship is a slow-build but consistent. Gabe has his doubts because of the 'rules and regulations' of who he is and what they're doing, but no doubts about Blaze himself. Nope, it's Blaze who can't see that Gabe wants him for him, that he will ever be good enough for Gabe. Jasper is Gabe's friend and, having been through a similar situation, helps Gabe find the right answers.

I loved being back in Farthingdale, whether it's Ranch or Valley, I really don't care. Gabe and Blaze get a HFN ending so I'm really hoping to see more of them as the series progresses. A brilliant start and one I definitely recommend.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Grave Mercy
Grave Mercy
Robin LaFevers | 2012 | Children
9.2 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
*I received this copy via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review*

I'd had this on my "to read" shelf on here for a while and then removed it, thinking that since I very rarely read historical books that I might not enjoy it after all.

What a load of rubbish that was!

The synopsis made me think it would be like the <i>Throne of Glass</i> series and in a way it was; assassin, a bit of romance, but it was also not. This was based on true events and there was a lot of different things happening in relation to the duchy.

I have to admit that the first 10-15% was a bit hard for me to get into. There wasn't too much detail about her time at the abbey and as much as I was interested in what she was learning there that bit started to bore me after a while.

It was only with the arrival of Duval and the sparks they ignited that I really started to get into this. I could tell straight away that something was going to happen there and since I'm a romance reader I was happy that there was the possibility of romance. It was nice reading the slow progression of their relationship as it changed.

As for everyone else; Anne, Isabeau, Beast etc. I grew to really like them. They all added great things to the story.

In relationship to Beast, I would really like to know what happened to him, and I'm hoping I will find the answers to that in the next book in the series.

If you like stories of assassins and romance then you'll more than likely like this.

Christine A. (965 KP) rated The Swallows in Books

Jan 30, 2020 (Updated Jan 31, 2020)  
The Swallows
The Swallows
Lisa Lutz | 2019 | Thriller
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
‏I was provided with a complimentary copy of this book so I could give an honest review.

Lisa Lutz's latest, The Swallows, introduces Alex Witt, a teacher with a past. She is hired at Stonebridge Academy and asks her creative writing students to answer innocent questions so she can get to know them. "What do you love? What do you hate? What do you want?" The answers surprise Alex. They are not innocent and reveal much more about the students and the school's activities than she expects. The students reveal online bullying and a private message board. She encourages the female students to fight back and fight they do.

While I have not worked at a boarding school, I have worked at urban schools. The online bullying and message board are all too real. So is the school's attitude that "boys will be boys". Lutz uses her characters to show the dark side of technology and teenagers. This is not a young adult book. It is a book for adults which is set in a school.

The writing in The Swallows is witty while covering dark topics. Lutz's word choices and writing style keep the book from being too dark.

I added several of Lutz's books, including the Spellman Files series, to my "want to read" list.

This 200-word review was published on on 1/30/20.
The Bones She Buried (Detective Josie Quinn #5)
The Bones She Buried (Detective Josie Quinn #5)
Lisa Regan | 2019 | Crime, Mystery, Thriller
9.4 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
Josie works until her arms ache, until the paramedics arrive and pull her gently away from the woman’s cold, fragile body. Noah’s voice cracks beside her as he calls the time of death for his own, beloved mother.
Arriving with her partner Noah for dinner at his family’s immaculate countryside home, Detective Josie Quinn is devastated to find Noah’s mother, Colette, lying lifeless in the back garden, her mouth clogged with soil.
Searching the house for answers, Josie’s team don’t know what to make of the rosary beads buried in the dirt near the body, or the hidden file labelled “Drew Pratt”, the small town of Denton’s most famous missing person.
As she delves deeper into Pratt’s case, Josie quickly discovers he had a brother who’s body mysteriously washed up on the banks of a river. There’s also a diary entry suggesting that Colette may have met him on the last day he was seen alive. Can Josie believe the unthinkable, that a kind old soul like Colette might have been involved in their murders? And, will Josie’s new relationship with Noah survive the accusation?
Josie’s only hope lies in tracking down Pratt’s daughter. But when she arrives at her home to find she’s been murdered just minutes before, Josie knows the real killer is one step ahead and won’t stop until Colette’s secret is buried forever. With many more innocent lives on the line, how deep is Josie prepared dig to reach the truth?

