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Shadow (Pendulum #2)
Shadow (Pendulum #2)
Will Elliott | 2011 | Dystopia, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Shadow is the second book in the Pendulum series of novels by Will Elliott. Following on immediately from the first book, The Pilgrims (reviewed previously) it ​follows the adventures of Eric, a regular guy who ends up in the mysterious and dangerious world of Levaal.

Taking up the story where the predecessor left off, this is a book of regrouping and answers. Following the destruction of the wall between the two halves of Levaal seemingly unstoppable forces are unleashed. The pendulum has started to swing - and signals the end of life on Levaal if it is not stopped.

This book is one of regrouping and answers. The various players were scattered at the end of the first book and now some of them arrive at the same destination. We also have answers to a number of questions from the first book, which given how many questions there were really is a considerable relief. Mysterious protagonists with opaque drives are all very well (and probably required these days to raise any story above the rest) but it is really good to see that Elliott really does know what is going on (even if as a reader it still not entirely clear). The description of how magic works was particularly good, and as with the first book this is a really strong point in the creation of the mythology here.

Most of the characters are the same faces, but there are a few new ones. Most notably Shadow who is referred to a couple of times in the first book (mostly in terms of Eric potentially being Shadow). The title character appears here as a main character and drives most of the plot. Clearly a being of power, the back story of where Shadow came from and why is also touched on. The great dragons who apparently rule the world also take a more direct hand and are as devious and manipulative as expected.

Meanwhile the Arch Mage is losing control of Vous as he nears godhood and the unpredictable destruction wrought by Vous is creating a dangerous instability as the forces representing the Castle fragment into their own factions, each with their own agenda,

The writing continues to be strong, the story moves again at some pace although inevitably there is a lot more talking and exposition as the nature of the threats are explained. Elliott's inventiveness is not diminished with more odd characters and situations and locations at every turn.

Although light on actual plot, this book is clearly required as a bridge between the first book and the third, giving the reader enough information to understand exactly what is going on before what is shaping up to be a strong and no doubt surprising finale.

Merissa (11787 KP) rated Dawn's Desire (Prairie Smoke Ranch #1) in Books

Aug 16, 2021 (Updated Jul 17, 2023)  
Dawn's Desire (Prairie Smoke Ranch #1)
Dawn's Desire (Prairie Smoke Ranch #1)
V.L. Locey | 2021 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
DAWN'S DESIRE is the first book in the Prairie Smoke Ranch series and we are introduced to a whole host of characters, but we focus on Nathan and Bishop. Nathan is the foreman of the ranch and is older (although I don't think we actually ever get his age). Bishop is a twenty-eight-year-old, newly-minted professor of Palaeontology and is on the ranch due to the discovery of possible dinosaur bones.

There is a lot going on in this story - trouble with the ranch next door, bone poachers, European tours, and a possible thief working on the ranch. Because of this, I didn't feel like this was a character-led story and I didn't really feel the connection between our two MCs.

Nathan and Bishop get an HFN ending and there is definitely no conclusion to any of what's gone on during their story, so I hope more answers will be available in the next books.

This is the first book and I am looking forward to reading book two. This series has a lot to offer and I love V.L. Locey's writing. Although it didn't tick my boxes in the way her stories usually do, I still thoroughly enjoyed this beginning and have no hesitation in recommending it.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Aug 16, 2021
Jason Bourne (2016)
Jason Bourne (2016)
2016 | Action, Drama
It is hard to believe that 2007 was the last time Matt Damon portrayed Jason Bourne. The series continued with Jeremy Renner playing a character set in the same universe in the 2012 release “The Bourne Legacy”, but fans have longed for more from the series originator.

Thankfully Writer/Director Paul Greengrass has returned with Damon to in the new film “Jason Bourne” The film opens with Bourne in hiding and living off the grid in Greece. He sustains himself by taking part in full contact matches and has regained more of the memories he has forgotten since the events prior to the first film.
His former associate Nicky Parsons (Julia Stiles) has managed to hack into the government and has obtained numerous files about covert operations including a new and greater program as well as information about Bourne and his father.

The leak catches the attention of Director Robert Dewey (Tommy Lee Jones) and he tasks ambitious Agent Heather Lee (Alicia Vikander) to find and stop Bourne and Parsons.

At the same time, Dewey is working with a software developer to ensure that the government has unlimited access to all the users of his software in order to maintain surveillance upon them. Uncomfortable with this arrangement the developer (Aaron Kalloor) threatens to expose what the government has been up to at a big software expo in Las Vegas before a worldwide audience.
With this new threat and Bourne resurfaced, a cold and deadly assassin is dispatched and in locales ranging from Greece, Berlin, London, and Las Vegas as Bourne attempts to get the answers he wants and to settle some old scores with danger all around him.

