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Erika (17788 KP) rated 3 Ninjas Kick Back (1994) in Movies

Sep 18, 2019 (Updated Sep 18, 2019)  
3 Ninjas Kick Back (1994)
3 Ninjas Kick Back (1994)
1994 | Action, Comedy, Family
3 Ninjas Kick Back is the second in the '3 Ninjas' series; the first and this one were some of my favorite movies growing up. I'm into martial arts films, and these were perfect for me. I read the novelization of this film until it fell apart, and I still have it today. They did change the actor for Rocky, and this kid wasn't as crush-worthy as the first one. The three brothers aren't allowed to go on a trip to Japan with their grandfather because they have to play in a baseball tournament. They end up following, of course, to find a cave of gold. My favorite scenes are always the booby-trapping scenes, where they hi-jinx these wannabe, early 1990s losers. It's still super amusing. They do end up making it back for the baseball game, making everything work out in the end.

Of course, now it's completely dated, but I still watch it.
A Cupboard Full of Coats
A Cupboard Full of Coats
Yvvette Edwards | 2011 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
2.5 starts
A single mother living alone raising her teen-aged daughter. Then she meets this man who she falls in love with almost immediately. Four months later, the mother is dead and the boyfriend is in jail.
This story starts 14 years later, the boyfriend has just gotten out of jail and his best friend is standing on the doorstep ready to explain to the daughter how her death was all his fault.
Jinx(the daughter) and Lemon(the best friend) spend the weekend going over the past. What happened in those four short months and what has happened to them since. It's a roller coaster ride of emotions and growth.
I enjoyed this book as the story was very compelling, but the writing style was such that you didn't know whether you were in the past, or the present, the transitions were not always so smooth. Plus without reading the book description you didn't even know the name of the main character until chapter 2 or later.
Perfect Trouble
Perfect Trouble
Barbara Elsborg | 2019 | Contemporary, Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
an enjoyable 90 minute read
I was gifted my copy of this book, direct from the author and I thank Ms Elsborg for that. This is the first I have read of her work, and I hope it will not be the last.
Jonah has a knack for getting into trouble, and he is paying for it for the next 7 years. Getting Jinx off pack lands shouldn’t have been too difficult but Jonah had history with said pack, and they would kill him for sure. Jinx knows Jonah is Trouble with a capital T but she also knows, deep down, he may be the only one to keep her alive.
For the most part, I did enjoy this tale of a faery and a wolf, but for a minor niggle or two, I really did.
Jonah’s mind, even at rest, is going a million miles an hour and I really did struggle at points to keep up with his internal ramblings! I mean, me and my sister can flip a conversation on a penny, and continue as if we had been talking all the time about that subject, but Jonah’s mind? Lord I really did struggle to keep up with him!
Also, I usually like plot twists, but towards the end, they were coming fast and furious. Good plot twists, that I really did NOT see coming at me, but there were just too many in a short space of time.
Some darker themes touched on, mostly how the younger females are treated within the pack, not in great detail, but enough to warrant a warning. It’s not overly explicit, I thought, but it does give enough heat off to make it interesting. A bit violent in places, but needed I think, since Jonah stole gold off the pack and they want it back!
Are there more books with these people? Some interesting characters in the place where Jonah is working!
Overall, a very enjoyable 90 minute read.
4 solid stars
**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Black Snow (Birds of a Feather #4)
Black Snow (Birds of a Feather #4)
Lena North | 2017 | Contemporary, Paranormal, Young Adult (YA)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Black Snow (Birds of a Feather #4) by Lena North
Black Snow is the fourth book in the Birds of a Feather series, and we find out more about Snow, who featured in Jinx' book. She has her own story which she keeps hidden from the majority of people. It turns out that she is not the only one with secrets though, which she finds out to her cost. What should have been an easy assignment quickly turns into something much more.

I loved this book! Not only because of the characters I have grown to know and love throughout this series, but I was also introduced to some of the characters that feature in Seaborn, which was the book that introduced me to Lena North and made me (arm twisted behind my back, I tell you!) buy these.

I am thoroughly enjoying the overall story arc that flows from one book to the next, getting a bit more each time. I can't wait to see where it goes next. With no editing or grammatical errors that disrupted my reading flow, I have no hesitation in recommending this great story!

* Verified Purchase ~ July 2018. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Lennon's Jinx (Lennon's Girls, #1)
Lennon's Jinx (Lennon's Girls, #1)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Contains spoilers, click to show
Once again I was undecided on what book to read next so I Random Number Generator'd it and got #69--which may turn out ironic with this book.

I think this will have to be a 2.5 rating.