The Bones She Buried is the fifth book in the Detective Josie Quinn series. What a great book!
This is a fast-paced mystery with loads of twists.
With a plot that keeps you guessing and characters that worm their way into your heart, the story moves quickly to a satisfying ending.
This is a great series.

I highly recommend!
Thanks Bookoutoure and Netgalley for this ARC; this is my honest voluntary review.
Death be Shifted (Terra Vane #6)
Death be Shifted (Terra Vane #6)
Katie Carys | 2019 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
110 of 250
Death be Shifted ( Terra Vane book 6)
By Katie Carys

Once read a review will be written via Smashbomb and link posted in comments

Previously published under the author name of Katie Epstein...

My name is Terra, and I’m a Psychic. I have visions, and so far they’ve helped us track down almost half of the Portiside Prison escapees. After admitting my feelings to my partner, things are better than ever, but at the same time I've just found out that I might not be completely... human. I suppose you’ve got to take the good with the bad, and as for the ugly – I just promised a friend I’d travel to the Shifter Lands to track a predator, one that is hunting and killing the natives, his kin.

But proud, stubborn and highly secretive, wolf shifters are not known for their hospitality. Getting into their lands will be a struggle, getting answers will be a challenge, and getting assistance will be almost impossible. But I know how important family is, and I gave my word. Whatever is attacking the wolf shifters of Caladonia Moor, it’s dangerous, and I have a feeling we’re going to have one hell of a fight on our hands.

I just love reading this series! Each one it just gets better. Full of action, it has these amazing friendships building as well as a beautiful well written relationship that doesn’t over cloud everything else. Kinda getting pissed of with Cole’s attitude and that of his family there is definitely something going on there that I’m sure Terra will uncover!
Well recommended to anyone that want an addictive series that’s well written!
The Anomaly
The Anomaly
Michael Rutger | 2018 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Thriller
7.7 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
For fans of Coast to Coast AM
This was really enjoyable. There are a group of people out there who think science has become a religion and anyone who believes anything science hasn't yet discovered gets bashed. They read Fortean Times and listen to Coast to Coast and Astonishing Legends and think there could be something in all this 'woo woo' stuff of conspiracy, UFOs , skinwalker's etc. I am one of those people and so I felt this book was made for me and my people.
A group of filmmakers who look for answers into the paranormal and conspiracy go to the grand canyon to hunt for the legendary Kincaid's Cave first printed about in 1909 (Google it). There have been numerous expeditions in just over a century to try and discover said cave to see if it's real and what it holds, all unsuccessful, but in the novel there has just been a minor earthquake and the team find the cave. What happens next is a proper out there thrilling adventure of life and death, incredible conspiracies, and potentially the apocalypse. This was so much fun and gripping enough to keep you turning the page to see what happens next. It will be too out there for some but for me it was on the side of crazy I enjoy. Can't wait for The Possession, the next in the series
Serafina and the Black Cloak
Serafina and the Black Cloak
Robert Beatty | 2015 | Paranormal, Thriller, Young Adult (YA)
9.0 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
I will confess that it's been quite some time since I read a middle grade/young adult book, but perusing my children's family night book fair, I came across this book. I read the back of it and noticed one thing. Biltmore. Living in North Carolina, a few hours away from the Biltmore, I thought it would be the perfect dive back into the wonderful world of innocence and fun. I wasn't wrong!

Serafina and The Black Cloak is a wonderful start to Mr. Beatty's Serafina series. I read this in two sittings and loved every minute of this read! Serafina's character is wonderful and I loved following her along the halls of the Biltmore Estate. The story is filled with just the right amount of kid-friendly mystery and is perfect for those curious minds that love to seek out clues and solve the puzzle.
Serafina's search for answers on the disappearances within the walls of the magnificently built estate, and the lovely story line, Mr. Beatty has just become my favorite author for books like this. I am already looking forward to reading book 2, Serafina and the Twisted Staff. If it's anything like this book, it will be just as captivating and filled with tremendous doses  of 5 star worthy moments! Fantastically done, Mr. Beatty. Fantastically done. <a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Cafinated Reads</a>