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Sins of the Shadow Walkers (The Familiar Curse #3)
Sins of the Shadow Walkers (The Familiar Curse #3)
Cassandra Lawson, C.L. Bright | 2021 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
SINS OF THE SHADOW WALKERS is the last book in The Familiar Curse, and we finish Juliet and Dante's story. I have loved this couple, I really have, and I certainly didn't want this series to end. The good news is... there is more to come! Yey!! This story wraps up Juliet and Dante (although I still want more) but also leaves it open to other characters.

My reason for the 4 stars is this - I wanted to know more about the Shadow Walkers. I get Juliet's history, and I can appreciate how Faye feels. But Kaine, and his mum and dad? The rest of the clan? They were only touched on, and Kaine just sort of disappeared. I am hoping they will feature in future books, so I may get my answers there.

As for some of the others, well now. I'm matching them up in my mind and now I just have to wait to see if my mind matches C.L. Bright's! Nicholas and Sin need to be together. He showed a slight hint of redemption, and Sin is interested in him. Plus, I think he will keep her on her toes, and we all know how Sin hates to be bored. I really want Geori and Serena to get together. I really don't believe Alaric deserves her! And why should the nice guy always finish last? He's the one who has stayed with Serena and supported her. Alaric? Grrr!

I enjoyed this story just as much as the first two, even with the difference in stars. I read it in one sitting, not moving until I had finished. The pacing is smooth and will keep you turning the pages. A brilliant end to this trilogy and I'm looking forward to the next. Definitely recommended by me.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Mar 31, 2021

Anne (15117 KP) rated Ashlords in Books

Nov 4, 2019  
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Thanks so much to NetGalley and Random House Children's Publishing for letting me read and review this fantastic book.
I've read The Nyxia Triad by Scott Reintgen and knew from reading that series that he was a great writer with wonderful stories. I am so excited I got to read this book and can't wait for the next book after this one because I have questions that need answers.
I'm super curious about some things after reading Ashlords with the characters and their stories, what's going to happen to them and with everything, but I'm also super curious to know about some side stories and characters like Quinn for example.
This is pitched as Red Rising meets The Scorpio Races and while I don't know about Red Rising because I haven't read that yet, I can see the similarities with The Scorpio Races. What I kept thinking and being reminded of when I was reading this are The Scorpio Races as mentioned and The Hunger Games. I kept having lots of memories and flashbacks to things/ideas from The Hunger Games.
It's about three phoenix horse riders - yes phoenix horses! and the riders are skilled in alchemy, which you have to be to know how to create the best horse for riding in The Races. In The Races, you have to defend the ashes of your horse at night, but you aren't allowed to kill only maim, injure or poison the ashes of the horse. There are 11 riders in The Races, but only a few that have something to gain or lose.
The Ashlords follows these few characters and what happens with them during The Races. There's Pippa who is a favorite, one they expect to win and her parents were winners in previous years of The Races, The guy she wants to be with, Bravos, who's all about winning. Then there are the others who I was more interested in, Adrian, the Longhand, from one of the other groups/races of people there that are ruled over by the Ashlords and Imelda Beru, the Alchemist, who's the one who gets in on scholarship and is part of one of the other races that's ruled over by the Ashlords as well so these two characters have more to lose.
It's an emotional and intense ride through the book with the characters and you get to understand a lot by the end of this book that sets it up well and leaves you hanging with wanting to know what will happen next. This is one you need to have on your radar and make sure to read!
An Anonymous Girl
An Anonymous Girl
Greer Hendricks, Sarah Pekkanen | 2019 | Mystery, Thriller
7.5 (15 Ratings)
Book Rating
An Anonymous Girl
Review can also be found on

If someone offered you $500 to answer a few personal questions and stay anonymous, would you do it?

The makeup artist, Jessica Farris goes into a client’s house to do her job. Just the usual. And then she hears her teenage client mentioning the survey that gives you huge amounts of money for a few anonymous questions. When the teenager says she won’t be able to attend, and she is too lazy to let them know, Jessica decided to use this chance and go instead.

But what happens when after a few simple questions a woman starts telling her deepest secrets? And the money will increase, but so will the difficulty of the tasks she needs to do.

”It’s easy to judge other people’s choices.”

I was hyped about this book before I even started to read it. I read the synopsis, and it intrigued me from the very first moment. Of all the mysteries and thrillers, I have enjoyed the psychological the most. Something about how a twisted mind works triggers my pleasure senses. It’s creepy, but I wish you all get that feeling for a genre.

Right after the first chapter of the book I was satisfied, and happy. This book was all I needed right then, and it just kept getting better and better.

We get to meet Jessica and see how she thinks, follow her as she answers question after question, revealing secret after a secret. With each question, and each task, and each secret being revealed, the book kept becoming darker and darker, better and better.