The beginning took me a while to get into, the style seemed to be all over the place during the party and I had no idea what the hell was going on. It seemed to me like we were just dropped right in the middle of it all.

Then by about the 10-15% mark, I'd been dragged into it, the story had settled in a bit by then and I was getting used to the style but I still didn't quite understand Lennon (poor bugger name wise, both him and his little sister Currie). Why was he the way he was?

The really low simmer thing he had going with Jinx sorta kept me reading but I didn't really feel it until about the 80% mark.

There were some really dark/sad elements to this story, and in a way it depressed me. The last 10% had me in floods of tears. I don't mind crying but it's generally due to my emotional attachment to a couple and them splitting up for whatever reason before working it out and getting back together.
Not because of a 9 years old death

I've looked at the rest of the trilogy and after getting invested in Lennon and Jinx's story, I'm not sure I want to read them.

Mark @ Carstairs Considers (2084 KP) rated May Day in Books

Jul 1, 2021 (Updated Jul 1, 2021)  
May Day
May Day
3.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Wasn’t What I Was Expecting
Mira’s life in Minneapolis is falling apart, so when a chance comes up to be an assistant librarian and part time reporter in the small town of Battle Lake, Minnesota, she jumps at the chance. She’s not expecting her love life to be super active there, but then she meets Jeff, and it is love at first sight. At least it is for a week until she finds his dead body in the middle of the library one morning when she goes to open it. Worried that she is a jinx, Mira decides to figure out what happened. The fact that she can turn it into an article for the paper is an added bonus. Will she figure out what happened?

This series has been on my radar for years, so it was with anticipation that I picked up this book. I was very disappointed with it. While we start out with Mira finding the dead body, we then flashback to get background on the characters. The result was a slow start to the book. The mystery was decent, with enough to keep me engaged and an ending that surprised me. The characters were more types, built to create comedy instead of be real characters. And most of the jokes didn’t land, especially since they were more raunchy than funny. This definitely isn’t one of my typical cozies, and I found that content off-putting. It was almost forced into the book. I really did want to like this book, especially since I have a few others in the series already. But I will probably move on without reading them.

Joe Goodhart (27 KP) rated Spider-Men in Books

Nov 30, 2020  
Brian Michael Bendis | 2012 | Comics & Graphic Novels
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
So, here's the thing.. Brian Michael Bendis . When his writing is good, like on ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN or his own creator-owned projects like JINX and POWERS, the man is quite good. When he is regrettable, like he was on his run on ALL-NEW X-MEN and GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY (Peter Quill + Kitty Pryde? Really?!? Um, no..), his writing stank like yesterday's diapers! Fortunately, that was not the case with this little gem!

Let me frank here: THIS WAS A FUN READ! It was great to see Miles Morales and Earth-616's Peter Parker, <b>our/my</b> Double-P, working together. Still riding on the good++ vibe generated by INTO THE SPIDER-VERSE (seriously, if you have not seen it yet, you totally need to see it), this was just what I wanted.

And that art? Wowwowwoweeewow! I sure do love me some Sara Pichelli! I never really tire of seeing her work! And the perfect compliment to her art? The always-perfect coloring by the late Justin Ponsor! Man, I am gonna miss him! Rest in peace, Justin! #cancersucks

If there was anything I could find wrong with the story as a whole was Mysterio. Look, I am a 50-year-old comic fan who got all sorts of happy when I saw the clip of SPIDER-MAN: FAR FROM HOME and Mysterio was in it -- with his fishbowl head! But, here in this story, while cool to see him used, I felt he was not really memorable. His performance in the story didn't really feel like Mysterio, you know? Other than that, the book was all aces for me!

If you are looking for a Spider-Fix, and you want to read some of the good Bendis, look no further than this one! Enjoy!

Robert Englund recommended East of Eden (1955) in Movies (curated)

