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Wow only 51 years old. Such a tragedy. Celebrate his life by rewatching one of his amazing films!

Boyz n the Hood (1991)

Boyz n the Hood (1991)

User: 7
Avg: 7.8 (6 Ratings)
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BOYZ N THE HOOD is the critically acclaimed story of three friends growing up in a South Central Los...

Higher Learning (1994)

Higher Learning (1994)

(0 Ratings) Rate It

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People from all different walks of life, encounter racial tension, rape, responsibility, and the...

Rosewood (1997)

Rosewood (1997)

User: 7
Avg: 7.0 (2 Ratings)
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Rosewood, Florida, is a small, peaceful town with an almost entirely African-American population of...

Shaft (2000)

Shaft (2000)

User: 8
Avg: 6.8 (8 Ratings)
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Crooked cops on the take -- small-time drug lords -- sleazy informers and sadistic rich kids ready...

and 4 other items
Pulp Fiction (1994)
Pulp Fiction (1994)
1994 | Crime
John travolta (1 more)
Samuel l jackson
One of Tarantinos best films probably my favorite tarantino movie great script travolta on form great chemestry with jackson uma thurman also on form the perfect movie hands down
Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995)
Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995)
1995 | Action, Mystery
Bruce willis (1 more)
Samuel l jackson
Last of the better die hard sequels after they go downhill from there everything u would expect from a die hard film great stunts John mcclane wise cracks and great chemistry between the leads good sequel
The Hateful Eight (2015)
The Hateful Eight (2015)
2015 | Action, Western
Violent Clue
I compair this movie to clue, it myserious, has suspense, its funny and overall a great movie. This movie is very very violent, unlike clue, i mean clue is violent, but not like this film. This film is rated R and clue is PG.

The plot: While racing toward the town of Red Rock in post-Civil War Wyoming, bounty hunter John "The Hangman" Ruth (Kurt Russell) and his fugitive prisoner (Jennifer Jason Leigh) encounter another bounty hunter (Samuel L. Jackson) and a man who claims to be a sheriff. Hoping to find shelter from a blizzard, the group travels to a stagecoach stopover located on a mountain pass. Greeted there by four strangers, the eight travelers soon learn that they may not make it to their destination after all.

The hateful eight has a great cast and a great director.

I would highly reccordmend this movie.

Lenard (726 KP) rated Shaft (2019) in Movies

Jun 23, 2019  
Shaft (2019)
Shaft (2019)
2019 | Action, Crime
Samuel L Jackson in the role he is most suited for. Jackson plays John Shaft, an unfiltered New York City detective turned private investigator. Shaft works the mean streets of Harlem although not the gentrified nouveau riche version that exists today. In this sequel to the 2000 remake/continuation of the 70s classics, the booksmart JJ, John Shaft Jr, hires Shaft to help him investigate the "suicide" of his best friend, an Afghan War vet and former heroin junkie. Using his special set of streetwise skills, Shaft shows his son that he may not know as much as he thinks he does especially when it comes to women. Together, the Shafts uncover the conspiracy that the Supertroopers found 18 years ago but in Harlem with a major Latinx drug dealer who tried to destroy Shaft's life 20 years ago. While not great, this film at least is entertaining in ways most of the films this summer is not.

PhoebeLV (147 KP) rated 1408 (2007) in Movies

Jul 28, 2020  
1408 (2007)
1408 (2007)
2007 | Horror, Mystery
Great Acting (2 more)
Great Characters
Enjoyable Storyline
One of the best supernatural movies
Contains spoilers, click to show
1408 follows the story of Mike Enslin (John Cusack), a man who writes ‘true-horror’ books for a living; he stays in ‘haunted’ hotels and locations for his inspiration. One day, he receives a postcard of the Dolphin Hotel telling him not to stay in room 1408. Despite the warnings of the hotel manager (Samuel L. Jackson), he proceeds to stay in there anyway.
Before watching this, I considered it being The Shining all over again. However, it was not. Apart from the hotel and the book writing, it was quite different.
Enslin starts by seeing a few ghosts and then strange things start happening.
In the middle, it starts messing with your head and you think ‘was this before the hotel? is this real? is he imagining everything?’. I know I did.
I couldn’t really find any bad things with this and I would 100% recommend this to any horror fan and Stephen King book lover.
Hunter of Demons (Spectr #1)
Hunter of Demons (Spectr #1)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is my second book by the author, the other being [b:Widdershins|16128152|Widdershins (Whyborne & Griffin, #1)|Jordan L. Hawk||21952704] which I really enjoyed.

With this, I was a little confused at the beginning. It all seemed a little haywire with the added viewpoint of Gray in the first couple of pages, without actually knowing who he was. I found it confusing anyway, up until they merged into Caleb's body. After that I was interested to see what would happen throughout the rest of the story.

I liked John. He seemed like a really great guy.

The hunt for Caleb's brothers murderer was quite fun reading with Gray being able to scent the demon behind it.

One thing that bothered me was the lack of romance until the last chapter and a half. Okay, they both kept getting turned on when they looked at the other but it was all secretive, not wanting the other to know.

Don't think I will be continuing the series.
A Time to Kill (1996)
A Time to Kill (1996)
1996 | Drama, Mystery
Contains spoilers, click to show
The lasting appeal of this adapted screenplay of the John Grisham novel is that it's a great debate starter. Everyone seems to have very energised view on the subject of corporal punishment but this delves into even murkier territory, as it asks whether a father has the right to murder his 10-year-old daughters rapists.