It reminded me of the Harry Potter series, with the content getting darker after time. If you remember the first Harry Potter book, it is Children’s fiction, but the significantly darker compared to the first. Same happens with the movies as well.

I loved the questions that were asked on the survey – they are really meant to make you think through and try and give your answers.

Could you tell a lie without feeling guilt?

Have you ever deeply hurt someone you care about?

The relationship between the people in this book is twisted. It’s all about playing games. It’s all about the cat and mouse chase. As much as I loved it, it also annoyed me at times, as I wanted it to stop.

The twists, cliff hangers and unexpected moments were brilliant. Pure skill, I tell you that. I haven’t been so surprised, excited, thrilled at the same time by any book I’ve recently read.
And with such twisted moments, and thrills throughout the book, and chapters ending leaving you breathless, you would expect the most thrilling ending.
I did. I expected it.

And I was very disappointed. It ended… rather bland. Like a Sunday Roast without gravy.

”We all have reasons for our actions. Even if we hide the reason from those who think they know us best. Even if the reasons are so deeply buried we can’t recognise them ourselves.”

I have a hard time judging this book now, as it was all hype and thrill, until it stopped dead. Maybe the authors wanted to ensure that we experiences exactly this feeling – I am not sure. Maybe for such a twisted book, calmness is all it needs to end with. I’ll leave this judgement up to you, as you experience the book and its ending on your own.

At this time, I feel like giving it 4 stars, as the ending was the only things that bothered me. This book is still a gem, and deserves to be read by people that enjoy psychological thrillers.

Thank you to Netgalley and Pan Macmillan for giving me a free copy of this book, in exchange for an honest review
    Hellraid: The Escape

    Hellraid: The Escape


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    IMPORTANT: Due to the high-quality graphics, Hellraid: The Escape is compatible only with iPad 2 &...

Between Burning Worlds (System Divine #2)
Between Burning Worlds (System Divine #2)
Jessica Brody, Joanne Rendell | 2020 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Sky Without Stars launched me onto another planet last year with the authors’ retelling of Les Misérables in space.
I’m super excited to get the chance to read the sequel in the System Divine trilogy because the first book promised some shenanigans are going to be in store. And I definitely don’t remember what happened in the first book, so cracking open to an overview of the first book is a blessing. If you’re like me and you reread maybe 1% of the time, you’re in good hands.

The second book in the System Divine trilogy starts right where Sky Without Stars ends, with each of the characters on their own path:

🚀 Marcellus secretly working with the Vanguarde, with the desire to stop General Bonnefacon from overthrowing the Patriarche of Laterre and taking the planet for his own.

🚀 Chatine ends up on Bastille’s harsh working conditions and wants to get out; even if it means getting herself indirectly involved with the Vanguarde.

🚀 Alouette is searching for the answers of her past with what little information she has; she’s not thrilled she’s been lied to by the sisters her entire life… but let’s be honest: who’s ever thrilled?

Much of Between Burning Worlds is further building up the world Brody and Rendell first introduced us to in Sky Without Stars, taking us to other planets and unknown places of Laterre. While it may seem the trio are on different paths, they’re more intertwined than they think.

Brody and Rendell kept me on my feet constantly.
I never liked General Bonnefacon, and if you want my honest opinion, he deserves charred bacon and nothing but charred bacon. Everyone just gets screwed over by him for his own gain. But Marcellus’ grandfather is seriously one of the most cunning characters of the series; he’s always upending everyone’s plans. It’s no wonder he’s still going. In this sequel to Sky Without Stars, the General continues being a key character constantly plotting his next move.

What a strategist and sharp mastermind. If I had to stan villains, he would be one of them. 11/10 would not mess with grandpa.

I’m in love with the new characters.
Between Burning Worlds introduces us to quite a few new characters in addition to the returning cast: Cerise, Gabriel, Etienne. I loved every second they were on the page; there are moments of banter and humor involved and it made this whopping sequel go by much quicker. 600+ pages felt like nothing. Someone protect Gabriel though, he’s such a cinnamon roll and I’m worried about what will happen to him in the third book. 🥺

Then again, none of the characters get a break or room to breathe, not with General Bonnefacon around at least. While Chatine and Alouette grow as characters from when we first meet them in book one, Marcellus undergoes the most character development here as he goes head to head with his grandfather. (Gabriel should still be protected though.) I’m hoping for the chance to see the three of them again in the next book.

Between Burning Worlds is an absolute trip, and it’s a good type of trip.
With new characters to the series and a brewing revolution on a corrupted planet, Brody and Rendell continue bringing readers on a trip through space while constantly keeping them on their toes until the very end.