East of Eden (1955)
East of Eden (1955)
1955 | Classics, Drama

"I also love Elia Kazan and it was a toss up for me between On the Waterfront, which I saw as a child, and East of Eden, which I saw as a young kid, and also rediscovered as an adult. But I do remember more recently a beautiful print that was struck — maybe by UCLA archives, maybe by AFI; I’m not sure who — and they had a screening of it at a theater that’s the longer one there in Century City, beautiful theater. At one time I think it was the state of the art theater in the country, with the first reclining seats and all that. They had [screened it] somehow, in conjunction with the LA city school system and the English department of LA city schools. And I believe that the matinee that I saw was predominantly schools… And the kids have to read East of Eden or Steinbeck, Travels with Charley or something in school, and you could tell this was going to be their Steinbeck assignment, so it was a field trip. But this… wasn’t a movie for young people, and I was a little worried that the noise, the kicking of the seats, and the high jinx that were prevailing in the auditorium before the lights went down would keep going. And I remember about five minutes into the film there’s a shot of James Dean hopping a freight — he jumps this train, near Monterey and he goes to Salinas, or vice versa — he hops the train and is on his way to Monterey to visit his mother, to find his mother in a brothel. And it’s cold, it’s evening — he pulls his little sweater over his head like a hoodie and he bundles up almost in a fetal position on the top of this train, snaking it’s way through the country side in Monterey county. And the entire audience shut up and you could hear a pin drop. It was the power of a true movie star. It was the first American teenager, James Dean, on the screen. And it didn’t matter that it was a predominantly… junior high school to high school kids — they got it. They got his angst, they got his beauty, they got his rebellion, all in literally 30 seconds’ worth of him exuding teen angst in the film and it was just this great moment. It reminded me of the power of stardom, of light and shadow on the screen, of a Greta Garbo, of a great screen kiss between — God rest her soul — the late Maureen O’Hara and John Wayne in The Quiet Man, or John Travolta strutting down the sidewalk in Saturday Night Fever— it’s just this great thing. And I love that movie anyway. There’s sequences and scenes in that movie, and James Dean, his grace in that movie — I think his movement in that movie is only matched by one or two Lee Marvin performances, and maybe one or two Sean Connery performances that I’ve seen in terms of just male physical grace. Really a great film, and I had to put Kazan on my list. So Kazan would be my number five for East of Eden starring James Dean."


Daniel Boyd (1066 KP) rated The Jinx: The Life and Deaths of Robert Durst in TV

Jun 27, 2018 (Updated Jun 27, 2018)  
The Jinx: The Life and Deaths of Robert Durst
The Jinx: The Life and Deaths of Robert Durst
2015 | Crime, Documentary
7.0 (8 Ratings)
TV Show Rating
Tells an absolutely insane story with a fantastic ending (0 more)
Contains spoilers, click to show
I have been on a bit of a documentary kick lately and my most recent watch was the Jinx. I never watched this show back when it aired in 2015, or followed the story at the time, so I went into this show knowing very little about the tale it was telling. I'd say if you are in the same boat, then that is probably the best way to go into this doc. There are only six parts to the doc, so it can be binged over a few nights or in one day. Don't look up anything about it before watching and just go in blind, by the end your mind will be blown.

Please don't read on until you have seen the show in it's entirety as there are massive SPOILERS ahead. It feels weird to say that about a documentary, something that actually happened, but I promise you will not want this final revelation spoiled for you in any way.

Ok, so during the last interview, Andrew Jarecki confronts Robert Durst with two letters with the same address handwritten on each, one written by Durst years previous and the other was written by the killer and sent into a police station to notify them of the location of a body. Beverly Hills is spelt wrong in each, it is spelt BEVERLEY on each and the handwriting is exceptionally similar, especially the letter N. Durst initially appears pretty unphased by the accusation and brushes it off, until Jarecki asks him to look at a sheet that has the two versions of the address blown up and placed side by side and he asks him to tell him what one he wrote and what one he didn't and Durst is unable to tell the difference. He then begins burping uncontrollably as if trying to supress vomiting. The interview ends and Jarecki thanks Durst for his time. Durst then goes to the bathroom, unaware that he is still wearing a live microphone and says:

"There it is, you're caught.
You're right of course, but you can't imagine...
Arrest him.
I don't know what's in the house.
Oh, I want this.
What a disaster.
He was right, I was wrong.
And the burping?
I'm having difficulty understanding the question.
What the hell did I do?
Killed them all, of course."

Holy shit, these filmmakers just stumbled into getting an accidental confession from a guy who has dodged the law since 1982. Not only that, but what was recorded actually sounds like two different people having a conversation, almost like Gollum and Sméagol from Lord Of The Rings. The recording is creepy, but extremely important and provides an absolutely captivating ending to this already brilliant story. I think that what we hear in the bathroom is two sides of Durst arguing about what has just transpired. The way that each line is like a comment and then a response and the way that his tone of voice changes from line to line. I will type up my interpretation of the conversation below showing what side of Durst said what.

Good Bob: There it is, you're caught.

Bad Bob: You're right of course, but you can't imagine...

Good Bob: Arrest him.

Bad Bob: I don't know what's in the house.

Good Bob: Oh, I want this.

Bad Bob: What a disaster.

Good Bob:He was right, I was wrong.

Bad Bob: And the burping?

Good Bob: I'm having difficulty understanding the question.
What the hell did I do?