The film also takes a position on it which turns it into more of a propaganda piece but still, a very effective and somewhat even handed one. Samual L. Jackson is the father, whilst potentially career best turns form Matthew McConaughey and Sandra Bullock steal the show. Oh and Kevin Spacey turns up but there's little point even mentioning his performance as he makes it all look so easy.

The film follows the events of the rape, the rapist's murder and the trial which ensues. The K.K.K. takes sides, the N.C.A.A.P. wade in and death threats and bombs are flying through the swamps of the deep south. This is a very good thriller and one of the best Grisham adapts to date, but it's the question that drives it throughout; the question of is there ever a time to kill which keeps this 149 minute thriller burning, even when the plot falls foul of the clichés.
Kong: Skull Island (2017)
Kong: Skull Island (2017)
2017 | Action, Sci-Fi
Beauty and the Beast
The fact that Legendary Pictures are busying themselves with an epic Godzilla vs King Kong showdown is one of the worst kept secrets in Hollywood. Naturally, this presented a problem for Peter Jackson’s Kong who simply doesn’t measure up against the giant lizard in 2013’s Godzilla.

And in Hollywood, size really does matter; therefore the monstrous ape has been given a monumental upgrade featuring an all-star cast and some serious talent behind the camera. But is Kong: Skull Island as bananas as its trailers would suggest? Or are we looking at something a little more mainstream?

At the climax of the Vietnam War, a team of explorers and mercenaries head to an unchartered island in the South Pacific in an effort to document its inhabitants. Little do they know they are crossing into the domain of vicious man-eating monsters and the legendary Kong.

With a cast that includes Tom Hiddleston, Brie Larson, John Goodman, Samuel L Jackson and John C Reilly, you’d be forgiven for thinking everything is hunky dory over on Skull Island, but this spectacular film isn’t without its flaws. A lack of character development and a severe tonal imbalance mean it’s a beautiful near miss that thankfully manages to pull itself up from a crash landing.
Jordan Vogt-Roberts in his first big budget feature directs a film that is absolutely staggering to watch, with stunning cinematography and exceptionally well-choreographed battles between the gigantic ape and his many adversaries. Giving indie directors the chance to work with big studios to produce blockbusters is something that seems incredibly popular at the moment.

After all, Gareth Edwards took up the challenge of rebooting Godzilla in 2013 with stunning results and Colin Trevorrow was entrusted by Steven Spielberg to rekindle the public’s love affair with Jurassic Park back in 2015 and that worked a treat too.

Here, Vogt-Roberts utilises both of those franchises to great effect, even managing to shoehorn a tasteful reference to Samuel L Jackson’s Jurassic Park character, Ray Arnold. Elsewhere, though, the film falls a little flat. The constant switch in tone from comedy to action leaves a sour taste in the mouth, though John C Reilly’s stranded pilot is a pleasure to watch and lightens up proceedings.

Tom Hiddleston does well in the leading role, though as an SAS operative, he feels a little miscast and Samuel L Jackson’s Preston Packard is immensely dislikeable and his gripe with Kong is forced. It creates a subplot that doesn’t really need to be there.

The special effects, however, are top notch, helped by the splendid cinematography. The gorgeous sunsets and sweeping tropical landscapes have a whiff of Apocalypse Now and the misty terrain brings back memories of Jurassic Park’s first sequel, The Lost World.

Overall, Kong: Skull Island is a stunning film filled to the brim with colour, charming effects and great performances. However, it is a little light on character development and that tone issue is frustrating at times, but as a precursor to a mighty monster battle, it does a fine job in continuing the franchise and setting its future.

Leaving the cinema, though, I was left with a concern for when the two behemoths, Godzilla and Kong, finally meet. Each film has given their respective creature a ‘personality’, and if one of them must inevitably die, who on earth do you choose to perish?
Kong: Skull Island (2017)
Kong: Skull Island (2017)
2017 | Action, Sci-Fi
Great action sequences John c reilly Samuel L Jackson (0 more)
Dull characters (0 more)
"is that a monkey?"
There are very few things that I respect more than a movie that is unafraid to embrace its own stupidity. Kong: Skull Island has thinly written characters, extreme tonal dissonance, bad dialogue, and a complete and utter disregard for the talents of Oscar-winning actress Brie Larson, but it’s absolutely glorious in its brazen spectacle. Its thin characters and tonal dissonance don’t matter as much because it thoroughly commits to its premise, and it seems like the movie is one ridiculous–but hilarious–visual gag after another. The bad dialogue is all part of the fun. It’s not trying to be something it’s not, and that’s something I appreciate in any movie, especially a nostalgia-laced B-movie blockbuster about a giant ape.

Some might draw connections to the time era explored or the interplay between man and nature, but the movie succeeds at its main goal: entertain the hell out of the audience. Actors like Tom Hiddleston and Brie Larson are (pretty) pieces of cardboard in this, but seasoned vets like Samuel L. Jackson and John C. Reilly thoroughly understand what it is they’re being asked to do. They both ham it up big time, with Vogt-Roberts’s visual flourishes adding to their performances in beautiful ways throughout. They both give pitch perfect performances that are 100% appropriate for their roles, and Reilly in particular becomes the heart and soul of the story. As an actor, the best response to a movie like this is to embrace the ridiculous, and Jackson and Reilly certainly do.

However, the ridiculous can sometimes move aside to reveal a visually stunning movie with a large heart. The production design is gorgeous, and the classic shot–a character whose back is turned to us, staring up in awe and fear at Kong–is breathtaking. The movie itself has that type of reaction to its own character, to its own force of nature, looking up in wonder and childish glee as Kong destroys another piece of its surroundings. This is big, bold, and confident filmmaking, precisely because the movie understands what it’s not.