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The Gift (2015)
The Gift (2015)
2015 | Horror, Mystery, Thriller
Contains spoilers, click to show
An engaging enough film, essentially making the point that things you do in the past can catch up with you. However, it frustrated me so much, if a bloke who I actually didn't know but was an old friend of my husband's kept turning up at my door uninvited and when my hubby was in work I would not be letting him in and spending time with him, if I suspected someone was entering my house without my knowledge I would be keeping all the doors locked, why would you leave your dog to roam around outside when it's unfamiliar with the area?.... Would you really want to divorce your husband whom I presume you have grown to know and love over the years because you find out he bullied a kid at school and sent an email about a work rival? I don't think so...
Cube 2: Hypercube (2002)
Cube 2: Hypercube (2002)
2002 | Sci-Fi
5.1 (7 Ratings)
Movie Rating
A little too out there
The first Cube film for me was always an underrated low budget cult classic, and definitely a precursor for the likes of Saw etc. The original was a great idea with just enough maths and science to make it believable and not completely ridiculous. Sadly the same can’t be said about this sequel.

They’ve gone far too over the top on the science that whilst it does make some sense, it makes the whole idea of the cube a completely silly and ridiculous idea. And the ending itself as far as the cube goes is just laughably bizarre. There’s also the general plot and story, which seems to have left out all of the bits from the original that made it interesting - like the scary traps and numbered doors. Some of the characters are interesting, others are just carbon copies from the original or completely pointless and forgettable. You can tell they’ve got a bigger budget with the amount of CGI in this, it’s just a shame it’s rather poor and lacks the punch of the physical traps used in the original.

This is a rather sorry excuse for a sequel, and not one I’d recommend watching. The third film and prequel Cube Zero is a much better watch.