Bad Bob: Killed them all, of course.

This is obviously pure conjecture, but it's how I see the conversation going in Durst's head. Whether this is proof of disassociation or multiple personality disorder, I don't know as I'm not a psychiatrist, all that I know is that it is absolutely fascinating to hear this play out in a real world situation and makes for an absolutely brilliant piece of TV.
Good Boys (2019)
Good Boys (2019)
2019 | Comedy
Every generation has a coming of age classic that they can point to and say that it resonated with them. Whether it be classic John Hughes movies such as Pretty in Pink or The Breakfast Club, there is always something that defines the youth of that generation. Whether it be the situations that the main characters find themselves in, or even something as simple as the music and fashion, there is usually something that will strike a familiar chord with the audience. Even when I go back and rewatch the classics, it reminds me of a simpler time, when my life struggles involved asking a girl to a dance or attempting to fit in to any number of awkward first-time moments that each of us at one time or another go through. Good Boys is such a movie, about the awkwardness and naivety of youth, even if the kids had a bigger potty mouth than I did as a child.
Max (Jacob Tremblay), Thor (Brady Noon), and Lucas (Keith L. Williams) are a group of 12-year old boys known to their family and friends as the Bean Bag boys. Why do they refer to themselves as the Bean Bag Boys you ask? Why because they sit on Bean Bag chairs of course. Entering 6th grade they are trying to stand out but tend to do so in all the worst ways. Thor loves to sing but is bullied to not sign up for the school musical because it’s not a cool thing to be. Lucas is dealing with his parent’s new divorce and has a propensity to always tell the truth (even when the truth potentially causes more damage than a lie). Then there is Max, a young man whose hormones are beginning to take over his brain and can only think of the love of his life (and future wife of course) Brixlee.
Max being to shy to even look at Brixlee when she is looking his way is finally given a golden opportunity when he is invited by popular kid Soren (Izaac Wang) to a kissing party. The idea of being able to not only speak to Brixlee but be able to kiss her causes a rush of emotions that gravitate from excitement to terror. Max, believing that the way to his true-loves heart is by being a kissing expert recruits his fellow Bean Bag Boys on a quest to learn to kiss.
His quest will take him from spying on his “nymphomaniac” neighbor, to a treacherous highway crossing to get to the mall. They will have to brave frat houses, and potentially risky run-ins with pedophiles and the police, all to learn how to be a better kisser. Of course, there is plenty of laughs and situations that only naïve children could get themselves into, all of which had me and the entirety of the audience laughing the entire way through
Good Boys is a movie that relies on the audience connection with the main characters to succeed. Without that, you are left with a movie full of foul language and crude humor which have lately become a dime a dozen. Thankfully the casting of Good Boys far exceeds any expectations I had going into the theater. Comedies of these type lean heavily on the actors to carry the story through the hi-jinx that are around every corner and the actors were more than up to the challenge. Jacob Tremblay portrays perfectly the fear that every young boy (or girl) goes through when they imagine their first kiss. Keith L. Williams shows the heart break that a young kid goes through when deal with personal tragedy (in this case his parents’ divorce) and yet still remains true-to-himself anyway. Brady Noon excels at his desire to be cool, and still struggle with how coolness affects what he truly loves and wants to ultimately do. All three as a group convincingly take us on a journey that may seem outlandish, yet ultimately feel believable as well.
Good Boys also has a strong supporting cast, that add further dimension to the film. The two “old” girls Lily (Midori Francis) and Hannah (Molly Gordon) are fantastic in their portrayal of two women who simply want their drugs to get high. They will go to almost any lengths to get them back from the boys who stole them and yet end up becoming a bigger part to the film as a whole. Even the well meaning yet clueless parents of Lucas (Lil Rel Howery and Retta) add to the laughs as a couple trying their best to protect their son even as their own lives are driven apart.
Good Boys may come across in previews as a crude comedy with loads of foul language and sexual situations. While at first glance that may be what it is, as you pull back the layers you soon begin to realize that it’s a story, not about the words that are said, but the innocence of youth and what it means to grow apart as friends. The laughs are non-stop and the language excusable because of the innocence of those on the screen who are spouting them. As parents maybe you’d be looking to wash their mouths out with soap, but as the audience you can’t help but think how innocent they truly are. Good Boys is a movie that will resonate with many in the audience, who likely went through some of these very same dilemmas in their own coming of age stories. Maybe not through paintball fights at a frat house, or crossing a busy freeway, but we each have our own unique stories that helped to mold us into who we are today. It’s funny how watching a film like this can make you reminisce on your own experiences, even if it isn’t on the big screen for all to see.

4 out of 5 stars