The film takes a bit to get up to speed but once it does it delivers the action and political intrigue that fans of the series have come to expect. Naturally it does at times require a few leaps of faith but in the end, Bourne is back better than ever and Damon reminds us of how much he owns this character with her performance. Here is hoping we do not have as long a wait for him to return in a new Bourne adventure.
The Dauntless (Spy Girl book 5)
The Dauntless (Spy Girl book 5)
Jillian Dodd | 2018 | Mystery, Romance, Young Adult (YA)
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
As always I loved the latest book by Jillian Dodd.

In this book Huntley decides she has had enough and has gone rogue, she will now be working for herself and getting the answers she wants.

Of course she is successful and we start to uncover more secrets and understand a bit more about the plan that starts in Montrovia, however as one question is answered more pop up in its place.

I was disappointed with the lack of Ari in this book as I like him as a character and it is nice to see Huntley’s interactions with him, so hopefully he will be back in the last two books.

I must say the ending left me shocked and I couldn’t quite believe what had just happened and whilst I started to get ideas as to what it might all mean I am by no means confident that I am correct.

Fully recommend this series if you enjoy action, mystery and romance, they honestly seem to have a bit of everything (:

Lucy Buglass (45 KP) rated Russian Doll in TV

Jun 20, 2019  
Russian Doll
Russian Doll
2019 | Comedy, Mystery
After the success of both Parks and Recreation and Orange is the New Black, I was intrigued by a new Netflix series created by Amy Poehler and Natasha Lyonne. Many fans know them as Leslie Knope and Nicky Nichols, and I’m sure we can all agree they’d make a very interesting duo.

Immediately after seeing the promos for Russian Doll, it was clear that this was going to be a very different tone to their previous work, and felt incredibly offbeat and quirky in nature. The series follows a woman named Nadia Vulvokov (Natasha Lyonne) as she finds herself in a time-loop after she is hit by a taxi and dies. Unfortunately for Nadia, she has to relive her 36th birthday party over and over again. It’s Groundhog Day on speed, which is an utterly delightful concept.

Whilst it may sound similar to Groundhog Day, it’s actually a very unique story. At first it’s easy to worry about the repetitive nature of the series, considering Nadia spends most of her time dying and reliving the same moment. Somehow it manages to stay funny, fresh and watchable throughout all eight episodes. The pacing is spot-on and keeps you guessing, as you follow Nadia’s journey into discovering why she’s found herself in this loop. On this journey, she’s joined by a number of characters including her ex-boyfriend John (Yul Vazquez), close family friend Ruth (Elizabeth Ashley) and a stranger named Alan (Charlie Barnett) who is closer to this situation than he originally realizes.

As the series progresses, we begin to delve into some pretty heavy stuff. Without giving away spoilers, the episodes start to question morality, ethics, the past, and the future. Each character is so well fleshed out and we want to know more about them. It’s easy to become sucked into the world of Russian Doll, and trust me when I say it’s a binge worthy series. You won’t want to stop until you have answers. It’s a show that knows how to balance comedy and drama effectively, delivering laugh out loud then heart-wrenching moments in quick succession. You feel sorry for various characters and loathe others, and it’s an incredibly well fleshed out series.

In terms of its visuals, Russian Doll is a gritty, psychedelic glimpse into the lives of various New York City residents. We see rich and poor, confident and timid, good and bad characters as they go about their daily lives. It’s fascinating to watch and each location has been crafted to give you more insight into the characters in this world. From quirky high-rise apartments to homeless shelters, this series shows it all. It’s the Big Apple in all its glory, whether that’s good or bad.

My advice would be to walk into Russian Doll knowing as little as possible, allowing yourself to approach the situation in a similar way to Nadia. It’s a comedy, thriller and mystery all rolled into one, with each genre complementing the other superbly. As far as Netflix Originals go, this is one of the strongest ones I’ve seen so far. Eight episodes is just enough to keep you entertained, whilst still giving enough backstory to make it a compelling tale. Just when you think you know a character, the tables are turned and your jaw is on the floor.
The Curse of Oak Island: The Story of the World's Longest Treasure Hunt
The Curse of Oak Island: The Story of the World's Longest Treasure Hunt
Randall Sullivan | 2018 | History & Politics, Reference
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I was provided with a complimentary copy of this book so I could give an honest review.

My family and I have never missed an episode of the History Channel's series "The Curse of Oak Island". For 5 seasons, we have cheered along with and rooted for Rick, Marty, Craig, Dan, Dave, and the rest of the team of treasure hunters. We have favorite "characters" and discuss the show well after the episode has ended. We are looking forward to November 13, 2018, the season premiere date of season 6.

Each episode contains history, theories, and current attempts on the island. "The Curse of Oak Island: The Story of the WorldÕs Longest Treasure Hunt" by Randall Sullivan drilled deeper than the show has. Yes, pun intended. The show frequently repeats information but I found the book to be more direct and contains detailed information that spans the history of treasure hunting on Oak Island. It is an in-depth, well researched study that is able to answer questions and explain the details of what is mentioned in the show's narrative. It also answers questions you did not know you had. It is a wonderful companion for those who have watched the show or for those who want to start watching the upcoming season without watching the prior ones.
King Series Bundle (King, #1-4)
King Series Bundle (King, #1-4)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I read the first one back in December and was drawn into the story especially with how it just ended. Then I saw the four book box set for 99p and bought it straight away.

