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ClareR (5784 KP) rated Em & Me in Books

Mar 24, 2023  
Em & Me
Em & Me
Beth Morrey | 2022 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Em & Me by Beth Morrey was another lucky choice on The Pigeonhole! I loved this story about a young, single mum, Delphine, who cares for both her daughter and her father.

Since the death of her mother when she was a young teenager, Delphine has had to care for her father who has been in the depths of grief and depression. Delphine is in survival mode, working two jobs and struggling to make ends meet.

And then the doors begin to open for her. She rediscovers her voice - both spoken and singing. Delphine realises that she wants more, but she has a secret that she’s trying to keep from everyone - including herself.

This is a story of second chances, self-belief, family and friends (both equally as important to Delphine). A thoroughly feel good novel - and we all need one of those from time to time, don’t we!

Many thanks to Beth Morrey for reading along with us and commenting along on the Pigeonhole.
Star Saga
Star Saga
2017 | Miniatures, Science Fiction
Dozens of miniatures (3 more)
Great detail
Great looking system
Customisable and adaptable
A couple of miniatures are slightly too flexible (minor damage) (1 more)
Limited replayability without going "alone"
Initial impressions and first play
I managed to pick up a copy of Star Saga by Mantic, initially because I wanted the accessories more than the game.

I opened the box and was blown away by the quality and quantity of the miniatures as well as the accessories. We are talking dozens of characters with great sculpts, as well as the doors and consoles etc which look fantastic (and to get these alone is a significant cost). Additionally, you get a couple of dozen deck tiles, which are perfect for many sci fi miniatures games, and can be used separately to the in-box missions, if you wanted to go it alone/freestyle for other players.

I watched one of the Play Through videos on YouTube, and decided to try it myself. The rules are pretty clear and easy to follow, and it does help that the first 2-3 suggested moves are spelled out in the rulebook.

The first mission is a 1-2 player mission; you can literally play the game on your own, and there is enough flex in the Nexus (read- GM) cards to give an unknown quality to the game. Controlling one Character only, it is fully meant to get you used to the game.

First time I played, I rolled poorly (with 4 dice, usually failing to hit, or having my hits blocked by armour/scenery) and eventually got swamped by lesser minions. The second time I tried it, I managed to get through to the objective and complete it; having said that, the first loss was still useful as it meant I could see what impact damage and wounds had on the character.

The second mission is a larger mission, controlling several characters with different rules, with locked doors and more enemies - the rulebook also suggest if you have 2 copies of the game, to play the 1st and 2nd missions at the same time - although I actually think there is enough pieces to play the 2 together from the one box with minimal adjustment (maybe a slightly shorter corridor, for example).

In short, although it doesn't have the same "freeflow" as something like the old gem Warhammer Quest, it is close, and is a great sci fi dungeon crawler. There are also lots of expansions, but I need to defeat these bad guys first...
Buffy the Vampire Slayer  - Season 4
Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Season 4
1999 | Horror
The Gentleman (3 more)
Somthing Blue
Hush episode as a whole
Riley (0 more)
Knocking on Windows
Whilst there are other series I love over this one, I have to give it a 10 star rating purely because of the episode Hush. Never before has a Tv series pushed the boundaries where a good per cent-age of the show there was no talking. Cine-graphically this episode is on a level above and beyond normal television programming. There are some great preformaces this series in this series in the form of Danny strong as Jonathan in Superstar. Giles turned into a Fyral demon. Buffy and Spike engaged in something Blue. Personally i wasn't a big fan of the initiative story arc or Riley but could see why others did.

"Can't even shout, can't even cry
The Gentlemen are coming by
Looking in windows, knocking on doors
They need to take seven and they might take yours
Can't call to mom, can't say a word
You're gonna die screaming but you won't be heard."
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