KING - 4 stars

WTF?! You can't just end it like that!

What a way to end it. Who's the kid? Where's Max?

I really need to read Tyrant now to see how it all plays out. I'm sure everything will work out in the end but something tells me it's going to be a bumpy ride.

TYRANT - 3.5 stars

I finished it a little before midnight and got all the answers I needed but I honestly didn't see a lot of it coming. I liked how the author put some serious thought into who was who and how it was going to link it all together in the end.

I still love Preppy!!

LAWLESS - 3 stars

I liked Bear so I was interested in what girl was going to turn his head and never did I think a little girl who he made a promise to ten years ago would be the one. I loved that scene! BUT what is with this series and ten year age gaps?

I have to also admit that by the end of this that I was beginning to lose interest in this series. It's being dragged out for too long. Just go and kill your arse of a dad already!


I lost interest in this. I got fed up of the same stuff happening. People want him dead. People just seem to want everyone dead in this series and I didn't care anymore, hence me getting to chapter four and not wanting to carry on.

It might have been better if i'd read something in between each book to break them up somewhat.

I stand by what I keep saying about Preppy being my favourite and I might read his story when it's released but for the rest of them. Nope.
Irish Stewed (Ethnic Eats Mystery #1)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Former personal chef Laurel Inwood agrees to help her foster aunt Sophie run her restaurant while Sophie recovers from surgery. However, Laurel gets a shock when she discovers the upscale restaurant she’s expecting is actually a greasy spoon. She’s even more shocked when she finds a dead man in the supposedly closed kitchen. He’s an investigative reporter for the local TV station. But what is he doing there? What story got him killed?

This book starts off strongly and keeps us turning pages as we go from suspect to suspect. The climax is a tad rushed, but all the answers we need are there to tie things up. Laurel’s past as a foster child makes for an interesting main character. Occasionally, I was frustrated with her, but most of the time I liked her, and I see great potential for character growth over the course of the series. I’m already hungry for seconds.

NOTE: I was sent a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.
Whatever Happened to the Likely Lads
Whatever Happened to the Likely Lads
1973 | Comedy
7.7 (6 Ratings)
TV Show Rating
Clever writing (2 more)
Relatable characters
Social history
Some fashion!! (0 more)
A snapshot of changing social attitudes and relationships in Britain during the 1970s
A continuation of the earlier series The Likely Lads sees the changes in outlooks on life during the early 1970s and the world that is changing around them. Terry returns from the Army with a lack of a world view and a divorced whilst Bob is engaged and has entered the property ladder with lesuire activities and tastes to match. The two friends are both searching for answers about how they fit into a world that is moving to fast, does Bob want the life he is working towards? Is a Terry happy to be stuck in his ways and be skeptical of any change? The episodes are well written and show the way in which young people at the time were struggling to move away from the way there parents lived their lives and the changes that were a result of a more permissive society. The problems of the 1970s are still in essence the same worries that we still see today and the dynamics between the 2 main characters are played so well due to the clever writing and the continuing storyline that runs through the 2 seasons.

A great slice of British life from the period that has aged well due to the human elements of the relationships and the lack of understanding of the path that life is taking you on.
Star Wars: Bloodline
Star Wars: Bloodline
Claudia Gray | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
By and large, most of the Star Wars books to date (including in the old EU), have pretty much belonged to the 'boys club', dfocusing more on the male characters (Han, Luke, the X-Wing pilots, etc) than on their female contemporaries.

I think that's to be expected, given the predominantly male targer audience of the film series - an expectation that Disney themselves are trying to shake up, both in the new films (both of which - The Force Awakens and Rogue One - , so far, have female leads), and in the wider media, as can be shown by their 'Princess Leia' series of comics.

This follows(?) (or did it come first?) in the latter footsteps, with nary a sign of Luke and Han only popping in to give Leia a hand towards the climax of the novel.

Set in the period between the end of 'Return of the Jedi' and the start of 'The Force Awakens', this also seeks to bridge the gap between those two films, providing a bit of background to the history of The First Order and explaining why, if Leia was part of the Rebellion which toppled the Empire, just why she is now a key member in The Resistance - the Resistance to what, I hear you ask? This answers that question.

It's not a bad read by any strecth of the imagination - according to Goodreads own rating system, 2 stars is a 'I liked it'; I just personally found this a slower, somewhat heavier read than [a:Claudia Gray|1192311|Claudia Gray|]'s other Star Wars title: '[b:Lost Stars|25067046|Lost Stars (Star Wars Journey to the Force Awakens)|Claudia Gray||44751860]';. And yes, I'm aware that this is aimed at a different audience.

How best to put it? I didn't find myself reading this quite so much in my spare time on the bus on the way to work!